International Association for Plant Taxonomy.
Association internationale pour la taxonomie végétale
Міжнародная асацыяцыя па таксанаміі раслін
VIAF ID: 147554667 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 111 2 _ ‡a Association internationale pour la taxonomie végétale
- 210 | | ‡a Association internationale pour la taxonomie végétale
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 110 2 0 ‡a International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 110 2 _ ‡a International Association for Plant Taxonomy
- 110 2 _ ‡a Міжнародная асацыяцыя па таксанаміі раслін
- 110 2 _ ‡a 国際植物分類学連合
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (45)
Title | Sources |
1966 | |
1967 | |
1968 | |
1969 | |
1970 | |
Catalogue of publications : January 1971 | |
Directory of bryologists and bryological research | |
Directory of plant systematists 1970. Members of I.A.P.T. | |
Essays in biohistory and other contributions presented by friends and colleagues to Frans Verdoorn on the occasion of his 60th birthday | |
Excerpta botanica | |
The herbaria of the world | |
Improving the stability of names needs and options proceedings of an international symposium, Kew, 20-23 February 1991 | |
Index muscorum | |
Index to plant chromosome numbers--Bryophyta | |
International code of nomenclature - 2018 | |
Kokusai shokubutsu meimei kiyaku sentoruisu kiyaku 2000 : Dai16kai kokusai shokubutsugaku kaigi mizurīshū sentoruisu 1999nen 7 - 8gatsu de saitakusareta : Nihongoban. | |
Linnaeus and the Linnaeans The spreading of their ideas in systematic botany, 1735-1789 | |
List of Linnaean generic names and their types | |
Melbourne code | |
Names in current use for extant plant Genera | |
Names in current use in the families Trichocomaceae, Cladoniaceae, Pinaceae, and Lemnaceae | |
NCU-3 | |
Nomina conservanda proposita : proposals on the conservation of generic names submitted to the Tenth International Botanical Congress Edinburg - 1964 | | Index herbariorum | |
Petrus van Musschenbroek's 'Oratio de sapientia divina' | |
Plant species-level systematics new perspectives on pattern & process | |
Plant systematics a half-century of progress (1950-2000) and future challenges | |
Proceedings, presented by V. H. Heywood and Áskell Löve. | |
Regnum vegetabile | |
Repertorium plantarum succulentarum. | |
Report drawn up, from the stenographic minutes | |
Saint Louis code | |
The Scilla plumbea puzzle - present status of the genus Scilla sensu lato in southern Africa and description of Spetaea lachenaliiflora, a new genus and species of Massonieae (Hyacinthaceae) | |
Shenzhen code | |
Sociologica | |
Systematics, evolution, and biogeography of Compositae | |
Taxon. | |
Taxon journal of the International association for plant taxonomy | |
Taxonomica et Chorologica | |
Vienna code | |
World report on palaeobotany | |
国際植物命名規約(セントルイス規約)2000 : 第16回国際植物学会議,ミズリー州セントルイス,1999年7-8月で採択された : 日本語版 |