6ú Tuarascáil de chuid an Phainéil Idir-Rialtasach ar an Athrú Aeráide |
Approaches to evaluate the recent impacts of sea-level rise on shoreline changes |
Báo cáo đánh giá thứ sáu IPCC |
Chweched Adroddiad Asesiad yr IPCC |
Conditions for a market uptake of climate services for adaptation in France |
Connecting Hazard Analysts and Risk Managers to Sensor Information |
Les conséquences de l'élévation du niveau marin pour le recul du trait de côte |
Detection/attribution of contemporaneous coastal changes in small tropical islands (French Polynesia, Caribbean). |
Détection et attribution des changements morphologiques côtiers récents en milieu insulaire tropical (Polynésie française, Caraïbe) |
Dominance of the mean sea level in the high-percentile sea levels time evolution with respect to large-scale climate variability: a Bayesian statistical approach |
Evaluating uncertainties of future marine flooding occurrence as sea-level rises |
FN:s klimatpanels sjätte utvärderingsrapport |
A high-end estimate of sea-level rise for practitioners |
High spatial resolution regional projections of sea level along the coasts of western Europe over the 21st century. |
Ikaanom na Asesment Report kan IPCC |
IPCC 第六次评估报告 |
IPCC第6次評価報告書 |
İqlim Dəyişikliyi üzrə Hökumətlərarası Panelin altıncı qiymətləndirmə hesabatı |
Key risks and illustrative adaptation pathways for Europe |
Lagoon islets as indicators of recent environmental changes in the South Pacific – The New Caledonian example |
Laporan Penilaian Keenam Panel Antara Kerajaan tentang Perubahan Iklim |
Meeting User Needs for Sea Level Rise Information: A Decision Analysis Perspective |
Modeling of long-term shoreline evolution along wave-dominated sandy coasts. |
Modélisation de l'évolution long-terme du trait de côte le long des littoraux sableux dominés par l'action des vagues |
Perceptions of climate change and adaptation: A subarctic archipelago perspective (Saint-Pierre-and-Miquelon, North America) |
Potential and limitations of risk scenario tools in volcanic areas through an example at Mount Cameroon |
Projections régionales haute-résolution spatiale du niveau de la mer sur les côtes d'Europe de l'Ouest sur le 21ème siècle |
Quantifying ambiguity in sea-level projections |
Requirements for a Coastal Hazards Observing System |
Ripoti ya Tathmini ya Sita ya IPCC |
Risks to future atoll habitability from climate‐driven environmental changes |
Al șaselea raport de evaluare al IPCC |
Sea level rise and its coastal impacts |
Sechster Sachstandsbericht des IPCC |
Sesa Raporto de la Interregistara Spertularo pri Klimata Ŝanĝiĝo |
Šestá hodnotící zpráva IPCC |
Sesto Rapporto IPCC |
Sexto relatório de avaliação do Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas |
Sisè Informe d'Avaluació de l'IPCC |
Sixième rapport d'évaluation du GIEC |
The SPR systems model as a conceptual foundation for rapid integrated risk appraisals: Lessons from Europe |
Szósty raport IPCC |
Uncertainties in Shoreline Projections to 2100 at Truc Vert Beach (France): Role of Sea‐Level Rise and Equilibrium Model Assumptions |
Water level changes, subsidence, and sea level rise in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta |
Климат үзгәрүе мәсьәләләре буенча халыкара шураның алтынчы бәяләү хисабы |
Шестой оценочный доклад МГЭИК |
Шоста оцінкова доповідь МГЕЗК |
דו"ח ההערכה השישי של הפאנל הבין-ממשלתי לשינוי האקלים |
تقرير التقييم السادس للجنة الدولية للتغيرات المناخية |
ششمین گزارش هیئت بیندولتی تغییر اقلیم |
பருவநிலை மாற்றம் தொடர்பான நாடுகளுக்கிடையேயான ஆறாவது மதிப்பீட்டு அறிக்கை |
ഐപിസിസി ആറാമത്തെ മൂല്യനിർണ്ണയ റിപ്പോർട്ട് |