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Sample Title
1 |
Machiavelli, Niccoló, 1469-1527
Machiavel, 1469-1527
Machiavelli, Niccolò
Machiavelli, Niccolò (Niccolò di Bernardo dei), 1469-1527
Niccolò Machiavelli politico, scrittore, storico italiano
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
Макиавелли, Н. 1469-1527 Никколо
Maquiavelo, Nicolás, 1469-1527
ماكياڤيلى، نيقولو
מקיאבלי, ניקולו, 1469-1527
Макиавелли, Никколо, 1469-1527
مكيافللي، نيقولو، 1469-1527
Machiavelli, N. 1469-1527 Niccolò
Machiavelli, Niccolò di Bernardo dei 1469-1527
Machiavelli, Niccolò (Italian architect, 1469-1527)
Niecollucci, Amadio, 1469-1527
Personal |
Andria Belfagor La Mandragola
Ciencia del poder Belfagor Belfagor Belfagor
2 |
Lermontov, Mikhail I︠U︡rʹevich, 1814-1841
Lermontov, Michail Jurʹevič, 1814-1841
Лермонтов, Михаил Юрьевич, 1814-1841
Лермонтов, М. Ю. поэт 1814-1841 Михаил Юрьевич
Lermontov, Mihail Jurʹevič
Lermontov, Mikhaïl Iourievitch, 1814-1841
Михаилъ Юрьевичъ Лермонтовъ
Lermontov, Mihail Ûrʹevič (1814-1841).
Lermontov, M.Ju. (Michail Jurʹevič), 1814-1841
Lermontov, Mijail Iur'evich 1814-1841
Lermontow, Michaił (1814-1841)
Lermontov, Michail Jurievič, 1814-1841
Lermontov, Michail Jur‘jevič, 1814-1841
Lermontov, M. J. поэт 1814-1841 Michail Jur'evič
ليرمانتوف، ميخائيل، 1814-1841
Lermontov, Michel 1814-1841
לרמונטוב, מיכאיל יורביץ, 1814-1841
Lermontov, Mihhail, 1814-1841.
Lermontov, Mikhail I︠U︡rʹevich
Lermontov, Mikhail Iurievitx
Lermontov, Michail J.
Lermontov, Mikhail, 1814-1841
Lermontov, Michail
Lermontov, Mihail Ûr'evič
Lermontov, Michail Jur'evič (Russian draftsman and author, 1814-1841)
Лермонтов, М. Ю. поэт 1814-1841 Михайло Юрiйович
Lermontov, Mihail ©revi♯, 1814-1841
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Ašik-Kerib Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Ašik-Kerib Demon
Ašik-Kerib Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Demon Стихотворения Geroĭ nashego vremeni Герой нашего времени Demon
1831-go iûnâ 11 dnâ
3 |
Majakovskij, Vladimir, 1893-1930
Mayakovsky, Vladimir, 1893-1930
Maâkovskij, Vladimir Vladimirovič, 1893-1930
Majakovskij, Vladimir Vladimirovič, 1893-1930
Маяковский, В. В. 1893-1930 Владимир Владимирович
Maïakovski, Vladimir 1893-1930
Владимир Маяковский
Majakovskij, Vladimir Vladimirovič
Majakovskij, Vladimir (Vladimir Vladimirovič), 1893-1930
Маяковский, Владимир Владимирович, 1893-1930
Majakowski, Władimir (1893-1930)
ميكوڤسكى، ڤلديمير ڤلديميروڤيتش
מיקובסקי, ולדימיר, 1894-1930
Маяковский, Владимир, 1893-1930
Maiakovski, Vladimir Vladimirovitx, 1893-1930
Mai︠a︡kovskiĭ, Vladimir, 1893-1930
Majakovski, Vladimir
Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Majakovski, Vladimir, 1893-1930.
Maiakovskiï, Vladimir Vladimirovich 1893-1930
Maïakovski, Vladimir Vladimirovitch, 1893-1930
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich 1893-1930
Majakovskij, V. V. 1893-1930 Vladimir Vladimirovič
Mayakovsky, Vladimir Vladimirovich (Russian poet, playwright, and artist, 1893-1
Maâkovskij, Vladimir Vladimirovič
Majakovskij, Vladimir
ماياكوفسكي، فلاديمير، 1893-1930
Personal |
150,000,000 And would you? Agitlubki, 1923 Razgovor s fininspektorom o poèzii
Khorosho! Banâ And would you? And would you? And would you?
