National Science Foundation (U.S.)
National science foundation États-Unis
National Science Foundation.
National Science Foundation (Estados Unidos).
National Science Foundation (USA)
Narodowa Fundacja Nauki (NSF)
National Science Foundation United States government agency
National Science Foundation (Spojené státy americké)
Estados Unidos., National Science Foundation
National Science Foundation (É.-U.)
VIAF ID: 157365449 (Corporate)
Preferred Forms
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation
- 110 2 0 ‡a National Science Foundation (Estados Unidos)
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation (U. S. )
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation (U.S.)
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation (U.S.)
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation (USA)
- 110 2 _ ‡a National Science Foundation ‡c United States government agency
- 110 2 _ ‡a National science foundation (États-Unis)
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (86)
5xx's: Related Names (7)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Arlington, Va. ‡4 orta ‡4
- 510 2 _ ‡a Special Foreign Currency Program (Narodowa Fundacja Nauki)
- 510 1 _ ‡a Spojené státy americké. ‡b Office of Science and Technology
- 510 2 _ ‡a Spojené státy americké ‡b Office of Science and Technology
- 551 _ _ ‡a USA ‡4 geow ‡4
- 510 1 _ ‡a United States. ‡b Office of Science and Technology
- 510 2 _ ‡a United States ‡b Office of Science and Technology
Title | Sources |
1972 Scientist and engineer population redefined | |
Academic science. | |
Antarctica. | |
Bulletin. | |
CAM newsletter. | |
Characteristics of the national sample of scientists and engineers1974 / National science foundation | |
La Chimie, science expérimentale : cahier de laboratoire | |
Density of sowing corn. | |
Development projects in science education-precollege-higher education-continuing education | |
Federal support to universities and colleges | |
Foundations (Arlington, Va.) | |
Guide to programs | |
Harmonic analysis : smooth and non-smooth | |
Information storage and retrieval | |
Initial reports of the Deep Sea Drilling Project : project planned by and carried out with the advice of the Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling (JOIDES). | |
Introduction to the theory of valuations | |
Issue brief (National Science Foundation (U.S.). Division of Science Resources Studies) | |
Izvestii︠a︡ Akademii︠a︡ nauk SSSR Serii︠a︡ geofizicheskai︠a︡ | |
Mammals of the Soviet Union. | |
Man's role in changing the face of the earth | |
Microbiology (Online) | |
Mosaic (Wash.) | |
National patterns of r & d resources. | |
NSF-CBMS regional conference series in probability and statistics | |
NSF grant policy manual. | |
NSF-IDOE Manganese Nodule Project technical report | |
NSF/RA | |
NSF (Series) | |
Oceanographic atlas of the International Indian Ocean Expedition | |
Pigment transfer in skin cells. | |
Power from the earth | |
PRA report | |
Practical application of the fluorometric method for discharge measurements | |
Proc. Int. Conf. Massively Parallel Process. Using Opt. Interconnect. (Online) | |
Proceedings | |
Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program. Mascarene Plateau : covering leg 115 of the cruises of the drilling vessel JOIDES Resolution, Port Louis, Mauritius, to Colombo, Sri Lanka, sites 705-716, 13 May, 1987-2 July, 1987 | |
Program announcement (National Science Foundation (U.S.). Directorate for Engineering) | |
Program report (National Science Foundation (U.S.)) | |
Ptit︠s︡y Chukotskogo poluostrova i ostrova Vrangeli︠a︡. | |
Quarterly report of government sponsored research projects in psychology, psychiatry & closely related areas. | |
R and D expenditures | |
R and D funds | |
Recent advances in bridge engineering evaluation, management and repair : proceedings of the US-Canada-Europe Workshop on Bridge Engineering, Dubendorf and Zurich, (11) - 14 - 15 July 1997 | |
Report | |
Research and development in industry | |
RFC 985: Requirements for Internet gateways - draft | |
Sci. eng. degrees | |
Sci. eng. res. facil. (Online) | |
Science & engineering indicators - 1998 | |
Science and engineering personnel : a national overview | |
Science and technology | |
The science doctorates; their numbers, characteristics, and employment. | |
Science resources studies highlights | |
Science, woman's work | |
Scientific and engineering manpower in Communist China, 1949-1963 | |
Scientific and engineering research facilities at colleges and universities | |
Scientific information notes | |
Scientific results | |
Selected bibliography of educational materials: | |
Sexual reproduction in ferns (Pteridium aquilinum, Anemia phyllitidis). | |
SFCSI (Series) | |
Smart structures and integrated systems | |
Smart structures and materials 2006. 27 February-2 March 2006, San Diego, California, USA | |
Solar eclipse 1970bulletin program for observations of the total solar eclipse | |
Special report (National Science Foundation (U.S.)) | |
SRS data brief | |
SRS special report | |
Summary of awards. | |
Summary report ... doctorate recipients from United States universities | |
Surveys of science resources series | |
Technical report (National Science Foundation (U.S.)) | |
Technical report (National Science Foundation (U.S.). Office for the International Decade of Ocean Exploration) | |
Tsunami research opportunities : an assessment and comprehensive guide | |
U.S. gov't manual, 1997/98: | |
US-Japan seminar reports on basic science of ceramics | |
Vesnik. | |
Western Pacific Geophysical Observatories : Covering Leg 186 of the cruises of the Drilling Vessel/JOIDES Resolution, Yokohama, Japan, to Yokohama, Japan, Sites 1150 and 1151 : 14 June - 14 August 1999 | |
Women and minorities in science and engineering. | |
Women in scientific careers | |
Women minor. pers. disabil. sci. eng. | |
Zarys historii botaniki na tle sześciu wieków Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego | |
Станкостроение в 1958-1965 гг. |