Francour, Patrice, 1960-2019
Patrice Francour
Francour, Patrice
VIAF ID: 145147965923284082870 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Francour, Patrice
- 100 1 _ ‡a Francour, Patrice, ‡d 1960-2019
- 100 0 _ ‡a Patrice Francour
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
2nd International symposium on Mediterranean groupers, anglais | |
Abundance, Population structure and Production of Hydrobia ventrosa (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia) in a Mediterranean brackish lagoon, Lake Ichkeul, Tunisia | |
Adaptive Vertical Positioning as Anti-Predator Behavior: The Case of a Prey Fish Cohabiting with Multiple Predatory Fish within Temperate Marine Algal Forests | |
Analysis of the diversity and spatio-temporal structuring of demersal assemblages in Mauritania's exclusive economic zone. | |
Assessing the effectiveness of marine protected areas in sustaining small-scale fisheries : ecological and management perspectives from the French Mediterranean | |
Bathymetric distribution and growth rates of Eunicella verrucosa | |
Bioaccumulations des métaux lourds dans la baie de Nha Trang, Khanh Hoa, Viet Nam | |
Biofilm monitoring as a tool to assess the efficiency of artificial reefs as substrates: Toward 3D printed reefs | |
Climate change and warm-water species at the north-western boundary of the Mediterranean Sea | |
Connaissances et modélisations pour la gestion du pluvial en zone urbaine : application à la ville de Nice | |
Devenir des floculants à base de polyacrylamide dans un site de granulat : interactions avec les solides naturels et photodégradation | |
Dynamique de l'écosystème à Posidonia oceanica dans le parc national de Port-Cros : analyse des compartiments matte, litière, faune vagile, échinodermes et poissons | |
An ecotoxicological approach with transplanted mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis) for assessing the impact of tyre reefs immersed along the NW Mediterranean Sea. | |
Effects of ocean acidification and diet on thickness and carbonate elemental composition of the test of juvenile sea urchins | |
Enhancing fish Underwater Visual Census to move forward assessment of fish assemblages: An application in three Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas. | |
Etude de l'impact de l'algue envahissante Caulerpa taxifolia sur les peuplements de poissons : étude approfondie sur une espèce modèle, Symphodus ocellatus (Labridae) | |
European cephalopods distribution under climate-change scenarios | |
Évaluation de l'efficacité des aires marines protégées pour soutenir les petits métiers de la pêche : perspectives écologiques et de gestion de la Méditerranée française. | |
Évaluation des effets biologiques des contaminants chimiques sur les juvéniles de poissons marins : approche multibiomarqueur en conditions expérimentales et in situ | |
First records of Didogobius splechtnai along the French Mediterranean coast and additional comments about D. schlieweni | |
Fish and fishing monitoring methods and indicators in Marine Protected Areas in Tunisia. | |
Fishing inside or outside? A case studies analysis of potential spillover effect from marine protected areas, using food web models | |
Fonctionnalités écologiques, transformations et gestion des habitats de l'Infralittoral rocheux en Méditerranée Nord-occidentale : le cas des nourriceries de poissons (Téléostéens), français | |
Functional responses of estuaries ecosystems in the global change context : case of the Gironde estuary food web. | |
Further evidence of the establishment of Fistularia commersonii (Osteichthyes: Fistulariidae) in the north-western Mediterranean Sea | |
Guide de création d'un espace marin protégé en Méditerranée : aspects juridique, biologique et écologique | |
Identification et évaluation des services écosystémiques rendus par les habitats coralligènes | |
Impact of Caulerpa taxifolia colonization on the littoral ichthyofauna of North-Western Mediterranean sea: preliminary results | |
The importance of high-level predators in marine protected area management: Consequences of their decline and their potential recovery in the Mediterranean context | |
Improving predictions of invasive fish ranges combining functional and ecological traits with environmental suitability under climate change scenarios | |
