United Cigar Stores Company
United Cigar Stores chain of cigar stores
VIAF ID: 141069318 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/141069318
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (3)
Title | Sources |
Distinguishing marks of the army-navy | |
Don't dream of victory - Fight for it! Buy Liberty Bonds | |
Saving daylight ends, for 1918, Sunday, Oct. 27th Set your clock back one hour at 2 A.M. Sunday October 27th. | |
United shield, July and Aug. 1918: | |
The United States of America, appellant, v. the American tobacco company and others ... The American tobacco company and others, appellants, v. the United States of America. | |
Victory! Congress passes daylight saving bill |