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Sample Title
1 |
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, 65-8 f.Kr.
Horace, 0065-0008 av. J.-C.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus v65-v8
Horatius (Quintus), 65-8 v. Chr.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus (65-8 p.n.e.).
Horácio, 65-8 a.C.
Horaci, 65 aC-8 aC
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, 65-8 a.C.
Horacy (65-8 p.n.e.)
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, 65-8 pr. n. š.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus 65a.C.-8a.C.
Q. Horatius Flaccus
Horatius, Quintus Flaccus, 65 př. Kr.-8 př. Kr.
Horācijs, 65-8 p.m.ē.
הורציוס פלקוס, קוינטוס
Гораций, Флакк Квинт
Horatius, 65 pred Kr.-8 pred Kr.
Гораций Флакк, К. Квинт 65-8 до н.э.
Horatius Flaccus, Q. Quintus 65-8 до н.э.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus B.C. 65-B.C. 8
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, 65-8B. C.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus, 65-8 e.Kr.
Horatius Flaccus, Quintus 65 pr.Kr.–8 pr.Kr
Горацій Флакк, К. 65-8 до н.э. Квінт
Horace (Roman poet, 65-8 BCE)
Flaccus, Quintus Horatius, 65-8 a.C.
Horatius Flaccus, Q., 65-8 v. Chr.
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Ars poetica Ars poetica Ars poetica Ars poetica Ad Augustium
Ars poetica Ars poetica Carmen saeculare Ars poetica Ars poetica
Ars poetica Ars poetica Ars poetica
Ars poetica Ars poetica
2 |
Chaplin, Charlie, 1889-1977.
Chaplin, Charles, 1889-1977
Charles Chaplin
Chaplin, Charles
Chaplin, Charlie
Chaplin, Charlie (Charles Spencer), 1889-1977
شابلن، شارلي، 1889-1977
Чаплин, Ч. С. 1889-1977 Чарльз Спенсер
Chaplin, C. S. 1889-1977 Charles Spencer
צ'פלין, צ'רלי, 1889-1977
Чаплин, Чарли, 1889-1977
Chaplin, Charlie (English actor, director, and writer, 1889-1977)
Chaplin, Charles Spencer (Charlie)
Chaplin, Charles Spencer, 1889-1977
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Autobiography adventurer kid Charlie Chaplin.de Charlot à Chaplin kid Charlie Chaplin.de Charlot à Chaplin Modern times Charlie Chaplin.de Charlot à Chaplin Charlie Chaplin.de Charlot à Chaplin Modern times Modern times
3 |
Eliot, T.S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965
Eliot, Thomas Stearns, 1888-1965
Eliot, T.S. 1888-1965
T. S. Eliot
Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns)
Eliot, Thomas Stearns
اليوت، توماس سترنس، 1888-1965
אליוט, ת. ס. (תומס סטרנס), 1888-1965
Элиот, Т. С. (Томас Стернс), 1888-1965
Eliot, T. S.
Элиот, Т.С. Томас Стернз 1888-1965
إليوت، ت. س.، 1888-1965
Eliot, T.S. 1888-1965 Thomas Stearns
Eliot, Thomas Stearns (T.S.)
Eliot, T. S. (British poet, 1888-1965)
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Ash Wednesday Ariel poems Ariel poems Four quarters Coctail party Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Ash Wednesday Cats. Old Possum's book of practical cats Coctail party Old Possum's book of practical cats
4 |
Grégoire Palamas 1296-1359 saint
Gregory Palamas, Saint, 1296-1359
Gregorios Thessaloniki, Metropolit, Heiliger 1296-1359
Grégoire Palamas, saint, 1296-1359
Grzegorz Palamas (święty ; 1296-1359).
Григорий Палама 1296-1359
Gregori Palamàs, sant, 1296-1359
Palamas, Gregorius, archevêque de Thessalonique
Gregorius, Palamas (Grēgorios), 1296-1359
Grzegorz Palamas (święty ; ok. 1296-1359)
Palamas, Gregorius, metropolita di Thessalonikē, 1296-1359
Palamas, Gregorius helgen, erkebiskop av Thessaloniki
Γρηγόριος Παλαμᾶς
Gregorios Palamas, 1296-1359.
Gregorio Palama, Santo ca. 1296-ca. 1359
Gregors Palama, Svētais, 1296-1359
Palamas, Gregory Saint 1296-1359
Gregorius Palamas 1296-1359
Grēgórios Palamás 1296-1359 šventasis
Palamas, Grégorios, 1296-1359
Gregorius : Palamas <santo>
Gregory Palamas, Saint
Grīgorios Palamas, Saint
Gregory Palamas, 1296-1359
غريغوريوس بالاماس، القديس، 1296-1359
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Apology for the Holy Hesychasts. Selections. Apology for the Holy Hesychasts. Selections. Capita physica theologica, moralia et practica CL Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici Византия и Московская Русь Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici Défense des saints hésychastes Dekalog Chrystusa prawodawcy czyli Nowego Testamentu = Dekalogos tīs nomothesias
Capita 150 Gegen die Lateiner Traktate von Gregorios Palamas und Barlaam von Kalabrien in k
The triads The one hundred and fifty chapters Défense des saints hésychastes Триады в защиту Священно-безмолвствующих 헤지카즘의 신학자 성 그레고리오스 팔라마스 Византия и Московская Русь
Atto e luce divina : scritti filosofici e teologici Défense des saints hésychastes
東方教会の精髄 人間の神化論攷 : 聖なるヘシュカストたちのための弁護
5 |
Eyck, Jan van, 1390-1440
Eyck, Jan van
Eyck, Jan van 1390-1441
Jan van Eyck
Van Eyck, Jan, 1390-1441
Eyck, Jan van, ca. 1390-1441
Van Eyck, Jan
Eyck, Jan van (Netherlandish painter, ca.1390-1441)
Eyck, Jan van, asi 1390-1441
Eyck, Jan van (ok. 1390-1441)
Eyck, Jan van apie 1390–1441
אייק, יאן ואן, 1390-1440
Van Eyck, J. ок.1390-1441 Jan
Eyck, Jan van, umbes 1395-1441.
