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Sample Title
1 |
Baum, L. Frank, 1856-1919.
Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), 1856-1919
Baum, Lyman Frank, 1856-1919
Lyman Frank Baum
Baum, L. Frank
Baum, Frank, 1856-1919
Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank)
Baum, L. Frank (Lyman Frank), auteur, 1856-1919
Баум, Л.Ф. 1856-1919 Лаймен Фрэнк
باوم، ل. ف.، 1856-1919
באום, לימן פרנק, 1856-1919
Baum, Lyman Frank
باوم، ل. فرانك، 1856-1919
Baum, L.F. 1856-1919 Lyman Frank
Personal |
Baum's American fairy tales Aunt Jane's nieces series Čarobnjak iz Oza Life and adventures of santa claus cycle d'Oz El mago de Oz Dorothy and the wizard of Oz Dorothy and the wizard of Oz Baum's American fairy tales Dorothy and the wizard of Oz Dorothy and the wizard of Oz Čarobnjak iz Oza Dorothy and the wizard of Oz Baum's American fairy tales
2 |
Braddon, M.E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1835-1915
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 1835-1915.
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth, 1837-1915
Braddon, Mary Elizabeth
Braddon, M.E.
Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth)
Mary Elizabeth Braddon English author (1835-1915)
Braddon, M. E. (Mary Elizabeth), 1837-1915
Maxwell, Mary Elizabeth (Braddon), 1837-1915
Брэддон, М. Э. 1835-1915 Мэри Элизабет
בראדון, מארי אליזבת, 1835-1915
Personal |
All along the river All along the river Asphodel : a novel Aurora Floyd Asphodel : a novel Asphodel : a novel Asphodel : a novel doctor's wife Asphodel : a novel Тайна леди Одли [роман] Aurora Floyd
3 |
Basie, Count, 1904-1984.
Basie, Count
The Basie Bunch
Basie, Count (William), 1904-1984
Count Basie
Basie, William (Count)
Basie, C. 1904-1984 Count
בייסי, קאונט, 1904-1984
Бейси, К. 1904-1984 Каунт
Personal |
Basie's basement One o'clock jump
Count Basie
Count Basie
4 |
Bloch, Robert, 1917-1994.
Robert Bloch American fiction writer (1917–1994)
Bloch, Robert, 1918-1994
Bloch, Robert
Bloch, Robert, auteur thrillers, 1917-1994
Bloch, Robert f. 1917
בלוך, רוברט, 1917-1994
Personal |
American gothic Hell-bound train
The opener of the way The Dunwich horror and others Bates Motel
5 |
Radziwill, Catherine, Princess, 1858-1941
Radziwiłł, Katarzyna 1858-1941
Radziwill, Catherine, 1858-1941
Radziwill, Catherine, 1858-1941, Princesse
Radziwiłłowa, Katarzyna, 1858-1941
Radziwill, Catherine
Radziwill, Catherine, furstinna, 1858-1941
Radziwill, Catherine, princesse, 1858-1941
Katarzyna Radziwiłłowa
Radziwill, Catherine prinsesse
Радзивилл, Е. А. 1858-1941 Екатерина Адамовна
Personal |
The Austrian court from within, 1916: Alexandra Feodorovna, la dernière tsarine femmes dans la vie de Balzac Alexandra Feodorovna, la dernière tsarine Behind the veil at the Russian court
Bag den russiske Revolutions Kulisser Autor : Overs. fra svensk af Carl Behrens.
Alexandra Feodorovna, la dernière tsarine Bakom förlåten till ryska hofvet Den furstliga äktenskapsmarknaden i Europa. Письма графа П. Василия Лондонское общество. Венское общество перевод с французс
6 |
Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568.
Humphrey Llwyd Welsh cartographer, author, antiquary and Member of Parliament
Lhuyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568
Humphrey Llwyd meddyg a hynafiaethydd
Personal |
Abrahami Ortelii Theatri orbis terrarvm parergon, sive Veteris geographiae tabvl
Angleterre Cambriae typus. Auctore Humfredo Lhuydo Denbigiense Cambrobritanno.
7 |
Floyd, John, 1572-1649
Floyd, John 1572-1649 S.I.
