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Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald), 1917-1963
Kennedy, John F., 1917-1963.
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald, 1917-1963
Kennedy, John Fitzgerald
كندي، جون فيتزجيرالد، 1917-1963
John F. Kennedy
Kennedy, J. F. 1917-1963 John Fitzgerald
Kennedy, John F. (John Fitzgerald)
كنيدى، جون فيتز جيرالد، 1917-1963
קנדי, ג'ון פיצג'רלד, 1917-1963
Кеннеди, Джон Ф. (Джон Фицжеральд), 1917-1963
Кеннеди, Д. Ф. 1917-1963 Джон Фитцджеральд
Kennedy, John F.
كنيدي، جون، 1917-1963
Kennedy, John, 1917-1963
Kennedy, John F. (American president, 1917-1963)
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America, the beautiful : In the words of John F. Kennedy America, the beautiful : In the words of John F. Kennedy America, the beautiful : In the words of John F. Kennedy Burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of president kennedy's second and
Nation of immigrants Burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of president kennedy's second and
Burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of president kennedy's second and
בחתירה אל השלום : (נאום הנשיא קנדי בעצרת האו"ם ב-20.9.1963). בחתירה אל השלום : (נאום הנשיא קנדי בעצרת האו"ם ב-20.9.1963). בחתירה אל השלום : (נאום הנשיא קנדי בעצרת האו"ם ב-20.9.1963). Burden and the glory : the hopes and purposes of president kennedy's second and
Hvorfor England sov اتخاذ القرارات فى البيت الابيض The Kennedy presidential press conferences
2 |
Andreä, Johann Valentin, 1586-1654
Andreae, Johann Valentin, 1586-1654.
Andreae, Johann Valentin
Andreae, Johan Valentin
Andreæ, Johann Valentin (Johann Valentin), 1586-1654
Johann Valentin Andreae
Andreä, Johann Valentin
Андреэ, И. В. 1586-1654 Иоганн Валентин
Andreä, J. V. 1586 -1654 Johann Valentin
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Autobiographie Autobiographie Autobiographie Autobiographie Autobiographie bodas químicas de Cristián Rosacruz Autobiographie Химическая свадьба Христиана Розенкрейца Химическая свадьба Христиана Розенкрейца
3 |
Joséphine, Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French, 1763-1814
Joséphine impératrice des Français 1763-1814
Joséphine, 1763-1814, impératrice des Français
Josephine Frankreich, Kaiserin 1763-1814
Józefina (cesarzowa Francuzów ; 1763-1814).
Josephine 1763-1814 Empress, consort of Napoleon I, Emperor of the French,
Josefina, Emperatriz consorte de Napoleón I, Emperador de Francia 1763-1814
Joséphine, keizerin van Frankrijk, 1763-1814
Joséphine de Beauharnais
Josefina, emperadriu, consort de Napoleó I, emperador dels francesos, 1763-1814
Joséphine, impératrice, épouse de Napoléon Ier, empereur des français, 1763-1814
Joséphine, impératrice
Joséphine, Impératrice de France 1763-1814
Josefína, císařovna, choť Napoleona I., francouzského císaře, 1763-1814
Joséphine императрица французская 1763-1814
ז'וזפין, קיסרית צרפת, 1763-1814
Josephine, Empress consort of Napoleon I (French empress, 1763-1814)
Joséphine, 1763-1814
Joséphine, imperatrice consorte di Napoleone I, 1763-1814
Joséphine 1763–1814 imperatorienė Prancūzijos imperatoriaus Napoleono I žmona
Joséphine, kejsarinna av Frankrike, 1763-1814
Josefina, 1763-1814 Imperatriz, consorte de Napoleão I, Imperador dos franceses,
Joséphine kejserinde, Napoléon I, kejser af Frankrig
Joséphine, Empress of the French
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Cartas de Napoleón á Josefina durante la primera campaña de Italia, el consulado
