Henshaw, George B., 1918-2003
VIAF ID: 295794632 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/295794632
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4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (1)
Title | Sources |
Japan's first POW camp in WW2: Zentsuji : the recollection of John M. Jones. one of the first and last internees, and his fellow POWs. | |
Taiheiyo senso hatsu no horyo shuyojo zentsuji no kiroku : Saisho de katsu saigo no shuyosha jon M. jonzu shi hoka sanmei no horyo seikatsu kaiso. | |
太平洋戦争初の捕虜収容所善通寺の記録 : 最初でかつ最後の収容者ジョン・M. ジョーンズ氏ほか三名の捕虜生活回想 |