1,261 headings found for Wei Chen
Heading | Type | Sample Title | |
1 |
Lu, Xun, 1881-1936
魯迅 루쉰 1881-1936 魯迅, 1881-1936 (清) 周樹人, (中國文學) Lusin Lu, Xun Lu, Hsün 1881-1936 لو، شيون، 1881-1936 Lu Xun (Chinese printmaker, 1881-1936) לו, סון, 1881-1936 Лу Синь, 1881-1936 Lu, Hsün, 1881-1936 (duln. f. Shu-jên Chou) Lu, Xun, pseud. Zhou, Shuren (Lu Xun) Xun, Lu 1881-1936 |
Personal | Bai guang 中國小說史略 아Q정전 Rojin zenshu. Lu Xun shou gao quan ji A brief history of Chinese fiction Feng bo Feng bo Feng bo A brief history of Chinese fiction Kuang-ren-riji A brief history of Chinese fiction |
2 |
Mao, Dun, 1896-1981
沈德鴻, (中國文學), 1896-1981 茅, 盾 茅盾, 1896-1981 ماو، دون، 1896- Мао, Дунь, 1896-1981 Maodun, 1896-1981 茅盾 中國作家(1896-1981) Mao, Dun 마오둔 1896-1981 Mao, Tun, 1896- Mao Tun Shên, Yen-ping, 1896- |
Personal | Bönderna Zhuang zi Spring silkworms and other stories Bōton hyōronshū. Chungguk munhak ŭi hyŏnsilchuŭi wa ... 1987: Chungguk munhak ŭi hyŏnsilchuŭi wa ... 1987: Chun can Midnight chemin 子夜 Midnight Hong Bönderna |
3 |
Sun, Yat-sen, 1866-1925.
孫逸仙 孫, 文, 1866-1925 Sun, Zhongshan 1866-1925 孫文, (中國政治), 1866-1925 손문 (孫文) 1866-1925 سن، ياتسن، 1866-1925 סון יט-סן, 1866-1925 Сун, Ят-Сен, 1866-1925 Sun, Yazen, 1866-1925 Sun, Yat Sen Wen, Sun, 1866-1925 孙, 一先 |
Personal | 10 letters of Sun Yat-Sen, 1914-1916 建国大綱 Kenkoku hōryaku 30 Jahre chinesische Revolution Kuo fu chʻüan shu. The thought of Dr. Sun Yat-sen Избранные произведения Избранные произведения Избранные произведения San min zhu yi : [The three principles of the people San min zhu yi : [The three principles of the people 在大漠那边 : 亲历林彪坠机事件和中蒙关系波折 : 一个前驻蒙外交官的回忆录 |
4 |
Chiang, Kai-shek, 1887-1975
Jiang, Jieshi, 1887-1975 蒋, 介石, 1887-1975 蔣中正, (政治), 1887-1975 蔣中正 צ'יאנג, קאי שק, 1887-1975 장제스 1887-1975 Chiang Kai-Shek, 1886-1975 Chiang, Kai-shek Jiang, Jieshi Chiang, Chung-cheng, 1887-1975 Chiang, Chieh-shih, 1887-1975 Tschiang, Kaischek, 1887-1975 |
Personal | Before final victory, speeches Before final victory, speeches Chūgoku no meiun 青年之責任 / 蔣介石講; 葉青編輯, 1945 蔣介石日記 Chiang Chieh-shih chuan, 1989: 장개석回顧錄 Homage to our leader Essays and poems in memory of the late President Chiang Kai ... Before final victory, speeches China at the crossroads; an account of the fortnight in Sian, when the fate of C ... China at the crossroads; an account of the fortnight in Sian, when the fate of C ... China at the crossroads; an account of the fortnight in Sian, when the fate of C ... |
5 |
Guo, Moruo, 1892-1978
郭沫若 郭, 沫若 郭, 沫若, 1893-1978 郭沫若, (中國文學), 1892-1978 Guo, Mo-Ruo (1892-1978) 곽말약 (郭沫若) 1892-1978 كو، مو روا، 1892-1978 Го, Мо-Жо, 1892-1978 Guo, Moruo Kuo, Mo-Jo |
Personal | Antologiâ kitajskoj poèzii. 족발 两周金文辞大系图录考释 Kaku matsujaku senshū Goddesses 역사소품 Философы древнего Китая : "Десять критических статей" Философы древнего Китая : "Десять критических статей" Autobiographie : mes années d'enfance |
6 |
Hongyi, da shi, 1880-1942
Li, shu tong 1880-1942 釋弘一, (佛教), 1880-1942 弘一 Hongyi, 1880-1942 Hongyi, 1880-1942, da shi Li Shutong (Chinese painter, 1880-1942) 리숙동 (李叔同) 1880-1942 Li, Shutong (Hongyi) 弘一, 1880-1942 曇昉 |
Personal | Correspondence. Selections Chan deng meng ying Hong yi da shi wen chao / [shi hong yi zhuan], chen hui jian bian, 82 Tống biệt (bài hát) Hongyi da shi mo bao Hu sheng hua ji. 이숙동정품선 護生畫集 四分律比丘戒相表記 |
7 |
Ding, Ling, 1904-1986
丁, 玲, 1907-1986 丁, 玲 딩링 1904-1986 丁玲, (中國文學,) 1904-1986 Ding, Ling 丁玲 中国女作家 (1904-1986) Ding, Ling, književnica Ling, Ting Ting, Ling, 1906- |
Personal | Correspondence Tei Rei no jidenteki kaisō Miss Sophie's diary and other stories 소피의 일기 Ting Ling wen chi, 1972: Ding Ling jin zuo El diario de la señorita Sofía , 2014 Solnce nad rekoj Sangan The sun shines over the Sangkan River The sun shines over the Sangkan River |
8 |
Zhou, Enlai, 1898-1976
En-lai, Chou 周恩來, (政治), 1898-1976 周恩來 周, 恩来, 1898-1976 Zhou, Enlai 周, 恩来 Zhou, En lai 1898-1976 주은래 (周恩來) 1898-1976 אנלאי, ג'ואו, 1898-1976 Чжоу, Энь-лай, 1898-1976 Chou, En-Lai, 1898-1976 Chou, En-Lai |
Personal | Bericht über die Berichtigung der hauptsächlichen Planziele des Volkswirtschafts
