Fisher, James, 1697-1775
Fisher, J. (James)
Fisher, J.
Fisher, J. (James), 1697-1775
James Fisher British minister (1697–1775)
VIAF ID: 18139984 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fisher, J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fisher, James ‡d 1697-1775
- 100 1 _ ‡a Fisher, James, ‡d 1697-1775
- 100 1 0 ‡a Fisher, James, ‡d 1697-1775
- 100 0 _ ‡a James Fisher ‡c British minister (1697–1775)
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (7)
Title | Sources |
Assembly's shorter catechism explained, by way of question and answer : in two parts | |
Catéchisme de l'Eglise d'Ecosse ... | |
Christ Jesus the Lord considered as the inexhaustible matter of gospel-preaching : In a sermon at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. James Mair to be Minister of the Associate Congregation at Lintoun, May 29. 1740 | |
Christ the sole and wonderful doer : in the work of man's redemption. An action-sermon, preached ... in the Associate Congregation of Glasgow, June 23d. 1745. By James Fisher, ... To which is subjoined, The doors of the heart summoned to open to the king of glory. An action-sermon, preached, August 30th, 1755. | |
Divine influence the true spring of the extraordinary work at Cambuslang and other places in the west of Scotland illustrated in a letter from Mr. Alexander Webster, one of the ministers of this city, to a gentleman in the country. | |
Glimpse of glory; or, A gospel discovery of Emmanuel's land : By the Reverend Mr. James Fisher. Who dissented from the errors of the Kirk of Scotland, along with the great Erskine, etc. He was then minister at Kincleven, and removed to Glasgow, where he served his great Master, above 39 years, and died in September 1775. | |
An inaugural dissertation on that grade of the intestinal state of fever known by the name of dysentery. : Submitted to the examination of the Rev. John Ewing, S.T.P. provost, the trustees and medical faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. On the 12th day of May, 1797. For the degree of Doctor of Medicine. By James Fisher, of Delaware, member of the Philadelphia Medical Society | |
The inestimable value of divine truth considered, in a sermon on Proverbs xxiii. 23. By James Fisher minister of the Gospel at Kinclaven. | |
A letter from Mr. Fisher to the burgesses and others of his congregation, who have withdrawn from his ministry, because he cannot condemn the burgess oath as a Ground of Separation and Excommunication, nor even admit the alledged Sinfulness thereof, to be a Term of Ministerial and Christian Communion. | |
A review of a pamphlet, intitled, A serious enquiry into the burgess oaths of Edinburgh, Perth, and Glasgow. Wherein the most material arguments against the burgess oath are impartially weighed and examined. | |
A review of the preface to a narrative of the extraordinary work at Kilsyth, and other congregations in the neighbourhood : written by the Reverend Mr. James Robe, ... wherein, the nature of that extraordinary work, and the principles of the promoters thereof are discovered from the said preface and other papers lately published; ... By James Fisher. | |
Het verbond der genade en de evangelische voorschriften in de roeping van zondaars : verklaring van het 'Kort Begrip' van de Westminster Synode in 1753 op last der Schotse Synode opgesteld door Ebenezer en Ralph Erskine en James Fisher ... de publicatie van het Merg der Godgeleerdheid, geschreven door Edward Fisher ... De verzoening door Christus ... | |
A view of Seceders in some instances of their usage of the General Synod of Ulster, with some of its members : in two letters : viz. a letter from Mr. Fisher of Glasgow to Mr. King of Drumarragh, ----- and Mr. King's answer to said letter, in which, the Seceders practices in the north of Ireland are, without prejudice, animadverted upon. | |
The wise virgin: or, A wonderfull narration of the various dispensations of God towards a childe of eleven years of age : wherein as his severity hath appeared in afflicting, so also his goodness both in enabling her (when stricken dumb, deaf, and blind, through the prevalency of her disease) at several times to utter many glorious truths concerning Christ, faith, and other subjects; and also in recovering her without the use of any external means, lest the glory should be given to any other. To the wonderment of many that came far and neer to see and hear her. With some observations in the fourth year since her recovery. She is the daughter of Mr. Anthony Hatfield gentleman, in Laughton in York-shire; her name is Martha Hatfield. The third edition enlarged, with some passages of her gracious conversation now in the time of health. By James Fisher, a servant of Christ, and minister of the Gospel in Sheffield | |
Wunderbare Schöpfung | |
wunderbare Welt der Luft und Luftfahrt |