Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies.
Aspen institute
VIAF ID: 133569859 (Corporate)
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- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies
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- 110 2 _ ‡a Aspen institute
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Title | Sources |
Americans and drug abuse : report from the Aspen Conference | |
The Americas in 1984 : a year for decisions : report of the Inter-American Dialogue. | |
Annual report. | |
The Annual review of communications and society. | |
AQ | |
Aspen handbook on the media : a selective guide to research, organizations, and publications in communications | |
The Aspen idea. | |
Aspen Inst. q. (Queenst. Md.) | |
Aspen Institute book | |
The Aspen letters : Mortimer J. Adler to Joseph Slater | |
Basic needs in the Arab region, environmental aspects, technologies, and policies : report and background papers of an expert workshop | |
Canada-U.S. relations : perceptions and misperceptions : tradition and change readings : April 26-29, 1987 : The Manor House, Wye Plantation, Queenstown, Maryland. | |
Change and prosperity : the Aspen Institute Program on the World Economy : report of the conference, August 18-21, 1999, Aspen, Colorado / the Aspen Institute. - Aspen, cop. 2000. | |
Communications for tomorrow : policy perspectives for the 1980s | |
constant catastrophe, malnutrition, famines and droughts | |
Corporate employment policies affecting families and children : the United States and Europe | |
Drought and man : the 1972 case history. | |
Drugs and cerebral function. | |
Early childhood : a new look at policymaking | |
Educational indicators and educational policy | |
Einstein and humanism : a selection of six papers from the Jerusalem Einstein Centennial Symposium | |
Energy futures of developing countries : the neglected victims of the energy crisis : report of an Aspen Institute Workshop held in Cairo, Egypt, January 26-30, 1979 | |
Environmental mediation, an effective alternative : a report of a conference held in Reston, Virginia, January 11-13, 1978 | |
Food and climate review. | |
The future for publishing across language frontiers : report of a forum in Jerusalem, April 7-9, 1987 | |
The Future of the postal service | |
Global implications of space activities : proceedings of a conference, Aspen, Colorado, August 30-September 4, 1981 | |
Global justice & development : report of the Aspen Interreligious Consultation, Aspen, Colorado, June 1974 | |
Governance in the Western Hemisphere | |
Governance of the U.S. military establishment : the effects of size and some remedial steps | |
Has history a future? | |
Healthy, wealthy, and wise : backdoor approaches to education | |
Healty, wealthy, and wise / Henry J. Aaron. - Aspen, 1977. | |
Herbert Bayer--the man and his work. | |
Higher education: crisis and support; an international perspective. | |
Human dignity : the internationalization of human rights | |
Ideas. | |
In the human interest; a strategy to stabilize world population | |
In the public service : John J. McCloy-on receipt of the Aspen Institute's Statesman-Humanist Award | |
The Industrial future of the Pacific basin | |
The Information society. | |
Land use, food, energy and recreation : a public lecture | |
The limits to dissent : facing the dilemmas posed by terrorism : Tuesday, July 12, 1977, Aspen, Colorado | |
Man in 1980. | |
The management of the Pacific marine commons | |
Managing East-West conflict : a framework for sustained engagement : statement of the Aspen Institute International Group | |
National and collective responsibility : the governance of international affairs | |
National perceptions and political significance of rural areas | |
Nature pleads not guilty | |
New information technologies for the nonprofit sector : report of a Joint Conference of the Foundation Center and the Aspen Institute held at Wye Plantation, Queenstown, Maryland, November 16-17, 1981 | |
Occasional paper (Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies) | |
Occasional paper of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, Program on Education for a Changing Society | |
The original art of music | |
The past and the future : two lectures | |
The Planetary bargain : proposals for a new international economic order to meet human needs : report of an international workshop convened in Aspen, Colorado, July 7-August 1, 1975. | |
Problems of choice and decision : proceedings of a colloquium held in Aspen, Colorado, June 24-July 6, 1974 | |
Proceedings of the Symposium on Living with Climatic Change, Phase II, Reston, Virginia, November 9, 10, 11, 1976 | |
Race & equity in higher education : proceedings and papers of the ACE-Aspen Institute Seminar on Desegregation in Higher Education | |
Report on a workshop on technology choices, work, and society's future, August 7-12, 1978, Aspen, Colorado | |
roots of catastrophe | |
The Social impact of television : a research agenda for the 1980s : report from the Aspen Institute Conference on Proposals for a Center for the Study of Television, Wye Plantation, October 1980 | |
The Strategic Defense Initiative and American security. | |
The third try at world order : U. S. policy for an interdependent world | |
Tocqueville : centralization and liberty | |
TV and thinking people | |
U.S.-Japan council meeting : papers from Tokyo, October 6-10, 1985 | |
The U.S.-Japan council : supplementary readings | |
The United Nations and the population problem : planning for the 1974 World Population Conference : a report | |
United States-Soviet relations, building a congressional cadre. | |
What is an educated person? : Toward a 20th century context for educational policy | |
Women and men : changing roles, relationships, and perceptions : report of a workshop | |
Wye paper |