United Nations. Population Fund.
Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population
Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
Vereinte Nationen Population Fund
صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان صندوق تابع لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة
Populační fond OSN
صندوف الأمم المتحدة للسكان
Fundo de População das Nações Unidas
Sameinuðu þjóðirnar. Mannfjöldasjóður
VIAF ID: 130846754 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/130846754
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 0 ‡a Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
- 110 2 _ ‡a Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas
- 110 2 _ ‡a United Nations Population Fund
- 110 2 _ ‡a United Nations Population Fund
- 110 _ _ ‡a United Nations Population Fund
- 110 2 _ ‡a United Nations Population Fund
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vereinte Nationen ‡b Population Fund
- 110 2 _ ‡a Vereinte Nationen ‡b Population Fund
- 110 2 _ ‡a صندوق الأمم المتحدة للسكان ‡c صندوق تابع لمنظمة الأمم المتحدة
- 110 2 _ ‡a 国際連合人口基金
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (180)
5xx's: Related Names (15)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para Actividades en Materia de Población
- 510 2 0 ‡a Fondo de las Naciones Unidas para Actividades en Materia de Población
- 510 2 _ ‡a Fonds des Nations Unies pour les activités en matière de population
- 510 2 _ ‡a Fund for Population Activities
- 510 2 _ ‡a Fund for Population Activities ‡4 vorg ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#precedingCorporateBody ‡e Vorgaenger
- 551 _ _ ‡a New York, NY ‡4 orta ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBusiness
- 510 2 _ ‡a Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych (ONZ)
- 510 2 0 ‡a UNEP. ‡b IE
- 510 2 _ ‡a United Nations
- 510 0 2 ‡a United Nations Fund for Population Activities ‡5 a# ##
- 510 2 _ ‡a United Nations Fund for Population Activities
- 510 2 _ ‡a United Nations Fund for Population Activities.
- 510 2 _ ‡a Vereinte Nationen ‡4 adue ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#hierarchicalSuperiorOfTheCorporateBody ‡e Ueberordnung
- 510 2 _ ‡a Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon. ‡b Rahvastikufond.
- 510 2 _ ‡a صندوق الأمم المتحدة للنشاطات السكانية
Title | Sources |
Les accoucheuses traditionnelles : déclaration conjointe OMS/FNUAP/UNICEF | |
Actes. | |
Advocating change : population, empowerment, development | |
Annual report | |
aspects médico-sanitaires de la reproduction chez les adolescents | |
Azărbaycanın demoqrafik göstăricilări, 2002 | |
Canada | |
Comment relever le défi que nous lancent la population et l'environnement | |
Czech Republic | |
Demos (Mexico City, Mexico) | |
Discussion paper (United Nations Population Fund. Country Support Team for the South Pacific) | |
Documentos de trabajo (United Nations Population Fund) | |
Documents de travail (United Nations Population Fund. Equipe d'appui technique de Dakar) | |
Dynamics of fertility and partnership in Europe : insights and lessons from comparative research | |
Educación sexual y salud reproductiva en programas de capacitación laboral y empleo para jóvenes en los países andinos | |
Encuesta nacional de demografía y salud. | |
Ending violence against women : programming for prevention, protection and care. | |
Entre nous : the European magazine for reproductive and sexual health | |
État de la population mondiale | |
Études techniques (Fonds des Nations Unies pour la population) | |
Európai Regionális Népesedési és Fejlődési Értekezlet (2nd : 1987 : Budapest, Hungary). Európai regionális népesedési és fejlődési értekezlet, 1987 | |
European Population Conference 23-26 March 1993, Geneva, Switzerland | |
Evaluation report | |
Fertility and family surveys in countries of the ECE region : standard country report | |
FFS | |
Generations and gender programme : survey instruments | |
Get connected | |
Guide to sources of international population assistance | |
HIV and infant feeding : Guidelines for decision-makers | |
