7th Amendment of the Constitution Law of 2013 |
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Categories of Archaeological and Ethnological Materials of the Republic of Cyprus
Agreement between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Enhancing Cooperation in Preventing and Combating Serious Crime
Cipro e le Nazioni Unite, 1978- : |
Companies Law
Contract law
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
Convention Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with Respect to Taxes on Income
Customs & excise tariff. |
Cyprus. |
Development estimates for ... |
Dikaio Termatismou tēs Apascholēsēs
Episēmos ephēmeris |
Epitropē Kephalaiagoras
Extradition Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus
Financial report |
Immovable Property Tax Law
Kōdikas praktikēs gia tēn antimetōpisē tēs sexoualikēs parenochlēsēs stēn ergasia
Laws, etc. (Euretērio tōn nomōn kai kanonismōn tēs Kypriakēs Nomothesias)
Maier, F.G. Cypern |
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus Concerning the Imposition of Import Restrictions on Pre-Classical and Classical Archaeological Objects
The Merchant Shipping (Taxing Provisions) Law. |
Nomos Pou Pronoei gia tē Metonomasia tou Antinarkōtikou Symvouliou Kyprou se Archē Antimetōpisēs Exartēseōn Kyprou Schetika me tēn Prolēpsē tēs Chrēsēs kai Diadosēs Narkōtikōn kai Allōn Exartēsiogonōn Ousiōn
Nomos pou pronoei gia tēn diakēryxē tēs Apokleistikēs Oikonomikēs Zōnēs kai hyphalokrēpidas apo tēn Kypriakē Dēmokratia
Nomos pou tropopoiei kai henopoiei ton Peri epitropou dioikēseōs nomo
Nomos pronoōn peri tēs ektaseōs tēs chōrikēs thalassas
Peri akinētou idioktēsias, diakatochē, engraphē, kai ektimēsis, nomos
Peri Allodapōn kai Metanasteuseōs Nomos
Peri apagoreuseōs exagōgēs hoplōn nomos
Peri Apherengyotētas Physikōn Prosōpōn (Prosōpika Schedia Apoplērōmēs kai Diatagma Apallagēs Opheilōn) Nomos
Peri apodeixeōs nomos
Peri Asphaleias kai Hygeias stēn Ergasia Nomos tou 1996
Peri astikōn adikēmatōn nomos
Peri Dikastēriōn Nomos
Peri Hydrogonanthrakōn (Anazētēsē, Ereuna kai Ekmetalleusē) Nomos tou 2007. |
Peri Katachrēstikōn Rētrōn se Katanalōtikes Symvaseis Nomos tou 1996
Peri katapolemēsēs tōn phyletikōn kai horismenōn allōn diakriseōn (Epitropos) nomos
Peri ktēseōs akinētou idioktēsias, allodapoi, nomos
Peri Kypriakou Praktoriou Eidēseōn Nomoi tou 1989 mechri 2009. |
Peri mēchanokinētōn ochēmatōn
Peri Organōsēs kai Ektelesēs Hydrographikōn Drastēriotētōn kai Ekdosēs Nautikōn Chartōn Nomos tou 2014. |
Peri Panepistēmiou Kyprou Nomoi tou 1989 heōs 2013. |
Peri paragraphēs nomos
Peri poinikēs dikonomias nomos
Peri pōlēseōs agathōn nomos
Peri pōlēseōs gaiōn, eidikē ektelesis, nomos
Peri politikēs dikonomias nomos
Peri Radioepikoinōniōn Nomoi tou dyo chiliades dyo heōs dyo chiliades dekaephta (Henopoiēsē) |
Peri Radiophōnikou Hidrymatos Kyprou Nomos
Peri rythmiseōs hodōn kai oikodomōn nomos
Peri Rythmiseōs tōn Perousiakōn Scheseōn tōn Syzygōn (Tropopoiētikos) Nomos tou 2008. |
Peri Sōmateiōn kai Hidrymatōn Nomoi tou 1972 kai 1997. |
Peri symvaseōn nomos
Peri Synergatikōn Hetaireiōn Nomos tou 1985
Peri Teknōn (Syngeneia kai Nomikē Hypostasē) Nomoi tou 1991 mechri 2008. |
Peri tēs katochyrōsēs kai tēs prostasias tōn dikaiōmatōn tōn asthenōn nomos
Peri tēs Prolēpsēs kai tēs Katapolemēsēs tēs Sexoualikēs Kakopoiēsēs, tēs Sexoualikēs Ekmetalleusēs Paidiōn kai tēs Paidikēs Pornographias Nomos tou 2014. |
Peri tēs Prostasias tou Antagōnismou Nomoi tou 2008 kai 2014
Peri tēs Rythmisēs tēs Avlavous Dieleusēs Ploiōn apo ta Chōrika Hydata Nomos tou 2011. |
Peri tēs Symvasēs kata tōn vasanistēriōn kai allōn morphōn sklērēs, apanthrōpēs ē exeutelistikēs metacheirisēs ē timōrias (proairetiko prōtokollo) (kyrōtikos) nomos
Peri tēs Tetartēs Tropopoiēsēs tou Syntagmatos Nomos tou 2002. |
Peri tōn Genikōn Archōn tou Dioikētikou Dikaiou Nomos
Poinikos kōdikas
The Prevention and Combating of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Pornography Law, 2014 : (English translation). |
The private institutions of tertiary education : fees and charges : regulations 1998 to 2008. |
The Private Universities (Establishment, Operation and Control) Laws, 2005 to 2008 : (English translation and consolidation). |
Proÿpologismos gia to etos |
The Regulation of the Innocent Passage of Ships in the Territorial Waters Law, 2011 : (English translation). |
Report, 1940-1948
Report of the Commission of the Council of Europe on human rights in Cyprus, 1974. |
Report to the Government of Cyprus on the organization of preventive occupational health services. |
Report to the Government of Cyprus on the work of the multidisciplinary mission (8 March-29 March 1980). |
Report to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on labour legislation. <Annual holidays with pay and termination of employment.> |
Report to the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on the development of medical care within the framework of a social security scheme. |
Saipulesi xing shi su song fa |
Series DLS |
Sovremennai︠a︡ mirokhozi︠a︡ĭstvennai︠a︡ sistema, 2014: |
The Spouses Property Relations (Regulation) (Amendment) Law, 2008 : (English translation). |
Staff list. |
Statistics of imports, exports and shipping also currency and banking. |
Statistikes tourismou.
The statute laws of Cyprus, in force on the 1st day of April, 1959. |
Survey of groundwater and mineral resources: Cyprus; technical report prepared for the Government of Cyprus. |
The tourism and travel offices and tourist guides regulations, 2012. |
Treaties, etc. United States,
Treaties, etc. United States,
Treaties, etc. United States,
Treaties, etc. United States,
Treaties, etc. United States, Protocols, etc.,
Treaties, etc. United States, Protocols, etc.,
The treatment of accused users or substance dependents laws, 2016 and 2017 : (English translation and consolidation). |
Treaty Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Cyprus on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Vasikē kypriakē nomothesia = Essential Cyprus Legislation |
Wikipedia, May 6, 2014 |
Δημοσιονομικη εκθεσις |
Προϋπολογισμος αναπτυξεως για το ετος |
塞普勒斯刑事訴訟法 |