Zhou en lai fu chen lu / Lao long zhu, 1981 关于文化艺术工作两条腿走路的问题 Shinpen Shū On-rai goroku. A great decade A great decade [1921-1949] (다시 보는) 저우언라이 Политический доклад на втором пленуме Всекитайского комитета Народного политичес ... Политический доклад на втором пленуме Всекитайского комитета Народного политичес ... Rapport sur les travaux du gouvernement : présenté à la première session de la s ... On present international situation China's foreign policy, and the liberation of ... |
9 |
Mo, Yan, 1955-
Mo, Yan Mo, Yan 1956- 管 모옌 1955- 莫, 言 莫, 言, 1956- مو، يان، 1955- מו, יאן, 1955- Mo, Yan, pseud. 管謨業, (中國文學), 1955- |
Personal | Bai gou qiu qian jia Bai gou qiu qian jia Bian. Frösche Roman Red sorghum, 1993: The garlic ballads 丰乳肥臀 = Big breasts & wide hips Feng ru fei tun Feng ru fei tun Red sorghum, 1993: |
10 |
Shen, Congwen, 1902-1988
沈從文, (歷史), 1903-1988 沈, 从文 선충원 1902-1988 Shen, Congwen Shen, Cong wen 1902-1988 Shen, Tseng-wen 1902-1988 沈, 従文, 1902-1988 שן, צונג-ון, 1902-1988 Shen, Conwegen (1902-1988) Congwen, Shen (1902-1988) Shen, Congwen 1902 December 28-1988 October 05 Шэнь Цунвэнь 1902-1988 Shen, Zongwen |
Personal | Ahei xiao shi Biancheng 中國古代服飾硏究 Xiang xi san ji Biancheng Ki teirei The Chinese earth, 1947. Biancheng Biancheng 邊城 Ahei xiao shi |
11 |
Ye, Shengtao, 1894-1988
Ye, Shengtao, 1893-1988 Ye, Sheng tao 葉, 紹鈞 يه، شنغتاو، 1894-1988 Ye, Shengtao יה, שנגטאו, 1894-1988 Wang, Hua (inżynieria biomedyczna) Cheng, Ping Ye, Shengtao, n. 1893 엽성도 (葉聖陶) 1894-1988 Ye, Shengtao (葉聖陶) 1894-1988 葉, 紹鈞, 1893-1988 Ye, Sheng tao 1894-1988 叶圣陶 中国作家(1894-1988) |
Personal | Contes choisis Contes choisis 니환즈 Dao cao ren Dao cao ren Dao cao ren Comparative biomechanical testing of customized three-dimensional printing aceta ... Da hong zha (Película cinematográfica) Ni Houan- tche l'instituteur 文心 新年 Jūsangyō sakuin Ni Houan- tche l'instituteur 文心 |
12 |
莊子 Zhuangzi v365-v290 Zhuangzi, ca. 365-ca. 290 B.C. Zhuangzi (370-300 p.n.e.). Zhuangzi ca. 365 f.Kr- ca. 290 f.Kr. Zhuang zi Chuang-tzu ג'ואנג-דזה, ?369-?286 לפנה"ס Чжуан-цзы (周) 莊周 Zhuangzi, asi 380 př. Kr.-320 př. Kr. Zhuang, Zi, ca 369-286 a. C. |
Personal | Am I now?, 1993 Chuang Tzu : basic writings Buch der daoistischen Weisheit Auswahl Chuang-Tzu A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Ku ... Chuang-Tzu A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Ku ... Chuang-Tzu A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Ku ... Chuang-Tzu A New Selected Translation with an Exposition of the Philosophy of Ku ... Chuang Tzu : basic writings Am I now?, 1993 Am I now?, 1993 Zhuangzi 23-33 Nanhua jing. Qi wu lun Capítulos interiores |
13 |
Wu, Changshuo, 1844-1927
Wu, Chang-shuo 1844-1927 (清) 吳昌碩, (篆刻) 吳昌碩 清末民初篆刻家 呉, 昌碩, 1844-1927 呉, 昌碩 Wu Changshi (Chinese painter and calligrapher, 1844-1927) Wu, Chang shuo 오창석 (吴昌硕) 1844-1927 |
Personal | Go Shōseki shohō jiten. Wu Changshuo 吴俊卿杏花图轴 Furo fusō inshū Wu Changshuo 缶廬近墨 吳昌碩彩墨精選 |
14 |
Qu, Qiubai, 1899-1935
瞿秋白, (中國文學), 1899-1935 Qu, Qiubai 瞿, 秋白 Страхов, 1899-1935 瞿, 秋白, 1898-1935 瞿秋白 취츄바이 1899-1935 Qu, Qiu bai 1899-1935 |
Personal | Chʻü Chʻiu-pai wên chi. Wo xin shen chu / Ma ge lei.wei zhu ; xiao yu yi, 1982 Hai shang shu lin Избранное Chʻü Chʻiu-pai wên chi. Chūgoku daikakumeishi Bujireomneun iyagi Lou-siun tsa kan siuan tsi |
15 |
Ren, Zhuoxuan, 1896-1990
任卓宣 1896-1990 (中國政治) 任卓宣, (中國政治), 1896-1990 葉, 青 任卓宣 中国政治理论家(1896—1990) |
Personal | Chieh chi chêng tou lun pʻi pʻan, 1952. Ai dian shi / Ye qing zhuan, 1967 三民主義底比較研究 : 三民主義與各種主義 / 任卓宣撰, 1975 |
16 |
Fu, Shan, 1606-1684
傅山 (明) 傅山 傅, 山, 1607-1684 Fu, Shan, 1607-1684 부산 (傅山) 1607-1684 Fu Shan (Chinese calligrapher, 1607-1684) |
Personal | Baiquan tie Fu san bokuho : Sansei hakubutsuin zohin. Danting zhenren xuantan ji 墨子大全 第一编 |
17 |
Wang, Guowei, 1877-1927
王, 國維 王, 国維, 1877-1927 王國維, (中國文學), 1877-1927 Wang, Guo Wei 1877-1927 Wang Guowei Wang, Yong (matematyk) Wang, Kuo-wei, 1877-1927 왕국유 (王國維) 1877-1927 |
Personal | Changchunzhenren xi you ji zhu 人间词话 Chikusho kinen. Yun xue yu shuo / Wang guo wei zhuan; ji fo tuo bian; yan yi ping xuan ji, 1971 Ren jian ci hua Poetic Remarks In The Human World Wedderburn-Malcev and Levi theorems for weak Hopf algebras 관당집림 큰글씨책 |
18 |
Chen, Kaige, 1952-....
