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Sample Title
1 |
García Márquez, Gabriel, 1927-2014
García Márquez, Gabriel
García Márquez, Gabriel, 1928-2014.
García Márquez, Gabriel (Gabriel José), 1927-2014
Gabriel García Márquez
Гарсиа Маркес, Г. 1928-2014 Габриэль
جارسيا ماركيز، جابرييل، 1927-2014
غارسيا ماركيز، غابرييل
גרסיה מארקס, גבריאל, 1927-2014
Гарсиа Маркес, Габриэль, 1927-2014
غارسيا ماركيز، غابرييل، 1927-2014
García Márquez, G. 1928-2014 Gabriel
Personal |
En agosto nos vemos En agosto nos vemos En agosto nos vemos amor en los tiempos del cólera Miłość w czasach zarazy Cien años de soledad amor en los tiempos del cólera En agosto nos vemos En agosto nos vemos En agosto nos vemos
Cien años de soledad
2 |
Mann, Thomas, 1875-1955.
Mann, Thomas (Paul Thomas), 1875-1955
مان، توماس، 1875-1955
Thomas Mann
מאן, תומאס, 1875-1955
Манн, Томас, 1875-1955
Mann, Thomas, književnik
Mann, Thomas
Манн, Т. 1875-1955 Томас
Mann, T. 1875-1955 Thomas
Personal |
Achtung, Europa!
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull
Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull Bekenntnisse des Hochstaplers Felix Krull Buddenbrooks Deutschland und die Deutschen, 1945
3 |
Miłosz, Czesław, 1911-2004.
Miłosz, Czesław
Miłosz, C. 1911-2004
Czesław Miłosz
Милош, Ч. 1911-2004 Чеслав
מילוש, צ'סלב, 1911-2004
Милош, Чеслав
Miłosz, C. 1911-2004 Czesław
Personal |
Abecadło Miłosza Correspondence. Selections
4 |
Mo, Yan, 1955-
Mo, Yan
Mo, Yan 1956-
모옌 1955-
莫, 言
مو، يان، 1955-
莫, 言, 1956-
Mo, Yan, pseud.
מו, יאן, 1955-
Mo, Yan, pseud., 1955-
管謨業, (中國文學), 1955-
Personal |
Bai gou qiuqian jia Bai gou qiuqian jia Bian. Frösche Roman Red sorghum, 1993: The garlic ballads Fengru-feitun 丰乳肥臀 = Big breasts & wide hips
Red sorghum, 1993:
5 |
Handke, Peter, 1942-....
Handke, Peter
Peter Handke
هاندكه، پيتر، 1942-
הנדקה, פטר
هاندكه، بيتر، 1942-
Handke, Peter (Austrian writer, born 1942)
Хандке, П. 1942- Петер
Handtke, Peter 1942-
Personal |
Abschied des Träumers vom Neunten Land Don Juan (erzählt von ihm selbst)
6 |
Brandt, Willy, 1913-1992.
Brandt, Willy
Willy Brandt
برانت، ويلى، 1913-1992
ברנדט, וילי, 1913-1992
Brandt, Willy, 1913-
Brandt, W. 1913-1992 Willy
Brandt, Willy (politician)
Personal |
50er Jahre Zwischen Wirtschaftswunder und Wiederbewaffnung Arms and Hunger Arms and Hunger Das Gewissen steht auf : 64 Lebensbilder aus dem deutschen Widerstand 1933-1945 Das Gewissen steht auf : 64 Lebensbilder aus dem deutschen Widerstand 1933-1945 Memorias
7 |
Ostwald, Wilhelm, 1853-1932.
