Heading |
Type |
Sample Title
1 |
Lu, Xun, 1881-1936
루쉰 1881-1936
魯迅, 1881-1936
(清) 周樹人, (中國文學)
Lu, Xun
Lu, Hsün 1881-1936
Lu Xun (Chinese printmaker, 1881-1936)
لو، شيون، 1881-1936
לו, סון, 1881-1936
Лу Синь, 1881-1936
Lu, Hsün, 1881-1936 (duln. f. Shu-jên Chou)
Lu, Xun, pseud.
Lu, Xun, pseudonüüm, 1881-1936.
Zhou, Shuren (Lu Xun)
Xun, Lu 1881-1936
Personal |
Bai guang 中國小說史略 아Q정전 Rojin zenshū. Lu Xun shou gao quan ji
A brief history of Chinese fiction
Feng bo Feng bo Feng bo A brief history of Chinese fiction
Kuangren riji (Diary of a madman) A brief history of Chinese fiction
2 |
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, 1900-1944.
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (Antoine Jean Baptiste Marie Roger), 1900-1944
Сент-Экзюпери, А. де 1900-1944 Антуан де
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
سان اكزيبري، أنطوان دي، 1900-1944
סנט-אכזופרי, אנטואן דה, 1900-1944
Сент-Экзюпери, Антуан де, 1900-1944
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de (French author, 1900-1944)
Saint-Exupéry, A. de 1900-1944 Antoine de
سانت-إكزوبيري، أنطوان دو، 1900-1944
سان إكزيبري، أنطوان دو، 1900-1944
Saint-Exup©♭ry, Antoine de, 1900-1944
Personal |
Aviateur Carnets Carnets Carnets Den lille prinsen Bekenntnis einer Freundschaft Bekenntnis einer Freundschaft Bekenntnis einer Freundschaft
Carnets Citadelle fragment) Citadelle fragment) Opere
3 |
Benedikt XVI. Papst 1927-2022
Benoît XVI, 1927-2022, pape
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-2022
Benedykt XVI (papież ; 1927-2022).
Benet XVI, papa, 1927-2022
Benoît XVI, pape, 1927-
Benedicto XVI, Papa
Benedictus XVI, paus, 1927-2022
Benedikt XVI pave 1927-2022
Ratzinger, Joseph, 1927-2022
Benedikt 1927- papež
Benedictus PP. XVI
Benedikt XVI., papež, 1927-2022
Benedictus PP. XVI, 1927-2022
Benedictus XVI, papa
Benedicto XVI, Papa, 1927-
Bento XVI, Papa, 1927-2022
Benedikts XVI, pāvests, 1927-2022
Benedict XVI, Pope, 1927-
بينيدكت، ال-16، بابا الفاتيكان
בנדיקטוס, ה-16, אפיפיור
Benedikt XVI, páfi, 1927-
Benedictus папа XVI 1927-2022
Benedictus XVI., Papa 1927-2022
Benedict XVI, Pope
Benedikt XVI pave
Benedictus XVI, påve, 1927-2022
بنديكت السادس عشر، البابا، 1927-2022
Benedict XVI 1927–2022 Papa
بنديكتوس، السادس عشر، البابا، 1927-
Personal |
Africae munus Einführung in das Christentum : Vorlesungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenn
Au monde de la culture Myśl Benedykta XVI
Jesus von Nazareth. Band 1, Von der Taufe im Jordan bis zur Verklärung
Einführung in das Christentum : Vorlesungen über das Apostolische Glaubensbekenn
Eschatologie Opere Deus caritas est
Summorum Pontificum
4 |
Lao, She, 1899-1966.
لاو، شيه، 1899-1966 م
라오서 1899-1966
Laoshe, 1899-1966
老舎, 1898-1966
舒慶春, (中國文學), 1899-1966
Лао, Шэ, 1899-1966
Lao, She (1898-1966).
