Dudrick, Stanley J.
Stanley Dudrick American surgeon (1935-2020)
Dudrick, Stanley J. (1935- )
VIAF ID: 315227499 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/315227499
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dudrick, Stanley J
- 100 1 0 ‡a Dudrick, Stanley J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dudrick, Stanley J.
- 100 1 _ ‡a Dudrick, Stanley J.
- 100 0 _ ‡a Stanley Dudrick ‡c American surgeon (1935-2020)
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (5)
Title | Sources |
Alergias | |
Allergies | |
Can intravenous feeding as the sole means of nutrition support growth in the child and restore weight loss in an adult? An affirmative answer | |
Cancer | |
Colds & coughs | |
Continuous long-term intravenous infusion in unrestrained animals. | |
Dolor de cabeza | |
Estrés | |
Exercise and fitness | |
Eye care | |
Family emergencies | |
Gastric Secretion After Parenteral Fluid Administration | |
Growth and development of an infant receiving all nutrients exclusively by vein | |
Headaches | |
Heart disease | |
Historia dostępu naczyniowego | |
An In-Line Filter for Intravenous Solutions | |
Long-term total parenteral nutrition with growth, development, and positive nitrogen balance | |
The Management of difficult surgical problems | |
Manual of preoperative and postoperative care | |
Najważniejsze wydarzenia w historii całkowitego żywienia pozajelitowego | |
Nutrition and metabolism of the surgical patient | |
Nutritional assessment : a manual for practitioners | |
Overview of general surgery training in the USA : history and present | |
Perioperative parenteral nutrition support using fish oil emultion to prevent and manage associated liver disease in neonates and infants with intestinal with internal failure secondary to Short Bowel Syndrome | |
Poisons | |
Practical handbook of nutrition in clinical practice | |
Prescription drugs | |
Primeros auxilios | |
The role of nutrition in the adaptation of the small intestine after massive resection. | |
Safe Long-Term Venous Catheterization | |
Skin care | |
Spontaneous closure of traumatic pancreatoduodenal fistulas with total intravenous nutrition | |
Stress | |
Surgical nutrition : strategies in critically ill patients | |
Tooth & gum care | |
Total parenteral nutrition in infants with catastrophic gastrointestinal anomalies | |
Transport studies, morphological and histochemical findings in intestinal epithelial cells following massive bowel resection | |
Treatment of acute renal failure with intravenous essential L-amino acids | |
Vitamins & minerals | |
Warning symptoms | |
Weight problems | |
Wyniszczenie, niedożywienie, zespół ponownego odżywienia i lekcja płynąca z bajki o Złotowłosej |