Authorization and oversight |
Ballistic missile defense : hearings held February 28 and March 14, 1996 |
Committee print |
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Commission report to the President : message from the President of the United States transmitting his certification of his approval of all the recommendations contained in the Commission's report, pursuant to Public Law 101-510, sec. 2903(e) (104 Stat. 1812). |
Department of Energy needs to improve controls over foreign visitors to weapons laboratories |
Extremist activity in the military |
H.N.S.C. |
H.R. 3237, the Intelligence Community Act |
H.R. 7--National Security Revitalization Act : hearings held January 19, 25, and 27, 1995 |
HR 1670, the Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995 |
Improved monitoring of clinical progress and reexamination of research emphasis are needed |
Laws, etc. (U.S. Code) Title 10 |
Laws relating to federal procurement as amended through ... |
Legislative calendar |
Military readiness 1997 : rhetoric and reality |
National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 1997--(H.R. 3230) |
President's line-item veto action on fiscal year 1998 defense and military construction appropriation bills |
The quadrennial defense review |
Security and Freedom through Encryption Act |
Security challenges posed by China : hearing held March 20, 1996 |
Sensitive machine tool exports to China |
Status of defense conversion efforts in the former Soviet Union |
Terrorist attack against United States military forces in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia : hearing held, September 18, 1996 |
Threats to US national security |
Title 10, United States Code : Armed Forces (as amended through December 31, 1996) |
Title I-- procurement |
U.S. Cong. House. Comm. on Armed Services. Committee organization, 106th Congress, 1st session (Jan. 1999): |
United States policy toward Iraq : hearing before the Committee on National Security, House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifth Congress, second session : hearing held September 16, 1998. |
United States policy toward the former Yugoslavia : hearings held June 7, 1995, July 11, 1995, October 17, 18, 1995, November 2, 8, 15, 30, 1995, December 6, 1995, and September 25, 1995 |
United States. President (1993- : Clinton). Disaster assistance for Japan, 1995: |
United States security interests in the post-cold-war world : hearings held June 6, 1996 |
US supercomputer export control policy |