Lao, She
لاو، شو، 1899-1966
לאו, שה, 1899-1966
لاو، شيه، 1899-1966
Shu Ch'ing-ch'un 1899–1966
Personal |
Beneath the red banner Rickshaw boy
루어투어 시앙쯔 Erh ma. Rakuda shōshi Luo tuo Xiangzi. Lao She xie zuo sheng ya La cité des chats Cha guan. Dragon beard ditch : a play in three acts Lao She xie zuo sheng ya Lao She xie zuo sheng ya Gens de Pékin : [nouvelles]
5 |
World bank
Banque internationale pour la reconstruction et le développement
Světová banka
Międzynarodowy Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju.
Banque mondiale
Banco Mundial.
Banco Internacional de Reconstrucción y Fomento
البنك الدولي
البنك الدولي للانشاء والتعمير
בנק עולמי
World Bank international financial institution
Banc Mundial
Corporate |
Africa development essays
World Bank Technical Paper. Africa Region human development series Environment Department papers.
Trade and development series Trade and development series
World Bank policy research report
6 |
International Court of Justice.
Cour internationale de justice
Corte Internacional de Justicia
Ynternasjonaal Gerjochtshof
Internationaler Gerichtshof
Międzynarodowy Trybunał Sprawiedliwości
محكمة العدل الدولية.
בית הדין הבין-לאומי לצדק
Corte Internacional de Justiça.
International Court of Justice ('s-Gravenhage)
Medzinárodny súdny dvor.
Stálý mezinárodní soudní dvůr
Court of International Justice
Corporate |
Actes et documents relatifs à l'organisation de la Cour Actes et documents relatifs à l'organisation de la Cour Affaire relative à des actions armées frontalières et transfrontalières, Nicarag
国际法院对南非诉以色列案的临时判决 Accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence
Annuaire. The case law of the International Court : a repertoire of the judgments, advisor
The case law of the International Court : a repertoire of the judgments, advisor
Affaire des minquiers et des écréhous (Royaume-Uni/France) Arrêt du 17 novembre
Statut de la Cour Internationale de Justice Srbija pred Međunarodnim sudom pravde
7 |
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture
Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y la Alimentación
Organizace OSN pro výživu a zemědělství
Sameinuðu þjóðirnar. Matvæla- og landbúnaðarstofnun
Organização das Nações Unidas para Alimentação e Agricultura
הארגון למזון ולחקלאות של האו"ם
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l'alimentazione e l'agricoltura istituto
Organisation des Nations Unies pour l'alimentation et l'agriculture (Rome)
Organisation de l'alimentation et de l'agriculture des Nations Unies
Organizacija Združenih narodov za prehrano in kmetijstvo
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Agriculture Dept
Corporate |
Agribusiness and food industries series Boletín latinoamericano sobre fomento de tierras y aguas (FAO)
Boletín de servicios agrícolas de la FAO
FAO agricultural studies
8 |
International Atomic Energy Agency.
Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique
Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica
Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej.
Agência Internacional de Energia Atômica.
Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation
Mezinárodní agentura pro atomovou energii
Internationale Atomenergie-Organisation autonome wissenschaftlich-technische Org
Agència Internacional d'Energia Atòmica
Rahvusvaheline Aatomienergiaagentuur.
Corporate |
Abstracts of papers. Chemical thermodynamics of actinide elements and compounds IAEA safeguards glossary. Chemical thermodynamics of actinide elements and compounds Directory of nuclear reactors. IAEA Bulletin Directory of nuclear reactors. Directory of nuclear reactors. IAEA international law series
9 |
Song, Qingling, 1893-1981
宋, 慶齢
צ'ינג-לינג, סונג, 1893-1981
Sun, Ch'ing-ling (Sung), 1890-
Soong Ching-ling former Vice President of the People's Republic of China and thi
宋慶齡, (中國文學), 1893-1981
宋, 慶齢, 1890-1981
Song, Qingling
Ling, Soong Ching
Soong Ching-ling 1893-1981
Personal |
China fights for peace Good neighbours meet : speeches in India, Burma and Pakistan : (1955-1956) Shih chieh jih pao, 6/1/81: Good neighbours meet : speeches in India, Burma and Pakistan : (1955-1956)
Shinchūgoku no tameni funtōsu
Good neighbours meet : speeches in India, Burma and Pakistan : (1955-1956) Woman in world history : life and times of Soong Ching Ling (Mme. Sun Yatsen), 2
10 |
International Criminal Court.
