An account of the commitment, arraignment, tryal and condemnation of Nicholas Bayard esq; for high treason in endeavouring to subvert the government of the province of New York in America, by his signing and procuring others to sign scandalous libels, call'd petitions or addresses to his late Majesty King William, the Parliament of England, and the Lord Cornbury now governour of that province. Before William Atwood, esq ; Abraham de Peyster esq ; and Robert Walters esq ; appointed by a special commission justices of oyer and terminer at the city of New York, February 19. 1701 |
The celebrated and extraordinary trial of Col. Monroe Edwards for forgery and swindling. |
The confessions of Ishmael Fraser & George Vanderpool, under sentence of death for arson : with some account of Thomas Burke, for the murder of his wife : sentenced to be executed on Friday, 19th Jan. 1816. |
The extraordinary and singular law-case of Joseph Parker, who was indicted as Thomas Hoag alias dictus Joseph Parker, for bigamy, at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held in the City of New York, before the Honorable B. Livingston, J.B. Prevot, Esq. and Jacob Martin. Esq., alderman in said city : from notes taken in court by one of the council. |
Extraordinary trial of the Rev. John Seys, pastor of the Bedford Street Methodist Episcopal Church, New-York City : for an alledged [sic] assault and battery on Mrs. Elizabeth Cram : with his portrait and biographical sketch. |
Medical jurisprudence--notes of a trial for murder by suffocation |
Only correct account of the life, trial, and confession of John Banks |
The people against Emma Augusta Burdell (otherwise called Cunningham). |
Report of the trial of Henry Bedlow, for committing a rape on Lanah Sawyer : with the arguments of the counsel on each side : at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, and Gaol Delivery for the city and county of New-York, held 8th October, 1793 |
Report of the trial of Levi Weeks, on an indictment for the murder of Gulielma Sands, on Monday the thirty-first day of March, and Tuesday the first day of April, 1800 |
Report of the trial of Richard D. Croucher on an indictment for a rape on Margaret Miller on Tuesday, the 8th day of July, 1800 : taken in short hand. |
Report of the trial of Richard Johnson for the murder of Mrs. Ursula Newman : held in the Court of Oyer and Terminer on the 10th of March, 1829 before Judge Edwards and Irving, and Aldermen Stevens, Coe, and Brown (of the 8th Ward) |
The speeches of Mr. Jacob Barker and his counsel, on the trials for conspiracy. |
Supplement to the New-York legal observer, containing the report of the case in the matter of George Kirk, a fugitive slave, heard before the Hon. J.W. Edmonds, circuit judge : also the argument of John Jay, of counsel for the slave. |
This is the only correct copy, it was obtained from the keeper of the prison |
The trial of Francisco Son, on an indictment for the murder of Archibald Graham : also, the sentence of His Honor Judge Tompkins. |
Trial of John C. Colt for the murder of Samuel Adams. |
The trial of Lieutenant Renshaw of the U.S. Navy, indicted for challenging Joseph Strong, Esq., attorney at law, to fight a duel : with speeches of the learned counsel Colden, Hoffman and Emmet |
Trial of Moses Parker, James Buckland, Joseph Wade, William Walker, Cornelius Holly, Abraham Potts, and Noah Doremus, on an indictment for the murder of David R. Lambert, on the 3d of June, 1825 : at a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held in and for the city and county of New-York, on the third Monday of June 1825, before the Hon. Ogden Edwards, Judge of the First Circuit. |
Walworth parricide! |