United States. Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
VIAF ID: 144003337 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/144003337
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (7)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
American intergovernmental relations as of 1954 : statement | |
Federal aid to the cities. | |
The impact of Federal grants-in-aid in the State of Washington. | |
Overlapping taxes in the United States | |
A report to the President for transmittal to the Congress. | |
Revised list of all federal aid programs | |
A staff report on civil defense and urban vulnerability, submitted to the Commission on Intergovernmental Relations. | |
State-local taxation and industrial location : a Commission report | |
A summary history of Federal aid | |
Urban America and the Federal system; commission findings and proposals |