陳, 凱歌, 1952- Chen, Kaige 1953- Chen, Kaige 천카이거 1952- קאיגה, צ'ן, 1952- 陳凱歌, (電影), 1952- Kaige, Chen 1952- 陈凯歌 陳, 凱歌 |
Personal | 10 minut później: Trąbka [Film] / reż. Wim Wenders. - Warszawa, 2002. hana no shōgai bai ranhō shashinshū Bian zou bian chang Adieu ma concubine. Chacun son cinéma= Kocham kino Lung hsüeh shu, 1993: Ba wang bie ji. 10 minut później: Trąbka [Film] / reż. Wim Wenders. - Warszawa, 2002. He ni zai yi qi = L'enfant au violon |
19 |
Xu, Hongzu, 1586-1641
徐弘祖 明 Xu, Xiake, 1586-1641 Xu, Hongzu, 1587-1641 徐, 弘祖 (明) 徐弘祖 Xu, Xiake Xu, Xia ke 1587-1641 서굉조 (徐宏祖) 1586-1641 徐霞客 Xiake, Hu (1587- 1641) 徐, 霞客, 1587-1641 徐, 宏祖, 1586-1641 |
Personal | Diario di viaggio The travel diaries of Hsü Hsia-Kʼo Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Cui dong bi yi shu / (qing)cui shu zhuan, 1983 Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: 서하객유기 徐霞客遊記 : 10卷 "独鹤与飞" : 徐霞客记游研究探赜 Jo kakaku ryokoki. Jo kakaku ryokoki. |
20 |
Shi, Zhecun.
Shi, Zhecun, 1905-2003 施蟄存, (中國文學), 1905-2003 스저춘 1905-2003 施, 蛰存 Shi, Zhecun 1905- Shi, Zhe cun 1905-2003 施, 蟄存, 1903-2003 施蛰存 中国作家、文学翻译家、学者 |
Personal | Beishan sichuang Ci xue ming ci shi yi Contemporary Chinese short stories 文艺百话 Le goût de la pluie : nouvelles et prose de circonstance Suna no ue no ashiato : aru Chūgoku modanizumu sakka no kaisō |
21 |
Chen, Yuan, 1880-1971
Chen, Yuan 陳, 垣, 1879-1971 진원 (陈垣) 1880-1971 陈垣 史学家(1880—1971) |
Personal | Analytical list on the Dunhuang manuscripts in the National Library of Peking 20shi saku junhyō 中國古代名人生卒·歷史大事年譜 制止以“展览”为名的掠夺行为 |
22 |
Lin, Shu, 1852-1924
林紓 林紓, (翻譯學), 1852-1924 林, 紓 임서 (林紓) 1852-1924 林, 紓, 1852-1924 |
Personal | Alhambra. 京華碧血錄 Li dai xi hu wen xuan zhuan ji / Wang guo ping zhu bian, 2004 Linshu ji Im Seo ga deullyeojuneun gangho iyagi Irosaki |
23 |
Cao, Zhi, 192-232
Wang, Wei psiholog Цао, Чжи, 192-232 Wang, Wei (matematyk) Cao, Zhi Wang, Wei, neuropsihijatar Cao, Zhi, 0192-0232 曹植 三國時期曹魏宗室及詩人 曹, 植, 192-232 조식 (曹植) 0192-0232 曹, 植 |
Personal | Cao ji quan ping Sem' pechalei Description of personality traits by Chinese adjective : a trial on university s ... Cao Zi jian Ji [Texte imprimé] : 10 juan Personality disorder functioning styles are associated with the effects of the c ... Cao Zhi wen ji tong jian Chhit-pō͘-sêng-si Sō shiken shichū Jinsawang josik siseon 宋本曹子建文集 |
24 |
Cao, Juren, 1900-1972
Cao, Juren 曹聚仁, (中國文學), 1900-1972 차오쥐런 1900-1972 Cao, Ju ren 1900-1972 曹聚仁 中國作家(1900—1972) Cao, Juren, 1903-1972 |
Personal | Bei xing san yu Hai shang wen xue bai jia wen ku / Xu jun xi zhu bian; chen hui fen bian , 2010 중국학술사상사수필 Fu guo le sheng ming hai |
25 |
Ni, Kuang, 1935-2022
Ni, Kuang Ni, Kuang, 1935- 倪匡, (文學), 1935- 倪聰 니쾅 1935- 衛, 斯理, 1935-2022 |
Personal | The 36th chamber of Shaolin Challenge of the masters The 36th chamber of Shaolin Lao mao 奇門 New one-armed swordsman 猫 : Nine lives |
26 |
Liu, Shipei, 1884-1919
劉師培, (經學), 1884-1919 Liu, Shih-pei 1884-1919 劉, 師培, 1884-1919 유사배 (劉師培) 1884-1919 Liu, Shi pei 1884-1919 Liu, Shipei Liu Ŝipej |