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1853-1932
Ostwald, Wilhelm
Ostwald, Wilhelm (Friedrich Wilhelm), 1853-1932
Wilhelm Friedrich Ostwald
Оствальд, В. Ф. 1853-1932 Вильгельм Фридрих
אוסטולד, וילהלם, 1853-1932
Ostwald, W., Mathématicien
Ostwald, Wilhelm (German chemist, 1853-1932)
Ostwald, Friedrich Wilhelm
Personal |
Abrégé de chimie générale Betrachtungen über die bewegende Kraft des Feuers und die zur Entwickelung diese
Das Ausdehnungsgesetz der Gase Die Brücke. Der Farbenatlas Натур-философия Monistische Sonntagspredigten. Die Grundlagen der Atomtheorie
8 |
Fo, Dario, 1926-2016.
Fo, Dario
Dario Fo
فو، داريو، 1926-2016
פו, דריו, 1926-2016
Фо, Дарио
Fo, Darío, 1926-
فو، داريو، 1926-
Фо, Д. 1926-2016 Дарио
Personal |
Accidental death of an anarchist Accidental death of an anarchist Accidental death of an anarchist Mistero Buffo Mistero Buffo Mistero Buffo Mistero Buffo Accidental death of an anarchist
9 |
Viertel, Berthold, 1885-1953
Viertel, Berthold
פירטל, ברתולד, 1885-1953
Berthold Viertel österreichischer Regisseur und Schriftsteller
Personal |
All my sons Berthold Viertel : Regisseur u. Dichter (1885-1953) Stefan Zweig : a tribute to his life and work Gnadenbrot
10 |
Huber, Max, 1874-1960
Huber, Max (Max), 1874-1960
Huber, Max
Max Huber juriste suisse, président du Comité de la Croix-Rouge (CICR)
Personal |
Au service de la paix Barmherzige samariter : betrachtungen über evangelium und rotkreuzarbeit Die Gleichheit der Staaten
11 |
Johnson, Simon, 1963-...
Simon Johnson
Johnson, Simon, fl. 1989
Johnson, Simon
Personal |
13 bankers : the Wall Street takeover and the next financial meltdown ১৩ ব্যাঙ্কারস African successes Coase v. the Coasians
12 |
Nobel, Peter, 1945-....
Nobel, Peter.
Nobel, Peter, jurist, 1945-
Peter Nobel
Personal |
African refugees and the law : [proceedings] Das Aktienrecht : systematische Darstellung Aktuelle Entwicklungen im Europäischen Gesellschaftsrecht
13 |
Hansen, Lars Peter, 1952-....
Hansen, Lars Peter
Lars Peter Hansen American economist
Hansen, Lars, 1952-
Personal |
Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications : eighth World
Advances in economics and econometrics : theory and applications : eighth World
Assessing specification errors in stochastic discount factor models Recursive models of dynamic linear economies, 2013:
14 |
Diamond, Peter A.
Diamond, Peter A., 1940-
Peter A. Diamond
Diamond, Peter
דיאמונד, פיטר
Personal |
Administrative costs and equilibrium charges with individual accounts The Aggregate Matching Function Administrative costs and equilibrium charges with individual accounts Annuities and individual welfare A search-equilibrium approach to the micro foundations of macroeconomics, 1984:
15 |
Agre, Peter, 1949-
Peter Agre
Peter Agre Nobel Prize winner in chemistry, Distinguished Eagle Scout
Agre, Peter
אגרה, פיטר, 1949-
Personal |
Aquaporins The 2009 Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting: Peter Agre, Chemistry 2003.
Aquaporins Protein blood group antigens of tahe human red cell, c1992:
16 |
Scherrer, Paul, 1890-1969
Scherrer, P.
Paul Scherrer
Paul Scherrer Schweizer Physiker
Scherrer, Paul, Physiker, 1890-1969
Scherrer, Paul
Personal |
Anleitungen zum physikalischen Praktikum an der E.T.H. Anleitungen zum physikalischen Praktikum an der E.T.H.
Atombau Umbau der ETH-Bibliotthek in den Jaheren 1948 bis 1951
17 |
Peter Grünberg
Grünberg, Peter, 1939-2018
Grünberg, Peter 1939-
Grünberg, Peter Andreas (1939- ).
