Engelman, Robert
Engelman, Robert, 19..-...., journaliste
VIAF ID: 57322892 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/57322892
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Engelman, Robert
- 100 1 _ ‡a Engelman, Robert
- 100 1 _ ‡a Engelman, Robert
- 100 1 0 ‡a Engelman, Robert
- 100 1 _ ‡a Engelman, Robert, ‡d 19..-...., ‡c journaliste
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
Title | Sources |
Conserving land : population and sustainable food production | |
Forest futures : population, consumption, and wood resources | |
Forging the link : emerging accounts of population and environment work in communities | |
Jinkō kara mita anzen hoshō : Reisengo no naisen to jinkō | |
L'Estat del món 2009 : el planeta s'escalfa : informe del Worldwatch Institute sobre el progrés cap a una societat sostenible | |
The mask | |
Mask (Motion picture : 1994) | |
Mensch, Wasser! Report über die Entwicklung der Weltbevölkerung und die Zukunft der Wasservorräte | |
More : population, nature, and what women want | |
Nature's place : human population and the future of biological diversity | |
no93038150 | |
People in the balance : population and natural resources at the turn of the millenium | |
Plan and conserve | |
Population, climate change, and women's lives | |
Profiles in carbon : an update on population, consumption, and carbon dioxide emissions | |
Security demographic : population and civil conflict after the cold war | |
Shinrin no mirai : Jinkō shōhi mokuzai shigen | |
State of the world : 2009 : confronting climate change : a Worldwatch Institute report on progress toward a sustainable society | |
State of the world (New York) | |
Sustaining water, 1993: | |
Sustaining water, easing scarcity : a second update, revised data for the Population Action International Report, Sustaining Water : Population and the future of renewable water supplies | |
Tanso no yokogao : Jinkō shōhi nisanka tanso haishutsuryō no kaiteiban | |
Why population matters : international edition | |
人口から見た安全保障 : 冷戦後の内戦と人口 | |
森林の未来 : 人口、消費、木材資源 | |
炭素の横顔 : 人口・消費・二酸化炭素排出量の改訂版 |