Haeoe Munhwa Hongbowŏn (Korea)
Korean Overseas Culture and Information Service.
Südkorea Hae oe mun hwa hong bo won
Haeoe Munhwa Hongbowŏn.
Haeoe Munhwa Hongbowŏn (Koreja)
Haeoe munhwa hongbowŏn (Corée, république)
Häö Munhwa Hongbowŏn (Korejská republika)
Korean Culture and Information Service South Korean governmental organization
Korean Culture and Information Service
Korea (South). Korean Overseas Culture and Information Service
VIAF ID: 144038758 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/144038758
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Munhwa Hongbowŏn (Korea)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Haeoe munhwa hongbowŏn (Corée, république)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Korean Culture and Information Service ‡c South Korean governmental organization
- 110 2 _ ‡a Korean Overseas Culture and Information Service
- 110 1 _ ‡a Südkorea ‡b Hae oe mun hwa hong bo won
- 110 2 _ ‡a 大韓民国海外文化弘報院
- 110 2 _ ‡a 문화관광부해외문화홍보원
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (89)
5xx's: Related Names (19)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Dienvidkoreja. ‡b Haeoe Kongbogwan
- 510 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Hongbowŏn (Korea)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Hongbowŏn
- 510 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Hongbowŏn (Korea)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Hongbowŏn (Koreja)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Haeoe Hongbowŏn.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Häö Hongbowŏn (Korejská republika)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Korea (South). ‡b Haeoe Kongbogwan
- 510 2 _ ‡a Korea (South) ‡b Haeoe Kongbogwan
- 510 2 _ ‡a Korean Information Service.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Korean Overseas Information Service
- 510 2 _ ‡a Korean Overseas Information Service.
- 510 1 _ ‡a Korejská republika. ‡b Häö Kongbogwan
- 510 2 _ ‡a Korejská republika ‡b Häö Kongbogwan
- 510 1 _ ‡a Südkorea ‡b Hae oe gong bo won ‡4 vorg ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#precedingCorporateBody ‡e Vorgaenger
- 510 1 _ ‡a Südkorea ‡b Mun hwa che yuk gwan gwang bu ‡4 adue ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#hierarchicalSuperiorOfTheCorporateBody ‡e Ueberordnung
- 510 1 _ ‡a Südkorea ‡b Mun hwa gwan gwang bu ‡4 adue ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#hierarchicalSuperiorOfTheCorporateBody ‡e Ueberordnung
- 510 2 _ ‡a Taehan-Min'guk ‡b Haeoe-Munhwa-Hongbowŏn
- 510 2 _ ‡a Taehan-Min'guk ‡b Kukchŏng-Hongboch'ŏ
Title | Sources |
Achievements and challenges in the first year of the administration of President Kim Dae-jung | |
Annyonhaseyo. | |
Beautiful bonds : friends of Korea.net = Arŭmdaun inyŏn : K'orianet kwaŭi mannam. | |
Beautiful bonds : friends of Korea.net = 아름다운 인연 : 코리아넷 과의 만남. | |
Bem-vindo à Coreia. - | |
The book of Kimchi, c1998: | |
Daikan minkoku daitoryo kin daichu : Yuki to bijon no purofiru. | |
Facts about Korea | |
A guide to Korean cultural heritage | |
Haeoe chisigindŭl i pon kungmin ŭi chŏngbu 1-yŏn, 1999: | |
Han'guk kongye ch'ŏnnyŏn ŭl iŏon somssi = Mastery in Korean craftsmanship : heritage of 1,000 years. | |
Hanguo jian jie, 2009: | |
Hannun e poinŭn Han'guk saenghwal | |
Hello from Korea | |
Images of Korea | |
K-Classics : a new presence on the world's musical stage | |
K-Drama : a new TV genre with global appeal | |
K-Fashion : wearing a new future | |
K-Literature : the writing world's new voice | |
K-Movie : the world's spotlight on korean film | |
K-POP : a new force in pop music | |
K-Sports : a new breed of rising champions | |
Kankoku bunka e no gaido. | |
Kankoku no subete. | |
[Korea Briefing]. | |
The Korea Collection : selected cover stories from years past | |
Korea on the move a window on Korea 2004 | |
Korea : opening a communicative space between Korea and the world | |
The Korean wave : a new pop culture phenomenon | |
Oesin sok Han'guk | |
Pictorial Korea. | |
Taehan Min'guk haeoe hongbo 50-yŏn ŭi kirok 1971-2021 | |
Things newcomers need to know to live in Korea = 한눈 에 보이는 한국 생활. | |
A tumultuous half century : 1948-1998 | |
A window on Korea 2 : multimedia information of Korea. | |
세계 주요 언론 개황 : Asia-Pacific, America, Europe, Middle East and Africa | |
케이 컬처 : 대한 민국 해외 홍보 50년 의 기록 1971-2021 = Korean culture and information service 1971-2021 | |
한국 공예, 1000년 을 이어온 솜씨 | |
한눈 에 쏙쏙, 카드 뉴스 로 보는 외신 속 한국 = Foreign coverage of Korea in infographics. | |
アンニョンハセヨ. | |
大韓民国大統領金大中 : 勇気とビジョンのプロフィール. | |
韓国のすべて | |
韓国文化へのガイド. |