Houghton, Mifflin and Company.
VIAF ID: 131449065 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/131449065
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Houghton, Mifflin and Company
- 110 2 _ ‡a Houghton, Mifflin and Company
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (5)
5xx's: Related Names (4)
- 510 0 2 ‡5 b ‡a Houghton Mifflin Company
- 510 2 _ ‡a Houghton Mifflin Company
- 510 2 _ ‡a Houghton Mifflin Company.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Houghton, Osgood, and Company
Title | Sources |
Abraham Lincoln : an essay | |
Account of...their work... | |
Argument against the passage of the Loud Bill, 1897: | |
Atlas of western civilization | |
Beached keels | |
Betty Leicester : a story for girls | |
Biddy's episodes | |
Bird-talk : a calendar of the orchard and wild-wood | |
The book of folk stories | |
Boys at Chequasset | |
Business : study guide | |
The coming of the New Deal | |
Cost of books of Ticknor and Fields ... 1949: | |
Country by-ways | |
The country of the pointed firs | |
Curious George : color fun. | |
Daffodils | |
Deephaven | |
Doings of the Bodley family in town and country | |
Dream children | |
East Asia : tradition and transformation | |
Engineering mechanics : statics | |
The English and Scottish popular ballads : in five volumes. | |
Folklore of the Eskimo | |
General chemistry for colleges | |
Hawthorne | |
Hitherto : a story of yesterdays | |
Homespun yarns | |
Houghton Mifflin college reading series. | |
The house of the seven gables : a romance | |
Immigrants | |
Imperial treasure : a novel | |
Informative articles. | |
Instructor's manual : Business | |
Leslie Goldthwaite | |
The letters of Vincent van Gogh to his brother : 1872-1886. | |
Life of Henry Clay : in two volumes. | |
The life of Nancy | |
Literature and the sixth sense | |
Little leaven | |
A marsh island | |
A memoir of Ralph Waldo Emerson : in two volumes. | |
Modules for basic nursing skills. | |
Mont-Saint-Michel and Chartres | |
Mother Goose for grown folks | |
Mr. Bodley abroad | |
Notes and queries | |
The painted bird | |
Patience Strong's outings | |
The Pforzheimer Bruce Rogers collection. | |
Poems | |
The politics of upheaval | |
The queen's twin, and other stories | |
Ralf Waldo Emerson : his life, writings, and philosophy | |
Rand McNally atlas of international politics | |
Rand McNally historical atlas of the world | |
Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm | |
Record of American folk-lore | |
The riverside reader. | |
Robert Kennedy and his times : illustrated with photographs | |
Romance of Monte Beni | |
The sacrificial element in Hopi worship | |
The Scarlet lette ; The marble faun | |
Secondary education | |
Short stories. | |
The silva of North America : a description of the trees which grow naturally in North America exclusive of Mexico. | |
Sketches by Boz : illustrative of every-day life and every-day people | |
Snow-image | |
Society and solitude : twelve chapters | |
Statistical reasoning in sociology | |
Story of Weksalahos, or The shooting stars | |
Structure and meaning : an introduction to literature | |
A student's history of English literature | |
Tahltan tales | |
Test bank : Business | |
Thompson tales | |
Three boys on an electrical boat | |
The Times atlas of the world : comprehensive edition | |
The Tory lover | |
Traditions of the Tillamook Indians. | |
Tragedy | |
True stories from history and biography ; A wonder book for girls and boys ; Tanglewood tales | |
The United States of North America. | |
Ute tales | |
Virginia : a history of the people / John Esten Cooke. - Boston, 1884. | |
Where have all the soldiers gone? : the transformation of modern Europe | |
White eagles : a story of 1812 | |
The White Mountains: a handbook for travellers. | |
Wichita tales. | |
Wishosk myths | |
Zazoo / by Richard Mosher. - Boston, cop. 2001. |