Cour pénale internationale
Międzynarodowy Trybunał Karny.
Internationaler Strafgerichtshof
International Criminal Court Den Haag
International Criminal Court intergovernmental organization and international tr
בית המשפט הפלילי הבין-לאומי (האג, הולנד)
Tribunal Penal Internacional
Alþjóðlegi sakamáladómstóllinn
Corte Penal Internacional
Mezinárodní trestní soud
International Criminal Court (Haag)
Corporate |
Behind the scenes : the Registry of the International Criminal Court Behind the scenes : the Registry of the International Criminal Court Behind the scenes : the Registry of the International Criminal Court
Behind the scenes : the Registry of the International Criminal Court arestordono de la Internacia Puna Kortumo pri militestroj de la Israela-Hamasa m
Dari Pengadilan Militer Internasional, Nuremberg ... 2003: Assunto de: Maia, Marrielle. O Tribunal Penal Internacional na grande estratégia
Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale La Corte Penal Internacional : avances en materia de justicia de género. United Nations Diplomatic Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Establishment o
Statut de Rome de la Cour pénale internationale
11 |
Aung San Suu Kyi, 1945-....
Aung San Suu Kyi
အောင်ဆန်းစုကြည်၊ ဒေါ်
Kyi, Aung San Suu, 1945-
Personal |
Aung San Aung San Freedom from fear and other writings
Cartas desde Birmania
12 |
Yi, I. 1536-1584
이이 (李珥) 1536-1584
Yi, I
李, 珥
I, I 1536-1584
Yi, I. 1536-1584 I.
Yi, Yi, 1536-1584
李, 珥, 1536-1584
Personal |
Anthologie de la sagesse extrême-orientale Kyŏngmong yogyŏl The four-seven debate : an annotated translation of the most famous controversy
강산 문조 순언 Anthologie de la sagesse extrême-orientale Ontologische Parallelen im Neuplatonismus und Neokonfuzianismus Salomon ibn Gabr
Anthologie de la sagesse extrême-orientale 国訳栗谷性理学全書
13 |
Xu, Hongzu, 1586-1641
徐弘祖 明
Xu, Xiake, 1586-1641
徐, 弘祖
Xu, Hongzu, 1587-1641
Xu, Xiake
(明) 徐弘祖
Xu, Xia ke 1587-1641
서굉조 (徐宏祖) 1586-1641
Xiake, Hu (1587- 1641)
徐, 霞客, 1587-1641
徐, 宏祖, 1586-1641
Personal |
Di li xue jia he lu xing jia Xu Xiake, 1987
The travel diaries of Hsü Hsia-Kʼo Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: Cui dong bi yi shu / (qing)cui shu zhuan, 1983 Randonnées aux sites sublimes, c1993: 서하객유기 徐霞客遊記 : 10卷 "独鹤与飞" : 徐霞客记游研究探赜 Jo kakaku ryokoki. Jo kakaku ryokoki.
14 |
Poznanski, Ursula, 1968-....
Poznanski, Ursula
Ursula Poznanski österreichische Buch-Autorin
Познански, У. 1968- Урсула
Personal |
Alle Morde wieder Weihnachtskrimis Allerbeste prinzessin Ani mrtvá, ani živá Эланус
15 |
Yu, Yingshi
Yu, Yingshi, 1930-2021.
Yu, Yingshi, 1930-
余, 英時
Yu, Ying-Shih 1930-2021
Yu, ying shi 1930-....