Personal | Chung-kuo chung ku wen hsüeh shih ; Lun wen tsa chi, 1959 (1962 printing): Junshi hoshaku. Jungguk gyeonghaksa liu Shipei : pingzhuan zuopin xuan Liu Shipei guo xue jiang lun cong shu |
27 |
Yuan, Zhen, 779-831
元稹 Yuan, Zhen. Юань Чжэнь Yüan, Chen, 0779-0831 Yuan, Zhen 0779-0831 元, [シン], 779-831 원진 779-831 |
Personal | Fräulein Tsui und Fräulein Li : zwei chinesische Novellen. 與楊十二、李三早入永壽寺看牡丹 Hui zhen ji La Chine et la lutte contre la drogue Florilège de légendes chinoises 신제악부 |
28 |
Chin, Shunshin, 1924-2015
陳, 舜臣, 1924-2015 진슌신 1924-2015 陳舜臣, (歴史), 1924-2014 Chin, Shunshin Chen, Shun chen 1924-2015 陳舜臣 |
Personal | Ahen Sensō. 1. Sōkai hen. Ahen Sensō. 1. Sōkai hen. (이야기)중국사 중국 6천년의 야망 Taihei tengoku. 太平天国 秘本三国志 |
29 |
Jiang, Guangci, 1901-1931
蔣光慈, (中國文學), 1901-1931 장광츠 1901-1931 Jiang Guangci Jiang, Guang Ci 1901-1931 Guangci Jiang 蒋, 光慈 蒋, 光慈, 1901-1931 |
Personal | Chiang Kuang-tzʻu wen chi, 1982- : Tai wan zuo jia ju chang.xiang ge li la / Wang zhen he yuan zhu ; chen kun hou d ... Jungguk hyeondae danpyeon soseolseon Li sha de ai yuan 三對愛人兒 Shō kōji senshū |
30 |
Li, Jianwu, 1906-1982
Li, jian wu, 1906-1982 Li, Jianwu 1906- 李健吾, (西洋文學), 1906-1982 李, 健吾 이건오 (李健吾) 1906-1982 李, 健吾, 1906- 李健吾 |
Personal | Chʻing chʻun, 1948. Atlas of Chinese Native Orchids Bao fa li fu ren / Fu lou bai(Gustave Flaubert) yuan zhu ; li jian wu yi; peng x ... 以身作則 Sigan e mugamgak han du namja Gageki jūsannen |
31 |
Yip, Wai-lim, 1937-
Yip, Wai-lim 葉維廉, (文學), 1937- 葉維廉 學者詩人 Ye, Weilian 葉, 維廉 |
Personal | Between Bi jiao shi xue : li lun jia gou di tan tao Bai xian yong de yi wen shi jieKe qing ming zhu bian ; bai xian yong deng zhu ch ... Chinese women writers today Chinese poetry : major modes and genres |
32 |
Liu, Baonan, 1791-1855
劉, 宝楠, 1791-1855 (清) 劉寶楠 劉, 寶楠 劉寶楠 |
Personal | Baoying tu jing. Rongo seigi Chʻing Liu Chʻu-chen hsien sheng Pao-nan nien pʻu, 1986: 勝朝殉揚録 3卷 |
33 |
Gao, Ming, 1909-....
Gao, Ming 1909-1992 高明, (文學), 1908-1992 Gao, Ming 고명 1909-1992 Ming Gao |
Personal | Boshu Laozi jiao zhu The encyclopedic dictionary of the Chinese language Dang dai guo yu da ci dian = Grand Chinese dictionary / Yan zhen xing, gao ming ... Li xue xin tan 文史 哲 的 时代 使命 |
34 |
Tu, Long, 1542?-1605
屠隆 屠, 隆 (明) 屠隆 도융 (屠隆) 1543-1605 Tu, Long |
Personal | Dict. of Ming biog., 1976: Kao pan yu shi Kinsei kanseki sōkan. Le voyage de Mingliaozi 考槃馀事 Le voyage de Mingliaozi |
35 |
Su, Weizhen, 1954-
Su, Weizhen. Su, Wei-chen, 1954-.... 蘇偉貞, (哲學), 1954- Su, Wei zhen 蘇, 偉貞 Su, Wei zhen 1954-.... Su, Weichen, 1954-.... 쑤웨이전 1954- 蘇, 偉貞, 1954- |
Personal | Chen mo zhi dao Ai qing ren sheng Félix s'inquiète pour le pays Ji duan pian / Wang guang ren deng zhu; su wei zhen bian, 1980 Liuli 世间女子 Séparations petits romans Félix s'inquiète pour le pays 침묵의 섬 Chinmoku no shima. |
36 |
Gu, Tinglong
Gu, Tinglong, 1904-1998 顧, 廷龍 Gu, Ting long 1904-1998 顧廷龍 版本目录学家、图书馆学家(1904—1988) |
Personal | Dian gao Gu Tinglong wenji. - Ken'an shobatsu Gu tao wen ni lu 清代硃卷集成 |
37 |
Jin, Yi, 1909-1959
靳以, (中國文學), 1909-1959 Jin, Yi, 1909-1959, écrivain 章靳以 |
Personal | Canyang Feng bao / Li yang zhu, 1994 Zhongguo xian dai duan pian xiao shuo xuan |
38 |
Lau, Jeffrey, 1955-....