Van Eyck, Jan, 1390-1440
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Aanbidding van het Lam Gods The Arnolfini double portrait : a simple solution Anbetung des Lammes Madonna am Brunnen annonciation Hubert und Jan van Eijck : (1366?-1426) (1370?-1440) : 38 Blätter Polyptyque de l'Agneau mystique
Van Eyck Adam et Eve
Crucifixion Geheimnis des Jan van Eyck die frühen niederländischen Zeichnungen und Gemälde i
Aanbidding van het Lam Gods
6 |
Rostovtzeff, Michael Ivanovitch, 1870-1952.
Rostovcev, Mihail Ivanovič, 1870-1952
Rostovt︠s︡ev, Mikhail Ivanovich
Ростовцев, Михаил Иванович, 1870-1952
Rostovcev, Michail Ivanovič, 1870-1952
Rostovcev, M.I. (Michail Ivanovič), 1870-1952
Ростовцев, М. И. историк 1870-1952 Михаил Иванович
Михаил Иванович Ростовцев
رستوفتزف، م.، 1870-1952
Rostovtzeff, Michael
Rostovzeff, Michael Ivanovitch
רוסטובצב, מיכאל איבנוביץ', 1870-1952
Rostovcev, Mihail Ivanovič
Rostovсev, M. I. историк 1870-1952 Michail Ivanovič
Rostovtsev, Mihhail, 1870-1952.
Rostovtsev, Mikhail Ivanovich, 1870-1952
Rostowzew, Michael Ivanovitch, 1870-1952
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The animal style in South Russia and China The animal style in South Russia and China Caravan cities Ėllinstvo i iranstvo na i︠u︡ge Rossii The animal style in South Russia and China The animal style in South Russia and China excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy
Caravan cities Ėllinstvo i iranstvo na i︠u︡ge Rossii The animal style in South Russia and China The animal style in South Russia and China Ėllinstvo i iranstvo na i︠u︡ge Rossii The animal style in South Russia and China excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy
Caravan cities Caravan cities
7 |
La Rue, Pierre de 1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de, -1518
La Rue, Pierre de 1452c-1518
La Rue, Pierre de
La Rue, Pierre de ca1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de, 1460?-1518, compositeur
La Rue, Pierre de, ca. 1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de (około 1460-1518).
Pierre de la Rue
De La Rue, Pierre ca.1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de (ok. 1460-1518)
La Rue, Pierre de, ap 1452-1518
לה רו, פייר דה, נפטר 1518
La Rue, Pierre de, c. 1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de, asi 1460-1518
La Rue, Pierre de ca. 1452-1518
La Rue, Pierre de, umbes 1452-1518.
Personal |
Absalom fili mi Voix (4) Autant en emporte le vent
Absalon, fili mi
Considera Israel. Doleo super te
Chansons. Selections
Delicta Juventutis
8 |
Iordanes Gothus
Jordanes, 05..-05..
Jordanes, active 6th century
Jordanes (5..-6..).
Iordanes Gotus ca. 6. Jh.
Jordanes, 6e eeuw
Jordanes, 500-talet e.Kr.
Jordanes, actiu segle VI
Jordanes историк готский 6 в.
Jordanes, 6th cent.
Iordanes Gothus, sec. VI
Jordanes, 6. öld
Jordanes s. VI
יורדנס, פעל במאה ה-6
Jordanes, činný 6. století
Jordanes, sec. VI
Jordanes, 5--
Jordanis, 6. saj.
Personal |
De Getarum. Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus Dzieje Gotów De Getarum. De Getarum. Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus Fragmentum, De priscis sedibus & migrationibus Gothorum, Græcè & Lat. Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus Enodij, Ticinensis episcopi, Panegyricus Theoderico dictus Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus De Getarum. De Getarum. De Getarum. Ammien Marcellin, Jornandès, Frontin (Les stratagèmes), Végèce, Modes tus De Getarum. De la succession des royaumes et des temps et de l'origine et des actes des Goth
Histori ̆Roman ̆Epitomae Lucii Iulii Flori, C. Vell. Paterculi, Sex. Aur. Victor
9 |
Giraudoux, Jean, 1882-1944.
Giraudoux, Jean (Hippolyte Jean), 1882-1944
Jean Giraudoux
Жироду, Ж 1882-1944
جيرودو، جان، 1882-1944
ז'ירודו, ז'אן, 1882-1944
Giraudoux, Jean
Жироду, Ж. 1882-1944 Жан
Giraudoux, Jean (French architect and author, 1882-1944)
Personal |
Adorable Clio Adorable Clio Apollon de Bellac fragmenty)
Amphitryon Amphitryon première disparition de Jérôme Bardini Pharmacienne
10 |
Lernet-Holenia, Alexander, 1897-1976.
Lernet-Holenia, Alexander
Alexander Lernet-Holenia österreichischer Schriftsteller
Lernet-Holenia, Alexander (Alexander Maria), 1897-1976
Лернет-Холения, А. 1897-1976 Александр
Personal |
20. Juli Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen Abenteuer eines jungen Herrn in Polen Auferstehung des maltravers; roman Барон Багге новелла
11 |
Machen, Arthur, 1863-1947
Machen, Arthur Llewelyn Jones 1863-1947
Arthur Machen Welsh author and mystic (1863-1947)
ماكين، أرثر، 1863-1947
Machen, Arthur
מאכן, ארתור, 1863-1947
Machen, Arthur Llewelyn, 1863-1947
Machen, Arthur Jones, 1863-1947
Siluviensis, Leolinus, 1863-1947
Personal |
The anatomy of tobacco
Bílí lidé Great god pan Tri varalice Great god pan The Canning wonder The Canning wonder The Canning wonder
12 |
Osborne, John, 1929-1994.
Osborne, John
Osborne, John, 1929-1994, dramaturge
أوزبورن، جون، 1929-1994
Osborne, John (John James), 1929-1994
John Osborne
אוסבורן, ג'ון, 1929-1994
Osborne, John f. 1929
Osborne, John, 1929-1995
Personal |
Amb la ràbia al cos Autobiography Autobiography entertainer Autobiography Blick zurück im Zorn Theaterstück in 3 Akten An existential view of John Osborne, c1993: Look back in anger El Animador
13 |
Adelung, Johann Christoph, 1732-1806.
