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Sample Title
1 |
Wang, Shimin, 1592-1680
Wang, Shi-Min 1592-1680
Wang Shimin (Chinese painter, calligrapher, and sealmaker, 1592-1680)
Wang, Xiaoqiang
Wang, X. Q.
(明) 王時敏
Wang, Shimin
王, 時敏
王, 時敏, 1592-1680
Personal |
Eminent Ch‘ing
Fixed point results in set Ph,e with applications to fractional differential equ
Lactic acid production from kitchen waste with a newly characterized strain of L
Album after Du Fu's Poems 1949-1989 si shi nian chu tu mu zhi mu lu 四王画集 : 王时敏 王鉴 王翬 王原祁 Ō jibin seiran dansui zukan
2 |
Ren, Naiqiang
Ren, Naiqiang, 1894-1989
任乃強, (人類學), 1894-1989
任, 乃強
Personal |
Chuan da shi xue. Sichuan jun fa shi Chuan da shi xue. 任乃強卷
3 |
Sun, Qutian
Sun, Qiangming 1817-1901
(清) 孫鏘鳴
Personal |
Sun Qiangming ji
4 |
Liu, Qiang, 1970-
류창 1970-
Personal |
Shi shuo xin yu zi liao hui bian 야만의 시대, 지식인의 길 중국사 지성의 상징 죽림칠현, 절대 난세에 답하다
5 |
Ren, Mengqiang
Ren, meng qiang
Personal |
Gu dai ban ke Guan sheng di jun sheng ji tu Qing dai li zhi shi liao
6 |
Shen, Qiang, 1960-
Personal |
Chinas großartiger Beitrag im weltweiten antifaschistischen Kampf
7 |
Ren, Qiang
Ren, Qiang (Finance teacher)
Ren, Qiang (Professeurs de finance)
Personal |
The property tax in China, 2015: Gong gong fu wu jun deng hua wen ti yan jiu = Gonggong fuwu jundenghua wenti yan
The property tax in China, 2015:
8 |
Ren, Guo-Qiang
Ren, Guo-Qiang 1958-....
Personal |
Am Ende der Missachtung? : Studie über die Stefan Zweig-Rezeption in der deutsch
Am Ende der Missachtung? : Studie über die Stefan Zweig-Rezeption in der deutsch
9 |
Ren, Qiang.
Ren, Qiang (Ph.D. in law)
Personal |
Public interests in international investment law, 2018: Public interests in international investment law, 2018:
10 |
Ren, Qiang, 1970-
Personal |
Ru jia li fa si xiang jie du
11 |
Ren, Qiang
Ren, Qiang (Of Beijing da xue. Zhongguo she hui ke xue diao cha zhong xin)
Personal |
Gender policy and HIV in China : catalyzing policy change Gender policy and HIV in China : catalyzing policy change
12 |
Ren, Qiang, 1975-
Personal |
Zheng zhi she hui xue shi ye li de cun min zi zhi zhu wen ti
13 |
Shalayue Gujin Sheng ji Sanmalahan Sheng Hua ren she tuan zong hui. Qiang nian t
Corporate |
2003-2005 di shi yi jie Hua qing tuan
14 |
Ren, Qiang (Associate professor)
Ren, Qiang 1985-....
Ren, Qiang, 19..-....
Ren, Qiang
Personal |
Advances in time-domain computational electromagnetic methods Deep learning-based forward modeling and inversion techniques for computational
Deep learning-based forward modeling and inversion techniques for computational
15 |
Eunson, Roby. | Soong sisters | Chinese | (赵云侠. : 1984)
Eunson, Roby. | Soong sisters. | Chinese
Expression |
16 |
Diamond, Jared M. | Guns, germs, and steel. | Chinese
Diamond, Jared M. | Guns, germs, and steel | Chinese | (谢延光 : 2014)
Expression |
17 |
Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. | How to win friends & influence people | Chinese | (
Expression |
18 |
Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. | How to win friends & influence people | Chinese | (
Expression |
19 |
Carnegie, Dale, 1888-1955. | How to win friends & influence people | Chinese | (
Expression |
20 |
Ren, Qiang, 1968-
Personal |
Modeling of traffic sources and performance analysis of statistical multiplexing
21 |
"Hai xia liang an qiang zhi xing chan pin ren zheng zhi du bi dui yan jiu bao ga
Corporate |
Hai xia liang an qiang zhi xing chan pin ren zheng zhi du bi dui yan jiu bao gao
22 |
Ren, Bingqiang 1973-
Personal |
23 |
China. Zui gao ren min fa yuan. Xing zheng qiang zhi fa yan jiu xiao zu
Corporate |
"Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo xing zheng qiang zhi fa" tiao wen li jie yu shi yong,
24 |
Byams-pa-tshe-riṅ, Thar-gliṅ
Personal |
25 |
Jia qiang Ningbo wai lai ren kou guan li tui jin he xie she hui jian she ke ti z
Corporate |
Liudong yu hexie
26 |
Zhou, Qiang
Personal |
27 |
Chen, Yuan-Tsun. | Return to the middle kingdom | Chinese 2009
Chen, Yuan-tsung, 1932- | Return to the middle kingdom. | Chinese
