Institute for Research on Public Policy
Institut de recherche en politiques publiques
Institut de recherches politiques Canada
Institut de recherche en politiques publiques (Montréal, Canada)
Institut de recherches politiques (Montréal)
Institute for Research on Public Policy Working Group
VIAF ID: 127304327 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Institut de recherche en politiques publiques
- 110 2 _ ‡a Institut de recherche en politiques publiques (Montréal, Canada)
- 110 2 _ ‡a Institut de recherches politiques (Montréal)
- 210 | | ‡a Institut de recherches politiques ‡c Canada
- 110 2 _ ‡a Institute for Research on Public Policy
- 110 2 _ ‡a Institute for Research on Public Policy ‡b Working Group
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- 510 2 _ ‡a Institut de recherche en politiques publiques
- 510 2 _ ‡a Institut de recherches politiques
- 510 2 _ ‡a Institute for Research on Public Policy ‡4 adue ‡4 ‡e Ueberordnung
- 551 _ _ ‡a Montréal ‡4 orta ‡4
Title | Sources |
Aborder les choix ensemble : conférence pré-budgétaire : rapport final de la conférence qui a eu lieu au Palais des congrès le 22 janvier 1994, Montréal (Québec). | |
Adapting public policy to a labour market in transition | |
Art of the state (Montréal, Québec) | |
As I recall | |
Belonging? : diversity, recognition and shared citizenship in Canada | |
Beyond the impasse : toward reconciliation | |
Canada : reclaiming the middle ground | |
Canadian population trends and public policy through the 1980s | |
Choices | |
Choix (Halifax) | |
Colloques sur l'activité gouvernementale. | |
Constructive and co-operative federalism? | |
Dal Grauer memorial lectures | |
Discussion paper in international economics | |
Discussion paper (Institute for Research on Public Policy. Studies in Social Policy) | |
Document de travail (Institut de recherche en politiques publiques) | |
Education (Institute for Research on Public Policy) | |
Educational choice : necessary but not sufficient | |
The enabling society | |
Ending the squeeze on universities | |
Enjeux publics | |
Equity & community : the Charter, interest advocacy and representation | |
Essais sur l'économie internationale | |
Essays in international economics | |
Étude IRPP | |
The first 30 years | |
Future of North America Canada, the United States and Quebec nationalism | |
Geopolitical integrity | |
Governing in an information society | |
Hausser l'âge d'admissibilité aux prestations du Régime de rentes du Québec? | |
Income security in Canada : changing needs, changing means | |
International economic issues | |
IRPP insight. | |
The ... IRPP policy horizons essay. | |
IRPP study | |
Is the debt war over? : dispatches from Canada's fiscal frontline | |
Judicial power and Canadian democracy | |
Knocking on the back door : Canadian perspectives on the political economy of freer trade with the United States | |
Langue de travail au Québec synthèse de la recherche sur la rencontre de deux langues | |
Legislative process in Canada the need for reform proceedings | |
L'évolution de la population scolaire du Québec | |
L'institut | |
MAiD legislation at a crossroads. | |
The medium and the muse : culture, telecommunications and the information highway | |
Money, politics and health care : reconstructing the federal-provincial partnership | |
Newsletter. | |
Northern exposure : peoples, powers and prospects in Canada's North | |
Nowhere to go? : possible consequences of the demographic imbalance in decision-making groups of the federal public service | |
Occasional paper | |
Pacific initiatives in global trade : papers and proceedings of the Pacific Trade Policy Forum of the PECC, Vancouver, June 26-28, 1989, and related documents | |
Parliamentary government | |
La pauvreté et l'État : pour un nouveau partage des compétences en matière de sécurité sociale | |
Perspectives on the Royal Commission on Corporate Concentration | |
Policy debates | |
Policy matters | |
Policy options | |
The politics of resentment : British Columbia regionalism and Canadian unity | |
A profile of Canada's older population | |
Public purse, public purpose : autonomy and accountability in the groves of academe | |
Pulling against gravity : economic development in New Brunswick during the McKenna years | |
Qui est maître à bord? : projet de réforme du système de santé canadien | |
Rapport annuel | |
Redesigning Canadian trade policies for new global realities | |
Repères IRPP. | |
Rethinking government : reform or reinvention? | |
Rethinking the delivery of public services to citizens | |
The review of economic performance and social progress 2002 : towards a social understanding of productivity | |
Riding the third rail : the story of Ontario's Health Services Restructuring Commission, 1996-2000 | |
The road to better public services : progress & constraints in five Canadian federal agencies | |
The role of social policy in economic restructuring | |
Seeking a new Canadian partnership : asymmetrical and confederal options = À la recherche d'un nouveau contrat politique pour le Canada : options asymétriques et options confédérales | |
Seminars on government operations | |
Série de monographies sur les politiques sociales | |
Série de monographies sur les politiques sociales | |
Series on city-regions | |
Si je me souviens bien | |
Social policy (Montréal, Québec) | |
Sortir de l'impasse : les voies de la réconciliation | |
Spirit of the Alberta Indian treaties | |
A state of minds : toward a human capital future for Canadians | |
Studies on regulation in Canada | |
Sustainable development in the Caribbean, c1990 | |
Sylvia Ostry Foundation lectures | |
Les télécommunications : problématique d'une industrie en évolution rapide | |
Thinking North America | |
Toward sustainable federalism : reforming federal-provincial fiscal arrangements | |
Understanding the Free Trade Agreement : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Ottawa, Faculty of Law (Common Law), January 22, 1988 | |
Urban governance and finance : a question of who does what | |
Vers un traité de l'Amérique du Nord : élargir le cadre des relations trilatérales | |
Working paper series (Institute for Research on Public Policy. Information Society Studies Program) |