Heading |
Type |
Sample Title
1 |
Pius II. Papst 1405-1464
Pie II, 1405-1464, pape
Pius II (papież ; 1405-1464).
Piccolomini, Enea Silvio, 1405-1464
Pius II, papa, 1405-1464
Pius II, paus, 1405-1464
Pío II, Papa
Pius II, Pope
Pius PP. II
Pius II, Pope, 1405-1464
Pius II., papež, 1405-1464
Pius II, papa
Piccolomini, Eneas Silvio, 1405-1464
Píus II, páfi, 1405-1464
Pius II, Pope (Italian pope, 1405-1464)
Pío II, Papa, 1405-1464
Pius папа II 1405-1464
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, 1405-1464
Aeneas Silvius, 1405-1464
Personal |
Asia Asia Asiae Europaeque elegantissima descriptio
Así fui Papa De captione urbis Constantinopolitanae. Así fui Papa Asia Chrysis Commentarii rerum memorabilium Chrysis Briefe Historia de dos amantes The commentaries of Pius II.
Euryalus und Lucretia lateinisch/deutsch Epìstola al Gran Turco
2 |
Droysen, Johann Gustav, 1808-1884
Droysen, Johann Gustav
Droysen, Johann Gustav 1808-1884 "Althistoriker"
Droysen, Johann Gustav, "Althistoriker", 1808-1884
Johann Gustav Droysen
דרויזן, יוהאן גוסטב, 1808-1884
Personal |
Abhandlungen : zur neueren Geschichte Des Aischylos Werke
Abhandlungen : zur neueren Geschichte Grundriss der Historik Alexandre le Grand
3 |
Frischlin, Nicodemus, 1547-1590
Nicodemus Frischlin späthumanistischer Philologe, neulateinischer Dramatiker und
Frischlin, Nicodemus (Philipp Nikodemus), 1547-1590
Frischlin, Nikodemus, 1547-1590
Frischlin, Nicodemus
Frischlin, Nikodem, 1547-1590
Nikodemus Frischlin
Personal |
Callimachi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta Callimachi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta Aristophanes. Aristophanes, 1982 Callimachi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmenta
4 |
Hacks, Peter, 1928-2003
Hacks, Peter
Peter Hacks
Хакс, П. 1928-2003 Петер
Hacks, P. 1928-2003 Peter
Hacks, Peter, 1928-
Personal |
Amphitryon Armer Ritter Amphitryon Ausgewählte Dramen. Ausgewählte Dramen. Fortschritt in der Kunst. 1976
5 |
Küster, Ludolf, 1670-1716
Küster, Ludolph 1670-1716
Küster, Ludol. (Ludolf), 1670-1716
Küster, Ludolph
Ludolph Küster deutscher Gräzist
Kuester, Ludolph, 1670-1716
Ludolphus Neocorus, 1670-1716
Neocorus, Ludolphus, 1670-1716
Personal |
@ . Aristophanis Nubes, cum scholiis antiquis e recensione L. Kusteri, in usum
Aristofanous Nefelai = Aristophanis Nvbes : Cvm Scholiis Antiqvis Aristofanous Nefelai = Aristophanis Nvbes : Cvm Scholiis Antiqvis Bibelen
Bibliotheca librorum novorum Bible. Bible.
6 |
Mousoúros, Márkos, 1470?-1517
Musurus, Marcus Humaniste
Mousouros, Markos, approximately 1470-1517
Musuros, Markos, 1470-1517
Mousouros, Markos, ca. 1470-1517
Mousouros, Markos (około 1470-1517).
Musurus, Marcus, ca. 1470-1517
Musurus, Marcus, arciv. di Malvasia, 1470-1517
Marcus Musurus
מוסורוס, מרקוס
Mousouros, Markos, asi 1470-1517
Mousoúros, Márcos apie 1470-1517
Musurus, Marcus, 1470-1517
Musurus, Marcus
Personal |
Aldi Manutii Romani Grammaticae institutiones graecae
Comoediae Carmen admirandum in Platonem Aldi Manutii Romani Grammaticae institutiones graecae Epistolae diversorum philosophorum, oratorum, rhetorum. Alexandrou tou Aphrodisieōs eis ta topika tou Aristotelous, hypomnēma. Alexandri
Aldi Manutii Romani Grammaticae institutiones graecae
Encic. italiana
Epistolae diversorum philosophorum, oratorum, rhetorum.
