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Sample Title
1 |
文天祥 中国南宋政治人物
Wen, Tianxiang, 1236-1283
文天祥 南宋
文, 天祥
Sung, Či Wen
文, 天祥, 1236-1282
Wen, Tianxiang, 1236-1282
(南宋) 文天祥
Personal |
象奕各有等級四絶 (品四人高下) Poems. Selections
성인록 Iz kineske lirike Sobun tensho seiki no uta. Qi jin zhai congshu
2 |
Zhengjue, 1091-1157
Hongzhi Zhengjue chinesischer Chan-Meister der Song-Dynastie
Hong zhi Zheng jue 1091-1157
Hongzhi Zhengjue persona de la dinastía Song (CBDB=0053138)
正覚, 1091-1157
Personal |
Cicha iluminacja
Cultivating the empty field : the silent illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi
Cultivating the empty field : the silent illumination of Zen Master Hongzhi Wanshiroku.
3 |
Matsuda, Ryūchi
松田, 隆智, 1938-2013
Matsuda, Ryūchi 1938-2013
마쓰다 류치 1938-2013
松田, 隆智
Personal |
Chung-kuo wu shu shih lüeh, 1984: Chugoku dento kaimon hakkyokuken.
권법소년 Kenji タフな体をつくる中国の秘術 : 公害列島を逞しく生きぬくための本
4 |
Lu, Dian, 1042-1102
Lu, Tian
Lu, Tian, 1042-1102
陸, 佃
(宋) 陸佃
Lu Dian persona de la dinastía Song (CBDB=0008098)
Personal |
Heguan zi.
Guxijushi quan ji / Taoshan ji 陶山集 16巻 Ho-kuan-tzu. Ho-kuan-tzu, 1987: Pi ya
5 |
Liu, Yong, jin shi 1034
유영 (柳永)
Liu, Yong, 0987?-1058?
柳, 永
Liu, Yong 0990?-1053?
Liu, Yong 987?-1058?
Liu, Yong, jinshi 1034
Personal |
Chʻien chen ti ... 1978 (subj.) Akjangjip yeokju Chansons du monde flottant 樂章集 . 東坡樂府 Chansons du monde flottant
Yue zhang ji Verses of Clear Jade
6 |
Sang, Hu
Sang, Hu 1916-2004
李培林, (電影), 1916-2004
桑弧 李培林,中国导演 (1916-2004)
Personal |
Tzu yeh, 1984: Di er ge chun tian Zhu fuSang hu dao yan, 2005
7 |
Song, Shunfeng.
Song, S.
Shunfeng Song
Personal |
China's agricultural development : challenges and prospects
Intercity regional disparity in China
8 |
Tang, Erhe, 1878-1940
湯, 爾和, 1877-1940
湯, 爾和
Personal |
Bei Man gai guan Gekagaku.
9 |
Song, Dawei.
Dawei Song researcher ORCID ID = 0000-0002-8660-3608
Personal |
Advances in Information Retrieval : 39th European Conference on IR Research, ECI
Analysis of Query Reformulations in a Search Engine of a Local Web Site
10 |
Zhang, Ruogu, 1905-1960
Zhang, Ruogu 20th century
Zhang, Ruogu
Personal |
Chang Jo-ku chi, 1996:
11 |
Song, Tianbin.
Personal |
Atlas of tongues and lingual coatings in Chinese medicine
12 |
Song, Yingxing, 1587-approximately 1666. | Tian gong kai wu
Song, Yingxing 1587-1666 | Tiangong-kaiwu
Song, Ying xing 1587-1666? Tian gong kai wu
Tian gong kai wu
Sung, Ying-hsing, 1587-. | Tʻien kung kʻai wu
Work |
13 |
Song, Wen.