Floyd, John, 1572-1649, jésuite
Floyd, John, S.I., 1572-1649
জন ফ্লয়েড
Personal |
Apolagy of the holy sea apostolicks proceeding
The answere vnto the nine points of controuersy, proposed by our late soueraygne
Hypocrisis Marci Antonii de Dominis detecta, sev censvra in eivs libros de repvb
8 |
James, Elmore
Louisiana Red
Louisiana Red 1936-2012
Louisiana Red, 193.-2012
Red, Louisiana 1936-
Minter, Iverson (Louisiana Red)
Personal |
Don Giovanni, p1991: Louisiana Red Aces'shuffle (3 min 22 s) Ashland Avenue Blues Madrid-Memphis
9 |
Chambers, Peter
Chambers, Peter, 1924-
Chambers, Peter, 1924-2006
Dennis John Andrew Phillips British crime writer (1924-2006)
Chambers, Peter, fictie, 1924-2006
Phillips, Dennis, 1924-
Personal |
Bad die young Antwort für 10 Dollar Kriminalroman On Ibsen
De blonde was in 't zwart
10 |
Edgar Broughton band
Edgar Broughton Band (musikkgruppe)
Corporate |
APHRODITE Apache drop out
11 |
Jones, Floyd, 1917-1989
Floyd Jones American Chicago blues singer, guitarist and songwriter (1917-1989)
Jones, Floyd
Personal |
And this is free, 2008:
12 |
Floyd, John E.
Floyd, John Earl, 1937-....
Floyd, John E. (John Earl), 1937-
Floyd, John E., 1937-
Floyd, John E. (John Earl)
John E. Floyd économiste canadien
Personal |
Canada and the gold standard balance-of-payments adjustment, 1871-1913 Canada and the gold standard balance-of-payments adjustment, 1871-1913 Canada and the gold standard balance-of-payments adjustment, 1871-1913 Alternative fiscal policies in a world of capital mobility. Interest rates, exchange rates and world monetary policy
13 |
Fisher, John, 1569-1641
John Percy
Piercy, John, 1569-1641
Percy, John, 1569-1641
Personal |
The answere unto the nine points of controversy 1626
A replie to Iesuit Fishers answere to certain questions propounded by ... King I
The answere unto the nine points of controversy 1626
14 |
Chocolate dandies
Chocolate Dandies (Grupo musical)
Corporate |
1930's Once upon a time
15 |
Renwick, Tim
Tim Renwick British musician
Renwick, Tim 1949–
Personal |
16 |
Floyd, John B. (John Buchanan), 1806-1863.
Floyd, John B. 1806-1863
John B. Floyd American politician (1806-1863)
פלויד, ג'ון, 1806-1863
Floyd, John Buchanan, 1806-1863
Personal |
The acceptances of the War Department given in favor of Russell, Majors, and Wad
Report of the Secretary of War.
17 |
Spence, Bill, 1923-
Spence, Bill
Bill Spence
Personal |
Arizona gold, 2011, c1963: Harpooned : the story of whaling
18 |
Wilson, John F. (John Floyd), 1929-2014
Wilson, John F. 1929-2014
Johnny Wilson hockeyeur sur glace canadien
Wilson, John F.
Personal |
I believe He's the Son of God : a choral experience for Christmas. Songs, Spirituals und Evangeliumslieder für elektron. Org. ; mit Vorw.
19 |
Matthews, John F., 1918-
Matthews, John F.
Matthews, John F. (John Floyd), 1919-2003
Matthews, John Floyd
Matthews, John F. (John Floyd), 1918-2003
Matthews, John Floyd 1919-2003
Personal |
Greco George Bernard Shaw George Bernard Shaw Greco Greco
20 |
Ligertwood, Alex, 1946-
Alex Ligertwood Scottish singer, guitarist and drummer
Ligertwood, Alex 19..-...
Personal |
All I ever wanted
21 |
Young, Collier, 1917-1994
Young, Collier
Personal |
Bigamie, français Et ¤hjerte til en morder
22 |
Lloyd, John
Lloyd, John 1475?-1523
Lloyd, John, approximately 1475-1523
John Lloyd Welsh musician
Floyd, John, 1475?-1523
Personal |
Cambridge. University Library. Ms. Nn. 6. 46. (AAA). Canons énigmatiques et Mess
Missa O quam suavis
23 |
Sutton, John F., Jr.