Yu Ying-shih American China historian (1930-2021)
余英時, (歷史), 1930-
위잉스 1930-
余, 英時, 1930-
Personal |
Chen Yinke wan nian shi wen shi zheng Chen Yinke wan nian shi wen shi zheng Chen Yinke wan nian shi wen shi zheng The religious ethic and mercantile spirit in early modern China Lun Dai Zhen yu Zhang Xuecheng : Qing dai zhong qi xue shu si xiang shi yan jiu Lishi renwu kaobian 余英時書首屆紅學會上作七絶 歷史的變與常 / 余英時主講; 呂岸( 呂學海) 企劃 文史传统与文化重建 Chūgoku kinsei no shūkyō rinri to shōnin seishin
16 |
Bai, Shouyi
Bai, Shouyi, 1909-2000
白寿彝 中国历史学家(1909-2000)
白, 寿彝
백수이 (白壽彝) 1909-2000
Bai, Shou yi 1909-....
Pai, Shou (1909- )
Pai, Shou-i, 1909-
Personal |
Chung-kuo tʻung shih kang yao. Korean. Chungguk tʻongsa kangyo, 1991: Chinas Geschichte im Überblick 中国交通史 Chūgoku ryakushi 중국통사강요 Minzu zongjiao lunji outline history of China Breve historia de China : desde la antigüedad hasta 1919
17 |
Liu, Haisu, 1896-1994
劉海粟, (書畫), 1896-1994
Liu Haisu (Chinese art educator, 1896-1994)
劉, 海粟, 1896-1994
Liu, hai su, 1896-1994
류하이쑤 1896-1994
Liu, Hai-Sou
Liu, Haisu, 1896-
劉, 海粟
Personal |
Bolin ren wen bo wu guan suo cang Zhongguo xian dai ming hua ji Chung-kuo hui hua shang ti liu fa lun, 1957.
Chūgoku nankin geijutsu gakuin meiyo inchō ryū kaizoku kyōju shogaten chūgoku kō
Gourd Vine Die heutige Richtung der chinesischen Malerei und ihr Ursprung 유해속화선 Exposition d'art chinoise 12 septembre au 11 octobre 1934 [Les peintures et les
Liu Haisu shu hua ji 中国南京芸術学院名誉院長劉海粟教授書画展・中国江蘇書画展
18 |
Shang wu yin shu guan.
Commercial Press
商務印書館 位於中國北京的出版社
Shang wu yin shu kuan (Hongkong)
Corporate |
Ci yuan : zheng xu bian he ding ben. Dai shin teikoku zenzu. Aguarelas chinesas] 中国风景画第一集
19 |
Lee, Suzy, 1974-....
Lee, Suzy
لي، سوزي، 1974-
이수지 대한민국의 그림책 작가
이, 수지
Ли, С. 1974- Сьюзи
Personal |
Abra este pequeno livro Alice nel paese delle meraviglie P'ado ya nolja, 2009:
Shadow Лето [история, которой наслаждаешься под "Времена года" Антонио Вивальди альбом]
20 |
Xia, Ji'an, 1916-1965
Hsia, Tsi-an, 1916-1965
夏濟安, (文學), 1916-1965
Hsia, Tsi-an
Hsia, Tsi-an 1919-1965
Xia, Jian
夏, 濟安
Personal |
The commune in retreat as evidenced in terminology and semantics The commune in retreat as evidenced in terminology and semantics Cao / Shi bo bo(Manes Sperber) zhuan; qi wen yu yi, 1953 A history of modern Chinese fiction, 1917-1957 Gate of darkness Gate of darkness
21 |
Gernhäuser, Susanne, 1966-
Gernhäuser, Susanne
Susanne Gernhäuser Nakladatelská editorka a autorka naučných knih pro děti.
Personal |
Abenteurer und Entdecker Abenteurer und Entdecker Nakládat, odjíždíme!
22 |
Zhonghua shu ju.