Personal |
Contingent epiderivative and its applications to set-valued optimization
14 |
Qian, Tian, Song dynasty (960-1279)
Qian, Dian, jin shi 1145
Personal |
Xunzi kao yi [in Xu xiu Si ku quan shu, v. 932], 2002:
15 |
Xu, Tianlin
Xu Tianlin historiador de la dinastía Song
Personal |
16 |
Matsuzoe, Setsuya, 1933-
Personal |
Zhu Tainan Riben bing yi jiu ling si nian ri ji, 2016:
17 |
Dao zang
Work |
18 |
Tian, Song
Personal |
Naxi zu chuan tong yu zhou guan, zi ran guan, chuan tong ji shu ji sheng cun fan
19 |
Song, Yingxing, 1587-approximately 1666. | Tian gong kai wu. | English
Sung, Ying-hsing, 1587-. | Tʻien kung kʻai wu | English 1994
Expression |
20 |
Liu, Jing (Writer on natural gas industry)
Personal |
China's biggest natural gas pipeline, 2008:
21 |
Tian fa shen chen bei
Work |
22 |
Song hé tīan di
Work |
23 |
Shanshan, Song
Personal |
Design of racing parallel driving system based on Internet of Things
24 |
Vawter, Vince. | Paperboy. | Chinese
Vawter, Vince,. | Paperboy | Chinese | (Liu : 2014)
Expression |
25 |
Tian di zhi zhong - Songshan guo xue yu ruan shi li jian shi lun tan (1st : 2011
Corporate |
Zhonghua wen hua ruan shi li, 2011:
26 |
Tian, Dongsong
Personal |
Biosynthesis of sporothriolides and sporochartines in fungi
27 |
Song Shan wen ming yu Zhongguo zao qi wen ming ji ji nian Dengfeng "tian di zhi
Corporate |
Zhonghua zhi yuan yu Song Shan wen ming yan jiu. Di yi ji, 2013 :
28 |
Bilderback, Leslie. | Mug Cakes | Chinese | (徐筱筑 and 鄭逸瑄 and 李佳霖 and 徐立妍 : 2014)
Expression |
29 |
Chaffee, John W. | Branches of heaven : a history of the imperial clan of Sung C
Chaffee, John W. | Branches of heaven : a history of the imperial clan of Sung C
Expression |
30 |
鍾松, 1901-1995
Personal |
31 |
Song, Tian, 1980-
Personal |
Tian li, 2006?:
32 |
Woelk, Ulrich. | Sternenklar : ein kleines Buch über den Himmel | Chinese | (楊莫
Expression |
33 |
山田雅夫, 1951-. | なぞって・描いて"線描写のキホン"を30日で完全マスター | Chinese | (李惠芬. : 2006)
Expression |
34 |
平野顕子. | 平野顕子ベーキングサロン12カ月のスイーツレシピ | Chinese | (陳凱綺 : 2017)
Expression |
35 |
Su, Shi, 1037-1101. | Tian ji wu yun tie
Work |
36 |
中野, ジェームズ修一. | 上半身に筋肉をつけると「肩がこらない」「ねこ背にならない」 | Chinese | (劉愛夌 : 2016)
Expression |
37 |
Porfiri, Aurelio,. | Forever I will sing : a short history of Catholic sacred mu
Expression |
38 |
Song, Lisha
Personal |
39 |
Song, Zhao
Personal |
40 |
Song, Yang
Personal |
41 |
Song, Weixin
Personal |
Market reaction to internet news. -
42 |
Yao, Song
Personal |
43 |
東, いづみ. | 「掃除が苦手」と思っていたけれど | Chinese | (婁愛蓮. : 2015)
Expression |
44 |
Harper, Sarah (Soap maker),. | Natural & handmade soap book : 20 delightful and
Expression |
45 |
小森, 陽一. | 天皇の玉音放送 | Chinese | (陳多友 : 2004)
Expression |
46 |
Fairley, Josephine. | Ultimate natural beauty book | Chinese | (羅若蘋. : 2005)
Expression |
47 |
森尾, 理奈. | 天使がくれた時間 | Chinese | (李嘉箴. : 2004)
Expression |
48 |
黒木, 優子, 1968-. | ホットケーキミックスのおやつ | Chinese | (喻慧芯 : 2016)
Expression |
49 |
Frame, Janet. | Angel at my table | Chinese | (Song : 1997)
Expression |
50 |
Rubin, Gretchen. | Four Tendencies | Chinese | (張瓅文 : 2018)
Expression |
51 |
Limoni, Marc. | Kleine Elfe im Winterwald : eine Geschichte | Chinese | (吕律. : 2
Expression |
52 |
飯塚, 有紀子. | はかりいらずの混ぜて焼くだけおやつ : 焼き菓子, ケーキ, プリンの每日おいしいレシピ44 計量カップ&計量スプーンがあればOK | C
Expression |
53 |