Air Cartas de Napoleón á Josefina durante la primera campaña de Italia, el consulado
Apollon et les Muses, calendrier pour l'année MDCCCVI, dédié & présenté à sa Maj
Lettres de Napoléon a Joséphine pendant la premiére campagne d'Italie, le Consul
Brieven van Napoléon I (1769-1821) aan Joséphine (1763-1814) Lettre de Joséphine de Beauharnais Cartas de Napoleón á Josefina durante la primera campaña de Italia, el consulado
Correspondance, 1782-1814 carillon des Trois fermiers, le trio de Zémire et Azor et trois petits airs Lettres de Napoléon a Joséphine pendant la premiére campagne d'Italie, le Consul
Joséphine, la Suède et la Russie [catalogue de l'Exposition, Musée national des
Cartas de Napoleón á Josefina durante la primera campaña de Italia, el consulado
Carta de Madama Bonaparte a Julia Morou [Paride di schiena]
4 |
Lewis, Wyndham, 1882-1957
Lewis, Wyndham
Wyndham Lewis English painter, writer and critic (1882-1957)
Lewis, Wyndham (Percy Wyndham), 1882-1957
Lewis, Wyndham (British painter and author, 1882-1957)
Lewis, Percy Wyndham
Льюис, У. П. 1884-1957 Уиндхем Перси
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Die Affen Gottes America and cosmic man apes of God apes of God
5 |
Baldensperger, Fernand, 1871-1958
Baldensperger, Fernand
Baldensperger, Fernand, 1871-
Fernand Baldensperger universitaire français
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Adam Mickiewicz en France Adieu temps Alfred de Vigny
6 |
Rose, H.J. (Herbert Jennings), 1883-1961
Rose, H.J.
Rose, Herbert Jennings, 1883-1961
H. J. Rose British classical philologist (1883-1961)
روز، هـ. ج.، 1883-1961
Rose, Herbert Jennings
Rose, Herbert J. 1883-1961
Rose, H. J. (1883-1961)
Rose, H. J. (Herbert Jennings)
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Aetia Romana. The all-knowing God : researches into early religion and culture The all-knowing God : researches into early religion and culture Gordon J. Laing, Survivals of Roman Religion. London: Harrap & Co., 1931. Pp. xi
Ancient Roman religion Ancient Roman religion Dionysiaca Dionysiaca Ancient Roman religion
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Rose, Bernard, 1916-1996
Rose, Bernard, 1916-
Rose, Bernard, muziek
Bernard Rose British organist and composer (1916–1996)
Rose, Bernard
Rose, Bernard William George (1916-1996).
Rose, Bernard (1916-96)
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Anna Karenine
Susanna HWV 66 kritischer Bericht Feast song for Saint Cecilia
8 |
Gilles-Sebaoun, Élisabeth.
Sébaoun, Elisabeth
Gilles-Sebaoun, É. Élisabeth
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4 histoires insolites Bible des petits Biblia
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Rose, William John, 1885-1968
Rose, William John
Rose, W.J. (William John)
Rose, William J. (William John), 1885-1968
William John Rose Canadian historian
Rose, William J. 1885-1968
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Book list 1936 : Poland Cradle days of Slavic studies : some reflections : an inaugural address delivere
Cradle days of Slavic studies : some reflections : an inaugural address delivere
Dantzig & Poland
10 |
Glueck, Eleanor Touroff, 1898-1972
Glueck, Eleanor T. (Eleanor Touroff), 1898-1972
Glueck, Eleanor 1898-1972
Glueck, Eleanor Touroff
Glueck, Eleanor
Eleanor Glueck American social worker (1898–1972)
Glueck, Eleanor (1896- )
Glueck, Eleanor T.