Sutton, John Floyd 1918-
Sutton, John Floyd
Sutton, John F., Jr. (John Floyd), 1918-2013
John F. Sutton, Jr. avokat amerikan
Sutton, John F. 1918-2013 Jr
Sutton, John F. 1918-2013
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Cases and materials on evidence Cases and materials on evidence Cases and materials on evidence Cases and materials on evidence
24 |
Floyd, John, 1783-1837
John Floyd
John Floyd Governor of Virginia
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American governors and gubernatorial elections, 1875:
25 |
Snyder, John, 1951-
Personal |
Baseball's footnote players, 1984:
26 |
Goodwin, John 1878-
Goodwin, John, 1878-1943
John Goodwin UK author (1878-?) who wrote under various names
Goodwin, John, pseud., 1878-?
Goodwin, John, 1877-1943
Personal |
King's elm mystery Man with the brooding eyes. Nástrahy života
The spider woman, 1920:
27 |
John C. Floyd
Floyd, John Charles, 1858-1930
John C. Floyd American politician
Personal |
Certain offices in the service of the House of representatives to be declared va
28 |
Floyd, John
Floyd, John (Illustrator)
Personal |
Batman black and white. Batman : Bruce Wayne, murderer turned fugitive omnibus
29 |
John G. Floyd
John G. Floyd American politician
Floyd, John G. (John Gelston), 1806-1881
Personal |
John G. Floyd correspondence and biographical sketches
30 |
King, J. Floyd 1842-1915
King, J. Floyd (John Floyd), 1842-1915
J. Floyd King
Personal |
Address of Hon. J. Floyd King, of Louisiana, to the Mississippi river commission
31 |
Miller, Floyd J. (Floyd John), 1940-
Miller, Floyd J.
Miller, Floyd J., 1940-....
Miller, Floyd John
Miller, Floyd John, 1940-
Personal |
Blake, or The huts of America, 2000: Blake, or The huts of America, 2000: Blake, or The huts of America, 2000:
32 |
Floyd, John, 1769-1839
John Floyd
Personal |
Floyd, history and lineage, 1998:
33 |
Holt, John Floyd, 1915-
John F. Holt
Holt, John F., 1915-....
Holt, John Floyd
Personal |
Radiology for medical students
An atlas of normal Roentgen variants that may simulate disease
34 |
Sturgeon, John, 1946-
John Sturgeon
Sturgeon, John Floyd (American video artist, born 1946)
Personal |
John Sturgeon, c1977 Shapes From the Bone Change
35 |
Borell, Nigel, 1973-
Borell, Nigel
Nigel Borell New Zealand artist and curator
Personal |
Kawakawa, 2009: Wi Taepa, retrospective : [exhibition, Auckland Art Gallery, April 28-September
Toi tū, toi ora : contemporary Māori art
36 |
Arnold, John Floyd
Personal |
The Jewish people today
37 |
Brielle, Jon
Personal |
Enter the night
38 |
Loemelius, Hermannus
Loemel, Herman van
Personal |
Defensio decreti sacræ congregationis ... S.R.E. cardinalivm a ... Vrbano VIII.
39 |
Floyd, John M.
Personal |
50 mysteries : the Angela files
40 |
Hoffman, John Floyd, 1941-
Personal |
Arches National Park : an illustrated guide and history
41 |
Floyd, John
Annosus, Fidelis, Verementanus theologus
Personal |
Hypocrisis Marci Antonii de dominis detecta, sev, Censvra in eivs libros De repv
Hypocrisis Marci Antonii de dominis detecta, sev, Censvra in eivs libros De repv
42 |
John Wilson Singers
Corporate |
He is exalted
43 |
Floyd, John, 1750-1783
John Floyd American pioneer
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44 |
Floyd, John M., 1950-
John Floyd Australian rugby league footballer
Personal |
Theme and variations for four timpani, c1980:
45 |
Floyd, J. M.
Personal |
Converting, fire refining, and casting, c1993:
46 |
Sir John Floyd, 1st Baronet British Army general
Floyd, John, Sir, 1748-1818
Personal |
A memoir of General Sir John Floyd, Bart., K.B., 1880:
47 |
Virginia. Governor (1849-1852 : Floyd)
Corporate |
Governor's message, and annual reports of the public officers of the state, and
48 |
Ken Jefferson Quartet
Corporate |
Ken Jefferson Quartet. Do their thing [SR] 1970:
49 |
Riordan, John F. (John Floyd), 1924-
Riordan, John F.
