Nautical Institute.
Nautical Institute (Great Britain)
Nautical Institute (Lielbritānija)
Bretland. Nautical Institute
Nautical Institute (Grande-Bretagne)
Instytut Nautyczny (Londyn)
Nautical Institute (Gran Bretaña)
The Nautical Institute (Londres)
VIAF ID: 144024211 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nautical Institute
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nautical Institute
- 110 2 0 ‡a Nautical Institute (Gran Bretaña)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nautical Institute (Grande-Bretagne)
- 110 2 0 ‡a Nautical Institute (Great Britain)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nautical Institute (Great Britain)
- 110 2 _ ‡a The Nautical Institute (Londres)
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (8)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
Accident and loss prevention at sea : International Conference and Workshops | |
The admiralty manual of navigation. | |
Alert! : the international maritime human element bulletin. | |
Anchor handling vessel safety | |
Anchoring large vessels : a new approach | |
Bow tug operations with azimuth stern drive tugs : risks and effectiveness ; Guidelines for tug captains, ship masters, pilots and tug operators | |
BRd 45(1) | |
Bridge watchkeeping | |
Bulk carrier practice | |
Casualty management guidelines | |
Commercial management in shipping | |
Conference education and training for the nautical profession Liverpool 17 and 18 September 1992 | |
Conference on Shiphandling : Plymouth Polytechnic, 24-25 November 1977. | |
Escape, evcuation & rescue : Proceedings 1996 | |
The evasion of tropical cyclones | |
Guardia de puente : una guía práctica | |
Handling ships in ice : a practical guide to handling class 1A and 1AS ships | |
Human performance and limitation for mariners | |
The impact of change : design, engineering, manning, navigation : [proceedings of the] Ship Systems Conference [held at the] City University, London November 21-22, 1979 ; organised by the Nautical Institute in association with ... [others]. | |
Improving ship operational design | |
Integrated Bridge Systems | |
The international command seminar : 21-22 May 1997 London | |
Lashing and securing of deck cargoes : including packaged timber, vehicles on ro-ro vessels, and ISO containers in non-purpose built ships | |
Launch and recovery of boats from ships | |
Managing collision avoidance at sea : a practical guide | |
Managing organisational change and career development in shipping : seminar 25th November 1999 London | |
Managing safety and quality in shipping -- the key to success : a guide to ISM-ISO 9002-TQM | |
The mariner's role in collecting evidence | |
Maritime innovation : creativity, inventive problem solving, leadership : proceedings of the seminar held on 11th April 2002 | |
Maritime security handbook : coping with piracy | |
MARSIM 78, at Southampton College of Nautical Studies, Sept. 5th-8th [1978] : proceedings. | |
Mentoring at sea : the 10 minute challenge | |
Mono moorings for mariners | |
Mooring and anchoring ships. | |
Naut. rev. | |
The Nautical Institute on pilotage and shiphandling. | |
The Nautical Institute on the work of the nautical surveyor. | |
The Nautical Institute presents CBT$ea2000 : onboard computer based training (CBT) : London, 11-12th October 2000 : a conference for shipmanagers, training personnel and CBT developers | |
Nautical review. | |
Numerical weather prediction : a practical guide for mariners | |
On command | |
Pilotage review : responsibilities and obligations : a seminar to discuss the outcome of the 1998 pilotage review and consider the way forward London, 26th November 1998 | |
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects and the Nautical Institute International Conference on Escort Tugs, Design, Construction and Handling - the Way Ahead : at 10 Upper Belgrave Street, London, 4th February 1993 | |
The Royal Institution of Naval Architects Symposium on Ro-Ro Ships' Survivability : Phase 2 of the UK Department of Transport MSA sponsored research at the Royal Society of Arts, London, 25 November 1994 | |
Safety management and its maritime application | |
Seaways. | |
Seaworthiness and the ISM code : the mariner and marine insurance | |
Seminar Navigation and the Human Factor : [papers]. | |
Ship bridge simulators : a project handbook | |
The shiphandler's guide : for masters and navigating officers, pilots and tug masters | |
The shipmaster's business companion | |
Ships and water | |
A simulation instructor's handbook : the learning game | |
A square rig handbook : operations, safety, training, equipment | |
Strandings and their causes | |
Technical sketching for deck and engineer officers | |
Training future watchkeepers : where from? which standard what team? | |
Tug use in port : a practical guide | |
Tug use offshore in bays and rivers : the towmaster's manual | |
Updating for the 90s : Command seminar 90 : [papers] | |
The use of visual aids to navigation | |
VI Międzynarodowe Sympozjum Nawigacyjne : proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Navigation | |
Watertight integrity & ship survivability : international conference : at the Weir Lecture Hall, London SW1, 21 & 22 November 1996 | |
Waves of change : inspiring maritime innovation | |
The work of the harbour master |