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Adventure in Japan : May 28th - July 3rd 1960. Adventure in Japan : May 28th - July 3rd 1960. After-conduct of discharged offenders : A report to the department After-conduct of discharged offenders : A report to the department After-conduct of discharged offenders : A report to the department
Unraveling juvenile delinquency Adventure in Japan : May 28th - July 3rd 1960.
11 |
Slotki, Israel W.
Slotki, I. W. (Israel W.)
סלוטקי, ישראל זאב
Slotki, Israel W. (Israel Wolf), 1884-
Slotki, Israel W. 1884-
Sloṭḳi, Yiśraʾel Zeʾev 1884-1973
Slotki, I. W. (1884-1973)
Slotki, Israel Wolf
Yiśraʾel Sloṭḳi
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Baba Bathra Bible. Bible. Abodah Zarah
Bible. Talmud.
12 |
Nonnus, Panopolitanus
Nonnos de Panopolis 04..-04.
Nonnus, of Panopolis
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1: Books 1.-15. / Nonnos ; with an english translation by W. H. D. Rouse ; mytho
Chants X, XI et XII des Dionysiaques
13 |
Scholl, Hans, 1918-1943.
Scholl, Hans
Hans Scholl
שול, הנס, 1918-1943
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At the heart of the White Rose : letters and diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl At the heart of the White Rose : letters and diaries of Hans and Sophie Scholl
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Lillenas, Haldor, 1885-1959
Haldor Lillenas
Lillenas, Haldor
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Choice songs. Adoration
15 |
Walbaum, Johann Julius, 1724-1799
Johann Julius Walbaum
يوهان يوليوس والباوم
Walbaum, Johann Julius
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Beschreibung der lachenden Gans männlichen Geschlechts
Chelonographia oder Beschreibung einiger Schildkröten
16 |
Stachiewicz, Wanda M. 1895-1995
Stachiewicz, Wanda M.
Stachiewicz, Wanda M., 1899-
Stachiewicz, Wanda (1900?-1995).
Stachiewicz, Wanda (1895-1995)
Wanda Stachiewicz 1895-12-12 - 1995-07-08; działaczka społeczna, sekretarz Polsk
Stachiewicz, Wanda
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Copernic et les temps nouveaux Copernic et les temps nouveaux Copernic et les temps nouveaux Alma Mater Jagellonica : the sixth centennial of the University of Cracow, Polan
Alma Mater Jagellonica : the sixth centennial of the University of Cracow, Polan
Alma Mater Jagellonica : the sixth centennial of the University of Cracow, Polan
17 |
Nelson, Barbara
Nelson, Barbara J
Nelson, Barbara 19..-.... professeur de sanskrit
Nelson, Barbara (1944- ).
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anthology of writings on the Ganga goddess and river in history, culture, and so
Costs and fees in family law cases. anthology of writings on the Ganga goddess and river in history, culture, and so
Fawn and the mysterious trickster
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Saxton, John C.W. 1930-1987
Saxton, John C. W. (John Clifford Waring), 1930-1987
Saxton, John
Saxton, John 1930-1987
John C.W. Saxton
Royston, Jonah
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Class of 1984 Four stages, 1967, ©1966:
Class of 1984
Ilsa - she wolf of the SS
19 |
Christern, Johann Wilhelm, 1809-1877
Johann Wilhelm Christern
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Biographien berühmter Hamburgischer Freudenmädchen
20 |
King, Ross 1961-
KING, Ross
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Kanbunmyaku the literary sinitic context and the birth of modern Japanese langua
21 |
Rose, John (John W.)
Rose, John W.
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Condensation and condenser design, c1993: Condensation and condenser design, c1993:
22 |
Rose, J.W.
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Technical data on fuel
23 |
Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939. | Wahn und die träume in w. jensens "gradiva." | Fren
Expression |
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Velter, Joseph M. (Joseph Matheus), 1895-1949. | Totenschwemme, roman | English
Expression |
25 |
Rose, John
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Rose, W.J.
Personal |
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J. W. Rose & Co
Corporate |