Pliński, Marcin, 1943-
Pliński, Marcin
Marcin Pliński
VIAF ID: 101716345 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Marcin Pliński
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pliński, Marcin
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pliński, Marcin ‡d 1943-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pliński, Marcin ‡d 1943-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (9)
Title | Sources |
Biodegradation of nodularin and effects of the toxin on bacterial isolates from the Gulf of Gdańsk | |
Biologia organizmów morskich | |
Brunatnice, krasnorosty | |
Bruzdnice | |
Characterization of nodularin variants in Nodularia spumigena from the Baltic Sea using liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry | |
Coastal and inland cyanobacterial blooms (blue-green algae) - hazards to human and animal health | |
Cyanobacteria of the Gulf of Gdańsk and the Southern Baltic = Sinice - Cyjanobakterie Zatoki Gdańskiej i Bałtyku Południowego | |
Cyanobacterial blooms in the Gulf of Gdańsk (southern Baltic) : the main effect of eutrophication | |
Cyanobacterial hepatotoxins, microcystins and nodularins, in fresh and brackish waters of the Pomeranian Province, northern Poland | |
Człowieczeństwo : istota, rozwój i zagrożenia | |
Czterdzieści lat oceanografii na Uniwersytecie Gdańskim | |
Dimorphism and putative sexual reproduction of cryptophytes (Cryptophyceae) : PhD Dissertation | |
Do toxic cyanobacteria blooms pose a threat to the Baltic ecosystem? | |
Ecology of Baltic terrestrial, coastal and offshore areas : protection and management : proceedings of the conference, Sopot, Poland 11th-12th December 1992. | |
Ekologia rejonów lądowych, przybrzeżnych i morskich Bałtyku : ochrona i kształtowanie : materiały konferencyjne, Sopot, 11-12 grudnia 1992. | |
Eugleniny, złotowiciowce, różnowiciowce, kryptofity | |
Filamentous Green Algae | |
The first recorded bloom of Prorocentrum minimum (Pavillard) Schiller in the coastal zone of the Gulf of Gdańsk | |
Glony psammonu lobeliowego jeziora Dobrogoszcz | |
Glony solnisk podłęczyckich. | |
Glony Zatoki Gdańskiej | |
Hydrobiologia ogólna | |
Introductory oceanography | |
Kierunki zmian strukturalnych w fitoplanktonie estuariów Bałtyku południowego, 1979: | |
[Korespondencja Leszka Kołakowskiego]. | |
Koronacja / Marcin Pliński. - Pelplin, 2016. | |
Koronacja : metadialog z ks. radcą Wojciechem Pronobisem proboszczem swarzewskim | |
Kronika szkoły w Wielkiej Wsi : 1868-1946 | |
Krystyna Wiktor born 11 July 1922 - died 9 February 1997 : nekr. | |
Magnoliopsida & Liliopsida (Spermatophytes) | |
[Marine ecological processes - recenzja] | |
[Materiały biograficzne Leszka Kołakowskiego] : [dyplomy, doktoraty honoris causa, nagrody z lat 1991-1997]. | |
Mercury in the environment identification of threats to human health. | |
Morphological, genetic, chemical and ecophysiological characterisation of two Microcystis aeruginosa isolates from the Vistula Lagoon, southern Baltic | |
A new application of oxyreactive thermal analysis in marine algological studies | |
Nodularia spumigena blooms and the occurrence of hepatotoxin in the Gulf of Gdańsk : ref. | |
Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies | |
Odpusty w Swarzewie | |
Okrzemki - Bacillariophyta (Diatoms) : (with the English key for the identification to the genus). | |
Okrzemki centryczne (Coscinodiscophyceae) | |
Okrzemki pierzaste (Fragilariophyceae, Eunotiophycidae, Achnanthales) | |
Okrzemki pierzaste (Lyrellales, Mastogloiales, Cymbellales, Naviculales) | |
Okrzemki pierzaste (Thalassiophysales, Rhopalodiales, Bacillariales, Surirellales) | |
Pennate diatoms, 3 | |
Phytoflagellates from the Gulf of Gdańsk and surrounding waters (the Southern Baltic Sea) : a key to the identification of the species | |
Phytoplankton of the Gulf of Gdańsk in 1992 and 1993 | |
Plant communities of lake Żarnowiec and its flood zone during the initial operation of the pumped-storage power station | |
Population dynamics of Temora longicornis in the Southern Baltic Sea | |
Problemy ekologiczne Ziemi Puckiej - stan i środki zaradcze : zbiór ekspertyz | |
Professor Halina Piekarek-Jankowska - In Memoriam (8 March 1948 - 26 May 2011) | |
Red Algae & Brown Algae | |
Rodowody lato 2004 | |
Sinice | |
Środowisko morskie | |
Stability of cyanotoxins, microcystin-LR, microcystin-RR and nodularin in seawater and BG-11 medium of different salinity | |
Studia nad rolą giberelin i cytokinin u wybranych glonów fitoplanktonu bałtyckiego | |
Temperature and N: P ratio as factors causing blooms of blue-green algae in the Gulf of Gdańsk | |
Terrestrial environment | |
Zarys oceanologii | |
Zawiłości człowieczeństwa | |
Zbiorowiska roślinne jeziora Żarnowieckiego i strefy zalewowej w okresie uruchamiania elektrowni szczytowo-pompowej | |
Zielenice : klasa : Euchlorophyceae | |
Zielenice nitkowate (Ulotrichophyceae, Conjugatophyceae & Charophyceae) |