Transparency international
Transparency International Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) mit Sitz in Berlin
VIAF ID: 122103073 (Corporate)
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- 110 _ _ ‡a Transparency International
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency International
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency International
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency International
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency International
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency International ‡c Nichtregierungsorganisation (NGO) mit Sitz in Berlin
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency international
- 110 2 _ ‡a Transparency international
- 210 | | ‡a Transparency international
- 110 2 _ ‡a トランスペアレンシージャパン
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Title | Sources |
(2008년 세계부패보고서) 물분야의 부패 | |
Anti-corruption conventions in Africa : what civil society can do to make them work : a civil society advocacy guide | |
Building transparency and reducing corruption in defence : workshop of institutional and inter-governmental practitioners : workshop proceedings | |
Combattre la corruption... | |
Confronting corruption : the elements of a national integrity system | |
Corruption, democracy and human rights in Southern Africa | |
Corruption in judicial systems | |
Delnas dienasgrāmata | |
Democracia e políticas públicas anticorrupção | |
Documento de política | |
Evaluation of health sector district Vehari : citizen report card | |
Femmes et éducation dans la région méditerranéenne | |
Form and effects of corruption on the education sector in Vietnam. | |
GCR | |
Global corruption barometer Africa 2019 : citizens' views and experiences of corruption | |
Global corruption report : education | |
Government watchdog institutions : a position paper | |
Handbook for curbing corruption in public procurement | |
Improving Transparency, Integrity, and Accountability in Water Supply and Sanitation | |
Índice mundial de percepción de corrupción 2006 | |
Inter-American Convention Against Corruption | |
Internet corruption perception index | |
Mapping the risks of corruption in humanitarian action | |
Mesa Redonda sobre la "Financiación Pública de los Partidos Políticos" (2004 : Asunción, Paraguay?). Mesa redonda, 2004: | |
National integrity systems country study report : Bangladesh 2003. | |
Niẓām al-nazāhah al-ʻArabī fī muwājahat al-fasād, 2006?: | |
Novas medidas contra a corrupção | |
Nyanga Declaration | |
People and corruption. | |
Policy position | |
Prise position (Transpar. Int.) | |
Problems of effectiveness in service delivery, accountability, and transparency of local authorities in Zambia : report of a study commissioned by the Transparency International | |
Progress report 07 : enforcement of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials | |
Publications | |
Raising the bar good anti-corruption practices in defense companies. | |
Rapport mondial sur la corruption 2006 corruption et santé | |
Studija sistema nacionalnog integriteta : Bosna i Hercegovina 2013 | |
Study on management of funds by local government bodies | |
TI Latvia diary | |
TI Q. | |
TI report | |
The TI source book, 1996: | |
TI work. pap. (Online) | |
TI working paper | |
Tools to support transparency in local governance | |
Towards a transparent and quality healthcare system a qualitative study on the cause, perceptions and impact of informal payments in health services in Vietnam | |
Transparency International's quarterly newsletter | |
Transparency watch : the e-bulletin of the anti-corruption movement. | |
Uganda International Conference on Good Governance ... 1996: | |
Zalzalah Taʻmīr-i Nau ke Fanḍz kā Yaqīnī Shaffāf Istiʻmāl, 2006 : | |
نظام النزاهة العربي في مواجهة الفساد : كتاب المرجعية. |