Adelung, Johann Christoph
Adelung, Johann Christoph 1734-1806
Johann Christoph Adelung
אדלונג, יוהאן כריסטוף, 1732-1806
Аделунг, Иоганн Кристоф, 1732-1806
Adelung, Johann Christopher, 1732-1806
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Aelteste Geschichte der Deutschen ihrer Sprache und Litteratur [i.e.Literatur] b
Allgemeines Gelehrten-Lexikon, darinne die Gelehrten aller Stænde, sowohl mænn-
Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde Du Conge's Glossarium, 1840-50. Du Conge's Glossarium, 1840-50. Mithridates, oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde
14 |
Hogwood, Christopher, 1941-2014.
Hogwood, Christopher
Hogwood, Christopher, 1941-
Christopher Hogwood English conductor, harpsichordist, writer and musicologist
Christopher Jarvis Haley Hogwood
הוגווד, כריסטופר
Personal |
Abdelazer Cimento dell'armonia e dell'inventione. Athalia
Music in eighteenth-century England : essays in memory of Charles Cudworth
15 |
Andres, Stefan, 1906-1970
Andres, Stefan Paul, 1906-1970
Andres, Stefan
Andres, Stefan (Stefan Paul), 1906-1970
Andres, Stefan Paul
Stefan Andres deutscher Schriftsteller
Andres, Stefan Paul, 1906-
Andres, Stephan, 1906-1970.
Personal |
Der 20. Juli, Tat und Testament Der 20. Juli, Tat und Testament Der 20. Juli, Tat und Testament Der 20. Juli, Tat und Testament Ägyptisches Tagebuch Granatapfel 聖書物語 Utopía somos nosotros
16 |
Stresemann, Gustav, 1878-1929
Stresemann, Gustav
Stresemann, Gustave, 1878-1929
Gustav Stresemann
שטרזמן, גוסטב, 1878-1929
Personal |
Arbeiterschaft und die nationalen Fragen der Gegenwart Vortr. geh. im Nationalen
Deutsche Gegenwart und Zukunft Rede geh. auf d. Leipziger Parteitage d. Deutsche
papiers de Stresemann six années de politique allemande Le projet Léger-Briand d’union fédérale européenne (1929-1930) Gustav Stresemann; his diaries, letters, and papers
17 |
Block, Lawrence, 1938-....
Block, Lawrence
Lawrence Block American writer
בלוק, לורנס
Блок, Л. 1938- Лоренс
Personal |
All the flowers are dying After the first death Burglar who liked to quote Kipling. One
When the sacred ginmill closes
18 |
Wolf, Johann Christoph, 1683-1739
Wolf, Johann Christoph
Johann Christoph Wolf deutscher Theologe und Polyhistor
Personal |
2 Contrapuntal studies Die Alten jüdischen Heiligthümer : Gottesdienste und Gewohnheiten für Augen gest
19 |
Löwenthal, Richard, 1908-1991
Löwenthal, Richard
Löwenthal, Richard 1908-....
لوينثال، ريتشارد، 1908-1991
Richard Löwenthal
L©œwenthal, Richard
Personal |
Außenpolitische Perspektiven des westdeutschen Staates Außenpolitische Perspektiven des westdeutschen Staates Beiträge zur auswärtigen und internationalen Politik. Herausgegeben von Richard
Ueber die Amidine der Kohlensäure Zu Marshalls neuklassischer Ökonomie
20 |
Hawkes, Jacquetta, 1910-1996
Hawkes, Jacquetta Hopkins, 1910-1996
Hawkes, Jacquetta
Hawkes, Jacquetta (Jacquetta Hopkins), 1910-
Jacquetta Hawkes
هاوكس، ج.، 1910-1996
Hawkes, Jacquetta Hopkins
Personal |
The archaeology of the Channel islands The archaeology of the Channel islands Antiquity of Man The archaeology of the Channel islands Antiquity of Man History of mankind : cultural and scientific development Atlas of ancient archaeology
21 |
Weitz, Chris, 1969-....
Weitz, Chris
Chris Weitz American film director
Weitz, Chris 1970-
וייץ, כריס, 1969-
Weitz, Chris (American artist, born 1969)
Вайц, К. 1969- Крис
Personal |
25, 2008: About a boy La brújula dorada About a boy
Мир юных
22 |
Tabori, Paul, 1908-1974
Tábori, Pál, 1908-1974
Tabori, Paul
Tábori 1908-1974
Paul Tabori Hungarian writer
טאבורי, פאל, 1908-1974
Personal |
'48 [forty-eight]. The year of revolutions Ági cserkész lesz vidám kis regény lányoknak és fiúknak '48 [forty-eight]. The year of revolutions
Bricks upon Dust The pen in exile : an anthology
23 |
Colfer, Chris, 1990-....
Colfer, Chris
Chris Colfer actor, singer, book author
קולפר, כריס, 1990-
Колфер, К. 1990- Крис
Personal |
Adventures from the Land of Stories Author's odyssey Land of Stories Author's odyssey Страна сказок
24 |
Hartmann, Johann, 1568-1631
Hartmann, Johan 1568-1631
Johannes Hartmann deutscher Mathematiker, Logiker, Chemiker und Arzt
Hartmann, Johann
Hartmann, Joseph
Hartmann, Johan (Johannes), 1568-1631
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Anagrammatographiae prodromus quem strenae loco sibinet appropriant Hieronymus K
Basilica Chymica Cherubini, [Luigi]: Lytania in C moll. Canto, Alto, tenore, Basso, 2 violini, vi
Praxis chymiatrica
25 |
Brown, Christopher, 1948-....
Brown, Christopher
Christopher Brown British museum director
Brown, Christopher (British curator, born 1948)
Personal |
Alla scoperta del Barocco italiano : la collezione Denis Mahon Art in seventeenth century Holland : the National Gallery, 30th September to 12t
Anthony van Dyck : [exhibition dates: 11 November 1990-24 February 1991]
26 |
Lobwasser, Ambrosius, 1515-1585
Ambrosius Lobwasser
Ambrosius Lobwasser deutscher Schriftsteller und Übersetzer
Lobwasser, Ambrosius
Personal |
All' die auf Gott den Herren haben
27 |
Zartman, I. William
Zartman, Ira William, 1932-....