Zhong hua shu ju
中华书局有限公司 中国最大的古籍文献出版社之一
Corporate |
Chin tai wen ping chu tu pen, 1948. 中華書局图書目録 Zhonghua wen ku (Zhonghua shu ju)
23 |
Zheng, Xiaoxu, 1860-1938
Čeng Siao-sü
(清末) 鄭孝胥
鄭, 孝胥, 1860-1938
鄭, 孝胥
záng shì yì, 1860-1938, homme politique, diplomate, calligraphe chinois
Personal |
Cheng Hsiao-hsü chüan, 1996:
Kokyo shinpen shakugi : Odo seiji shido genri.
蘇戡公最後遺稿 Zheng Xiaoxu ri ji
24 |
Yuan, Shu, 1131-1205
(宋) 袁樞
袁樞 宋
袁, 樞
Yuan Shu persona de la dinastía Song (CBDB=0014885)
袁, 枢, 1131-1205
Personal |
Hua luan wu hu / (song)yuan shu yuan zhu ; bo yang bian yi, 1999 Hua luan wu hu / (song)yuan shu yuan zhu ; bo yang bian yi, 1999
歴朝紀事本末 萬石橋記 Shiji tsugan kiji honmatsu
25 |
Kuiji, 632-682
Kui Ji, 0632-0682
窺基, 632-682
大乘基 中国僧人
Personal |
Bo re bo luo mi duo xin jing you zan. The analysis of the middle and extremes / The scripture of the monk Nagasena Rikugasshaku : Kanchu.
26 |
Zhao, Erxun, 1844-1927
(清) 趙爾巽
趙, 爾巽, 1844-1927
趙, 爾巽
Personal |
Ching shih kao, 1960? Ching shih kao, 1960? Draft History of Qing Kōsen retsuden 撫順縣志略
27 |
Zhong yong
תורת האמצע (פילוסופיה סינית)
Zisi, 483 B.C.-402 B.C. | Zhong yong
Work |
28 |
Chen, Yi, 1901-1972
陳毅, (文學), 1901-1972
Chen, Yi (1901-72)
陳, 毅
Personal |
Chʻen I fu tsung li ta chi che wen, 1965.
29 |
Zhangsun, Wuji, -659
長孫, 無忌
Zhang sun, Wu ji
Zhang sun, Wu ji 0594-0659
Zhangsun Wuji
Zhangsun, Wuji, 0594-0659
Changsun, Wuji, -659
Personal |
Sui shu jing ji zhi 唐律疏義
Sui shu jing ji zhi 당률소의 Code des T'ang
30 |
China. Guo jia ke xue ji shu bu
China Ministry of Science and Technology
Chiny. Guo jia ke xue ji shu bu.
China Guojia-Kexue-Jishubu
Čína. Guo jia ke xue ji shu bu
Chine. Guo jia ke xue ji shu bu
Corporate |
5th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Techno
Brief of the Ministry of Science and Technology of P.R. China / Ministry of Scie
60 let vývoje vědy a techniky v Číně Chung-kuo kʻo chi tʻung chi nien chien, 1998:
31 |
Ippen, 1239-1289
智真, 1239-1289
Chishin 1239-1289
Personal |
Banshū hōgo shū Banshū hōgo shū Ippen Shōnin goroku.
32 |
Jiangsu ren min chu ban she.
江苏人民出版社 中国出版社
Corporate |
Biao dian fu hao yong fa bi jiao 中國人民解放軍的光榮道路
33 |
Qin Hua Ri jun Nanjing da tu sha yu nan tong bao ji nian guan.
Memorial hall of the victims in the Nanjing massacre by Japanese invaders
The Memorial Hall of the Victims in the Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders
Corporate |
Illustrated History of the Nanjing Massacre Illustrated History of the Nanjing Massacre "Kono jijitsu o ... " : "Nankin daigyakusatsu" seizonsha shōgenshū
Nan jing da tu sha tu lu
34 |
Jinan (Shandong Sheng, China)
Jinan (Shandong, Chine)
ג'ינאן (שנדונג שנג, סין)
China Jinan (Shandong Sheng)
Jinan (Chine)
Geographic |
Chi-nan chan i ... 1979 or 1980:
Chi-nan chan i ... 1979 or 1980:
Urban change in China : politics and development in Tsinan, Shantung, 1890-1949
35 |
Zhou Gong, -1105 B.C.
