Blake, S.H. (Samuel Hume), 1835-1914
Samuel Hume Blake homme politique canadien
Blake, S. H. 1835-1914
VIAF ID: 104480930 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
Title | Sources |
The Church of England in Canada should be Protestant until Rome dies. | |
Clericalism | |
Dot a story of the fresh air fund | |
Is there not a cause? : address at Wycliffe College, and four letters on the coronation oath | |
Methodist magazine and review | |
Notes of an address delivered at Wycliffe College at the students' missionary meeting | |
Our faulty gaol system : memorandum of an address delivered on behalf of the Prisoners' Aid Association, in the Metropolitan Church, Toronto | |
Standards | |
To the clergy and laity of the Diocese of Toronto. | |
Verbum Domini manet | |
The world and the word : notes of an address delivered at the Sabbath School convention, Hamilton, October, 1897, for which it was proposed in the Hamilton Ministerial Association to excommunicate the speaker! | |
The young men of Canada : a lecture |