Liu, Zhenwei 1952- Liu, Zhenwei 류전웨이 1952- 劉鎮偉 香港电影导演 Lau, Jeffrey Liu, Zhenwei, 1952 August 2- Lau, Jeff |
Personal | All for the winner Kung fu szał All for the winner Duo luo tian shi, 2009: Ashes of time redux So close |
39 |
梁容若, (文學), 1906-1997
Liang, Rongruo, 1906-1995 Liang, Rongruo 량용약 (梁容若) 1904-1997 Liang, Rongruo 1906-1997 Liang, Rongruo, 1906- 梁容若 作家 |
Personal | Gu jin wen xuan / Liang rong rou deng bian, 1953 Gen ju biao zhun ben guo wen jiao ke shu xuan ji, quan bu zhu yin zhu jie fu xia ... Chang shi yu ren ge [Da du shan za hua xia bian] 文學二十家傳 Guoyu yu guowen |
40 |
Jiang, Fucong, 1898-1990
蔣復璁, (圖書館學), 1898-1990 蔣復璁 Chiang, Fu-Tsung Jiang, Fucong 蒋, 復璁 |
Personal | Beijing fu nü bao kan kao, 1905-1949 Xu zhi mo quan ji / Xu zhi mo zhu; jiang fu cong bian; liang shi qiu bian , 1980 Philobiblon quarterly review of chinese publications Song Su Shi mo ji. 中華文化復興運動與國立故宮博物院 |
41 |
Chen, Bulei, 1890-1948
陳布雷, (政治), 1890-1948 陳布雷 1890-1948 (政治) 陳, 布雷 진포뢰 (陈布雷) 1890-1948 陳布雷 中国政治人物 陳, 布雷, 1890-1948 |
Personal | Chen bu lei hui yi lu / Chen bu lei zhu, 1960 Chen bu lei hui yi lu / Chen bu lei zhu, 1960 Chronology of President Chiang Kai-shek; 陈布雷回忆录 Chin furai kaiokuroku |
42 |
Sima, Chengzhen, 647–735
司马承祯 司馬, 承禎 Si ma, Cheng zhen 0647?-0735 סה-מה, צ'נג-ג'ן, 647-735 Sima, Chengzen, 0647-0735 Si, Ma Cheng Zhen, 647-735. |
Personal | Ci hai, 1979: Zuo wang lun 司马承祯集 Ci hai, 1979: Seven steps to the Tao |
43 |
Chen, Dawei, 1969-...
Chen, Da Wei 1969-.... 陳大為, (文學), 1969- 천따웨이 1969- Dawei Chen tchajwanský profesor čínské literatury 陳, 大為 |
Personal | 20世紀臺灣文學專題 20世紀臺灣文學專題 Luo Men 20世紀臺灣文學專題 文學思潮與論戰 |
44 |
葉聖陶, (中國文學), 1894-1988
Ye, Shengtao Ye, Shao jun 1894-1988 Ye, Shengtao, 1893-1988 Ye, Sheng-tao, 1893-1988 Yeh, Shêng-t'ao |
Personal | Song ci yan jiu / Hu yun yi zhuan, 2011 "Dao cao ren" he qi ta tong hua Che san king so yin How Mr Pan weathered the storm The scarecrow : a collection of stories for children Flut des Tjiängtang |
45 |
Gao Xu
高旭, (政治), 1877-1925 Gao, Xu, 1877-1925 Qin, Feng 高, 旭 |
Personal |
Gao Xu ji, 2003: Gao Xu ji, 2003: Liulang zhe 《觉民》月刊整理重排本 |
46 |
Wei, Tingsheng, 1890-1977
衛挺生, (財政), 1890-1977 衛, 挺生 Wei, Tingsheng, 1890- Tingsheng Wei |
Personal | Hands-on big data modeling : effective database design techniques for data archi
Jinmu tenno jo fuku densetsu no nazo. Instances of the national prosperity of the A B C powers |
47 |
Chen, Shouqi, 1771-1834
陳壽祺 清 (清) 陳壽祺 陳, 壽祺 Chen, Shouqi 陳壽祺 |
Personal | Eminent Chʻing: 五經異義疏證 3巻 . 古文尚書 10巻 . 尚書逸文 2巻 . 魯詩故 3巻 . 齊詩傳 2巻 . 韓詩故 2巻内傳1巻詩説1巻 . 薛君韓詩章句 2巻 Huang Zhongduan gong quan ji : [50 juan] Sans titre |
48 |
Yang, Weizhen, 1296-1370 Yang Weizhen (明) 楊維楨 |
Personal | 送淞江同知李侯朝京序 Poems Tie ya gu yue fu zhu / (yuan)yang wei zhen zhuan ; lu fei kui zong kan ; tai wan ... |
49 |
Du, Yaquan
Du, Yaquan, 1873-1933 杜亞泉, 1873-1933 杜, 亞泉 |
Personal | Aphorismen zur Lebensweisheit. Dong wu xue da ci dian Dōbutsugaku daijiten |
50 |
Fang, Shiming
Fang, Shiming, 1919-.... Fang, Shiming 1919-2000 方, 詩銘 팡스밍 1919-2000 Fang, Shi ming 方詩銘, (歷史), 1919-2000 |
Personal | Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Huang jin Gu ben Zhu shu ji nian ji zheng Zhongguo li shi ji nian biao Dai 2ji ahen sensō shiwa 중국사역일화중서역일대조표 Zhong guo shi li ri he Zhong xi li ri dui zhao biao |
51 |