Bains publics
Klop (The bedbug)
4 |
United Nations.
Nations Unies
Naciones Unidas
Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych.
Vereinte Nationen
United Nations global international and intergovernmental organization
Sameinuðu þjóðirnar
الامم المتحدة
האומות המאוחדות
Организация Объединенных Наций
Organizace spojených národů
Nações Unidas
Apvienoto Nāciju Organizācija
Organizácia spojených národov
Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsioon.
Nacions Unides
Corporate |
ACC/SCN state-of-the-art series. Accord de Paris Asuntos económicos y sociales (Naciones Unidas). División de Estadística Katalog wystawy (Organizacja Narodów Zjednoczonych. Office des Nations Unies ; G
Barnasáttmáli Sameinuðu þjóðanna Arid zone research Arid zone research Arid zone research
Convention sur le droit de la mer (1982)
5 |
Guo, Moruo, 1892-1978.
郭, 沫若
郭, 沫若, 1893-1978
Guo, Mo-Ruo (1892-1978)
郭沫若, (中國文學), 1892-1978
곽말약 (郭沫若) 1892-1978
كو، مو روا، 1892-1978
Го, Мо-Жо, 1892-1978
Guo, Moruo
Kuo, Mo-Jo
Personal |
Antologiâ kitajskoj poèzii. 족발 兩周金文辭大系圖录攷釋 Kaku matsujaku senshu. Goddesses
역사소품 Философы древнего Китая : "Десять критических статей" Философы древнего Китая : "Десять критических статей" Autobiographie : mes années d'enfance
6 |
Curie, Maríe, 1867-1934
Skłodowska-Curie, Maria (1867-1934).
Curie, Marie, 1867-1934, prix Nobel de physique et de chimie
Curie, Marie
Marie Curie
كوري، ماري، 1867-1934
Curie, Marie Sklodowska 1867-1934
Кюри, М. 1867-1934 Мария
קירי, מרי, 1867-1934
Склодовская-Кюри, Мария, 1867-1934
Curie, M. 1867-1934 Marie
Curie-Skłodowska, Marie, 1867-1934
Sklodowska-Curie, Marie
Personal |
Actualités scientifiques et industrielles Autobiografia. Actualités scientifiques et industrielles L'isotopie et les éléments isotopes The Discovery of Radium Pierre Curie Leçons de Marie Curie Leçons de Marie Curie Pierre Curie Pierre Curie Leçons de Marie Curie Autobiografia. Pisma slavnih
7 |
Duras, Marguerite, 1914-1996.
Duras, Marguerite
Marguerite Duras
Duras, Marguerite, 1914-
دورا، مرجريت
דיראס, מרגריט, 1914-1996
Дюрас, Маргерит
دوراس، مرجريت، 1914-1996
Дюрас, М. 1914-1996 Маргерит
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Abahn Sabana David Abahn Sabana David
Amant Amant Amant
8 |
O-rgyan-'jigs-med-chos-kyi-dbaṅ-po, Dpal-sprul, 1808-1887
O-rgyan-ʼjigs-med-chos-kyi-dbang-po, Dpal-sprul, 1808-1887
O rgyan 'jigs med chos kyi dbang po, 1808-1887, rDza dpal sprul
Patrul, Rinpoché, 1808-1887
Vjigs-med-chos-dbang 1808-1887
O-rgyan-ʾjigs-med-chos-kyi-dbaṅ-po, Dpal-sprul
Patrul 1808-1887 rinpotché
O-rgyan-'jigs-med-chos-kyi-dbaṅ-po, 1808-1887
O-rgyan-'jigs-med-chos-kyi-dban-po (rinpocze ; 1808-1887)
O-rgyan-ʼjigs-med-chos-kyi-dbang-po, 1808-1887
O-rgyan-ʼjigs-med-chos-kyi-dbaṅ-po, Dpal-sprul, 1808-
Rinpoche, Patrul
Патрул Ринпоче 1808-1887
Petrül, Rimpoché 1808-1887
Dpal-sprul, rinpočhe, 1808-1887
Personal |
Le chemin de la grande perfection Amgalan azhragsdyn chandmanʹ ėrdėnė, 2017: Beyond the ordinary mind : Dzogchen, Rimé, and the Path of Perfect Wisdom : sele
Kõike valgustav tarkuselamp : kommentaar "Dzogtšeni kolmele väitele" : Tema Emin
Beyond the ordinary mind : Dzogchen, Rimé, and the Path of Perfect Wisdom : sele
Le chemin de la grande perfection Le chemin de la grande perfection Le chemin de la grande perfection Skarb serca Buddów Slova mého dokonalého učitele: průvodce k přípravným praxím Esence srdce neomeze
caminho da grande prefeição Наставления по практике стадии зарождения в йоге божества [сборник перевод] Las Palabras de mi maestro perfecto Slova mého dokonalého učitele: průvodce k přípravným praxím Esence srdce neomeze
9 |
Thatcher, Margaret, 1925-2013.