Zartman, I. William, 1932-
Zartman, I. William (Ira William)
I. William Zartman Professor of International studies
Zartman, Ira William
Personal |
The 50% solution : how to bargain successfully with hijackers, strikers, bosses,
The 50% solution : how to bargain successfully with hijackers, strikers, bosses,
The 50% solution : how to bargain successfully with hijackers, strikers, bosses,
Beyond coercion : the durability of the Arab state
The global power of talk : negotiating America's interests
28 |
Hobson, Anthony, 1921-2014
Hobson, Anthony Robert Alwyn, 1921-2014
Hobson, Anthony Robert Alwyn, 1921-
Hobson, Anthony
Hobson, Anthony, 1921-
Hobson, Anthony Robert Alwyn
Anthony Robert Alwyn Hobson British book historian (1921-2014)
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Acquisti di opere a stampa per la biblioteca di Papa Paolo III Acquisti di opere a stampa per la biblioteca di Papa Paolo III Bartolomeo Sanvito : the life & work of a Renaissance scribe Additions et corrections, supplément à l'ouvrage "Les reliures à la fanfare le p
Actes et communications Apollo and Pegasus : an enquiry into the formation and dispersal of a renaissanc
L'abate e il marchese
29 |
Eesti filharmoonia kammerkoor
Estland Filharmonisch Kamerkoor
Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor Tallinn
Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir
Эстонский филармонический камерный хор
Eesti Filharmoonia Kammerkoor Tallinn, Eesti
Corporate |
Adam's lament Aan de rivier Babylon
All-night vigil
30 |
Bonham, John, 1948-1980.
John Bonham English drummer (1948–1980)
Bonham, John
John Bonham English musician and drummer for Led Zeppelin
Бонэм, Д. 1948-1980 Джон
Bonham, J. 1948-1980 John
Bonham, John, slagwerker, 1948-1980
בונהם, ג'ון, 1948-1980
Personal |
95046963 Ameriska gimnazija Led Zeppelin
Bonham for 8 percussionists Bonham for 8 percussionists Led Zeppelin
31 |
Hawkes, C. F. C. (Charles Francis Christopher), 1905-1992
Christopher Hawkes British archaeologist (1905-1992)
Hawkes, C. F. C. 1905-1992
Hawkes, Christopher 1905-1992
Hawkes, Charles Francis Christopher, 1905-1992, archéologue
Hawkes, Christopher
Hawkes, Charles Francis Christopher
Hawkes, C. F. C.
Hawkes, Charles Francis Christopher, 1905-1992
Hawkes, Christopher (Charles Francis Christopher), 1905-
Hawkes, Christopher, 1905-
Hawkes, C. F. C. (Charles Francis Christopher)
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Archaeology in England and Wales, 1914-1931 Archaeology in England and Wales, 1914-1931 Celtic art in ancient Europe, five protohistoric centuries = L'Art Celtique en E
Celtic art in ancient Europe, five protohistoric centuries = L'Art Celtique en E
Archaeology in England and Wales, 1914-1931 Archaeology in England and Wales, 1914-1931 Archaeology into History Archaeology into History
Camulodunum : first report on the excavations at Colchester 1930-1939 Prehistoric Britain Britain and Julius Cæsar
32 |
Evans, Joan, 1893-1977
Evans, Joan
Joan Evans
Personal |
1835-1847 The Conways: a history of three generations. Anniversary Address
33 |
Jahoda, Marie, 1907-2001
Jahoda, Marie.
Jahoda, Marie 1907-...
Marie Jahoda
Lazarsfeld-Jahoda, Marie
Personal |
Anamnesen im Versorgungshaus. Ach, meine Liebe, werft sie mir nicht vor : 24 Sonette
Arbeitslosen von Marienthal Arbeitslosen von marienthal ein soziographischer versuch über die wirkungen lang
34 |
Lambert, Christophe, 1957-....
Lambert, Christopher, 1957-
Christopher Lambert
Lambert, Christopher (Christophe Guy Denis), 1957-
למברט, כריסטופר, 1957-
Lambert, Christopher
Personal |
Un + une Absolon die Menschheit am Rande des Unterganges, nur ein Mann kann sie retten ;
fille porte-bonheur roman Un + une
Kristi legeme
35 |
White, Christopher, 1930-....
White, Christopher
White, Christopher, kunsthistoricus, 1930-
Christopher White British art historian
Personal |
Albrecht Dürer : die Schönsten Zeichnungen Albrecht Dürer : die Schönsten Zeichnungen Anthony van Dyck & the art of portraiture Anthony van Dyck & the art of portraiture
36 |
Linley, Thomas, 1756-1778
Linley Junior, Thomas, 1756-1778
Linley, Thomas junior 1756-1778
Thomas Linley English singer, violinist and composer (1756-1788)
Linley, Thomas jr. 1756-1778
Linley, Thomas (1756-78)
Personal |
Alinda's form as I survey her smiles Canções Duenna O BID YOUR FAITHFUL ARIEL FLY song of Moses Let God arise
37 |
Costello, Matthew J.
Costello, Matthew, 1948-
Costello, Matthew J. (Matthew John), 1948-
Costello, Matthew J. (Matthew John)
Costello, Matthew
Matthew J. Costello American writer
Costello, Matthew John, 1948-
Costello, Matthew John
Personal |
Call oh Cthulhu 7. Gast Roman Beneath still waters greatest games of all time Just cause Cherringham Čeringemas mistērijas. romāns Muremu no sho.
38 |
Elliott, Paul, 1950-
Elliott, Paul
Elliott, Paul, 1950-...., artiste lyrique
Paul Elliott British singer
Elliott, Paul f. 1950
Personal |
Abdelazer Geistliche und Weltliche Werke age of cathedrals music from the Magnus liber organi AC/DC : ať žije rock! Portrait of a legend
39 |
Vischer, Christoph, 1518-1598
Vischer, Christoph
Vischer, Christoph (około 1519-około 1597).
Christoph Fischer deutscher Theologe des 16. Jahrhunderts
Vischer, Christoph 1519-1597
Fischer, Christoph 1519-1597
Fischer, Christoffer, ca 1519-1597
Fischer, Christophorus, der Ältere, -1597
Vischer, Christoff, c. 1520-1600
Personal |
Erklärung einundneunzigsten 91. Psalmes einundzwanzig 21 Predigten verfaßt Sterb
Bericht uber die verwaltung der offentlichen bibliothek der universitat basel im
Auslegung der fünf Hauptstücke des heiligen Catechismi
Ausslegung der Evangelien, so man auff die Sontage in der christlichen Kirchen z
Trostschrifft, an den durchlauchtigen, hochgebornen Fürsten vnnd Herrn, Herrn F
Auslegung der fünf Hauptstücke des heiligen Catechismi
40 |
Vlachos, Angelos Staurou, 1915-2003
Blachos, Angelos S. 1915-2003
Vláchos, Ángelos S. 1915-2003
Vláchos, Ángelos S., 1915-2000
Blachos, Aggelos Staurou, 1915-
Vlachos, Angelos
Vlachos, Angelos Staurou
Vlachos, Angelos S.