Nyang-ral Nyi-ma-ʼod-zer, 1124-1192
Ñan-ral Ñi-ma-'od-zer (1124-1192). Ñaṅ-ral Ñi-ma-'od-zer ন্যাং-রাল-ন্যি-মা-'ওদ-জের Nyi-ma-vod-zer 1124-1192 |
Personal | The biographies of the early masters in the transmission lineage of the Bkaʼ brg
The lotus-born : the life story of Padmasambhava Bkaʾ brgyad bde gshegs ʾdus pa : a collection of rare teachings from the gter-ma ... Bkaʾ brgyad bde gshegs ʾdus pa : a collection of rare teachings from the gter-ma ... |
52 |
沈, 国威, 1954-
Shin, Kokui, 1954- Shen, Guowei, 1954-.... Shen, Guo-wei 沈, 国威 沈國威, 1954- 선궈웨이 1954- Shen, Guo-wei 1954- |
Personal | 19seiki chūgokugo no shosō : Shūen shiryō ōbei nihon ryūkyū chōsen karano apurōc
1853-1856 Chinese serial Higashiajia gengo sesshoku no kenkyū Yan fu yu ke xue 근대중일어휘교류사 신한자어의 생성과 수용 19세기 중국어의 제상 Higashiajia gengo sesshoku no kenkyū |
53 |
Peng, Zhen
Peng, Zhen, 1902-1997 彭真, (政治), 1902-1997 彭真 1902-1997 (政治) 彭, 真 Peng, Chen, 19..- 彭真 |
Personal | From Leninist discipline to socialist legalism, 2003: Parolado en Aliarcham soci-scienca Instituto de Indonezio : (25 majo 1965) P'eng Chen sheng p'ing ta shih nien piao, 1992: 関于晋察冀辺区党的工作和具体政策報告 Network-based control of unmanned marine vehicles |
54 |
Wang, Guiguo.
Personal | The banking law reforms in China |
55 |
Chen, Weisong, 1626-1682
Chen, Juan (biologia medyczna) (清) 陳維崧 진유숭 (陳維崧) 1625-1682 陳維崧 Chen, Weisong, 1625-1682 |
Personal | Chen jian tao si liu : [20 juan] SRPX2 promotes cell proliferation and invasion via activating FAK/SRC/ERK pathwa ... 陳維崧集 尉遲杯 |
56 |
Wei, C.X. George
Wei, C. X. George, 1952- C. X. George Wei 웨이추슝 1952- Wei, George |
Personal | Asian culture, diplomacy and foreign relations Asian culture, diplomacy and foreign relations China : how the empire fell Chugoku. |
57 |
Tien, James
Tien, James, 1942- Ceyms Tien (aktyor) Tien, James, 1942-...., acteur 톈쥔 1942- James Tien Hong Kong actor |
Personal | The big boss The big boss The big boss 권정 |
58 |
Chen, Shaowei.
Chen, Shaowei 1941- Shaowei Chen researcher Chen, Shaowei 20th century 陳紹偉, (中國文學), 1941- Chen, Shaowei, 19..-.... 陈, 绍伟 |
Personal | Chung-kuo hsin shih chi hsü pa hsüan, 1918-1949, 1986: Nanomaterials for fuel cell catalysis / Kenneth I. Ozoemena, Shaowei Chen editor ... Antibacterial mechanisms of graphene-based composite nanomaterials Ning wang. shi dai : chuan yue << Bei qing cheng shi >> er shi nian 一个叛逆女性的心声 : 萧红诗简析 |
59 |
張道藩, (美術), 1897-1968
Chang Tao-fan Chinese politician Zhang, Daofan 1896-1968 Zhang, Daofan, 1897-1968 Chang Tao-fan políticu chinu |
Personal | Can xue Angelo, tyran de Padoue. |
60 |
Chen, Xiuxi, 1921-1991
陳秀喜, (臺灣文學), 1921-1991 Chen, Xiuxi, 1921- Chen, Xiu xi 1921-1991 陳秀喜 台灣女詩人 陳, 秀喜, 1921- 陳, 秀喜 |
Personal |
Chen xiu xi quan ji / Chen xiu xi zhu; li kui xian bian, , 1997 Chen xiu xi quan ji / Chen xiu xi zhu; li kui xian bian, , 1997 Chen xiu xi quan ji / Chen xiu xi zhu; li kui xian bian, , 1997 Tōshitsu 覆葉 : 詩集 |
61 |
Fu, Zhenlun, 1906-1999
Fu, Zhenlun 傅, 振倫 傅振倫, (中國歷史), 1906-1999 傅振倫 |
Personal | Liu Zhiji nianpu Chung-kuo ku tao tzu lun tsung, 1994: Chūgoku bijutsu zenshū. Chung-kuo ku tao tzu lun tsung, 1994: |
62 |
Ji, Zhenhuai
Ji, Zhenhuai, 1913-1997 季鎮淮, 1913-1997 季, 鎮淮 지전화이 1913-1997 |
Personal | Han Yu shi wen ping zhu Li dai shi ge xuan. Shiba sen 中国文学史 |
63 |
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Susanne.
