Baba, Shigeaki, 1925-....
Baba, Shigeaki, 1925-2004
馬場, 茂明, 1925-2004
Baba, Shigeaki
馬場, 茂明
Shigeaki Baba Japanese medical researcher
VIAF ID: 67593495 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baba, Shigeaki
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baba, Shigeaki, ‡d 1925-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Baba, Shigeaki, ‡d 1925-2004
- 100 0 _ ‡a Shigeaki Baba ‡c Japanese medical researcher
- 100 1 _ ‡a 馬場, 茂明
- 100 1 _ ‡a 馬場, 茂明, ‡d 1925-2004
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (22)
Title | Sources |
Atarashii tōnyōbyō no shokuji eiyō ryōhō : Koremade no shokuji ryōhō no kenshō saikō to ichiji kea eiyō kanri | |
Chōshinki | |
A compilation of paintings on the anatomy and pathophysiology of the endocrine system and selected metabolic diseases. | |
Daburyūeichiō tōnyōbyō no yobō | |
Diabetes 1994 : proceedings of the 15th International Diabetes Federation congress, Kobe, 6-11 November 1994 | |
Diabetes Guide Book | |
Diabetes mellitus as related to over- and undernutrition : proceedings of the fourth seminar of Diabetes mellitus and nutrition, Kobe, November 22-23, 1983 | |
Diabetes mellitus in Asia : ecological aspects of epidemiology, complications and treatment: proceedings of the Second Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 9-11, 1975 | |
Diabetic peripheral neuropathies. | |
economics of diabetes and diabetes care. | |
Fūdo gaido piramiddo ni yoru tōnyōbyō no gaishoku serekuto bukku | |
Genetic environmental interaction in diabetes mellitus : proceedings of the third Symposium on diabetes mellitus in Asia and Oceania, Honolulu, February 6-7, 1981 | |
Healthy life style : 第6回国際肥満学会議記念公開講座講演集 | |
Insurin hiisongata tōnyōbyō chiryō mokuhyō to chiryōhō | |
Japan-Korea Symp. on Diab. Mell. (2nd : 1983 : Nagoya-shi, Japan). Current topics in clin. and exp. aspects of diabetes mellitus, 1984: | |
Kōshikesshō no hito no shokuji | |
Naibunpi | |
Natural resources and human health : plants of medicinal and nutritional value : proceedings of the 1st WHO Symposium on Plants and Health for All: Scientific Advancement, Kobe, Japan, 26-28 August 1991 | |
Prevention of type I diabetes and autoimmune thyroid disease : proceedings of the International Symposium on Prevention of Type I Diabetes and Autoimmune Thyroid Disease, October 18, 1986, Nagasaki, Japan | |
Proinsulin, insulin, C-peptide : proceedings of the symposium on proinsulin, insulin and C-peptide, Tokushima, 12-14 July, 1978 | |
Rangeruhansutō to tomoni | |
Recent advances in insulin therapy : proceedings of the 5th Korea-Japan symposium on diabetes mellitus, Chejudo, Korea, 27-28 April 1989 | |
Reseputa. | |
Rinshō kōso handobukku | |
Rinshōi no tameno rinshō kensahō | |
Tōnyōbyō gappeishō no shokuji shidō Q & A | |
Tonyobyo ni katsu : Dai15kai kokusai tonyobyo kaigi kokai koza koenshu. | |
Tōnyōbyō shinryō kyū ando ei manyuaru | |
Tōnyōbyō tōnyōbyō kea no keizaigaku : IDF WHO tōnyōbyō kenkō keizai kenkyūhan hōkokusho | |
Tōnyōbyō wanpointo adobaisu | |
Tōnyōbyōsei masshō shinkei shōgai | |
WHO糖尿病の予防 : WHO研究班報告 | |
World data book of obesity : published in conjunction with the 6th International Congress on Obesity, Kobe, Japan, 21-26 October 1990 | |
インスリン非依存型糖尿病治療目標と治療法 : 日本語追補版 | |
フードガイドピラミッドによる糖尿病の外食セレクトブック | |
ランゲルハンス島とともに | |
レセプタ | |
臨床化学 | |
臨床医のための臨床検查法 | |
臨床検查法の手びき | |
臨床酵素ハンドブック | |
人間志賀潔を語る | |
内分泌 | |
“医職住遊学"のまちづくり : 21世紀の健康文化都市戦略 | |
聴診器 : 私のようこそ、ようこそ | |
開発途上国における都市化と健康問題に関する研究(1996〜1998) : 厚生省国際医療協力委託研究最終報告書 | |
新しい糖尿病の食事・栄養療法 : これまでの食事療法の検証・再考と一次ケア・栄養管理 | |
糖尿病・生活習慣病mini辞典 = The diabetes, life-style related disease dictionary | |
糖尿病・糖尿病ケアの経済学 : IDF/WHO糖尿病健康経済研究班報告書 | |
糖尿病に克つ : 第15回国際糖尿病会議公開講座講演集 | |
糖尿病の食事指導マニュアル | |
糖尿病ワンポイントアドバイス | |
糖尿病合併症の食事指導Q&A | |
糖尿病性末梢神経障害 : 病態生理と臨床ガイドライン | |
糖尿病診療Q&Aマニュアル | |
高脂血症の人の食事 : 高コレステロール血症高トリグリセライド血症ほか |