National Union of Teachers
National Union of Teachers (Londyn).
Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon
VIAF ID: 147745803 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Union of Teachers
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Union of Teachers
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Union of Teachers
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Union of Teachers
- 110 2 _ ‡a Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (15)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Großbritannien ‡4 geow ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a National Education Union (Great Britain). ‡b NUT Section
- 510 2 _ ‡a National Education Union ‡4 nach ‡4 ‡e Nachfolger
- 510 2 _ ‡a National Union of Elementary Teachers
Title | Sources |
All our children | |
The bitter lesson; teacher turnover and the London Allowance-a sample survey. | |
The Case against education vouchers | |
The cost of the cuts: how cuts in educational finance affect the education service and the community. | |
The curriculum of the junior school | |
Educating the handicapped : evidence of the National Union of Teachers submitted to the Committee of Inquiry into the Educational and Other Needs of Handicapped Children and Young Persons under the chairmanship of Mary Warnock | |
The Education Act 1981 : a union guide | |
Education and human rights: the text of a public lecture, delivered at Hamilton House, Headquarters of the National Union of Teachers, on 11th June 1969. | |
Education in schools : the NUT's response to the recommendations in the 1977 Green Paper. | |
Educational Bill, 1908: | |
Examining at sixteen plus | |
The financing of education; a discussion document. | |
First class: the guide to your new profession. | |
The first year of teaching | |
Handbook of school administration. | |
Higher education journal | |
Hospital schools, a challenge for education? | |
'In place of strife': a commentary on the Government White Paper; | |
Inside the comprehensive school; a symposium contributed by heads of comprehensive schools in England and Wales. | |
Into the 70's: a policy for a new Education Act. | |
Issues : teachers in Wales | |
Juvenile delinquency and incidence of maladjustment: Cardiff survey. | |
A language for life : the NUT's commentary on the Bullock Report. | |
Less arms more education : report of an NUT/WUS delegation to Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador November 1987 | |
Library catalogue | |
Local financial management in Cambridgeshire | |
Middle schools : deemed or doomed? | |
The N.U.T. view on ancillaries and auxiliaries | |
National Union of Teachers conference souvenir : Llandudno 1939 | |
National Union of Teachers war record, 1914-1919 : a short account of duty and work accomplished during the war. | |
NUT education review. | |
Partnership in education : the NUT commentary on the Taylor report. | |
Plowden: the Union's comments on some of the major issues of the Plowden Report. | |
Popular culture and personal responsibility : a conference of those engaged in education together with parents, those directly or indirectly concerned with welfare of children and young people, and people involved in the mass media themselves, to examine the impact of the media of mass communications on present-day moral and cultural standards | |
The provision of pre-school education in England & Wales; a report. | |
Pynciau llosg | |
The red code (1907) : containing the official regulations for public elementary, secondary, "special", technical, & evening schools, schools of art & other schools & classes for futher education, regulations for the preliminary education of teachers, training colleges & the training of teachers, education acts, 1902, 1903, (provision of meals) 1906, & (administrative provisions) 1907, with official decisions & other information necessary for local education committees, teachers, & managers of schools | |
The reform of teacher education : a policy statement on the future of teacher education to be presented by the executive to the 1971 annual conference of the National Union of Teachers at Scarborough. | |
The reorganisation of secondary education; | |
Report | |
Report for 1920 and list of members for the year 1919 | |
The Report of the Committee on Child Health Services "Fit for the future" : the NUT view. | |
The role and government of higher and further education : the report of a national conference organised by the Council for Educational Advance [February 12th 1969] | |
Rules | |
The school health services ... 1938. | |
Schools speak for themselves again, 1999: | |
Schools, the MSC and YTS : a union guide | |
Second. educ. j. | |
The social sciences and education: | |
Sound films in schools; | |
Special educational needs : the NUT response to the Warnock report | |
Stand up for education: a manifesto for Welsh children's education, 2016: | |
The teachers' strike. | |
Teachers talking : the growth of the teacher's job : a survey carried out by the National Union of Teachers for the Houghton Inquiry into teachers' pay. | |
Teaching quality : the response of the National Union of Teachers to the white paper Teaching quality presented to Parliament in March 1983 | |
Transfer from primary to secondary schools : report of a Consultative Committee appointed by the Executive of the National Union of Teachers. | |
Treasure chest for teachers: services available to teachers and schools; | |
Twenty young teachers: a report on what it is like to try to live on a young teacher's salary today, illustrated by twenty case-histories of young teachers working in different parts of the country. | |
University and college entrance: the basic facts. | |
We must choose which we want : a study of coexistence and the problems of incomplete reorganization | |
What is Mrs Thatcher up to? | |
Why nursery education? | |
Why teachers are underpaid: a survey. | |
Your union : a prospectus |