周公旦 周朝的公爵
Dan Zhou, Herzog ca. ? - v1105
Personal |
I ching games of Duke Tan of Chou and C.C. Tʻung Chu lễ
36 |
Pae, Su-ji, 1994-
Bae, Suzy 1994-
Bae, Suzy, 19..-....
Personal |
Kuga ŭi sŏ, 2013:
Dream high
37 |
Wang, Ji, approximately 1127-approximately 1193
Wang, Ji 1128-1194
Wang, Ji, ca. 1127-ca. 1193
Personal |
Ya-chiang hsing pu chih chu shih, 1984:
38 |
Du, Jidong, 1966-....
Du, Jidong
두지둥 1966-
Du, ji dong 1966-....
Personal |
Li shi san diao : zuo wei shi jian, jing li he sheng hua de Yi he tuan Jiang Baili zhuan In mortal combat Korea, 1950-1953 Zhong de guan xi shi hua
39 |
Zhonghua min su yi shu ji jin hui
Chinese Folk Arts Foundation
Corporate |
40 |
Zhongguo shi you tian ran qi zong gong si
China National Petroleum Corporation
Corporate |
Annual report
41 |
Jilin shi fan da xue
Ji lin shi fan da xue
吉林师范大学 吉林省高校
Corporate |
Hsien Chʻin wen hsüeh ... 1980: Chūgoku kindaishi jiki.
42 |
Shi Hezheng min su wen hua ji jin hui
Corporate |
Anhui Sheng Guichi Shi Liujie Xiang Yuanxi Cun Cao, Jin, Ke san xing jia zu de n
43 |
Chen, Lesu
Chen, Lesu 1902-1990
Chen, Lesu, 1902-
陈乐素 中国历史学家(1902—1990)
Personal |
Chen Lesu shi xue wen cun
Qiu shi ji
44 |
Talmage, John van Nest, 1819-1892
John Van Nest Talmage American missionary (1819–1892)
John Van Nest Talmage American missionary
Personal |
The anti-missionary movement in south China: Ē-mn̂g Im ê Jī-tián
45 |
Li, Jining
Li, Jining, 1960-
Li, Jining 20th century
리지닝 1960-
Personal |
Fo jing ban ben Fo jing ban ben
고려 초조대장경과 동아시아의 대장경
46 |
Jiangsu Sheng (China). Tong ji ju
jiāng sū shěng. tǒng jì jú biān
Corporate |
Chiang-su tʻung chi nien chien, 1988: jiāng sū sì shí nián : 1949-1989
47 |
Jiangsu Guangling gu ji ke yin she
Jiangsu guang ling gu ji ke yin she
Jiang su guang ling gu ji ke yin she
Jiangzu Guangling Guji Keyinshe
Corporate |
Aying xin gao
Menggu Lüli
48 |
Personal |
49 |
Ghorwane (Musical group)
Ghorwane groupe de jazz du Mozambique
Ghorwane (musikkgruppe)
Ghorwane (hudební skupina)
Corporate |
Akuhanha Majurugenta
50 |
Long, Ji, active 1969-
Long, Ji, 1933-2014
Personal |
Hung yen mao, 1969. Bian se di yue liang
51 |
Su, Chi
宿, 遅
Su, Chi (1957- ).
Personal |
Min shi ze ren 入世后中国知识产权司法审查经典判例评析 Li Shutong zhuan
52 |
Ma, Zhisu
Ma, Zhisu 20th century
馬, 之驌
Personal |
Lei Zhen yu Jiang Jieshi
53 |
Južný kríž (súhvezdie)
Geographic |
54 |
Qiu, Qihua
Personal |
Dang dai zi ben zhu yi ruo gan wen ti yan jiu
55 |
Jiangsu gu ji chu ban she.