Expression |
28 |
Kurcinka, Mary Sheedy. | Raising Your Spirited Child | Chinese | (Wei and 魏婉琪 an
Expression |
29 |
Ren, Guoqiang
Personal |
Xia wu, yi hou = Sommerhaus, später
30 |
石原, 新菜. | 「体を温める」と子どもは病気にならない | Chinese | (石玉鳳 : 2013)
Expression |
31 |
Brown, Martin, 1959-. | Groovy Greeks | Chinese | (林靜慧 : 2005)
Expression |
32 |
Qiang lu ren fu he zhan shi xing bao li wen ti guo ji yan tao hui (2007 : Taiwan
Corporate |
Yazhou ren min hui shen Riben zhi min zhu yi, 2008:
33 |
Roth, Ariel Adrean, 1927-. | Origins : linking science and Scripture | Chinese |
Expression |
34 |
加藤, 史子. | 人生を整える「瞑想」の習慣 | Chinese | (蔡麗蓉 : 2021)
Expression |
35 |
Ellison, James Whitfield. | Templeton plan 21 steps to success and happiness | C
Expression |
36 |
De Marneffe, Daphne. | Rough patch | Chinese | (韓絜光 : 2019)
Expression |
37 |
赤羽, 雄二. | すごい成果をあげているリーダーが実行している40の習慣 : 部下を最短, 最速で戦力化する方法 | Chinese | (陳惠莉 : 201
Expression |
38 |
西村博之. | 論破力 | Chinese | (謝敏怡 : 2019)
Expression |
39 |
Mould, Steve, 1978-. | Bacteria book | Chinese | (楊仕音 and 吳宛勳 : 2019)
Expression |
40 |
Giordano, Raphaëlle, 1974-. | Jour où les lions mangeront de la salade verte : r
Expression |
41 |
Onsman, Harry. | Management powertools : a guide to 20 of the most powerful mana
Expression |
42 |
Lapid-Bogda, Ginger. | Bringing Out the Best in Yourself at Work | Chinese | (辛一
Expression |
43 |
Riso, Don Richard. | Personality types : using the enneagram for self-discovery
Expression |
44 |
Goodman, David S. G. | Deng Xiaoping and the Chinese revolution : a political bi
Expression |
45 |
渋谷, 昌三, 1946-. | 面白いほどよくわかる!恋愛の心理学 | Chinese | (蕭雲菁 : 2015)
Expression |
46 |
Halpern, Jake. | Bad paper : chasing debt from wall Street to the underworld | C
Expression |
47 |
Ellsworth, Abby. | Anatomy of yoga | Chinese | (謝明珊 : 2015)
Expression |
48 |
Roxburgh, Angus. | Strongman : vladimir putin and the struggle for russia | Chin
Expression |
49 |
Ren, Qiang
Personal |
CXCR4 and TNF-alpha expression by osteoblasts and lymphocytes treated with metal
50 |
Behar, Ruth, 1956-. | Vulnerable observer : anthropology that breaks your heart
Expression |
51 |
Loehr, James E. | Stress for success | Chinese | (薛絢 : 1999)
Expression |
52 |
Wolf, Maryanne,. | Proust and the squid : the story and science of the reading b
Expression |
53 |
Johnen, Wilhelm. | Angst des mannes vor der starken frau : einsichten in männers
Expression |
54 |
Rich, Alan,. | Johann Sebastian Bach : play by play | Chinese | (吳家恆 and 尹鴻智 : 1
Expression |
55 |
任強, (英語)
Personal |
Jing yan zhong guo : yi zhe jiang qi cun wei ge an.Yang jian hua zhu bian ; xiao
56 |
Gao, Qiang
Personal |
57 |
Hitchings, Henry, 1974-. | Secret life of words : how english became english | C
Expression |
58 |
Havener, Thorsten 1972-. | Ich weiss, was du denkst | Chinese | (姬健梅 : 2013)
Expression |
59 |
亀井, 卓也. | 5Gビジネス | Chinese | (刘爱夌 : 2019)
Expression |
60 |
大嶋祥誉. | マッキンゼー流入社1年目問題解決の教科書 | Chinese | (鄭舜瓏 : 2014)
Expression |
61 |
Diamond, Jared M. | Guns, germs, and steel | Chinese | (廖月娟 and 王道还 : 2019)
Expression |
62 |
Adam, David, 1972-. | Man who couldn't stop : the truth about ocd | Chinese | (朱
Expression |
63 |
Butson, Thomas G. | Gorbachev : a biography | Chinese 1986
Expression |
64 |
Trojanow, Ilija,. | Meine Olympiade : ein Amateur, vier Jahre, 80 Disziplinen |
Expression |
65 |
Kross, Ethan,. | Chatter : the voice in our head, why it matters, and how to har
Expression |
66 |
Adam, David, 1972-. | Man who couldn't stop : ocd and the true story of a life l
Expression |
67 |
Fletcher, George P. | Crime of self-defense : bernhard goetz and the law on tria
Expression |
68 |
午堂登紀雄. | 「いい人」をやめれば人生はうまくいく | Chinese | (蘇暐婷 : 2017)
Expression |
69 |
落合博子. | 美容常識の9割はウソ | Chinese | (蔡麗蓉 : 2020)
Expression |
70 |
Komisarjevsky, Chris. | Power of reputation : strengthen the asset that will mak
Expression |
71 |
沢渡, あまね, 1975-. | 「自分」の生産性をあげる働き方 | Chinese | (王美娟 : 2018)
Expression |
72 |
Schor, Juliet. | Plenitude : the new economics of true wealth | Chinese | (陳琇玲.