Personal |
Horses, mules, and remounts, 1983:
50 |
Gowing, Sidney Floyd, 1877-1943
Gowing, Sidney Floyd, 1878-1943
Personal |
Heather-bells, 1927:
51 |
Tregillis, John, 1878-1943
Tregillis, John, 1877-1943
Personal |
The flying armada, 1913:
52 |
Goodwin, David, 1878-1943
Goodwin, David, 1877-1943
Personal |
Man to man, 1908:
53 |
Baum, L. Frank
Personal |
54 |
Sutton, John Floyd 1918-
Personal |
55 |
Floyd, John E., 1957-
Personal |
RICO state by state : a guide to litigaton under the state racketeering statutes
56 |
Lewis, F. John 1916-1993
F. John Lewis
Personal |
57 |
Floyd, John Alex
Personal |
Ferns for South Carolina home landscapes, 1972:
58 |
Original Blues Brothers Band
Corporate |
The last shade of blue before black, p2017:
59 |
Sheldon, John, 1917-1994
Personal |
60 |
Hindin, Nathan, 1917-1994
Personal |
61 |
Jarvis, E. K., 1917-1994
Personal |
62 |
Virginia. Governor (1830-1834 : Floyd)
Corporate |
Smith M.V. Virginia 1492-1892, 1893:
63 |
Folke, Will, 1917-1994
Personal |
64 |
Floyd, John G.
Personal |
1. Coin's financial school answered.
65 |
Kane, Wilson, 1917-1994
Personal |
66 |
Fiske, Tarleton, 1917-1994
Personal |
67 |
Gowing, Sidney D., 1877-1943
Personal |
Helen of London, 1923:
68 |
Scriltch, Floyd, 1917-1994
Personal |
69 |
Bloch, Robert
Personal |
70 |
Floyd, John, 1794-1871
জন ফ্লয়েড
Personal |
History of the Town of Revere, 1937:
71 |
Floyd, J. D. (John D.), 1839-1919
Floyd, J. D. 1839-1919
Personal |
The word of reconciliation and its application by Christ's ambassadors, 1912:
72 |
Floyd, John Gelston, 1841-
Personal |
Descendants of William Floyd of Mastic, Long Island, one of the signers of the D
73 |
Floyd, John (John C.)
Personal |
International injustice, c2005:
74 |
Stone, John F.
Stone, John Floyd, agronome
Personal |
Plant modification for more efficient water use Plant modification for more efficient water use
75 |
Wilson, John F. 1929-
Personal |
Easy hymn settings, for all organs, incl. spinets.
76 |
Goodwin, John
Personal |
Met verzegelde orders
77 |
Ratz, Floyd John, 1928-
Personal |
The descendants of Elisha Estes, Sr., 1752-1839
78 |
Hopkins, John F. (John Floyd), 1952-
Hopkins, John F. 1952-
Personal |
Christian giving, c1992:
79 |
Floyd, John P.
Personal |
Samuel Macaulay Lindsay, Palm Beach preacher, c1984:
80 |
Evans, Floyd John, active 1918
Personal |
Attention, 1918:
81 |
Floyd, Charles, -1804. | Diaries
Work |
82 |
Stone, John F.
Personal |
83 |
Floyd, John W. C., 1852-
Personal |
84 |
Floyd, John. | Apolagy of the holy sea apostolicks proceeding | Latin 1631
Expression |
85 |
Floyd, John
Personal |
86 |
Hopkins, John F. (John Floyd), 1952- | Dar cristiano. | English
Expression |
87 |
Floyd, John. | Apolagy of the holy sea apostolicks proceeding
Work |
88 |
Drennen, J. F. (John Floyd)
Personal |
When the devil gets the Kaiser, won't he jump, 1918:
89 |
Floyd, J. F. (John Franklin), 1852-1917
Personal |
Our tour around the world.
90 |
Wilson, John F. (John Floyd), 1929-2014 | Magellan
Work |
91 |
Banton, John Floyd
Personal |
Revolution in the practice of medicine.
92 |
Floyd, John
Personal |
Sun Records, c1998:
93 |
National Society, United States Daughters of 1812. General John Floyd Chapter (A
Corporate |
Year book, 1961-1963:
94 |
Floyd, John E. 1937-
Personal |
95 |
Gowing, Sidney Floyd 1878-
Personal |
96 |
Floyd, John M. | Short stories. Selections
Work |
97 |
Floyd, John Lewis
Personal |
The expendable : the true story of Patrol Wing 10, PT Squadron 3, and a Navy Cor
98 |
Floyd, John (Illustrator)
Personal |
99 |
Daughters of the American Revolution. John Floyd Chapter
Corporate |
Genealogical records of John Floyd Chapter, Daughters of American Revolution, 19
100 |
Wilson, John F. (John Floyd), 1929-2014 | Small one
Work |