Άγγελος Σ. Βλάχος
Vlachos, Aggelos S., 1915-2003
Vlachos, Angelos Staurou, 1915-
Βλάχος, Άγγελος Σ. 1915-2000
Personal |
dialeípousa zōī́ toû Dīmī́trī Spérī 1821 o pólemos tēs ellēnikḗs anexartēsías Aggelou St. Blachou O kampanopurgos Elementar-Grammatik der neugriechischen Sprache dialeípousa zōī́ toû Dīmī́trī Spérī Ecclesiastes : to everything there is a season : Ecclesiastes, III, 2-8
41 |
Bohn, Johann Carl, 1712-1773
Bohn, Johann Carl
Bohn, Johann Karl
Bohn, Johann Karl, 1712-1773
Bohn, Johann Carl fl. 1739-1773
Johann Karl Bohn
Personal |
Allgemeine Betrachtungen über die Triebe der Thiere, hauptsächlich über ihre Kun
Babioles littéraires & critiques en prose et en vers Magazin fuer die neue Historie und Geographie, angelegt von D. Anton Friederich
Bibliographia Antiquaria Bibliographia Antiquaria
42 |
Byron, Robert, 1905-1941.
Byron, Robert
Robert Byron British writer
Robert Byron
ביירון, רוברט, 1905-1941
Byron, Robert (British architect and author, 1905-1941)
Personal |
Berg Athos Reise nach Griechenland Berg Athos Reise nach Griechenland
First Russia, then Tibet Europe in the looking glass
43 |
Robinson, Francis
Robinson, Francis, 1944-....
Francis Robinson British academic
Robinson, Francis 19..-...
Personal |
Atlas du monde islamique depuis 1500 Atlas du monde islamique depuis 1500
44 |
Froese, Edgar, 1944-2015
Froese, Edgar
Edgar Froese deutscher Komponist, Musiker und Künstler
Froese, Edgar, 1944-
Froese, Edgar, componist, toetsenist
Personal |
Alexander square Hyperborea Le Bayou
45 |
Barratier, Christophe, 1963-
Barratier, Christophe
Barratier, Christophe, 1963-..., réalisateur
Christophe Barratier
Barratier, Christopher 1963-
בארטייה, כריסטוף
Personal |
Caresse sur l'océan 17 again : music from the motion picture Les Choristes. Les Choristes.
Himalaya, c2002:
46 |
Logue, Christopher, 1926-2011
Logue, Christopher, 1926-....
Logue, Christopher
Christopher Logue Poet, screenwriter, actor (1926-2011)
Personal |
Abecedary Devil, maggot and son All day permanent red : the first battle scenes of Homer's Iliad rewritten
47 |
Miller, Chris, 1975-
Miller, Christopher, 1975-....
Miller, Christopher f. 1975-09-23
Miller, Chris 1968-....
Chris Miller American film director, screenwriter, producer and voice actor
Miller, Chris, regisseur
Personal |
21 Jump Street 21 Jump Street 21 Jump Street 21 Jump Street
21 Jump Street
48 |
Cooper, Chris, 1952-....
Cooper, Christopher P.
Cooper, Christopher P. 1952-
Cooper, Chris
Cooper, Chris, geograf
Cooper, Christoper P.
Cooper, Chris (Christopher P.), Management studies for Tourism
Chris Cooper autor publikací z oboru turismu
Cooper, Christopher Paul 1952-....
Personal |
Analyse de la structure des profils professionnels dans le secteur touristique a
Classic reviews in tourism Analyse de la structure des profils professionnels dans le secteur touristique a
1000 casse-tête du monde entier Contemporary Tourism Analyse de la structure des profils professionnels dans le secteur touristique a
Contemporary Tourism
construction and implementation of a tourism strategy plan in Eastern Europe a c
49 |
Acuña, Cristóbal de 1597-
Acuña, Cristóbal de, 1597-1643?
Acuña, Cristóbal de, 1597-1675
Acuña, Cristóbal de
Acuña, Cristóbal de, 1597-1676
Cristóbal de Acuña misionero, explorador y cronista español
Acuña, Cristóbal de (1597-około 1675).
Acuña, Cristóbal de, 1597-na 1674
Acuña, Cristóbal de, né 1597
Acuña, Cristóbal de 1597-apie 1675
Acuña, Cristóbal de, f. 1597
Personal |
Erbauliche und angenehme geschichten derer Chiqvitos, und anderer von derren pat
Informes de jesuitas en el Amazonas, 1660-1684 Carte de La Terre Ferme du Perou, du Bresil et du pays des Amazones : Dressé sur
Nuevo descubrimiento del gran río de las Amazonas Nuevo descubrimiento del gran río de las Amazonas
Nuevo descubrimiento del gran río de las Amazonas Nuevo descubrimiento del gran río de las Amazonas Relation de la riviére des Amazones
Nuevo descubrimiento del gran río de las Amazonas
50 |
Early music consort of London
Early Music Consort London
Early music consort of London (1967-197.)
Early Music Consort musical ensemble specialized in music of the Middle Ages, Re
Early Music Consort of London (Gran Bretaña)
Corporate |
Ach Elslein, liebes Elslein The art of courtly love
Ecco la primavera
51 |
Lacour, José-André, 1919-2005
Rochefort, Benjamin
Lacour, J.A.
Lacour, José-André
José-André Lacour écrivain belge
O'Hara, Connie, 1919-2005
Personal |
Le 10e [Dizième] homme : Trois actes...
année du bac
Clayton's College
52 |
Baker, Christopher P., 1955-
Baker, Christopher P.
Christopher Paul Baker English travel writer and photographer
Baker, Christopher 1955-
Personal |
Arizona Bahamas, Turks & Caicos.
De glorie van rozen
53 |
Rudnick, Paul, 1957-....
Rudnick, Paul
Paul Rudnick American playwright and screenwriter
Rudnick, Paul (Paul M.), 1957-
Personal |
Addams family values Addams family values I hate Hamlet Auntie Mame : een schelmenroman
54 |
Crossley, Paul, 1944-
Crossley, Paul
Paul Crossley British pianist
Crossley, Paul, 1944-...., pianiste
Crossley, Paul Christopher Richard 1944-
Personal |
13 Barcarolles 13 Barcarolles
13 Barcarolles
55 |
Stradley, Randy, 1956-....