Thatcher, Margaret
Margaret Thatcher
Thatcher, Margaret Hilda
Thatcher, Margaret (Margaret Hilda Roberts), 1925-2013
تاتشر، مارجريت، 1925-2013
Тэтчер, М. 1925-2013 Маргарет
תאצ'ר, מרגרט, 1925-2013
Personal |
arte de bem governar As I said to Denis-- : the Margaret Thatcher book of quotations Descor de Bruges
Downing Street years مارجريت تاتشر : سنوات 10 داوننج ستريت Адвокаты: путь к власти Ленин, Кастро, Тэтчер, Линкольн
10 |
Xia, Yan, 1900-1995
Xia, Yan
夏衍, (戲劇), 1900-1995
夏, 衍, 1900-1995
夏, 衍
夏衍 中国剧作家(1900年-1995年)
Xia, Yan, 1900-
하연 (夏衍) 1900-1995
Hsia, Yen
Personal |
All things considered : advanced reader of modern Chinese. All things considered : advanced reader of modern Chinese. Hsia Yen chü tso chi, 1984. kōshū getsumei The test : a play in five acts Le Virus du fascisme Hsia Yen pʻing chuan, 1997: Pasijeum segyun The test : a play in five acts
11 |
Amnesty international
Amnistía Internacional
منظمة العفو الدولية
Amnesty International non-govrenmental organisation focused on human richts
Amnistie internationale (Organisme)
Amnesty International (London)
Anistia Internacional
Corporate |
Amnesty International background paper ¡Actúa ya! Tortura, nunca más United States of America rights for all
Amunesuti jinken hōkoku Documenter les violations des droits humains par les agents de l'État : la viole
China : no one is safe O Estado dos Direitos Humanos no mundo.
12 |
Los Angeles, Calif.
Los Angeles
לוס אנג'לס (קליפורניה)
California Los Angeles
Los Angeles (Kalifornija)
Los Ángeles (California, Estados Unidos)
Bank (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Geographic |
Los Angeles administrative code
Los Angeles, improbable city, 1979:
City of Los Angeles Planning and Zoning Code
13 |
Wang, Renshu 1901-1972
王任叔, (中國文學), 1901-1972
Ba, Ren, 1901-1972
Baren, 1900-1972
Wang, Renshu
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Wo sha le yi ge ren / Lin yu tang zhuan; gu bo yi, 1979 Ba Ren quan ji Baren xiaoshuo xuan
Jia xun Bungakuronkō
14 |
Majia, Jidi, 1961-
Jidi, Majia, 1961-....
Jidimajia, 1961-
מאג'יה, ג'ידי, 1961-
Majia, Jidi
Ji di ma jia 1961-....
지디마자 1961-
吉狄, 馬加, 1961-
Personal |
Au nom de la terre et de la vie Au nom de la terre et de la vie Ik schrijf gedichten omdat ik een toeval ben Maneno ya moto kutoka China Rhapsody in black, 2014: From the snow leopard to Mayakovsky Au nom de la terre et de la vie 시간 지디마자 시선집 Aidentiti.
15 |
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht.
Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländisches Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht (Heidel
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht Heidelb
Max-Planck-Institut für Ausländishces Öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht
Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht deutsch
Corporate |
Die Beendigung des Kriegszustands mit Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht Beiträge zum ausländischen öffentlichen Recht und Völkerrecht Public international law : a current bibliography of articles
16 |
Xia, Ji'an, 1916-1965
夏濟安, (文學), 1916-1965
Hsia, Tsi-an, 1916-1965
Hsia, Tsi-an
Hsia, Tsi-an 1919-1965
Xia, Jian
夏, 濟安
Personal |
The commune in retreat as evidenced in terminology and semantics Cao / Shi bo bo(Manes Sperber) zhuan; qi wen yu yi, 1953 The commune in retreat as evidenced in terminology and semantics A history of modern Chinese fiction, 1917-1957 Gate of darkness Gate of darkness
17 |
Borgia, Cesare, 1476?-1507.
Borgia, Cesare, 1475-1507
Cèsar de Borja i Catanei
Borgia, César, 1476-1507
Borgia, Cesare
Borgia, Cesare 1475 ar 1476-1507
Borgia, Cesare, vévoda z Valentinois, asi 1475-1507
Borgia, Cesare, Cardinal
בורג'ה, צ'זארה
Personal |
Flores tardías y joyas ajenas Leben des Cäsar Borgia, Herzogs von Valentinois
Tabule astronomice Elisabeth regine. Cum gratia et privilegio.. Die Renaissance : historische Szenen
18 |
Ma, Qichang, 1855-1930
Ma, Qichang
馬其昶, 1855-1929
馬, 其昶
马其昶 中国近代历史学家
Personal |
Ding ben Zhuangzi gu Full color designs from Chinese opera costumes Han Changli wenji Jiaozhu. Dōjō kikyū den
19 |
Giraud, Mad H., 1880-1961.
Giraud, Mad H.
Giraud, Madeleine H.
Mad H. Giraud écrivaine française et directrice de revue pour enfants
Personal |
3 romans pour filles... Gargantua Detective em férias
20 |
Ma, Rong, 79-166
馬, 融, 79-166
Ma Rong chinesischer Gelehrter, Literat und Kommentator aus der Zeit der Östlich
Ma, Rong
馬, 融
Personal |
Chʻunggyŏng Chūkei
上安帝请庞参等书 喪服經傳
21 |
Sima, Qian, approximately 145 B.C.-approximately 86 B.C. | Shi ji
Si ma, Qian 0145?-0086? av. J.-C. Shi ji
Sima, Qian v145-v87 | Shiji
司马迁, approximately 145 B.C.-approximately 86 B.C. | 史記
Sima, Qian 145-90 a.c. | Shi ji
Sima, Qian (0145?-0086? av. J.-C.). | Shiji
Work |
22 |
Ma, Ji, 1934-2006
Ma Ji
马季 中国相声演员(1934—2006)
Personal |
http://authorities.loc.gov consulté le 15-10-2013
23 |
Balǰinim-a 1938-
Personal |
Alan Hua'a
24 |
Fallada, Hans, 1893-1947. | Wer einmal aus dem Blechnapf frißt
Work |
25 |
Jidimajia 1961-
Personal |
Gesänge der Yi
26 |
'Jam-dpal-bzaṅ-po Tshe-riṅ Bla-ma. | RGyal-dbaṅ dpal-yul-ba'i gdan-rabs ṅo mtsha
Tshe-riṅ Bla-ma ʼJam-dpal-bzaṅ-po, Rmugs-saṅs, 1900 or 1901- | Rgyal-dbaṅ Dpal-y
Expression |
27 |
Freidberg, Susanne, 1966-. | Fresh : a perishable history | Chinese | (黃薇菁. : 20
Expression |
28 |
Tickle, Jack,. | Fish on a dish | Chinese | (Ma : 2018)
Expression |
29 |
Naumburg, Carla,. | How to stop losing your sh*t with your kids : a practical gu
Expression |
30 |
Edwards, Hazel. | There's a hippopotamus on our roof eating cake | Chinese 2011
Expression |
31 |
Lamott, Anne,. | Operating instructions : a journal of my son's first year | Chi
Expression |
32 |
Clerici, Lorenzo. | Chi mi ha rubato il naso? | French 2016
Expression |
33 |
Edwards, Hazel, 1945-. | Look, there's a hippopotamus in the playground eating c
Expression |
34 |
Edwards, Hazel, 1945-. | Guess what? There's a hippopotamus on the hospital roof
Expression |
35 |
'Jam-dpal-bzaṅ-po Tshe-riṅ Bla-ma. | RGyal-dbaṅ dpal-yul-ba'i gdan-rabs ṅo mtsha
Work |