田中, 博子. | 家庭で作れるアルザスの素朴なお菓子 : フランス菓子の聖地のとっておきレシピ | Chinese | (李宜萍 : 2017)
Expression |
54 |
高石, 紀子. | こっくり甘い濃厚プリン, まろやかな食感の伝統菓子フラン | Chinese | (許郁文 : 2020)
Expression |
55 |
King, Bob. | Night sky with the naked eye : how to find planets, constellations,
Expression |
56 |
中山, 真由美, 1966-. | ふわふわ、しっとり、とろけるシフォン : 予約の取れないお菓子教室「chiffon chiffon」のベストレシピ | Ch
Expression |
57 |
滝澤, 幸一, 1983-. | 驚くほど腰がよくなる!たった10秒の「腰トレ」 | Chinese | (蔡麗蓉 : 2019)
Expression |
58 |
三宅, 郁美. | キッシュ&タルト : いちばんやさしい!いちばんおいしい! | Chinese | (許孟菡. : 2010)
Expression |
59 |
Song, Jie
Personal |
60 |
Coscarelli, Chloe. | Chloe's vegan desserts : more than 100 exciting new recipes
Expression |
61 |
小林弘幸, 1960-. | 医者が考案した「長生きみそ汁」 | Chinese | (石玉鳳 : 2020)
Expression |
62 |
七田真. | 子ども達の心と脳を育む教育 | Chinese | (陳秀桂. : 2000)
Expression |
63 |
小野咲. | 下がらないカラダ | Chinese | (李璦棋 : 2018)
Expression |
64 |
片山, 真人, 1971-. | 暦の科学 | Chinese | (蘇暐婷 : 2014)
Expression |
65 |
広津留真理. | 英語で一流を育てる : 小学生でも大学入試レベルがスラスラ読める家庭学習法 | Chinese | (張秀慧 : 2020)
Expression |
66 |
Carrio, Christophe. | Corps sans douleur | Chinese | (范兆延 : 2014)
Expression |
67 |
Dean, Elizabeth. | Peace of mind : daily meditations for easing stress | Chinese
Expression |
68 |
若山, 曜子. | いちごのお菓子 | Chinese | (黃嫣容 : 2018)
Expression |
69 |
佐光, 紀子, 1961-. | ナチュラル素材でかんたん除菌&殺菌 | Chinese | (胡淑惠. : 2007)
Expression |
70 |
太田, 博明, 1944-. | 抜群の若返り!「骨トレ」100秒 | Chinese | (诺丽果 : 2020)
Expression |
71 |
Song, Tian
Personal |
72 |
七田厚. | 七田式0~6歳の週末右脳あそび | Chinese | (陳姵君 : 2021)
Expression |
73 |
Song, Xinyu
Personal |
74 |
Nhất Hạnh, Thích, 1926-2022,. | Understanding our mind | Chinese | (觀行者 : 2017)
Expression |
75 |
佐光, 紀子, 1961-. | ナチュラル素材でかんたん除菌&殺菌 | Chinese | (胡淑惠 : 2007)
Expression |
76 |
Fleisch, Daniel A.,. | Student's guide to maxwell's equations | Chinese | (鄭以禎.
Expression |
77 |
Frame, Janet. | To the Is-land | Chinese | (Song : 1997)
Expression |
78 |
Dayton, Tian. | Daily affirmations for forgiving and moving on | Vietnamese | (M
Expression |
79 |
Hay, Donna. | No time to cook | Chinese | (胡淑華 : 2015)
Expression |
80 |
黒木, 優子, 1968-. | ホットケーキミックスのおやつ | Chinese | (喻慧芯 : 2016)
Expression |
81 |
宋清田, 1956-
Personal |
82 |
伊集院, 霞. | メディカルエンジェルストレッチ更年期 | Chinese | (胡汶廷 : 2014)
Expression |
83 |
久松, 育子. | 基本の焼きっぱなしのケーキ | Chinese 2003
Expression |
84 |
Smith, Sean, 1955-. | J.K. Rowling : a biography | Chinese | (Song : 2002)
Expression |
85 |
Wicks, Jackie. | Cheat system diet : eat the foods you crave and lose weight eve
Expression |
86 |
Song, Yingxing, 1587-approximately 1666. | Tian gong kai wu. | Japanese
Expression |
87 |
真織, 由季, 1967-. | 勝負の日に「最高の私」になる30日レッスン | Chinese 2017
Expression |
88 |
Fairley, Josephine. | Ultimate natural beauty book | Chinese 2005
Expression |
89 |
Pu tian song zan bian ji wei yuan hui
Corporate |
Pu tian song zan, 1989:
90 |
松田, 行正, 1948-. | デザイナーズカラーリングブック | Chinese 2009
Expression |
91 |
Tian, Song (Illustrator)
Personal |
Jia ling ji, 2012:
92 |
Pantley, Elizabeth. | No-Cry Sleep Solution | Chinese | (Guo : 2004)
Expression |
93 |
Personal |
94 |
Personal |
95 |
陳天送 (電機工程作者)
Personal |
96 |
刘晶. | 天然气输送的大动脉
Work |
97 |
宋天文, (資訊工程)
Personal |
98 |
Song, Xinyu
Personal |
Grenzen des Wissens in der Sicht der Nationalökonomie
99 |
宋天瀚, (中國歷史), 1967-
Personal |
100 |
宋天彬, 1937-
Personal |