Philippe Connes
Connes, Philippe, 19..-....
Connes, Philippe
VIAF ID: 126915384 (Personal)
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- 100 1 _ ‡a Connes, Philippe
- 100 1 _ ‡a Connes, Philippe
- 100 1 _ ‡a Connes, Philippe, ‡d 19..-....
- 100 0 _ ‡a Philippe Connes
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Title | Sources |
3D bioprinting of vascular tissue. | |
Approche physiopathologique et recherche de biomarqueurs associés aux complications neurovasculaires chez l'enfant drépanocytaire | |
Caractérisation de la fonction micro et macrovasculaire chez les enfants drépanocytaires SS et SC : les effets de l'activité physique, du stress oxydant et les conséquences sur la sévérité clinique | |
Caractéristiques de la maculopathie drépanocytaire et rôle des paramétres hématologiques et hermorhélogiques | |
Caractéristiques structurales et fonctionnelles du muscle strié squelettique : effets de l'hémoglobine S et/ou de l'alpha-thalassémie | |
Cellular and molecular adaptations to exercise-induced inflammatory response in children with juvenile idiopathic arthritis. | |
Characterisation of vascular function in children with sickle cell SS and SC disease : role of physical activity, oxidative stress and the consequences on Clinical severity. | |
Développement de tissus vasculaires par bioimpression 3D | |
Effet de l'exercice physique sur l'activité du système nerveux autonome des porteurs du trait drépanocytaire et des patients atteints de la drépanocytose homozygotte | |
Effets de l'exposition chronique à l'hypoxie sur la rhéologie sanguine : étude d'un modèle d'exposition chronique à l'hypoxie intermittente chez des patients atteint d'une pathologie de l'hémoglobine (étude DREPAPNEE) et d'un modèle d'exposition chronique à l'hypoxie d'altitude chez des sujets sains (Expédition 5300) | |
Effets d'un exercice ou d'un stress d'hypoxie / réoxygénation sur le stress oxydant, l'adhésion vasculaire et la biodisponibilité de l'oxyde nitrique dans la drépanocytose | |
Effets physiologiques et hématologiques de l'érythropoi͏̈étine recombinante humaine : de la réponse à l'exercice au dépistage indirect | |
Étude des caractéristiques des globules rouges après un stress osmotique pour des applications thérapeutiques ou après un stress physiologique induit par un effort physique | |
Exacerbation of oxidative stress during sickle vaso-occlusive crisis is associated with decreased anti-band 3 autoantibodies rate and increased red blood cell-derived microparticle level: a prospective study | |
Exercise physiology, c2010: | |
Extracellular microvesicle microRNAs in children with sickle cell anaemia with divergent clinical phenotypes | |
Faster oxygen uptake kinetics at the onset of submaximal cycling exercise following 4 weeks recombinant human erythropoietin (r-HuEPO) treatment. | |
G6PD deficiency and absence of α-thalassemia increase the risk for cerebral vasculopathy in children with sickle cell anemia. | |
Genetic Background of the Sickle Cell Disease Pediatric Population of Dakar, Senegal, and Characterization of a Novel Frameshift β-Thalassemia Mutation [HBB: c.265_266del; p.Leu89Glufs*2]. | |
Globules rouges et rotors moléculaires : vers le suivi de pathologies érythrocytaires par nanorhéologie | |
Hematological and hemorheological determinants of the six-minute walk test performance in children with sickle cell anemia | |
Hemorheological alterations related to training and overtraining | |
Higher Daily Physical Activity Level Is Associated with Lower RBC Aggregation in Carotid Artery Disease Patients at High Risk of Stroke | |
Implication de l'hémorhéologie dans la physiopathologie de la drépanocytose | |
A.L. Copley Best Paper Prize 2016. | |
Lipid profiles in French West Indies sickle cell disease cohorts, and their general population. | |
Male gender, increased blood viscosity, body mass index and triglyceride levels are independently associated with systemic relative hypertension in sickle cell anemia | |
Mastocytes, basophiles et substance P dans la drépanocytose. | |
Men with Sickle Cell Anemia and Priapism Exhibit Increased Hemolytic Rate, Decreased Red Blood Cell Deformability and Increased Red Blood Cell Aggregate Strength | |