Weigelin-Schwiedrzik, Susanne, 1955- Susanne Weigelin-Schwierzik deutsche Sinologin und Hochschullehrerin Weigelin-Schwierzik, Susanne |
Personal | As China meets the World : China's Changing Position in the International Commun
As China meets the World : China's Changing Position in the International Commun ... As China meets the World : China's Changing Position in the International Commun ... |
64 |
Chen, Weizhao
陳維昭, (醫學), 1939- Chen, Weizhao, 1960- تشن، وى جاو 천웨이자오 تشن وى جاو دكتور من امبراطوريه اليابان |
Personal | Dai xie de wan ge Guo ji ke ji he zuo ji zhi zhi jian tao ping gu yan jiu ji hua / Chen wei zhao j ... A-jen A-i yü wo] (20世纪) 中国古代文学研究史 戏曲卷 Long-term prognosis and factors affecting biliary atresia from experience over a ... |
65 |
Bi, Zhen, 1926-
李士偉, (文學), 1929-1998 비전 1929-1998 Bi, Zhen 1929-1998 Zhen Bi |
Personal | Anting gu niang Da han nu ying hao / Bi zhen zhu, 1979 기황후 |
66 |
Kuang, Yaming
匡亞明, (文學), 1905-1996 Kuang, Yaming, 1906-1996 쾅야밍 1906-1996 匡亚明 |
Personal | Chung-kuo ssu-hsiang chia p'ing-chuan ts'ung-shu Tao qian ping chuan / Li jin quan zhu; kuang ya ming zhu bian, 1998 Kongzi pingzhuan Gongja pyeongjeon |
67 |
Along, 1907-1967
阿壠, (文學), 1907-1967 I Men poeta chines |
Personal | Along shiwen ji |
68 |
Li, Lisan, 1899-1967
লি লিসান Li, Li-san, 1899-1967. 李立三 |
Personal | Boshan fa yan Assunto de: Lescot, Patrick. O império vermelho...2000. |
69 |
He, Wei, 1922-
何為 1922- (中國文學) 何為, (中國文學), 1922- 何为 中国著名作家 |
Personal | Beihaidao zhi lü |
70 |
Shi, Bo, 1941-....
Shi, Bo |
Personal | Au delà du vide À celui qui voyageait loin poèmes d'amour de femmes chinoises, VIIe-XVIe siècle |
71 |
Chan, Sin-wai.
Sin-wai, Chan Chan, Sin-wai, 19..-.... 陳, 善偉 |
Personal | Applying technology to language and translation Interpreting culture through translation a festschrift for D. C. Lau Buddhism in late Chʻing political thought 唐才常年譜長編 |
72 |
Chen, Liwei, 1959-
陳, 力衛, 1959- 천리웨이 천리웨이 1959- Chin, Rikiei, 1959-.... 陳, 力衛 |
Personal | Beijing ji shi ; Beijing ji you Minna no nihongo jiten : Kotoba no gimon fushigi ni kotaeru Geundaegi Dong Asia ui eoneo gyoseop Nihongoshi gaisetsu 东往东来 : 近代中日之间的语词概念 |
73 |
Williamson, Alexander, 1829-1890
Williamson, Alexander Alexander Williamson British missionary and botanical collector, active in China ... |
Personal | Bible. Jidu shi lu : san juan 植物学 |
74 |
Ulanhu, 1906-1988
Ulanhu mongolischer Politiker der Volksrepublik China ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨᠬᠦᠦ wū lán fu, 1906-1988 ウラーンフー, 1906-1988 |
Personal | China directory, 1989, 1988: 乌兰夫传 (1906-1988) |
75 |
Chen, Wei, 1955-....
Chen, Wei 천웨이 1955- 陳, 偉, 1955- |
Personal | Bamboo and silk. 臺灣書法三百年 |
76 |
Chen, Guowei, 1975-
陈为 中国围棋手 Chen, Guo wei 1975-.... 천궈웨이 Chen, Guowei 陳國偉, (中國文學), 1975- 陳, 國偉, 1975- 陳, 國偉 |
Personal | Kong jian shi kong, 2000: Xiang xiang Tai wan dang dai xiao shuo zhong de zu qun shu xie Daeman munhak Lei xing feng jing : zhan hou Taiwan da zhong wen xue Zhu xi ning xi lie xiao shuo yan jiu : wen xue sheng ming de ji mo dan yin / Che ... |
77 |
Shao, Yichen, 1810-1861
邵懿辰 邵, 懿辰 邵, 懿辰, 1810-1861 (清) 邵懿辰 邵懿辰 清朝人,中國歷代人物傳記資料庫編號=65849 |
Personal | Qing dai shi wen ji hui bian. 位西先生遺稿及其他二種 Zōtei shiko kanmei mokuroku hyōchū |
78 |
Zhen, Wei, active 16th century-17th century Zhen, Wei 16.-17. Jh. 견위 (甄偉) Zhen, Wei Zhen, Wei, fl. ca. 1573 |
Personal |
Hsi Han kʻai kuo yen i, 1996: Barayun qan ulus-un bičig, yurbaduyar debter Chohanji Xi Han yan yi Chasing after Han Xin |
79 |
(清) 陳維英 Chen, Weiying, 1811-1866 Weiying Chen Chen, Weiying, 1811-.... 陳, 維英, 1811-1869 |
Personal |
Chen Weiying ji Pian zhu yi yi Chen Weiying ji Taiko sōrenshū |
80 |
Yang, Weili, 1925-
양웨이리 楊威理, (文學), 1925- 楊, 威理 양웨이리 1925- 楊, 威理, 1925- Weili Yang |
Personal | Aru Taiwan chishikijin no higeki, 1993: Shuang xiang ji : ye sheng ji chuan : yi tai wan zhi shi fen zi zhi qing chun"." ... ある台湾知識人の悲劇 : 中国と日本のはざまで : 葉盛吉伝 西方图书馆史 Aru Taiwan chishikijin no higeki, 1993: |
81 |
Cai, Zhenfeng, 1962-....