In situ monitoring of the fish assemblages in the recent Cap Roux marine protected aera (french Mediterranean) : reserve effect, trophic interactions and fish exportation | |
Interpopulation variability of the reproductive cycle of Paracentrotus lividus (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) in the south-western Mediterranean | |
Is the Cape Roux marine protected area (Saint-Raphaël, Mediterranean Sea) an efficient tool to sustain artisanal fisheries? First indications from visual censuses and trammel net sampling | |
Juvenile fish assemblages in temperate rocky reefs are shaped by the presence of macro-algae canopy and its three-dimensional structure. | |
Juvenile fish in Cystoseira forests: influence of habitat complexity and depth on fish behaviour and assemblage composition | |
La macrofaune et le peuplement ichtyologique du Banc d'Arguin (Mauritanie) : Mission d'octobre 1987 | |
Management priorities for marine invasive species | |
Mapping diversity indices : application to demersal fish communities in the Mediterranean Sea. | |
Marine ecosystems’ responses to climatic and anthropogenic forcings in the Mediterranean | |
Mécanismes et transferts de l'arsenic dans une confluence du Var et étude d'une méthode de remédiation dans les eaux potables | |
Modélisation des aires de répartition futures d'espèces marines d'intérêt commercial en Méditerranée dans un contexte de changement climatique | |
Modelling European small pelagic fish distribution: Methodological insights | |
Mortalité massive d’invertébrés marins : un événement sans précédent en Méditerranée nord-occidentale | |
Moving beyond a top-down fisheries management approach in the northwestern Mediterranean: Some lessons from the Philippines | |
Non disponible. | |
Nursery value of Cystoseira forests for Mediterranean rocky reef fishes | |
Occurrence and Distribution Range Of Parablennius Pilicornis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Blenniidae) Along the French Mediterranean Coast | |
Patterns of predation on native and invasive alien fish in Mediterranean protected and unprotected areas | |
Le peuplement ichtyologique de l'îlot de la Gabinière : Parc national de port-Cros, Méditerranée nord-occidentale | |
Predation on Holothurians: A Literature Review | |
Recent Occurrences of Opah, Lampris Guttatus (Actinopterygii, Lampriformes, Lampridae), in the Western Mediterranean Sea | |
Rocky intertidal habitats under the influence of human activities : structure, dynamics and conservation issues. | |
Seasonal assessment of biological indices, bioaccumulation, and bioavailability of heavy metals in sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus from Algerian west coast, applied to environmental monitoring | |
Sediment-bound trace metals in Golfe-Juan Bay, northwestern Mediterranean: Distribution, availability and toxicity. | |
The spread of an Atlantic fish species,Pomadasys incisus(Bowdich, 1825) (Osteichthyes: Haemulidae), within the Mediterranean Sea with new additional records from the French Mediterranean coast | |
Stratégies d'introduction d'organismes dans un environnement spatialement structuré | |
Structure and functioning of temperate reef benthic communities in the Ligurian sea under global change scenarios | |
Structure et fonctionnement de récifs tempérés en Mer Ligure, dans le cadre du changement global. | |
Studing the “bichique” on Reunion Island : from the recruitment of an amphidromous species to the socio-ecological system. | |
Study of the dynamics of populations of edible sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) in exploited and anthropized area : Effectiveness and impact of juvenile release operations for restocking. | |
Towards a purposeful construction of a new generation of artificial reefs : Comparative analyses of the intrinsic factors favouring their colonization from micro to macro-scale. | |
Trawling or Visual Censuses? Methodological Bias in the Assessment of Fish Populations in Seagrass Beds | |
Underwater Seascapes : From geographical to ecological perspectives | |
Valuable but vulnerable: Over-fishing and under-management continue to threaten groupers so what now? | |
Vers une construction raisonnée d'une nouvelle génération de récifs artificiels : Analyses comparatives des facteurs intrinsèques favorisant leur colonisation de la micro à la macro-échelle |