Another test for snowball Earth |
Biomarker evidence for photosynthesis during neoproterozoic glaciation |
The biotic response to Neoproterozoic snowball Earth |
Carbonate-rich dendrolitic cones: insights into a modern analog for incipient microbialite formation, Little Hot Creek, Long Valley Caldera, California |
Chemotrophic microbial mats and their potential for preservation in the rock record. |
Complexity analysis to explore the structure of ancient stromatolites |
Constraining carbonate chemistry at a potential ocean acidification event |
Cyanobacterial construction of hot spring siliceous stromatolites in Yellowstone National Park |
Depth transect of an Upper Triassic (Rhaetian) reef from Gosau, Austria: Microfacies and community ecology |
Draft genome of a novel chlorobi member assembled by tetranucleotide binning of a hot spring metagenome |
Draft Genome Sequence of sp. Strain ML, Cultivated from Mono Lake, California |
The effect of rising atmospheric oxygen on carbon and sulfur isotope anomalies in the Neoproterozoic Johnnie Formation, Death Valley, USA |
Environmental and Biological Influences on Carbonate Precipitation Within Hot Spring Microbial Mats in Little Hot Creek, CA |
An evaluation of information-theoretic methods for detecting structural microbial biosignatures |
Evidence of giant sulphur bacteria in Neoproterozoic phosphorites |
The evolution of geobiology in the context of living stromatolites |
Exploring, Mapping, and Data Management Integration of Habitable Environments in Astrobiology |
Extinction before the snowball |
Geochemical constraints for coexisting CO2 gas hydrate and calcite: implications for sheet cracks, stromatactis, zebra and tepee-like structures |
A global marine sedimentary response to the end-Permian mass extinction: Examples from southern Turkey and the western United States |
Insights into the dynamics between viruses and their hosts in a hot spring microbial mat |
Lateral Comparative Investigation of Stromatolites: Astrobiological Implications and Assessment of Scales of Control |
The Li isotope composition of marine biogenic carbonates: Patterns and mechanisms |
Lossless compression of stromatolite images: a biogenicity index? |
Mercury anomalies and the timing of biotic recovery following the end-Triassic mass extinction |
The Metabolic Capability and Phylogenetic Diversity of Mono Lake During a Bloom of the Eukaryotic PhototrophPicocystisstrain ML |
A microbial carbonate response in synchrony with the end-Triassic mass extinction across the SW UK |
Micrometer-scale porosity as a biosignature in carbonate crusts |
Microscale Biosignatures and Abiotic Mineral Authigenesis in Little Hot Creek, California. |
Neoproterozoic diamictite-cap carbonate succession and δ13C chemostratigraphy from eastern Sonora, Mexico |
Neoproterozoic glacial record in the Death Valley region, California and Nevada |
Photosynthetic pathway of grass fossils from the upper Miocene Dove Spring Formation, Mojave Desert, California |
Platy coral patch reefs from eastern Panthalassa (Nevada, USA): Unique reef construction in the Late Triassic |
Proterozoic-Cambrian of the Great Basin and beyond, c2002: |
Raman spectroscopy and biomarker analysis reveal multiple carbon inputs to a Precambrian glacial sediment |
Recognising ocean acidification in deep time: An evaluation of the evidence for acidification across the Triassic-Jurassic boundary |
Seafloor precipitates and C-isotope stratigraphy from the Neoproterozoic Scout Mountain Member of the Pocatello Formation, southeast Idaho: implications for Neoproterozoic earth system behavior |
Stromatolite lamination frequency, Walker Lake, Nevada: Implications for stromatolites as biosignatures |
Stromatolites in Walker Lake (Nevada, Great Basin, USA) record climate and lake level changes ~ 35,000 years ago |
Summary of Early Triassic carbon isotope records |
Sustained low marine sulfate concentrations from the Neoproterozoic to the Cambrian: Insights from carbonates of northwestern Mexico and eastern California |
Undressing and redressing Ediacaran embryos (Reply) |
Uppermost Triassic phosphorites from Williston Lake, Canada: link to fluctuating euxinic-anoxic conditions in northeastern Panthalassa before the end-Triassic mass extinction |