Pontificia Accademia delle scienze.
Académie pontificale des sciences
Pontificia Academia Scientiarum
Pontificia academia scientiarum (Città del Vaticano)
Iglesia Católica Pontificia Academia Scientiarum
VIAF ID: 158480284 (Corporate)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/158480284
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- 110 2 _ ‡a Académie pontificale des sciences
- 151 _ _ ‡a Académie pontificale des sciences
- 110 2 0 ‡a Iglesia Católica ‡b Pontificia Academia Scientiarum
- 110 2 _ ‡a Pontificia Academia Scientiarum
- 110 2 _ ‡a Pontificia Accademia delle scienze
- 110 2 _ ‡a Pontificia Accademia delle scienze
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (113)
5xx's: Related Names (5)
Title | Sources |
15. aniversario de la firma del Tratado de paz y amistad entre las Republicas de Argentina y Chile | |
Acta | |
Acta (Pontificia Accademia delle scienze) | |
Annuaire General mis a jour au 30 avril 1987 | |
Astrophysical cosmology : proceedings of the Study Week on Cosmology and Fundamental Physics, September 28-October 2, 1981 | |
Un bouquet d'ancêtres : premiers humains : qui était qui, qui faisait quoi, où et quand? : actes du Colloque "Who was who, who did what, where and when?", tenu à Rome à l'Académie pontificale des sciences les 12 et 13 avril 2019 | |
The Challenges of sciences : a tribute to the memory of Carlos Chagas, 23-24 February 2001. - | |
Collana "Scienza e fede" | |
Commentarii (Pontificia Accademia delle scienze) | |
Commentationes | |
Débilité mentale | |
Declaration sur les consequences de l'emploi des armes nucleaires : 7-8 octobre 1981 : (textes français et anglais) | |
Discourses of the popes from Pius XI to John Paul II to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 1936-1986. | |
Les enjeux de la connaissance scientifique pour l'homme d'aujourd'hui | |
Federico Cesi e i primi Lincei : catalogo della mostra. | |
Fertilizers, crop quality and economy : proceedings of a Study Week on the Use of Fertilizers and their Effect on Crop Growth, with Emphasis on Quality and Economy, April 10th-16th, 1972 | |
Impact of Space Exploration on Mankind | |
Infrared and raman spectra of 1,2 - dichloroethane and its deuterium compound in the gaseous, liquid and solid states | |
Interaction of parasitic diseases and nutrition | |
Intorno alcune forme di organici vedute in una membrana indocolerica qui in Roma : seconde communicazione | |
James Chadwick | |
L'Académie pontificale des sciences, en mémoire de son second président Georges Lemaître, à l'occasion du cinquième anniversaire de sa mort. | |
L'attribution de la Medaille d'or Pie XI, 1966 | |
The legal and ethical aspects related to the Project of the Human Genome : scientific meeting, 19-20 November, 1993 | |
Mental deficiency : 3-6 November 1980 | |
Neurosciences and the Human Person: New Perspectives on Human Activities | |
Note on the conformation of chain molecules | |
Nuclear winter : a warning : January 23-24-25, 1984. | |
Origin and early evolution of life | |
Pio XII Pont. Max., postridie kalendas Martias, 1876-1956. | |
Plenary session. | |
Pontif. Acad. Sci. scr. varia | |
Pontificiae Academiae Scientiarum documenta | |
Popolazione e risorse : rapporto | |
Population and resources : a report. | |
principles of design and operation of the brain | |
The proceedings of Working Group on Bread and Brain, Education and Poverty : 4-6 November 2013 | |
Le progres de la science et l'avenir de l'humanité | |
Reflection on science at the dawn of the third millennium | |
Relationes de auctis scientiis tempore belli : A.1939-1945 | |
Resoconto della solenne tornata ufficiale in commemorazione del Santo Padre Pio XI di venerata memoria (18 febbraio 1940) | |
Rilievi farmacologici sulle alterazioni elettrocardiografiche indotte nel coniglio dalla somministrazione di stafilolisina alfa | |
Role of the hypophysis on ketonomia and fatty liver of the pancreatectomized dog | |
Round table on the problems of the origin of life | |
Science and the Modern World. | |
Science for survival and sustainable development : the proceedings of the study-week of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences, 12-16 March 1999. | |
Science in the context of human culture II. | |
Scripta varia | |
La Sede | |
Semaine d'etude sur le thème: "Matière organique et fertilité du sol", 22-28 avril 1968 : programme | |
Semaine d'etude sur les forces moleculaires | |
Septem doctorum virorum vitae et operum notitia quos Paulus PP. VI academicos pontificios delegit creavitque A.D. MCMLXXV | |
Solar photochemistry and water photolysis | |
Le spectre infrarouge; quelques une de ses propriétés et de ses applications | |
Study Week on a Modern Approach to the Protection of the Environment, November 2-7, 1987 | |
Study Week on Mankind and Energy | |
Study week on molecular forces, April 18-23, 1966. | |
Study Week on Pattern Recognition Mechanisms : April 25-29, 1983 | |
Study week on: Persistent meteo-oceanographic anomalies and teleconnections : September 23-27, 1986 | |
Study week on remote sensing and its impact on developing countries, June 16-21 1986 | |
Study week on the econometric approach to development planning : October 7-13, 1963 = [Semaine d'étude sur le rôle de l'analyse économétrique dans la formulation de plans de développement : 7-13 octobre 1963] | |
Sur le chemin de l'humanité : via humanitatis : les grandes étapes de l'évolution morphologique et culturelle de l'homme : émergence de l'être humain : colloque international de l'Académie Pontificale des Sciences, Cité du Vatican, vendredi 19-dimanche 21 avril 2013 | |
Sustainable humanity, sustainable nature, our responsibility | |
Water and the environment : 12-14 November 2005 | |
What is our real knowledge about the human being? : the proceedings of the Working Group, 4-6 May 2006 | |
Working Group on: Biological implications of optimization in radiation procedures : May 2-5, 1983 : conclusions. | |
Working Group on: Chemical Hazards in Developing Countries, 21-23 October 1993 | |
Working Group on Immunology, Epidemiology, and Social Aspects of Leprosy, May 28-June 1, 1984 | |
Working Group on: Molecular mechanisms of carcinogenic and antitumor activity, October 21-25, 1986 : conclusions. | |
Working Group on: Perspectives of immunization in parasitic diseases : September 29 - October 2, 1981 / ed. by Carlos Chagas. - In Civitate Vaticana, 1982. | |
Working Group on the Artificial Prolongation of Life and the Determination of the Exact Moment of Death, October 19-21, 1985 | |
Year book |