Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1959.
Dulles, John Foster
John Foster Dulles
Dulles, John F. 1888-1959
דלס, ג'ון פוסטר, 1888-1959
Dulles, John F. (John Foster), 1888-1959
Dulles, John Foster, 1888-1958
VIAF ID: 62342717 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/62342717
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John F. ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 0 ‡a Dulles, John Foster ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster, ‡d 1888-1958
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster, ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster, ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster, ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dulles, John Foster, ‡d 1888-1959
- 100 0 _ ‡a John Foster Dulles
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (67)
5xx's: Related Names (3)
- 551 _ _ ‡a Bethesda, Md. ‡4 orts ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfDeath
- 500 1 _ ‡a Dulles, Eleanor Lansing ‡d 1895-1996 ‡4 bezf ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#familialRelationship ‡e Beziehung familiaer
- 551 _ _ ‡a Washington, DC ‡4 ortg ‡4 https://d-nb.info/standards/elementset/gnd#placeOfBirth
Title | Sources |
Auf lange Sicht Rede d. amerik. Außenministers v. d. Ges. f. Außenpolitik in New York | |
Brief | |
Christendom en oorlog | |
The Christian citizen in a changing world : prepared for the Study Department Commission of the World Council of Churches, for use at the First Assembly of the WCC, Amsterdam, Holland, August 22nd to September 4th, 1948 | |
Le Communisme international. Discours de Mr Foster Dulles a la conférence des Etats américains. (Caracas, 8 mars 1954) | |
Conditions de la paix | |
Correspondence series of the speeches series of the personal papers of John Foster Dulles (1888-1959) : guide and roll contents to the microfilm edition | |
Daresu to yoshida shigeru | |
Declaração de Brasília | |
Easing international tensions: the role of the United Nations; | |
Les Eglises et la paix : quelques textes d'Amsterdam | |
Eisenhower, Dulles, and the Suez crisis | |
Enciklopēdiskā vārdnīca, 1991: | |
Les États-Unis et la Chine communiste : M. John Foster Dulles,... Les États-Unis en face du communisme chinois. M. John B. Hollister,... Le Contrôle stratégique du commerce avec le bloc sino-soviétique... | |
Une éthique de la paix : discours du Secrétaire d'État J. Foster Dulles [prononcés le 11 janvier et le 11 avril 1955] | |
European unity : address [delivered before the American Club of Paris] November 18, 1948. | |
Evolution of foreign policy : text of speech before the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, N.Y., January 12, 1954 | |
Fazit von Berlin Rechenschaftsbericht über d. Ergebnisse d. Berliner Aussenministerkonferenz | |
A first balance sheet of the United Nations | |
The Food and Agriculture Organization at work | |
The foundation for a firm peace : address by John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, before the Illinois Manufacturers' Association, Chicago, Ill., December 8, 1955. | |
Gedanken über die Sowjet-Aussenpolitik und was dazu zu tun ist | |
John Foster Dulles : a biography | |
[July 2 1954 Telegram to Ambassadors] | |
Krieg oder Frieden | |
Laying foundations for peace in the Pacific; | |
Long range peace objectives, including an analysis of the Roosevelt-Churchill eight point declaration; a statement submitted to the Commission to study the bases of a just and durable peace | |
Look here. | |
Man's capacity for peace | |
Middle East proposals: Message to Congress | |
Minutes of telephone conversations of John Foster Dulles and of Christian Herter, 1953-1961 | |
n50030526 | |
The National study conference on the churches and a just and durable peace, Cleveland, January 16-19, 1945 | |
New statesman. | |
Our policy for Germany. [Statements made at the Conference of the Foreign Ministers of the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and the Soviet Union, held at Berlin, January 25 to February 18, 1954. | |
The Panama canal controversy between Great Britain and the United States, 1913. | |
The Papers of John Foster Dulles : selected correspondence and related material alphabetically arranged with years 1891-1959 | |
A peace treaty in the making | |
Peace with justice; | |
Poland, plan of financial stabilization, 1927 : documents relating to the realization of the plan of stabilization | |
Politique de paix, discours ... 29 Novembre 1954. | |
Positive measures for peace | |
The power of international finance : a stenographic report of the 107th New York luncheon discussion, March 24, 1928, of the Foreign Policy Association | |
Problems of Greece, Korea and Palestine | |
The quest for peace : quotations from President Eisenhower and Secretary of State Dulles highlighting the major steps in the search for peace through the security and unity of the free world. | |
A report to the Nation on European unity; | |
A righteous faith for a just and durable peace; | |
S. foreign policy / Stephen W. Twing. - Boulder ; London, cop. 1998. | |
The Secretary of State on faith of our fathers. | |
Sensō ka heiwa ka | |
Speech at the National Press Club luncheon, Washington, Dec. 22, 1953. | |
The spiritual legacy of John Foster Dulles : selections from his articles and addresses | |
Stratégie de sécurité | |
Talks to Britain : text of the historic television interview with William Clark | |
The task of waging peace : address by John Foster Dulles, ... before the Dallas Council on World Affairs, Dallas, Texas, October 27, 1956 | |
Thoughts on Soviet foreign policy and what to do about it | |
The threat of a Red Asia. [Text of speech before the Overseas Press Club of America, New York, N. Y., March 29, 1954. | |
Three years of the United Nations: appraisals and forecasts | |
Toward world order | |
U.S. Constitution and U.N. Charter: an appraisal. Address by the Secretary of State [before the American Bar Association at Boston] August 26, 1953. | |
The United States in world affairs, 1945-1947 | |
The vital letters of Russell, Krushchev, Dulles | |
War or peace | |
War, peace and change | |
The White House correspondence and memoranda series | |
Wo zen yang jie jiao luo, Qiu, Du. | |
worldwide job of the voice of America | |
The Young plan in relation to world economy | |
Большая советская энциклопедия, 1972: | |
גלוי דעת על מדיניות-החוץ של ארצות הברית : שנמסר ע"י מזכיר המדינה, ג'ון פוסטר דולס בועדת הסנט ליחסי חוץ ביום 6 ביוני 1958. | |
מלחמה או שלום | |
נאומו של שר החוץ האמריקני | |
การมาเยี่ยมประเทศไทยเป็นทางราชการ ของ นายจอห์น ฟอสเตอร์ ดัลเลส รัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงต่างประเทศอเมริกัน วันที่ ๑๓-๑๔ มีนาคม ๒๔๙๙ | |
アメリカ外交政策の今日と明日 | |
ダレスと吉田茂 : プリンストン大学所蔵ダレス文書を中心として | |
安全保障と平和のための政策 | |
戦争か平和か | |
米國の対獨政策 |