Stradley, Randy
Randy Stradley
Personal |
Acts of war Acts of war Aliens: Lovesick
56 |
Middleton, Robert Gordon, 1908-
Middleton, Robert G.
Middleton, Robert Gordon g. 1908
Robert Gordon Middleton
Middleton, Robert G. (Robert Gordon), 1908-
Personal |
101 key troubleshooting waveforms for vertical-sweep circuits. 101 ways to use your signal generator
Radiomans guide
57 |
Christopher, Paul, 1949-....
Hyde, Christopher 1949-
Christopher, Paul, 1948-
Christopher Hyde Canadian writer
Christopher, Paul, romans, 1948-
Christopher, Paul
Hyde, Christopher
Personal |
The Aztec heresy Black dragon The Aztec heresy Templar conspiracy Luciferovo evangelium
Gathering of saints
58 |
Academy of Ancient Music (1973-)
Academy of Ancient Music.
Academy of ancient music Cambridge, GB
Academy of Ancient Music (Cambridge)
Corporate |
Brandenburgische Konzerte Alceste. Abdelazer
59 |
Wallich, Henry Christopher, 1914-1988
Wallich, Henry Christopher
Wallich, Henry C. (Henry Christopher), 1914-
Wallich, Henry C.
Henry C. Wallich US-amerikanischer Ökonom
Wallich, Henry C. 1914-1988
Wallich, Henry Christopher, 1914-
Personal |
Aktuelle Fragen des amerikanisch-deutschen Kapitalverkehrs Vortrag Cost of freedom a new look at capitalism International monetary cooperation : essays in honor of Henry C. Wallich
Cost of freedom a new look at capitalism
60 |
Zimmern, Froben Christoph von 1519-1566
Zimmern, Froben Christof, Graf von, 1519-1566 or 1567
Zimmern, Froben Christoph von, 1519-1567
Zimmern, Froben Christof (1519-1566).
Froben Christoph von Zimmern
Zimmern, Froben Christoph von
Zimmern, F. C. von 1519-ок.1566 Froben Christoph von
Zimmern, Froben Christof, Graf von, 1519-1566 or 7
Personal |
Aus der Chronika Derer Von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhundert
Von Rittern, Bauern und Gespenstern : Geschichten aus der Chronik der Grafen von
Aus der Chronika Derer Von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhundert
Aus der Chronika Derer Von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhundert
Sagen von der Klingelkapelle und vom Schloß Eberstein Aus der Chronika Derer Von Zimmern : Historien und Kuriosa aus sechs Jahrhundert
Entt©Þuschte Liebhaber
61 |
Leonard-Morgan, Paul.
Paul Leonard-Morgan Scottish composer (born 1974)
Leonard-Morgan, Paul 1974-
Morgan, Paul-Leonard
Morgan, Paul Leonard 1974-
Personal |
Aux sources de la vie (50 min) The numbers station The brief Sur la terre des dinosaures : la grande aventure d'un petit héros Creative world
62 |
Hopkins, Kenneth
Hopkins, Kenneth 1914-1988
Hopkins, Kenneth, 1914-
Hopkins, Kenneth D., 1914-1988
Hopkins, Kenneth (Hector Kenneth), 1914-1988
Kenneth Hopkins
Personal |
Amateur agent Crotchet castle 41. Fahrgast Kriminalroman Collected poems, 1935-1965. A checklist prepared on the occasion of an exhibition of his books and mss. : at
63 |
Aston, Paul
Aston, Paul, 1942-
Aston, Paul, 19..-...., traducteur
Paul Aston britský autor učebnic angličtiny a zjednodušené četby
Personal |
Andreas Schiller, serial painting Angelica Kauffman : a woman of immense talent The art of the migration period
64 |
Weissenborn, Hellmuth, 1898-1982
Weissenborn, Hellmuth
Hellmuth Weissenborn
Personal |
ABC aus Tieren Au fil des pages de la découverte
65 |
Curtis, Christopher Paul
Curtis, Christopher Paul. 1953-
Christopher Paul Curtis American children's writer
קרטיס, כריסטופר פול
Personal |
Bado no tobira ga hiraku toki. Bud, not Buddy Bucking the Sarge Watsons go to Birmingham, 1963
66 |
Mullin, Chris, 1963-
Mullin, Chris
Chris Mullin American basketball player and coach
Chris Mullin
מאלין, כריס, 1963-
Mullin, Chris, basketbal
Mullin, Chris, 1963-...., basketteur
Personal |
Le basket Arguments for democracy A very British coup A very British coup Chris Mullin, c1994: Arguments for democracy Le basket
67 |
Henkel, Johann Friedrich, 1678-1744
Henckel, Johann Friedrich 1678-1744
Henckel, Johann Friedrich, 1678-1744, minéralogiste
Johann Friedrich Henckel chimiste allemand
Henkel, Johann Friedrich
Henckel, J. F. (Johann Friedrich), 1678 or 9-1744
Henckel, J. F. (Johann Friedrich), 1678 o 9-1744
Henckel, Johann Friedrich 1678-1743
Henckel, Johann Friedrich, ca. 1678-1744
Personal |
"Bethesda portuosa", das hülfreiche Wasser zum langen Leben, insonderheit in dem
Besondere Versuche von Mineral-Geist zur Auflösung und Verwandlung derer Metalle
Art de la verrerie, de Neri, Merret et Kunckel. Auquel on a ajouté le Sol sine v
Pyritologia, Oder Kiess- Historie, Als des vornehmsten Minerals Nach dessen Nahm
Flora Saturnisans Flora Saturnisans
Flora Saturnisans Pyritologia : or, a history of the pyrites : the principal body of the mineral k
68 |
Greene, Carol.
Greene, Carol, 1942-
Personal |
Beggars, beasts and Easter fire : stories of early saints A festa de Natal
69 |
Pociao, 1951-....
