Ridpath, Ian.
Ridpath, Ian, 1947-....
Ian Ridpath British astronomer
VIAF ID: 44304452 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/44304452
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Ian Ridpath ‡c British astronomer
- 200 _ | ‡a Ridpath ‡b Ian ‡f 1947-....
- 100 1 0 ‡a Ridpath, Ian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian ‡d 1947-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian ‡d 1947-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Ridpath, Ian, ‡d 1947-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (22)
Title | Sources |
Astronomie Universum, Sternbilder, Himmelsbeobachtung | |
Astronomy | |
The backyard stargazer's bible : discover constellations, galaxies, nebulae, meteorites, and more | |
comet called Halley | |
Dictionary of astronomy | |
Étoiles et planètes | |
Eyewitness companion. | |
Geïllustreerde ruimte encyclopedie | |
Grand livre de l'espace | |
Le grand livre pour observer les étoiles : 32 cartes du ciel nocturne | |
Der grosse BLV-Himmelsführer Sternbilder, Planeten, interessante Objekte am Nord- und Südhimmel ; Beobachtungstips für das ganze Jahr | |
grosse Kosmos-Himmelsführer d. nördl. u. südl. Sternenhimmel | |
Guía celeste mensual | |
Guía de las estrellas y los planetas de los hemisferios norte y sur | |
Guide to stars and planets | |
Gwiazdy i planety : przewodnik Collinsa | |
Hamlyn encyclopedia of space | |
heelal | |
Himmelvejviser | |
Hoshi to wakusei no shashin zukan : Ōrukarā hoshi to wakusei tettei gaido : Sekaijū de mirareru 12kagetsu no hoshizora : Kanpekiban | |
Hvězdy | |
The illustrated encyclopedia of the universe | |
Das Kosmosbuch vom Universum Faszination - Erforschung - Wissen | |
L'observation du ciel : à l'oeil nu, aux jumelles ou au télescope | |
Man and materials: coal | |
Man and materials: gas | |
Man and materials: oil | |
Man and materials: plastics | |
Man and materials: stone | |
Messages from the stars : communication and contact with extra-terrestrial life | |
Miesięczny przewodnik po niebie | |
Monthly sky guide | |
Multiguide nature de l'astronomie | |
Norton's star atlas and reference handbook, epoch 2000.0 | |
Okkusufōdo tenmongaku jiten | |
Secrets of space | |
Signs of life : the search for life in space | |
Space | |
Spacecraft | |
Star tales | |
Stars | |
Sterne erzählen | |
Sterrengids van maand tot maand | |
Stjerneatlas for begyndere | |
Stjerner og planeter | |
El universo | |
Vol spatial | |
Young astronomer's handbook | |
قاموس الفلك والفضائيات المصور : مع مسردين انكليزي - عربي وعربي - انكليزي | |
별과 행성 | |
オックスフォード天文学辞典 | |
宇宙の知的生物 : 星からの訪問者たち | |
星と惑星の写真図鑑 : オールカラー星と惑星徹底ガイド : 世界中で見られる12カ月の星空 : 完璧版 |