Expression |
73 |
Russell, Rachel Renée. | Tales from a not-so-dorky drama queen. | Chinese
Expression |
74 |
清水久三子. | 外資系コンサルタントのインパクト図解術 | Chinese | (賴庭筠 : 2015)
Expression |
75 |
南雲, 吉則, 1955-. | なぜ, 一流の人は「集中力」が1日中続くのか? | Chinese | (簡琪婷 : 2017)
Expression |
76 |
Hauser, Fran,. | Myth of the nice girl : achieving a career you love without bec
Expression |
77 |
鈴木秀子, 1932-. | 9つの性格 : エニアグラムで見つかる「本当の自分」と最良の人間関係 | Chinese | (江裕真 : 2013)
Expression |
78 |
Morgan, Ann (Ann Beatrice),. | Beside myself | Chinese | (刘媛 : 2016)
Expression |
79 |
Riemann, Friedrich Karl. | Grundformen der Angst : eine tiefenpsychologische Stu
Expression |
80 |
Lehman, Richard. | New Insights on Covered Call Writing | Chinese | (益智 : 2017)
Expression |
81 |
Itzler, Jesse,. | Living with the Monks : What Turning Off My Phone Taught Me ab
Expression |
82 |
北岡秀紀. | 96%の人がやっていない稼ぐ人の常識破りの仕事術 | Chinese | (許哲彥 : 2015)
Expression |
83 |
Russell, Rachel Renée. | Tales from a not-so-graceful ice princess. | Chinese
Expression |
84 |
すがや, みつる, 1950-. | 仮面ライダーストロンガー | Chinese | (廖介銘 : 2006)
Expression |
85 |
Brodie, Richard. | Getting past OK : the self-help book for people who don't nee
Expression |
86 |
堀川惠子, 1969-. | 教誨師 | Chinese | (李道道 : 2015)
Expression |
87 |
Williams, Robert F. (Robert Franklin), 1925-1996. | Negroes with guns | Chinese
Expression |
88 |
Dunbar, R. I. M. (Robin Ian MacDonald), 1947-. | How many friends does one perso
Expression |
89 |
佐藤, 健太郎, 1970-. | 世界史を変えた薬 | Chinese | (鄭舜瓏 : 2019)
Expression |
90 |
Prestowitz, Clyde V., 1941-. | Three billion new capitalists : the great shift o
Expression |
91 |
Marden, Orison Swett, 1848-1924. | Training for efficiency | Chinese | (高峰. : 19
Expression |
92 |
李维文. | 人生如此艰难 你要自己强大 : "丛林生存"成功法则
Work |
93 |
Lassiter, Luke E. | Invitation to anthropology | Chinese | (郭禎麟 : 2010)
Expression |
94 |
Gallo, Carmine,. | Storyteller's secret : from ted speakers to business legends,
Expression |
95 |
Itzler, Jesse,. | Living with a SEAL : 31 days with the toughest man on the plan
Expression |
96 |
Ferriss, Timothy,. | Tools of titans : the tactics, routines and habits of billi
Expression |
97 |
Slater, Robert, 1943-. | Saving big blue : leadership lessons and turnaround tac
Expression |
98 |
午堂, 登紀雄. | 自分なりの解決法が見つかる前向きに悩む力 | Chinese | (林于楟 : 2022)
Expression |
99 |
岸見, 一郎, 1956-. | アドラー人生を生き抜く心理学 | Chinese | (鄭舜瓏 : 2017)
Expression |
100 |
吉永, 賢一, 1971-. | 東大家庭教師の結果が出るノート術 | Chinese | (陳美瑛 : 2015)
Expression |