Karasawa, Masahiro, 1964-....
唐澤, 昌宏, 1964-
Masahiro, Karasawa
唐澤, 昌宏
VIAF ID: 118332437 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/118332437
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karasawa, Masahiro ‡d 1964-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karasawa, Masahiro ‡d 1964-...
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karasawa, Masahiro, ‡d 1964-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Karasawa, Masahiro, ‡d 1964-....
- 200 _ | ‡a Masahiro ‡b Karasawa
- 100 1 _ ‡a 唐澤, 昌宏
- 100 1 _ ‡a 唐澤, 昌宏, ‡d 1964-
- 100 0 _ ‡a 唐澤昌宏
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (27)
5xx's: Related Names (2)
Title | Sources |
12 no taka to Meiji no kōgei | |
20 passions | |
About the tea ceremony | |
Bizen : from earth and fire, exquisite forms | |
The bizen = The Bizen : Tsuchi to hono kara umareru zokei bi. | |
Celadon now : techniques and beauty handed down from Southern Song to today | |
Contemporary furniture and woodworks in Japan | |
eleganza della memoria le arti decorative nel moderno Giappone [Mostra, Firenze, Palazzo Pitti - Galleria Palatina, 3 aprile - 1 luglio 2012] | |
From Crafts to Kōgei : in commemoration of the 60th Japan traditional art craft exhibition | |
Gendai kogei no shiten | |
Guerrino Tramonti | |
Kōgei no mikata kanjikata : Kandō o yobu kingendai no sakka to sakuhin. | |
Mino | |
Momoyama togei no hana ten : Kiseto setoguro shino oribe. | |
Momoyamatō ni miserareta nananin no tōgeika | |
New Footing : eleven approaches to contemporary crafts | |
Nihon × faentsua yakimono no ima = Ceramica viva : Faentsua kokusai togeiten nihonjin rekidai jusho sakkaten. | |
Ōsaka Banpaku 1970 dezain purojekuto = Osaka Expo '70 design project | |
Pokemon x kōgei : bi to waza no daihakken = Pokémon x kogei : playful encounters of Pokémon and Japanese craft | |
Seiji no ima : uketsugareta waza to bi, Nansō jidai made | |
Seto | |
Texttiles by Serizawa Keisuke from the Kaneko Kazushige Collection | |
Twelve Hawks and crafts in modernizing Japan : changing phases from the 1870s to the present : in celebration of the first anniversary of the National Crafts Museum's move | |
ガラス・高橋禎彦展 = Takahashi Yoshihito goes to the glass | |
パッション20 | |
ポケモン×工芸 : 美とわざの大発見 | |
東京オリンピック1964デザインプロジェクト : [展示, 東京, 東京囯立近代美術館, 2013年2月13日〜26日] / Design Project for the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games : [exhibition, Tokyo, The National Museum of Modern Art, 13 February - 26 May, 2013] | |
備前 : 土と炎から生まれる造形美 | |
≪十二の鷹≫と明治の工芸 : 万博出品時代から今日まで : 変わりゆく姿 : 国立工芸館石川移転開館1周年記念展 | |
原弘と東京国立近代美術館 : デザインワークを通して見えてくるもの = Hara Hiromu and the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo : what one discovers through design work | |
増田三男 : 淸爽の彫金 : そして, 富本憲吉 = Masuda Mitsuo's bracing metal chasing and Tomimoto Kenkichi : [exhibition, Tokyo, Crafts Gallery, The National Musuem of Modern Art, 17 May - 26 June, 2011 ; Tokyo, Aizu Museum, Waseda University, 17 May - 18 June, 2011] | |
工芸の見かた感じかた : 感動を呼ぶ近現代の作家と作品 | |
日本×ファエンツァやきものの現在 (いま) = Ceramica viva : ファエンツァ国際陶芸展日本人歴代受賞作家展 | |
未来へつなぐ陶芸伝統工芸のチカラ展 = Ceramics of the past and of the future: the timelessness of traditional Japanese craft arts | |
桃山から現代へ志野、織部伝統の継承展 : Shino, Oribe, Mino : 国際陶磁器フェスティバル美濃 | |
桃山陶に魅せられた七人の陶芸家 : 陶片に学んだ技と美 = Seven master ceramic artisans captivated by Momoyama pottery : aesthetic qualitities and techniques learnt from pottery sherd | |
桃山陶芸の華展 : 黄瀬戸・瀬戸黒・志野・織部 | |
瀬戶 | |
美濃 | |
茶事をめぐって : 現代工芸への視点 | |
近代工芸と茶の湯のうつわ : 四季のしつらい = Modern crafts and tea utensils : furnishings in each season | |
近代工芸案内 : 名品選による日本の美 / A new guide to Modern Japanese craft arts : the beauty of Japan through selected masterpieces | |
青磁のいま : 受け継がれた技と美, 南宋時代まで | |
革新の工芸 : "伝統と前衛", そして現代 = Craft arts : innovation of "tradition and avant-garde," and the present day |