Grünberg, Peter A. (1939-2018)
Grünberg, Peter
Personal |
Current-induced magnetic switching with spin-orbit torque in an interlayer-coupl
Entwicklung der negativen Vorentladung bis zum Durchschlag in Luft in einem Druc
Rechte und Pflichten der Stromkunden nach den neuen Allgemeinen Versorgungsbedin
Nanoscale magnetic materials and applications / J. Ping Liu [et al.]. - New York
Od fal spinowych do gigantycznego magnetofonu (GMR) i dalej Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Naturwissenschaftlich-Technischen Fakultät I
18 |
Schick, Béla, 1877-1967
Schick, B.
Schick, Béla 1877-
Schick, Béla
Béla Schick ungarischer Kinderarzt
שיק, בלה, 1877-1967
Personal |
Aphorisms and facetiae of Bela Schick, 1965 Die Serumkrankheit
Child care today Allergy : a definition / Bela Schick. - (07.1948) System der Ernährung.
19 |
Peter J. Ratcliffe
Ratcliffe, Peter J., 1954-
Ratcliffe, Peter John (1954- )
Ratcliffe, Peter 1954-
Personal |
Induction of hypoxia-inducible factor-1, erythropoietin, vascular endothelial gr
Cérémonie de remise du prix Louis Jeantet 2009 : Michael N. Hall, Peter Ratcliff
20 |
Mitchell, Peter Dennis
Peter Dennis Mitchell
Mitchell, Peter Dennis, 1920-1992
Mitchell, P.
מיטשל, פיטר
Mitchell, Peter, 1920-
Personal |
Chemiosmotic coupling in oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation David Keilins Konzept der Atmungskette und dessen chemiosmotische Konsequenzen Chemiosmotic coupling in oxidative and photosynthetic phosphorylation
21 |
Nobel, Peter, 1931-....
Nobel, Peter
Peter Nobel Swedish academic
Personal |
The alien under Swedish law : report originally prepared to a colloquium of the
Conf. on the African Refugee Prob. (1979 : Arusha, Tanz.). An analysing account
22 |
Timmermans, Alphons (Alphons Joseph August Maria), 1907-1980
Timmermans, Alfons
Alphons Timmermans
Personal |
10 mei negentien veertig
23 |
Nobel conference
Corporate |
Bang: the evolving cosmos : Nobel Conference XXVII
24 |
Nobel, Annette ca. 20./21. Jh.
Nobel, Annette, 195.?-....
Personal |
Press Art : Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel : [Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum St. G
25 |
Sammlung Annette und Peter Nobel
Work |
26 |
Exhibition "Nobel Economists - Photographs by Peter Badge" 2011 Lindau (Bodensee
Corporate |
Peter Badge, Nobel economists [official catalog of the Exhibition "Nobel Economi
27 |
Exhibition "Nobel Physicists - Photographs by Peter Badge" 2012 Lindau (Bodensee
Corporate |
Peter Badge, Nobel physicists [official catalogue of the Exhibition "Nobel Physi
28 |
Huff, Douglas, 1944-. | Nature of the physical universe : 1976 nobel conference
Work |
29 |
Nobel conference 26 1990 St. Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
Chaos the new science Nobel conference XXVI
30 |
Nobel, Peter (1945- ).
Personal |
Goldene Würfel
31 |
Nobel, Peter (Musician)
Personal |
You are my beloved, p1987:
32 |
Nobel Conference 20 1984 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
33 |
Nobel conference 19 1983 St. Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
Manipulation of life Nobel conference XIX, Gustavus Adolphus college, St. Peter,
34 |
Nobel, Peter le (P.C.)