Corporate |
Dunhuang patterns
56 |
Gansu Sheng gu ji wen xian zheng li bian yi zhong xin
Gan su sheng gu ji wen xian zheng li bian yi zhong xin
Corporate |
Bei Wei, Tang, Song shi qi de fo jiao bi hua he diao su Dun huang mo gao ku bai nian tu lu
57 |
Wu liang shou jing
Work |
58 |
Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940. | Das Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Rep
Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940. | Kunstwerk im Zeitalter seiner technischen Reprodu
Benjamin, Walter, 1892-1940. | Work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
Benjamin, Walter. | The work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction
Work |
59 |
Rei Wen de Zhou
Zhou Wen wang, Emperor of China
Ji, Chang, Qing dynasty (1644-1912)
Personal |
Bao xun Xing su zhai za ji : [2 juan]
60 |
Su, Liangjun
Liangjun Su
Personal |
The Oxford handbook of applied nonparametric and semiparametric econometrics and
61 |
Ji, Yu, 1948-
Personal |
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62 |
Ming de ji jin hui (Taipei, Taiwan). Sheng huo su zhi yan jiu zhong xin
Corporate |
Da jia guan xin sheng huo su zhi : sheng huo su zhi duan lun ji.
63 |
김지수 1972년생 대한민국의 배우
Kim, Chi-su, 1972-
Personal |
Yŏja, Chŏng-hye, 2005:
64 |
China (Republic : 1949- ). Si fa yuan. Xing zheng su song ji cheng jie ting
China (Republic : 1949- ) Xing zheng su song ji cheng jie ting
Corporate |
Gong wu yuan cheng jie zhi du zhi yan jiu
65 |
Personal |
Grub paʾi dbaṅ phyug chen po rje btsun dam pa saṅs rgyas rnam par thar pa ṅos sg
Pha-dam-pa daṅ Ma-cig-lab-sgron gyi rnam thar, 1992:
66 |
"Jiangsu jiao yu" bian ji bu
Corporate |
Han yu yu fa ti yao
67 |
Kang, Susie
Kang, Su-ji
강수지 대한민국의 가수
Personal |
Ŏduun maŭm e pul ŭl k‘yŏn irŭm hana, 1991
68 |
Su, Nan
Personal |
Bulk viscosity in a plasma of Gribov-Zwanziger gluons
69 |
Su, Hong-Ji.
Personal |
Integrated control of plant virus diseases : proceedings of the International Wo
70 |
Shin, Jisue, 1980-....
Sin, Chi-su
Personal |
3 geu raem Hwang Sŏn-mi sŏnsaengnim i tŭllyŏ chunŭn kwan'gye iyagi
71 |
Chi, Su-gŏl 1957-
Personal |
Ilche ha nongmin chohap undong yŏn’gu, 1993
72 |
Jiangsu-Jishu-Shifan-Xueyuan Changzhou
Jiangsu ji shu shi fan xue yuan
江苏理工学院 中国江苏常州高等学校
Corporate |
2010 International Conference on Future Information Technology and Management En
73 |
Su, Ji
Personal |
Cheng yu dian gu yuan liu gu shi shang xi ci shu
74 |
Ajaib Singh, Sant
Ajaib Singh Sant Ajaib Singh (11 September 1926 – 6 July 1997) was born in Maina
Personal |
75 |
Kitchenham, Susanne
Kitchenham-Pec, Susanne
Personal |
Beckenbodentraining Ihr praktisches Übungs-Video ; einfach mitmachen, so stärken
76 |
Tainan Shi si li chang rong gao ji zhong xue
