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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry.
Mezinárodní unie pro čistou a užitou chemii
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée
Unión Internacional de Química Pura y Aplicada
Medzinárodná únia čistej a aplikovanej chémie
Unió Internacional de Química Pura i Aplicada
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13th International Conference on Organic Synthesis : (ICOS-13), Warsaw, Poland,
P.M.M. Applications of the Mossbauer effect. Kyote, Japon, August 28-September 1, 1978,
Nomenclature of organic chemistry Nomenclatura de Química inorgánica : según las reglas de la Unión Internacional
The chemistry of the atmosphere : its impact on global change : perspectives and
Yūki kagaku meimeihō.
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Organic Chemistry Division.
Organic Chemistry Division (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry)
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Division of Organic Chemistry
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Organic Chemistry Division
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7th international symposium on novel aromatic compounds, Victoria, British Colum
Carotenoids other than Vitamin A-III
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on the Nomenclatur
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée Commission on nomenclature of o
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Commission de nomenclature en
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Commission on Nomenclature of
Commission on the Nomenclature of Organic Chemistry (International Union of Pure
Unió Internacional de Química Pura i Aplicada. Comissió de Nomenclatura de Quími
Corporate |
International Organization for Standardization Definitive rules for nomenclature of steroids Definitive rules for nomenclature of steroids Nomenclature of organic chemistry. Nomenclature of organic chemistry.
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Section of Organic Chemistry.
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Chem Nat Prod
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Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Division de chimie organique
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Division of Organic Chemistry
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The chemistry of natural products, 7 : plenary lectures presented at the Seventh
Carotenoids other then vitamin A : main lectures presented at the Symposium on C
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on the Nomenclatur
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Commission on the Nomenclature
Commission on the Nomenclature of Biological Chemistry (Iupac)
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Commission on nomenclature of
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Nomenclature of organic chemistry Nomenclature of organic chemistry
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Organic and Biomolecular Chem
Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Division de chimie organique e
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International Symposium on the Chemistry of Natural Products. The chemistry of n
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Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Division de chimie organique
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Chemistry of natural products.
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Commission on Physical Organi
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Glossary of terms used in physical organic chemistry, 199-:
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Subcommittee on Photochemistry
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Organic and Biomolecular Chem
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Glossary of terms used in photochemistry : (IUPAC recommendations 2006) Glosar fotokemijskog nazivlja : preporuke IUPAC 2006. : preporuke HDKI i HKD 201
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Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. Commission de nomenclature de
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Nomenclature of organic chemistry: definitive rules for section A, hydrocarbons
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International Symposium on Organometallic Chemistry (3rd : 1967 : Munich, German
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Kurzreferate, 1967:
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Commission on the Nomenclature
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Organic Division
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Contributed papers presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Carotenoids
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International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Organic and Biomolecular Chemi
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