HIV transmission through breastfeeding : a review of available evidence | |
Human immunodeficiency virus and infant feeding | |
Hungary | |
In-depth studies on migration in central and eastern Europe : the case of Ukraine | |
Lithuania | |
Maternal mortality in 2000 : estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA | |
Meeting the challenges of migration : progress since the ICPD | |
Mental health aspects of women's reproductive health : a global review of the literature. | |
Mezhdunarodnyĭ simpozium Perepisʹ naselenii︠a︡--XXI vek: opyt, problemy, perspektivy, 2001 | |
Mission report (Suva, Fiji) | |
Mongol dakhʹ khu̇sėėgu̇ĭ zhirėmslėlt ba u̇r khȯndȯlt, 2001 | |
Monitoring emergency obstetric care a handbook. | |
The new demographic regime : population challenges and policy responses | |
New Zealand | |
Occasional paper (United Nations Population Fund. Country Support Team for Southern Africa) | |
La Población, los recursos y el medio ambiente, 1991 | |
Population and development strategies series | |
Population and the environment : the challenges ahead | |
Population in Europe and North America on the eve of the millenium : dynamics and policy responses : Regional Population Meeting : 7-9 december 1998, Budapest, Hungary | |
Population policies and programmes : lessons learned from two decades of experience | |
Population, ressources et environnement : des enjeux critiques pour l'avenir | |
Populi Engl. ed. | |
Populi : la revista del FNUAP | |
Prawa reprodukcyjne Polek i Polaków : materiały z konferencji zorganizowanej przez Parlamentarną Grupę Kobiet, Polski Parlamentarny Zespół ds. Ludności i Rozwoju oraz Fundusz Ludnościowy Narodów Zjednoczonych (UNFPA) 9 grudnia 2003 r. | |
Preparing for the introduction of HPV vaccines : policy and programme guidance for countries | |
Preventing HIV/AIDS in young people a systematic review of the evidence from developing countries | |
Les problèmes démographiques : dossier d'information 1998 | |
Proceedings | |
Programa de saúde materno infantil e planeamento familiar, 1991 | |
Programme review and strategy development report | |
Project & technical publications | |
Project research report | |
Rapport annuel du FNUAP | |
Rapport du Conseil d'Administration sur ses Travaux en ... | |
Reaching common ground : culture, gender and human rights | |
Readings in population research methodology | |
Report (United Nations Population Fund) | |
Report (United Nations Population Fund : Unnumbered) | |
Reproductive health essentials : securing the supply : global strategy for reproductive health commodity security | |
Resultados del censo de 1983, 1990 | |
Saḍaka nāṭaka tālima sota pustikā, 1997 | |
Serie Aprendiendo entre mujeres | |
situação da população mundial 2003 mil milhões a não esquecer investir na saúde e nos direitos dos adolescentes | |
Slovenia | |
Social aspects and country reviews of population aging : Europe and North America | |
State of world population | |
Strategic framework for the prevention of HIV infections in infants in Europe | |
Summary and statistical report of the 2007 population and housing census : population size by age and sex | |
Technical and policy paper | |
Technical report (United Nations Population Fund) | |
Tesauro de POPIN tesauro multilingüe sobre población | |
UNFPA in Ethiopia, 1972-1994, 1994 | |
UNFPA publications on reproductive health | |
UNFPA ... report | |
UNFPA research papers in population and reproductive health | |
Viet Nam Inter-censal Demographic Survey, 1994 | |
Weltbevölkerungsbericht ... | |
Women, ageing and health : a framework for action : focus on gender. | |
Women and health : mainstreaming the gender perspective into the health sector : report of the Expert Group Meeting, 28 September-2 October 1998, Tunis (Tunisia) | |
Women and HIV/AIDS : confronting the crisis : a joint report | |
Zdrowie Kobiet w Wieku Prokreacyjnym 15-49 lat. | |
Zhenshchiny i muzhchiny Kyrgyzskoĭ Respubliki, 2003 | |
സ്റ്റേറ്റ് ഓഫ് ലോക ജനസംഖ്യ 2011 | |
国際人口・開発会議行動計画要旨 : ICPD 94 | |
女児と女性に対する暴力 : 公共保健上の優先事項 | |
選択の権利 : リプロダクティブ・ライツとリプロダクティブ・ヘルス |