Pociao deutsche literarische Übersetzerin, Autorin und Verlegerin
Personal |
Abendrot Amok Koma, 1980:
70 |
Augiéras, François, 1925-1971
François Augiéras écrivain français
Augiéras, François
Personal |
2 [épreuves corrigées] Apprenti sorcier Une adolescence au temps du Maréchal : et de multiples aventures
71 |
Randles, Jenny, 1951-
Randles, Jenny
Jenny Randles British writer
רנדלס, ג'ני
Personal |
Afterlife Afterlife
מעבר לחיים : חקירה במסתרי החיים שלאחר המוות
72 |
Sturtz, Christoph, -1602
Sturtz, Christoph, 15..-1602
Sturtz, Christoph 1557-1602
Sturtz, Christoph von, ca 1557-1602
Christoph Sturtz
Personal |
Ausa Caroli Sudermanniae ducis adversus Sigismundum III regem Sveciae ac Polonia
Ausa Caroli Sudermanniae ducis adversus Sigismundum III regem Sveciae ac Polonia
De vita, rebus gestis, ac obitu Stephani Primi Regis Poloniae, Orationes Duae Pr
Refutatio apologiae Caroli ducis
73 |
Gréville, Edmond T. (1906-1966)
Gréville, Edmond
Gréville, Edmond, 1906-1966
Gréville, Edmond T.
Edmond T. Gréville
Personal |
accident Beat girl, [2011]: La Fille peinte Beat girl, [2011]:
74 |
Schiller, Benjamin, 16..-1712
Schiller, Benjamin, -1712
Schiller, Benjamin (?-1712 ; wdowa)
Schiller, Benjamin, veuve de
Schiller, Benjamin, fl. 1693-1712
Schiller, Benjamin m. 1712
Schiller, Benjamin
Benjamin Schiller
Personal |
Abbildung der Erd-Beschreibung jetzt herrschende Europa Leonhard Christoph Sturms Fürstl. Mecklenb. Raths und Archit. Neue Manier zu bef
Codex apocryphus Novi Testamenti : collectus, castigatus testimoniisque, censuri
Auserlesene complimente, welche nach ibiger mode unter galanten leuten beliebet
Jacobi Gaffarelli Curiositates Inauditae, sive Selectae Observationes de Variis
75 |
Sauter, Lilly von 1913-1972
Sauter, Lilly von
Lilly von Sauter österreichische Dichterin und Lyrikerin
Sauter, Lilly
Lilly von Sauter österreichische Dichterin, Schriftstellerin, Kinder- und Jugend
Von Sauter, Lilly, 1913-1972
Sauter, Lily von, 1913-1972
Personal |
Aber die Nächte Amerikanische Malerei : von der Kolonialzeit bis zur Gegenwart
Frère Albert ou la face aux outrages
76 |
Haensel, Paul, 1878-1949
Haensel, Paul
Genzel‘, Pavel Petrovič, 1878-1949
Genzelʹ, Pavel P. 1878-1949
Hänsel, Paul (1878-1949).
Genzelʹ, P. P. 1878-1949
Гензель, Павел Петрович
Haensel, Paul, 1878-....
Genzelʹ, P.P. (Pavel Petrovič), 1878-
Genzel', P. P. экономист, финансист 1878-1949 Pavel Petrovič
Haensel, Paul, n. 1878
Гензель, П. П. экономист, финансист 1878-1949 Павел Петрович
Personal |
Bibliografii︠a︡ finansovoĭ nauki tolkovyĭ ukazatelʹ k glavni︠e︡ĭshim sochinenïi︠
The economic policy of soviet Russia, 1930: Die Finanz- und Steuerverfassung der Union der sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken The economic policy of soviet Russia, 1930: The economic policy of soviet Russia, 1930:
The economic policy of soviet Russia, 1930: Die Finanz- und Steuerverfassung der Union der sozialistischen Sowjet-Republiken Налогообложение в России времен нэпа избранные статьи The economic policy of soviet Russia, 1930: Налогообложение в России времен нэпа избранные статьи
77 |
Gardner, Chris.
Gardner, Chris (Chris P.)
Gardner, Chris 1954-
Chris Gardner
Gardner, Chris P
Gardner, Chris P. 1954-
גרדנר, כריס
Gardner, Christopher Paul 1954-
Personal |
The plant hunters : two hundred years of adventure and discovery around the worl
En busca de la felycidad Start Where You Are
Pursuit of happyness
78 |
McCarthy, Jim, 1953-....
McCarthy, Jim.
MacCarthy, Jim
Jim McCarthy British businessman (born 1956)
Personal |
Bad Co. GodSpeed : historia Kurta Cobaina w obrazach Bogomdan : Kurt Cobain u stripu
79 |
Parker, Christopher
Parker, Chris 19..-.... batteur
Parker, Christopher (Drummer)
Parker, Chris (aktor).
Chris Parker American drummer
Parker, C. (Christopher)
Personal |
Am I not your girl? After the lights go down low (2 min 34 s) Better days Permanent vacation = Nieustające wakacje
The English idea of history from Coleridge to Collingwood
80 |
Mellon, Paul, 1907-1999
Mellon, Paul
Paul Mellon American racehorse owner
Mellon, Paul, Mrs.
Paul Mellon American art collector, philanthropist and racehorse owner (1907-199
Mellon, Paul (American patron, 1907-1999)
Personal |
Le Cheval dans l'art Essays in honour of Paul Mellon, collector and benefactor
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. French paintings, c1985:
81 |
Kohner, Susan, 1936-....
Susan Kohner American actress
Kohner, Susan
קוהנר, סוזן, 1936-
Personal |
dernière caravane
Imitation of life
82 |
Ehret, Christopher.
Ehret, Christopher, 1941-
Ehret, Christopher, 19..-....
Ehret, C.
Christopher Ehret American historian and linguist
Personal |
An African classical age : eastern and southern Africa in world history, 1000 B.
An African classical age : eastern and southern Africa in world history, 1000 B.
An African classical age : eastern and southern Africa in world history, 1000 B.
The Archaeological and linguistic reconstruction of African history
83 |
Van Strijtem, Ivo
Strijtem, Ivo van
Van Strijtem, Ivo (1953- ).
Ivo Evenepoel
Van Strijtem, Ivo, 1953-...., pseud. van Ivo Evenepoel
Strijtem, Ivo van 1953-
Personal |
160 gedichten om uit het hoofd te kennen : van Heer Halewijn tot Hugo Claus Iedereen dichter! : poëzie is een manier van leven De mooiste van Bertolt Brecht
160 gedichten om uit het hoofd te kennen : van Heer Halewijn tot Hugo Claus
84 |
Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-1981
Crossen, Kendell Foster
Crossen, Kendell Foster, 1910-
Kendell Foster Crossen American novelist
קרוסן, קנדל פוסטר, 1910-1981
Personal |
The case of the phantom fingerprints, 1945:
The case of the phantom fingerprints, 1945:
85 |
Evans, Christopher P. (Christopher Paul), 1971-
Evans, Christopher Paul, 1971-....