Personal |
Licht : ik wil licht verspreiden
35 |
Doherty, P. C. (Peter C.). | Beginner's guide to winning the nobel prize | Germa
Expression |
36 |
Nobel, Peter 1945- | Transnationales und europäisches Aktienrecht
Work |
37 |
Nobel Conference 7 1971 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
38 |
Nobel conference 08 1982 St. Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
Darwin's legacy Nobel conference, XVIII, Gustavus Adolphus college, St. Peter, M
39 |
Nobel Conference 25 1989 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
40 |
Nobel Conference 1 1965 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
41 |
Nobel Conference 22 1986 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
42 |
Nobel Conference (3 ; 1967 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
The human mind / ed. by John D. Roslansky. - Amsterdam [etc.], 1967.
43 |
Nobel, Peter f.ca 1685
Personal |
Locus Virgilii libr. 12. Aenid, vol. 412. & seqv. de vulneris Aeneae curatione :
44 |
Nobel Conference 18 1982 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
45 |
Nobel Conference 4 1968 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
46 |
Nobel Conference 26 1990 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
47 |
Nobel Conference 17 1981 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
48 |
Nobel, Peter, 1882-
Personal |
Porträtt föreställande Peter Nobel, 1904:
49 |
Nobel Conference 2 1966 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
50 |
Nobel Conference 8 1972 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
51 |
Nobel Conference 11 1975 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
52 |
Nobel Conference 14 1978 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
53 |
Nobel Conference 5 1969 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
54 |
Nobel Conference 24 1988 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
55 |
Nobel Conference 16 1980 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
56 |
Nobel Conference 12 1976 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
57 |
Nobel Conference 3 1967 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
58 |
Nobel Conference 6 1970 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pet
Corporate |
59 |
Nobel conference 27 1991 St. Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
Bang the evolving cosmos
60 |
Nobel Conference 19 1983 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
61 |
Nobel Conference 21 1985 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
62 |
Nobel Conference 23 1987 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
63 |
Nobel Conference 27 1991 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
64 |
Nobel Conference 13 1977 Saint Peter, Minn. (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Pe
Corporate |
65 |
Exhibition Nobel de Chimie - Photographies de Peter Badge 2011 Paris
Corporate |
66 |
Doherty, P. C. (Peter C.). | Beginner's guide to winning the nobel prize
Work |
67 |
Nobel Conference Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
68 |
Nobel Conference 2 1966 Saint Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
69 |
Nobel Conference (2 ; 1966 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
The control of environment : a discussion at the Nobel Conference organized by G
70 |
Nobel Conference 21 1985 Saint Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
71 |
Nobel Conference 1972 Saint Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
72 |
Nobel Conference 17 1981
Corporate |
73 |
Nobel, Peter. | Swiss finance law and international standards | Russian 2007
Expression |
74 |
Nobel, Annette et Peter
Personal |
75 |
Nobel Conference 19 1983 Saint Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
76 |
Nobel Conference (6 ; 1970 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
77 |
Nobel Conference (4 : 1968 : St. Peter Minn.)
Corporate |
78 |
Nobel Conference (5 ; 1969 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
79 |
Nobel Conference (St. Peter, Minn.)
Corporate |
80 |
Nobel, Peter. | Corporate governance im Bankbereich
Work |
81 |
Nobel, Peter. | Retour du droit de l'entreprise
Work |
82 |
Nobel Conference (2 : 1966 : St. Peter Minn.)
Corporate |
83 |
Nobel Conference (8 ; 1972 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
84 |
Nobel, Peter. | Swiss finance law and international standards
Work |
85 |
Nobel conference 17 1981 St. Peter, Minn.
Corporate |
86 |
Nobel Conference (6 : 1970 : St. Peter Minn.)
Corporate |
87 |
Nobel, Peter. | Vergleich und Urteil - Konkurrenz zweier Erledigungsförmen
Work |
88 |
Nobel Conference (Gustavus Adolphus College, Saint Peter, MN)
Corporate |
89 |
Nobel Conference (4 ; 1968 ; Saint Peter).
Corporate |
90 |
Doherty, P. C. (Peter C.),. | Beginner's guide to winning the nobel prize : a li
Work |