Sacheverell, Henry, 1674?-1724
Sacheverell, Henri
Henry Sacheverell English politician
Sacheverell, Henry 1674c-1724
Sacheverell, Henry
VIAF ID: 4939885 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Henry Sacheverell ‡c English politician
- 100 1 _ ‡a Sacheverell, Henry
- 100 1 _ ‡a Sacheverell, Henry ‡d 1674-1724
- 100 1 _ ‡a Sacheverell, Henry ‡d 1674?-1724
- 100 1 _ ‡a Sacheverell, Henry, ‡d 1674?-1724
- 100 1 _ ‡a Sacheverell, Henry, ‡d 1674?-1724
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (26)
Title | Sources |
Answer of Henry Sacheverell, D.D., to the articles of impeachment | |
The character of a Low-church-man : drawn in answer to The true character of a Church-man: shewing the false pretences to that name. | |
The character of a true Church of England-Man : Exclusive of Dr. West, Mr Hoadly and their adherents, however dignify'd or distinguish'd. Enter'd Pursuant to the late Act of Parliament. | |
christelyke zegenpraal | |
The Christian triumph : or, the duty of praying for our enemies, illustrated and enforc'd from our blessed Saviour's example on the cross. In a sermon preach'd at St. Saviour's in Southwark. On Palm-Sunday, 1713. By Henry Sacheverell. D.D. | |
Dr. Henry Sacheverell's funeral sermon : Preach'd on the much lamented death of that eminent and great lady the Low-Church Parliament who unfortunately departed this life, the 22d. of September, 1710. To the grief of the whigs, phanaticks, and dissenters. Also you have Mrs. James's Elegy, on the death of the said Parliament. | |
Dr. Sacheverell's collections, &. | |
Dr. Sacheverell's most admirable and incomparable love-powder : or, his infalliable [sic] art of making the most envious, spightful, and malitious persons, become your true, constant, real, admired friends and lovers of your person in an instant. | |
duchesse de Marlborough démasquée | |
Die entdeckte geheime Histoire von der Königin Sahra und denen Sahracenern, oder die Hertzogin von Marlborough demasquiret : worinnen verschiedene ... vorgefallene Liebes- und Staats-Intriguen ... und politische Zufälle | |
False notions of liberty in religion and government destructive of both : A sermon preach'd before the honourable House of commons, at St. Margaret's Westminster, on Friday, May 29, 1713 | |
Het gevaar van valsche broederen, zo in de kerk als in den staat, vertoond in eene predikacie, gedaan [...] den 5/16 nov. 1709. | |
Henrici Sacheverell Angli S.T.P : oratio Coram Supremo Magnæ Britanniæ Senatu habita, cum in jus vocaretur atrocuim criminum & culparum postlatus. Una cum articulis contra eum exhibitis, & judicio 230 Martij Lato, &c. Ex Anglicano idiomate in Latinum in beneficium exterorum, &c. versa | |
Let's drink disappointment | |
Moderation made visible. | |
The nature and mischief of prejudice and partiality stated : in a sermon preach'd at St. Mary's in Oxford, at the assizes held there, March 9th, 1703./4. By Henry Sacheverell, M.A. Fellow of Magdalen-College, Oxon. | |
A new form of prayer for morning and evening, for the use of families zealously affected to the establish'd church. To which is added, An Antidote against the Plague of Schism, and the Separations of the Present Times: Shewing, 1. What Schism is. 2. That the Church of England is not guilty of Schism in separating from the Church of Rome. 3. That the present Dissenters are guilty of Schism. 4. The great Sin and Danger of Schism, and Tempting and Leading others into Separations. With the Characters of those that do. With An Introduction, exhorting the Members of the Church of England, to Adhear immoveably to it, and to Defend the True Apostolical Doctrine of Passive Obedience and Non-Resistance, and the Divine Right of Kings, now vilely Insulted by Her Antimonarchical and Republican Enemies. Proper to be Bound with Common-Prayer-Books, or the Psalms, instead of the Common-Prayer. | |
Perils of false brethren, both in church, and state : set forth in a sermon preach'd before the right honourable the lord-mayor, aldermen, and citizens of london, at the cathedral-church of st. paul, on the 5th of november, 1709 | |
The political union : A discourse shewing the dependance of government on religion in general: and of the English monarchy on the Church of England in particular. By Henry Sacheverell, M. A. Fellow of Magdalen College, Oxon. | |
Proceedings. 1710 | |
The rights of the Church of England asserted and prov'd : in an answer to a late pamphlet, intitl'd The rights of the Protestant dissenters, in a review of their case | |
secret history of Queen Zarah | |
Sermon du Dr. Sacheverell, sur ces paroles de la 2. Ep. aux Cor. ch. XI. 26. ... Prononcé dans l'Eglise Cathedrale de S. Paul à Londres, le 5/16 de Novembre 1709. En présence du Lord Maire, & des Echevins de la ville | |
A sermon preach'd before the Sons of the Clergy at their anniversary-meeting in the cathedral-church of St. Paul, December 10, 1713 : By Henry Sacheverell, D. D. Rector of St. Andrew's Holbourn. | |
Sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford on the 10th day of June, 1702 | |
Sermon preach'd before the University of Oxford on the tenth day of June 1702 | |
A sermon preach'd January 31. 1714/5 : by Henry Sacheverel, D.D. Rector of St. Andrew's Holborn. As it was taken in Short Hand by one of his Parishioners. To which is added, A Postscript containing Notes of another Sermon, preach'd on the Twentieth of the same Month. With proper Reflections upon each Discourse. | |
The state trial of Doctor Henry Sacheverell | |
The tryal of Dr. Henry Sacheverell : before the House of Peers, for high crimes and misdemeanors; upon an impeachment by the Knights, Citizens and Burgesses in Parliament Assembled, in the Name of themselves, and of all the Commons of Great Britain: begun in Westminster-Hall the 27th day of February, 1709/10, and from thence continued by several adjournments until the 23d day of March following. Published by order of the House of Peers. | |
A vindication of the Reverend Dr. Henry Sacheverell, : from the false, scandalous and malicious aspersions cast upon him in a late infamous pamphlet, entitled, The modern fanatick. Intended chiefly to expose the Iniquity of the Faction in general, without taking any considerable Notice of their poor mad Tool B-t in particular. In a dialogue between a Tory and a Wh-g | |
A warning--piece to young and old, to have a care,and not to keep bad company, ... By that Reverend Docter Henry Sacheverell. |