Biesalski, Hans-Konrad, 1949-
Biesalski, Hans Konrad
Hans Konrad Biesalski
Biesalski, Hans Konrad, 19..-...., médecin
Hans Konrad Biesalski deutscher Mediziner und Hochschullehrer
Biesalski, H.K. (Hans Konrad)
VIAF ID: 19859892 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 200 _ | ‡a Biesalski ‡b Hans Konrad
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans Konrad
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans Konrad
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans Konrad
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans Konrad, ‡d 19..-...., ‡c médecin
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans-Konrad ‡d 1949-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Biesalski, Hans-Konrad ‡d 1949-
- 100 0 _ ‡a Hans Konrad Biesalski
- 100 0 _ ‡a Hans Konrad Biesalski ‡c deutscher Mediziner und Hochschullehrer
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (31)
5xx's: Related Names (5)
- 510 2 _ ‡a Mainz, Univ
- 551 _ _ ‡a Marburg ‡4 ortg ‡4
- 530 _ 0 ‡a Taschenatlas Ernährung
- 510 2 _ ‡a Universität Hohenheim ‡4 affi ‡4 ‡e Affiliation
- 510 2 _ ‡a Universität Hohenheim
Title | Sources |
Atlas de poche de nutrition | |
Biophysik der Ernährung Eine Einführung für Studierende, Fachkräfte und Quereinsteiger | |
Ernährung und Bewegung - Wissenswertes aus Ernährungs- und Sportmedizin : Aus der Vortragsreihe der Medizinischen Gesellschaft Mainz e.V | |
Ernährungsmedizin nach dem Curriculum Ernährungsmedizin der Bundesärztekammer ; 303 Tabellen | |
Ernährungsstatus und seine Bedeutung für das Überleben bei Patienten mit allogener hämatopoetischer Zelltransplantation und eine experimentelle Studie zur Verbesserung der Mikronährstoffversorgung | |
Fleisch und Gesundheit zwischen Fakten und Fiktionen ; Kompendium Ernährungsforum 2000 | |
Gesund und bewußt essen bei Krebs wie Sie Schutzstoffe nutzen und Ihr Immunsystem stärken ; mit Appetit und Freude essen ; köstliche Rezepte aus der Vollwert-Küche | |
GLUT-1 content and interaction with stomatin in red blood cells from species without vitamin C biosynthesis and their relevance for diabetes mellitus type 1 | |
Hidden hunger and the transformation of food systems : how to combat the double burden of malnutrition? | |
Hidden hunger : malnutrition and the first 1,000 days of life : causes, consequences, and solutions | |
Hidden hunger : strategies to improve nutrition quality | |
importance of β-carotene [beta-carotene] as a source of vitamin A with special regards to pregnant and breastfeeding women | |
Klinische Ernährung und Infusionstherapie Handbuch für Klinik, Intensivstation und Ambulanz | |
Kursbuch Anti-Aging | |
Malnutrition in tumour patients under chemotherapy | |
Mangelernährung bei Tumorpatienten unter Chemotherapie Anwendung und Weiterentwicklung eines computergestützten Programmes zur Erfassung und Vorhersage des Ernährungsstatus onkologischer Patienten | |
Massive and long-lasting decrease in vitamin C plasma levels as a consequence of extracorporeal circulation | |
Measurement of ferritin levels: comparison of a commercial IRMA to an in-house ELISA method | |
Meat and cancer: meat as a component of a healthy diet | |
Mediterranean diet with local products : health efects | |
Methodological Review and Revision of the Global Hunger Index | |
Micronutrient deficiencies. Hohenheim Consensus Conference | |
Mikronährstoffe als Motor der Evolution | |
Modulation of myb gene expression in sponges by retinoic acid | |
Modulation of the glycoconjugate expression in the tracheo-bronchial epithelium during sustained hypovitaminosis A. | |
Nahrung die schadet, Nahrung die heilt [der unentbehrliche Ratgeber von A - Z] | |
Nahrungsmittelintoleranzen und -allergien im Fussball angemessenes diagnostisches Vorgehen, therapeutische Konsequenzen und Gefahren durch eine Überdiagnostik | |
[New study kindles discussion about safety of supplements. Life threatening vitamin pills? (interview by Dr. Judith Neumaier)]. | |
No evidence for prooxidative effects of homocysteine in vascular endothelial cells | |
Nutrición texto y atlas | |
Nutrition and aging: a consensus statement. | |
Nutrition biophysics : an introduction for students, professionals and career changers | |
Nutrition meets the microbiome: micronutrients and the microbiota | |
Nutritional status and its impact on outcome in patients undergoing allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation and an experimental trial to improve the supply of a specific micronutrient | |