차이전펑 1962- 蔡振豐, (中國文學), 1962- 蔡, 振豐 Zhenfeng Cai Čínský filozof a vysokoškolský pedagog zabývající se metafyzikou a ... |
Personal | Dong Ya chuan tong yu xian dai zhe xue zhong de zi wo yu ge ren Bangye Yu Hyeongwon gwa Dong Asia silhak sasang 東亞傳統與現代哲學中的自我與個人 |
82 |
Chen, Jian, 1940-
Chin, C. C. 陳松沾, (東方文學), 1940- Chin, C. C., 1940-... |
Personal | Chinese literature in Southeast Asia Di si jie guo ji ke jia xue yan tao hui : ke jia yu dang dai shi jie.Zhong yang ... Dialogues with Chin Peng : new light on the Malayan Communist Party. |
83 |
Chen, Weiping
Chen, Weiping, 1951- 천웨이핑 1951- 陈, 卫平 |
Personal | A concise history of Chinese philosophy Critical biography of Xu Guangqi Xifang zhexue shi'er jiang 对话中国 |
84 |
Chen, Yung-yu
Chen, Yung-yu, 1950- Chan, Ka Nin Chen, Zhong Zhen, Yung-you Chen, Zhong-Wei |
Personal | Abhandlung über das Übersprachliche und die Würde der menschlichen Persönlichkei
Abhandlung über das Übersprachliche und die Würde der menschlichen Persönlichkei ... 26. muzički biennale Zagreb : svjetski dani nove glazbe ISCM-a : međunarodni fes ... Effect of hadronic rescattering on the elliptic flow after the hydrodynamics mod ... Abhandlung über das Übersprachliche und die Würde der menschlichen Persönlichkei ... Atlas of microvascular surgery : the anatomy of operative techniques |
85 |
Chen, Weihuan
Chen, Wei-huan. 陳維桓, (數學) |
Personal | Bibun kikagaku kōgi : Rīman finsurā kikagaku nyūmon China's export miracle : origins, results, and prospects Wei fen chi ho chiang i |
86 |
薇薇夫人, (文學), 1932-
Weiweifuren Weiwei, furen, 1932- Weiweifuren 1932- 웨이웨이푸런 1932- |
Personal | Ai de qing li fa / Wei wei fu ren, chen ling yu, wu juan yu zhu, 1986 Ai di wen ti Marco Polo |
87 |
Chén, Chēng-Yīh
程, 貞一 Cheng-Yih, Chen |
Personal | Acoustics in ancient and the sixteenth century China Early Chinese work in natural science : a re-examination of the physics of motio ... Science and technology in Chinese civilization |
88 |
Chen, Nathan, 1999-
Chen, Wei Chen, Nathan Nathan Chen |
Personal | Neisan chen jiden : Wan janpu. One jump at a time : my story |
89 |
Chen, Maiping
Chen, Maiping, 1952-.... Chen Maiping Chinese writer Wan, Zhi Wan, Zhi, 1952- |
Personal | Brocade Valley Goutong : Miandui shijie de Zhongguo wenxue : Zhongguo zuojia yantaohui wenji King of the children |
90 |
Gao, Ersong, 1900-1986
Gao, Ersong 1900- 高, 爾松, 1900- Ersong Gao |
Personal | 20 shi ji zhong wen zhu zuo zhe bi ming lu, 2002: Teikoku shugi to chūgoku |
91 |
Chen, Weifen
천웨이펀 |
Personal | Contemporary confucianism in cross-cultural philosophy : dialogues with the phil
92 |
Tang, Shu, 1497-1574
(明) 唐樞 唐樞 明 Shu Tang |
Personal | Guo chen ji |
93 |
Chen, Zhifo
Chen, Zhifo 1896-1962 陳之佛, 1896-1962 陈之佛 |
Personal | Chʻen Chih-fo kung pi hua niao hua chi, 1982: |
94 |
Zheng, Zhenming, 1936-
鄭貞銘, (新聞學), 1936- 鄭, 貞銘 |
Personal | 20 shi ji Zhong guo xin wen xue yu chuan bo xue. Qing nian li lun cong shu / Xie xin yao deng zhuan , 1982 美國大衆傳播 |
95 |
Chen, Weiqiu.
Chen, Wei qiu 1969-.... Chen, Weiqiu 1969- Weiqiu Chen |
Personal | 2009 nian quan guo ya dian he sheng bo li lun ji qi jian ji shu yan tao hui. Analysis of piezoelectric structures and devices Analysis of piezoelectric structures and devices A circular cylindrical, radially polarized ceramic shell piezoelectric transform ... |
96 |
Chen, Yiyu, 1944-....
Chen, yi yu 陈宜瑜 中国鱼类学家 |
Personal | Cao di yu huang mo sheng tai xi tong juan. China red data book of endangered animals. China red data book of endangered animals. |
97 |
Li, Changlu
Li, Changlu 1904- Li, Changlu, 1904-1997 李, 長路 |
Personal | Analysis on fluctuation reason and administration of Chinese business cycle 全元散曲選释 |
98 |
何公超, (兒童文學), 1905-1986
He, Gongchao 1905-1986 하공초 (何公超) 1903-1986 He, Gongchao, 1903-1986 |
Personal | Chai mi fu qi / He gong chao zhu, 1930 날고 싶어하는 고양이 Xia xue tian, 1953: |
99 |
Wang, Weizhen, 1507-1555
王維楨 明 (明) 王維楨 王維楨 |
Personal | Huai-yeh hsien sheng tsʻun ssu kao, 1970: Du gong bu shi fan de ji pi xuan, du lu po jie fu li lu po jie( he ding ben ) / ... |
100 |
Chen, Huimin, 1946-
Chan, Michael 1946-.... 陳惠敏 香港演员 Chan, Wai-Man 1946- |
Personal | King of triads, 2012: Deadly illusion |