Corporate |
Ch‘ing chu ch‘uang li pai chou nien hsiao ch‘ing yu chan t‘e k‘an, 1985
77 |
Yi, Su-ji (Researcher of foreign relations), 1974-
李, 穂枝
李, 穂枝, 1974-
Personal |
Chosŏn ŭi taeil oegyo chŏllyak 朝鮮の対日外交戦略 : 日清戦争前夜1876-1893 Chosen no tainichi gaiko senryaku : Nisshin senso zen'ya senhappyakunanajuroku s
78 |
Jiangsu Sheng she hui ke xue yuan. Jing ji yan jiu suo
Corporate |
Jiangsu she dui qi ye jing ji wen xuan, 1981:
79 |
Suzhou yuan lin she ji yuan
Suzhou Architecture Design & Research Institute
Corporate |
Su-chou yüan lin, 1999:
80 |
Jiangsu Sheng wen lian. Tu shu bian ji bu
Corporate |
Yü ch‘ing t‘ing, 1985
81 |
Ji, Shi
Personal |
Bamboo Pole Qi shi hai ren de Li Hongzhi ji qi "Falungong"
82 |
China (Republic : 1949- ). Si fa yuan. Di 3 ting
Corporate |
Gong wu yuan cheng jie zhi du yan jiu xiu zheng zi liao hui bian
83 |
Ji'an Shi (China : Prefecture)
Geographic |
84 |
Kim, Chi-su, 1960-
Personal |
Ch'aesik myŏngsang isimnyŏn
85 |
Suzhou Shi zheng xie. Wen shi zi liao bian ji shi
Corporate |
Su-chou shih chih pi chi, 1987:
86 |
Jiangsu Sheng ke xue ji shu qing bao yan jiu suo
Jiangsu Province Science and Technology Department government organization in Na
Corporate |
Jing ji zuo wu si shi li
87 |
Lee, Ji-Soo
Personal |
Blood rain [Images animées]
88 |
Zhong gong Gansu Sheng wei. Dang shi zi liao zheng ji yan jiu wei yuan hui
Corporate |
Bei zhuang di zheng cheng
89 |
Fa xue jiao cai bian ji bu. "Min shi su song fa jiao cheng" bian xie zu
Corporate |
Min shi su song fa jiao cheng
90 |
Gansu Sheng ke ji qing bao xue hui
Gan su sheng ke ji qing bao xue hui
Corporate |
Library and information
91 |
"Zhongguo xi qu zhi. Gansu juan" bian ji wei yuan hui
Corporate |
Chung-kuo hsi ch‘ü chih. Kan-su chüan, 1995
92 |
Grace Brown
Brown, Grace 1992-
Personal |
93 |
China (Republic : 1949- ). Ru chu guo ji yi min shu
內政部移民署 中華民國政府機構
Corporate |
Niang jia, 2011:
94 |
Suzhou dian jia gong ji chuang yan jiu suo
Corporate |
95 |
Fa xue jiao cai bian ji bu. "Xing shi su song fa jiao cheng" bian xie zu
Corporate |
Hsing shih su sung fa chiao chʻeng, 1982 (a.e.)
96 |
Jiangsu Sheng Sheyang Xian k‘o xue ji shu wei yuan hui
Jiangsu Sheng Sheyang Xian kʻo xue ji shu wei yuan hui
Corporate |
To chung ching ying i pai li, 1982 (a.e.) To chung ching ying i pai li, 1982 (a.e.)
97 |
Jiangsu Sheng ke xue ji shu xie hui
Corporate |
Chiang-su sheng nung yeh tzu yüan tsung ho k‘ai fa li yung yen chiu, 1993
98 |
Chi, Su-hyŏn, 1973-
Su-hyŏn Chi
Personal |
Nuna wa na, hogŭn kŭ nyŏsŏk kwa na, 2002:
99 |
Kim, Chi-su, 1948-
Kim, Chi-su, 1948 December 30-
Personal |
Kʻŭroma hapʻŭ rŭl kʻyŏnŭn yŏja, 1988: Kʻŭroma hapʻŭ rŭl kʻyŏnŭn yŏja, 1988:
100 |
Gansu Sheng ke ji shi zhi bian ji bu
Corporate |
Gansu ke ji zhi.