Parenteral ascorbic acid in haemodialysis patients | |
Patient Health Questionnaire-9--Afaan Oromo Version | |
The phenomenon of a high triglyceride response to an oral lipid load in healthy subjects and its link to the metabolic syndrome. | |
Phenotype in retinol deficiency due to a hereditary defect in retinol binding protein synthesis | |
Physiological effects of oral glucosamine on joint health: current status and consensus on future research priorities | |
Poketto atorasu eiyogaku : Oru kara bijuaru konpakuto eiyo zukai. | |
Polymethoxylated flavones, flavanone glycosides, carotenoids, and antioxidants in different cultivation types of tangerines ( Citrus reticulata Blanco cv. Sainampueng) from Northern Thailand. | |
Polyphenols and inflammation: basic interactions | |
Postprandial pattern of triglyceride-rich lipoprotein in normal-weight humans after an oral lipid load: exaggerated triglycerides and altered insulin response in some subjects | |
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of retinol, retinyl esters, tocopherols and selected carotenoids out of various internal organs form different species by HPLC. | |
Rapid and simple measurement of retinol in human dried whole blood spots | |
Rapid determination of retinol (vitamin A) in serum by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) | |
Relation of DDT residues to plasma retinol, alpha-tocopherol, and beta-carotene during pregnancy and malaria infection: a case-control study in Karen women in northern Thailand | |
Role of antioxidants in buccal mucosa cells and plasma on the incidence and severity of oral mucositis after allogeneic haematopoietic cell transplantation | |
The role of antioxidative vitamins in primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease | |
The role of nutrition, intimate partner violence and social support in prenatal depressive symptoms in rural Ethiopia: community based birth cohort study | |
Scientific issues related to Codex Alimentarius goals: a review of principles, with examples | |
Separation of retinyl esters and their geometric isomers by isocratic adsorption high-performance liquid chromatography | |
Short-term parenteral application of alpha-tocopherol leads to increased concentration in plasma and tissues of the rat | |
Socioeconomic and familial characteristics influence caretakers' adherence to the periodic vitamin A capsule supplementation program in Central Java, Indonesia | |
Studies of phosphodiesterase effects on adipose tissue metabolism in obese subjects by the microdialysis technique. | |
Sustainable Nutrition in a Changing World | |
Sympathetic regulation of glucose uptake by the alpha1-adrenoceptor in human obesity | |
Taschenatlas der Ernährung | |
Taschenatlas Ernährung | |
Thiamine diphosphate in whole blood, thiamine and thiamine monophosphate in breast-milk in a refugee population | |
Unsere Ernährungsbiografie wer sie kennt, lebt gesünder | |
Unterstützung eines Gewichtsreduktionsprogramms durch Coenzym Q10 und Alpha-Liponsäure in micellierter wasserlöslicher Formulierung | |
Uptake and metabolism of retinoic acid induces inhibition of cell growth: a study in a rat rhabdomyosarcoma cell line (BA-HAN-1C) using nonlinear theoretical models | |
Uptake of vitamin A in buccal mucosal cells after topical application of retinyl palmitate: a randomised, placebo-controlled and double-blind trial | |
The use of total antioxidant capacity as surrogate marker for food quality and its effect on health is to be discouraged | |
Verborgene hunger : satt sein ist nicht genug | |
Vitamin A and beta-carotene supply of women with gemini or short birth intervals: a pilot study | |
Vitamin A and ciliated cells. I. Respiratory epithelia | |
Vitamin A capsule distribution to control vitamin A deficiency in Indonesia: effect of supplementation in pre-school children and compliance with the programme | |
[Vitamin A deficiency and bronchial cancer: prospects for chemoprevention of bronchial tumors] | |
Vitamin A metabolism and retinal degeneration | |
Vitamin D recommendations: beyond deficiency | |
[Vitamin E as a natural antioxidant. Preventive importance and requirement] | |
Vitamine aktiver Gesundheitsschutz ; Bedarf, Mangel, Risiko | |
Vitamine Bausteine des Lebens ; [mit 8 Tabellen] | |
Vitamine, Spurenelemente und Minerale : Indikation, Diagnostik, Therapie | |
Water, electrolytes, vitamins and trace elements - Guidelines on Parenteral Nutrition, Chapter 7. | |
Żywienie : atlas i podręcznik | |
基礎・栄養素・栄養医療の実践からなるカラーアトラス栄養学 : オールカラービジュアル栄養図解 |