Evans, Christopher P. 1971-
Evans, Christopher P.
Christopher P Evans researcher
Personal |
Augustine's theology of divine inspiration in the production and reading of eccl
Hildegardis Bingensis Opera minora. Augustine's theology of divine inspiration in the production and reading of eccl
On the Incarnation of Christ Institutiones in sacram paginam 7.1–67 Development of a stress response therapy targeting aggressive prostate cancer.
86 |
Freeman, Richard T.
Freeman, Richard T., 1943-
Freeman, Richard, 1943-
Personal |
Distributional consequences of direct foreign investment Distributional consequences of direct foreign investment
87 |
Hopkins, Clark, 1895-1976
Hopkins, Clark
Hopkins, Clark, 1895-
Clark Hopkins American archaeologist (1895–1976)
Hopkins, Clark nar. 1895
Hopkins, Clark, 1885-...
Personal |
Christian church at Dura-Europos Christian church at Dura-Europos The discovery of Dura-Europos The discovery of Dura-Europos
Christian church at Dura-Europos
88 |
Taylor, Paul Christopher, 1967-
Taylor, Paul C. (Paul Christopher), 1967-
Taylor, Paul C.
Taylor, Paul C., 1967-
Paul C. Taylor
Taylor, Paul C. (Paul Christopher)
Taylor, Paul Christopher
Taylor, P. C.
Taylor, Paul C. (Paul Christopher), rassentheorie, 1967-
Personal |
Black is Beautiful A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics Black is Beautiful A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics The philosophy of race : critical concepts in philosophy. Black is Beautiful A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics Bare ontology and social death Black is Beautiful A Philosophy of Black Aesthetics Race A Philosophical Introduction
Race A Philosophical Introduction
89 |
Hyde, Christopher, 1949-
Hyde, Christopher
Personal |
Abuse of trust : the destructive career of Dr. James Tyhurst Crestwood Heights
90 |
Jones, Chris 1958-2005
Chris Jones American musician
Jones, Christopher (British painter, born 1958)
Jones, Christopher, musicien
Jones, Chris US I
Jones, Christopher, 1958-
Personal |
Alex et Zoé / Colette Samson.- Paris, 2002. Allô pizza
Alex et Zoé et compagnie 1 : méthode de français Blue lonesome wind live in Holland Trace - Retrace, [2007?]:
91 |
Wilson, Christopher P.
Wilson, Christopher P., 1949-
Wilson, Christopher Paul, 1949-....
Wilson, Christopher, 1951-
Chris Wilson UK psychologist and author (1949- )
Wilson, Christopher 1949-
Wilson, Chris (Christopher Paul), 1949-
Personal |
Baa : a novel absolut wahre Geschichte von Juri dem Vorkoster Roman Jokes : form, content, use, and function Elizabethan and Jacobean lute songs
De voorproever Jokes : form, content, use, and function
92 |
Huhne, Christopher.
Huhne, Christopher 1954-
Chris Huhne
Personal |
Both sides of the coin - the arguments for the euro Ecu report
93 |
Cooper, Chris, 19..-...., technicien
Cooper, Christopher (Christopher E.)
Cooper, Chris, 1952-
كوبر، كريستوفر
Cooper, C.
Cooper, Christopher E
Cooper, Chris, puzzels
Cooper, Chris, inženjer
Cooper, Christopher
Cooper, Christopher J.
Personal |
1000 casse-tête du monde entier The basics of energy and reactions Contemporary tourism an international approach. How does it work? c1986
n89644610 Handboek fotografie : een handleiding voor het maken van betere foto's met 700 l
How everyday things work : the world of science n89644610 太陽大図鑑
94 |
Baur, Paul Victor Christopher, 1872-....
Baur, Paul V. C. (Paul Victor Christopher), 1872-1951
Baur, Paul V. C. 1872-1951
Baur, Paul Victor Christopher, 1872-1951.
Baur, Paul Victor Christopher
Baur, P.V.C. (Paul Victor Christopher), 1872-
Paul V. C. Baur scholar
Personal |
Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of greek and italian vas
Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of greek and italian vas
Eileithyia Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of greek and italian vas
Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of greek and italian vas
Catalogue of the Rebecca Darlington Stoddard Collection of greek and italian vas
The Artists of Pergamum. Henrietta Josephine Meeteer
95 |
Manuel, Paul Christopher
Manuel, Paul Christopher, 1958-
Paul Christopher Manuel
Personal |
The Catholic Church and the nation-state : comparative perspectives The Catholic Church and the nation-state : comparative perspectives
96 |
Blain, Luis G. de 1916-2001
Gossé, L. 1916-2001
Blain, Luis G. de (Gossé de Blain), 1916-2001
Luis G. de Blain
Personal |
El asesino se ha vuelto loco
El cine Taxi Key
97 |
Gould, Clio
Gould, Clio 1968-
Clio Gould British musician
Personal |
The Celtic Finding neverland original motion picture soundtrack
98 |
Paul, C. R. C. (Christopher R. C.)
Paul, Christopher R.C.
Paul, Christopher Ronald Charles
Paul, C. R. C.
Paul, Chris
Personal |
The adequacy of the fossil record The adequacy of the fossil record The adequacy of the fossil record Hallicystis attenuata, a new callocystitid cystoid from the Racine dolomite of W
99 |
Miller, Christopher 1975-
Miller, Christopher, 1977-
Miller, Chris instruktør
Miller, Christopher f. 23.09.1975
Miller, Chris, 1975-
Miller, Chris 1977-
Personal |
21 jump street Mixed martial arts unleashed, c2009: Madagascar 2
Caravage, 1571-1610
100 |
Macann, Christopher E.
Macann, Christopher Elton, 1941-....
Macann, Christopher E. 1941-
Macann, Christopher
Christopher E. Macann
Personal |
Four phenomenological philosophers Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty Being and becoming : a genetic interpretation of the being of human being. Andere Kant and the foundations of metaphysics an interpretative transformation of Kant