VIAF ID: 142288549 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/142288549
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nihon Zaisei Gakkai
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nihon Zaisei Gakkai
- 110 2 _ ‡a Nihon-Zaisei-Gakkai
- 110 2 _ ‡a 日本財政学会
- 110 2 _ ‡a 日本財政学会
- 110 2 _ ‡a 日本財政学会
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
5xx's: Related Names (1)
Title | Sources |
Are We All Keynesians Again? | |
Gurōbaruka to gendai zaisei no kadai. | |
Kakusa shakai to zaisei, 2007: | |
Kyodo shakai ni okeru zaisei. | |
Seifu shishutsu no arikata to Nihon no zaisei | |
Shakai hosho to zaisei : Kongo no hokosei. | |
Zaisei o meguru keizai to seiji : Zeisei kaikaku no bai. | |
Zaisei saiken to makuro keizai : Keizai saisei to seikatsu hosho ni seifu wa donoyoni kan'yo subekika. | |
「なぜ」財政再建ができないのか = What stands against fiscal reform? | |
アベノミクスと稅財政改革 = Fiscal and Tax Reform in Abenomics | |
グリーン・ニューディールと財政政策 = Green new deal and fiscal policy | |
グローバル化と現代財政の課題 | |
ケインズは甦ったか | |
コロナ禍における政府支出のあり方と日本の財政 = Government expenditure under COVID-19 Pandemic and its implication on the Japanese public finance | |
財政をめぐる経済と政治 = Political Economy of Public Finance : 税制改革の場合 | |
財政再建とマクロ経済 = Fiscal Consolidation and Macro Economy : 経済再生と生活保障に政府はどのように関与すべきか | |
財政再建と稅制改革 = The road to fiscal health and tax reform | |
財政研究 | |
国際労働力移動と社会保障 | |
少子化時代の政策形成 = Policy making in the era of low birth‐rate populations | |
少子高齢化社会の財政システム = Fiscal systems in the aging society | |
昭和41年度会員名簿 | |
格差社会と財政 = Unequal society and public finance | |
消費税率10%後の租税政策 = Tax policies after increase of consumption tax rate to 10% | |
「社会保障・税一体改革」後の日本財政 = Public Finance after the Comprehensive Reform of Social Security and Tax in Japan | |
社会保障と財政 : 今後の方向性 | |
貧困を考える : 人生前半の社会保障と財政 |