Wynar, Lubomyr Roman, 1932-....
Vinar, Lûbomir Roman (1932- ).
Wynar, Lubomyr R. (Lubomyr Roman), 1932-
Wynar, Lubomyr Roman, 1932-2017
Vynar, Ljubomyr 1932-
Vynar, Ljubomyr Roman 1932-
Wynar, Lubomyr R.
Wynar, Lubomyr Roman
Vinar, Lûbomir Roman (1932-2017)
Liubomyr Vynar Ukrainian-American scholar and historian
Wynar, Lubomyr R., 1932-
Vynar, Ljubomyr Ìvanovyč, 1932-2017
VIAF ID: 9959198 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/9959198
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Liubomyr Vynar ‡c Ukrainian-American scholar and historian
- 100 1 _ ‡a Vynar, Ljubomyr Roman ‡d 1932-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Vynar, Ljubomyr ‡d 1932-
- 200 _ | ‡a Wynar ‡b Lubomyr Roman ‡f 1932-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wynar, Lubomyr Roman
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wynar, Lubomyr Roman, ‡d 1932-....
- 100 1 _ ‡a Wynar, Lubomyr Roman, ‡d 1932-2017
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (69)
Title | Sources |
Alexander Mez'ko-Ohloblyn | |
American political parties : a selective guide to parties and movements of the 20th century | |
Andrìj Vojnarovskij : ìstoričnij naris | |
Andriy Voynarovsky : historical study | |
Avtobīohrafīja Mychajla Hruševs'koho z 1926 roku | |
Biobìblìografìčnij pokažčik (1950-1997) | |
Correspondence of Mykhailo Hrushevs'kyi | |
Cossacks Ukraine | |
Deržavnij Centr Ukraïns'koï Narodnóï Respublìki v Ekzilì. - Fìljadel'fìja, 1993. | |
Encyclopedic directory of ethnic newspapers and periodicals in the United States | |
Ethn. forum | |
Ethnic film and filmstrip guide for libraries and media centers : a selective filmography | |
Ethnic Forum : bulletin of ethnic studies and ethnic bibliography. | |
Ethnic research center : two decades of growth, 1971-1991 | |
Getʹman Ìvan Mazepa ta jogo doba | |
Get'man Ìvan Mazepa v zahìdn'oevropejs'kih džerelah 1687-1709 | |
Guide to information resources in ethnic museum, library, and archival collections in the United States | |
Guide to reference materials in political science | |
Guide to the American ethnic press : Slavic and East European newspapers and periodicals | |
Habsburgs and Zaporozhian Cossacks : the diary of Erich Lassota von Steblau, 1594 | |
Hetman Ivan Mazepa in westeuropäischen Quellen 1687-1709 | |
History of early Ukrainian printing 1491-1600 | |
In service to Clio | |
Ìz lìteraturnoï spadščini | |
Knâz' Dmitro Višnevec'kij | |
Kozac'ka Ukraïna : vibranì pracì | |
Lev Bukovs'kij : u službah ukraïns'kìj knižcì | |
Listuvannâ Mihajla Gruševs'kogo | |
Literary works | |
Lubomyr R. Wynar, historian, educator, bibliographer, 1982: | |
Lûdi staroï Ukraïni ta ìnšï pracì | |
Michajlo Grušev_s28kij i Naukove Tovaristvo Im[eni] Tarasa Ševčenka 1892 - 1930 | |
Mihajlo Gruševs'kij 1866-1991 | |
Mychajlo Hruševs'kyj: Biobibliographische Quelle 1866-1934 | |
Mykhailo Hrushevsky : Ukrainian-Russian confrontation in historiography | |
Na porozì Novoï Ukraïni : stattì ì džerel'nì materìali | |
Na služby Klio : zbirnyk naukovych pracʹ na pošanu Ljubomyra Romana Vynara, z nahody 50-littja joho naukovoï dijalʹnosty | |
Naša polìtika | |
Oleksander Mez'ko-Ogloblin : doslìdžennâ ta materìâli (do stolìttâ narodžennâ ìstorika) | |
Oleksander Petrovych Ohloblyn | |
On the threshold of the New Ukraine | |
Osâgnennâ ìstorìï : zbìrnik naukovih prac' na pošanu profesora Mikoli Pavloviča Koval'skogo z nagodi 70-riččâ | |
Ostap Hrytsaĭ ... 1960. | |
People of old Ukraine and other works | |
Reference service : an annotated bibliographic guide | |
Reference sources in the social sciences series | |
Selected Works : historical and archeological studies, popular essays | |
Solomon I. Goldelman a portrait of a politician and educator, 1885-1974 a chapter in Ukrainian Jewish relations | |
Solomon Izraïlevych Holʹdelʹman. | |
Studies from the history of Ukraine | |
Sweep of history | |
Ten years of Ethnic Forum, 1980-1989 and cumulative index / ed. by Lubomyr R. Wynar. - Kent, 1991. | |
Ukrainian Jewish Studies | |
Ukrainian National Republic Government in exile : articles and sources | |
Ukrainian scholarship in exile : the DP period, 1945-1952 | |
Ukraïnsʹke Istoryčne Tovarystvo : 1965-2010 | |
Ukraïns'kij Ìstorik | |
Ukraïnsʹkyĭ istoryk i suchasnyĭ stan ukraïnsʹkoï istorychnoï nauky | |
Vibranì tvori : ìstoriko-arheologìčnì studìï, publìcistika | |
Автобіографія Михайла Грушевського з 1926 року | |
Дмитро Дорошенко = Dmytro Doroshenko, 1882-1951/ by Lubomyr Wynar | |
Михайло Грушевський і наукове товариство ім. Тараса Шевченка, 1892-1930 | |
Найвидатніший історик України Михайло Грушевський (1866-1934) : у 50-ліття смерти | |
Євген Онацький -- чесність з нацією, 1894-1979 | |
Із літературної спадщини | |
Історія українського ранноьго друкарства, 1491-1600 |