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Sample Title
1 |
West, Morris, 1916-1999.
West, Morris L., 1916-1999.
West, Morris L.
West, Morris
West, Morris (Morris Langlo), 1916-1999
Morris West Australian writer (1916-1999)
וסט, מוריס ל.
West, Morris 1916-
West, Morris L., 1916-
West, Morris L. (Morris Langlo), 1916-1999
Personal |
El abogado del diablo Ambassador El abogado del diablo Ambassador De Advocaat van de Duivel El abogado del diablo Devil's advocate
Masterclass Ambassador
2 |
Fynn, 1919-1999
Fynn Blogster
Hopkins, Sydney George, 1919-1999
Sydney George Hopkins British writer (1919-1999)
פין, 1919-1999
Финн псевдоним 1919-1999
Personal |
Anna a Černý jezdec Ana i crni skakač
Pane Bůh, tady Anna Anna and Mister God Анна и Черный Рыцарь
3 |
Guastavino, Marta I.
Guastavino, Marta
Guastavino, Marta I., 1925-
Gustavino, Marta Isabel
Guastavino, Marta L
Personal |
La anti-dieta, c1986: Historia del primero de mayo
Beyond this point are monsters Gesto, raza y cultura : estudio de algunos aspectos espaciotemporales y "lingüís
4 |
King, Stephen, 1947- | 'Salem's lot. | Spanish
King, Stephen, 1947-. | Salem's lot | Spanish 1976
Expression |
5 |
Goodman, Linda. | Sun signs | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1977)
Goodman, Linda, 1925-1995. | Sun signs. | Spanish
Expression |
6 |
Efron, David. | Gesture and Environment | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1970)
Expression |
7 |
Stubbs, Jean, 1926-2012. | Dear Laura | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1974)
Expression |
8 |
Moore, Thomas, 1940-. | Care of the Soul | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1993)
Expression |
9 |
Murdoch, Iris. | Sea, the sea | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1985)
Murdoch, Iris. | Sea, the sea. | Spanish
Expression |
10 |
Silver, Warren A. | Green rose : a novel | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1995)
Expression |
11 |
Sasportas, Howard,. | Twelve houses : exploring the houses of the horoscope | Sp
Expression |
12 |
Small, Christopher, 1927-2011. | Music, society, education | Spanish | (Guastavi
Expression |
13 |
Lerner, Harriet G. | DANCE OF INTIMACY | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1991)
Expression |
14 |
Masters, William H. | Pleasure bond | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1976)
Expression |
15 |
Breton, Sue. | Don't panic : a guide to overcoming panic attacks | Spanish | (Gu
Expression |
16 |
Brusko, Marlene. | Living with your teenager | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1987)
Expression |
17 |
Moore, Thomas, 1940-. | Care of the Soul | Spanish | (Guastavino : 2005)
Expression |
18 |
Schultz, Theodore W. (Theodore William), 1902-1998. | Investing in People : the
Expression |
19 |
Blackwood, Caroline. | Stepdaughter | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
20 |
Brown, J. A. C. (James Alexander Campbell), 1911-1964. | Techniques of persuasio
Expression |
21 |
Paul, Haydn. | Visionary dreamer : exploring the astrological Neptune | Spanish
Expression |
22 |
Willis, Ted. | Churchill commando | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
23 |
Masters, William H. | Pleasure bond | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1974)
Expression |
24 |
Giannetta, Sal. | Capac legacy : a novel | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1977)
Expression |
25 |
Silver, Warren A. | Green rose : a novel | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
26 |
King, Stephen, 1947-. | Salem's lot | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1985)
Expression |
27 |
Johnson, Warren A. | Muddling toward frugality | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1981)
Expression |
28 |
Ambler, Eric, 1909-1998. | Send no more roses | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
29 |
Diamond, Harvey, 1945-. | Your heart your planet | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1991)
Expression |
30 |
Ramana, Maharshi. | Spiritual teaching of ramana maharshi | Spanish | (Guastavin
Expression |
31 |
Elsea, Janet G. | First impression, best impression | Spanish | (Guastavino : 20
Expression |
32 |
Willis, Ted. | Lions of judah | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1981)
Expression |
33 |
Smith, Adam, 1930-2014. | Powers of mind | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
34 |
Diamond, Edwin. | Science of dreams | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1965)
Expression |
35 |
Hegeler, Sten. | Hvordan finder jeg det rigtige legetøj til mit barn? : Årbog 19
Expression |
36 |
Wilcox, Robert K. | Shroud | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
37 |
Stein, Sol. | Other people | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1979)
Expression |
38 |
Katz, William, 1940-. | Death dreams | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1980)
Expression |
39 |
Misiak, Henryk, 1911-1992. | Philosophical roots of scientific psychology | Span
Expression |
40 |
Lambert, Derek, 1929-. | Yermakov transfer | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1975)
Expression |
41 |
May, Robin. | Guide to the opera | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1987)
Expression |
42 |
Morgan, Elaine. | Descent of woman | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1972)
Expression |
43 |
Nelson, William N. | On justifying democracy | Spanish | (Guastavino : 1986)
Expression |