Mesure et analyse des effets protecteurs des hémoglobines anti-polymérisantes dans la drépanocytose : application aux stratégies de thérapie génique. | |
Micro-flows of red blood cell suspensions : rheology and occlusion. | |
A model for the training effects in swimming demonstrates a strong relationship between parasympathetic activity, performance and index of fatigue | |
Moderate endurance exercise in patients with sickle cell anaemia: effects on oxidative stress and endothelial activation | |
Moderate exercise training decreases inflammation in transgenic sickle cell mice. | |
Muscular function and energetics in a mouse model of sickle cell disease and identification of the mechanisms involved in proton exchanges between muscle and blood. | |
Negative health implications of sickle cell trait in high income countries: from the football field to the laboratory | |
New guidelines for hemorheological laboratory techniques | |
New insights into red cell rheology and adhesion in patients with sickle cell anaemia during vaso-occlusive crises | |
[News in hemorheology] | |
Normal muscle oxygen consumption and fatigability in sickle cell patients despite reduced microvascular oxygenation and hemorheological abnormalities | |
Overweight explains the increased red blood cell aggregation in patients with obstructive sleep apnea | |
Oxydative stress and diabetes : Glycation impact on erythrocytes morphology, redox state and capacity to impact cultured vascular cell functionnalities. | |
[Oxygen blood transport and doping] | |
Oxygen uptake kinetics during heavy submaximal exercise: Effect of sickle cell trait with or without alpha-thalassemia | |
Patterns of exercise-related inflammatory response in sickle cell trait carriers | |
Pfaffia paniculata extract improves red blood cell deformability in sickle cell patients. | |
Physical activity level is not a determinant of autonomic nervous system activity and clinical severity in children/adolescents with sickle cell anemia: A pilot study | |
The PhysioFlow thoracic impedancemeter is not valid for the measurements of cardiac hemodynamic parameters in chronic anemic patients | |
Propriétés physiques des globules rouges en agrégation | |
Pulmonary hypertension does not affect the autonomic nervous system dysfunction of sickle cell disease | |
Pulse wave velocity is lower in trained than in untrained sickle cell trait carriers. | |
Red blood cell deformability and aggregation, cell adhesion molecules, oxidative stress and nitric oxide markers after a short term, submaximal, exercise in sickle cell trait carriers. | |
Red blood cell deformability is very slightly decreased in erythropoietin deficient mice. | |
Red blood cell nitric oxide synthase activation is increased in patients with sickle cell hemoglobin C disease. | |
Relationship between acute chest syndrome and the sympatho-vagal balance in adults with hemoglobin SS disease; a case control study | |
Rheological properties of sickle erythrocytes in patients with sickle cell anaemia: the effect of hydroxyurea, fetal hemoglobin and α-thalassaemia | |
Rhéologie sanguine, microcirculation, oxygénation tissulaire et hypoxémie, au repos et à l'exercice, chez les patients atteints de la drépanocytose | |
The role of blood rheology in sickle cell disease | |
Sickle cell trait, exertional rhabdomyolysis, and compartment syndrome. | |
Special issue on sickle cell disease: Old and new concepts. | |
Spécificités cliniques et hématologiques d'habitants permanent à plus de 5000 m d'altitude | |
Strengths and weaknesses of established indirect models to detect recombinant human erythropoietin abuse on blood samples collected 48-hr post administration | |
Suspensions de globules rouges en micro-écoulement : rhéologie et occlusion | |
Type 2 diabetes in adults with sickle cell disease: can we dive deeper? | |
UGT1A1 (TA)n genotype is not the major risk factor of cholelithiasis in sickle cell disease children | |
Which side of the balance determines the frequency of vaso-occlusive crises in children with sickle cell anemia: Blood viscosity or microvascular dysfunction? |