7 |
Modius, François, 1556-1597
Modius, Franciscus, 1556?-1597?
Modius, Franciscus
Modius, Franciscus (1556-1599).
François Modius Belgisch kanunnik (1556-1597)
Modius, Franciscus 1536?-1597
Modius, Francois
Modius, François, 1556-1599
Modius, Fran©ʹois, 1556-1597
Personal |
Ab urbe condita Ab urbe condita Ab urbe condita Ab urbe condita
Repertorium sententiarum et regularum, itemque definitionum, divisionum, differe
T. Livii Patavini, Historicorvm omnivm Romanorvm longe vberrimi, et facile princ
De re militari libri quatuor
8 |
Hadas, Moses, 1900-1966.
Hadas, Moses
Moses Hadas American classical philologist
Hadas, Moses, classicus, 1900-1966
הדס, משה, 1900-1966
Moses Hadas American classical philologist (1900–1966)
Personal |
Aethiopica. age of Constantine the Great
Ancilla to classical reading Ancilla to classical reading history of Latin literature
9 |
Lámpros, Spyrídōn 1851-1919
Lámpros, Spyrídōn P. (1851-1919).
Lampros, Spyridōn Paulou, 1851-1919
Lampros, Spuridōn Paulou 1851-1919
Σπυρίδων Λάμπρος Έλληνας ιστορικός, καθηγητής πανεπιστημίου και Πρωθυπουργός
Lambros, Spyridon P.
Personal |
Ai Athīnai peri ta telī tou dōdekatou aiōnos : kata pīgas anekdotous Apologia tēs dēmotikēs Argyropouleia Apologia tēs dēmotikēs Catalogue of the Greek manuscripts on Mount Athos Ecthesis Chronica and Chronicon Athenarum...
10 |
Venatorius, Thomas, 1490-1551
Venatorius, Thomas 1488-1551
Gechauf, Thomas, 1490-1551
Venatorius, Thomas (Thomas), 1490-1551
Venatorius, Thomas 1488c-1551
Venatorius, Thomas
Thomas Venatorius evangelischer Theologe und Reformator
Venatorius, Thomas apie 1490-1551
Venatorius, Thomas, -1551
Personal |
Archimēdis Syracusani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi opera quae quidem
De aequationibus duodecim domorum coeli Axiomata quaedam rerum christianarum Thomae Venatorij, ministri pauperum Norembe
Archimēdis Syracusani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi opera quae quidem
[B, at head:] Epitaphium Giulielmi Braÿttengraseri. Caspar Othmar | [right from
Archimēdis Syracusani philosophi ac geometrae excellentissimi opera quae quidem
11 |
Divo, Andrea
Divo, Andrea, 1490-1548
Divo, Andrea, 15..-15..
Divus, Andreas 1ste helft 16e E
Divus, Andreas ca. 16. Jh.
Divus, Andreas, 1e helft 16e eeuw
Andreas Divus
Divus, Andreas, 1490-1548
Personal |
Batrachomyomachia Batrachomyomachia Aristophanis concionatrices
Hymnes homériques Batrachomyomachia
12 |
Conz, Karl Philipp, 1762-1827
Conz, Karl Philipp
Karl Philipp Conz
Conz, Carl Philipp
Conz, Carl
Conz, Carl Philipp, 1762-1827
Personal |
Abhandlungen für die Geschichte und das Eigenthümliche der späteren Stoischen Ph
Abendphantasie Abhandlungen für die Geschichte und das Eigenthümliche der späteren Stoischen Ph
Epiktet's Handbüchlein der stoischen Moral und Das Gemälde des Cebes von Theben Conradin von Schwaben : ein Drama in fünf Acten
13 |
Aristophanes (około 445-około 385 p.n.e.).
Aristòfanes, aproximadament 450 aC-aproximadament 385 aC
Aristofanes ca. 450 f.Kr.-ca. 385 f.Kr.
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.)
Aristófanes, 445?-385? f.Kr.
Aristophanes (Ancient Greek playwright, ca. 450-ca. 385 BCE)
Aristophanes 450c-385c a.C.
Personal |
Acharnes Acharnes Acarnesos Acharnes Aves Acharnes Acharnes Acharnes
14 |
Minckwitz, Johannes, 1812-1885
Minckwitz, Johannes
Johannes Minckwitz
Minckwitz, J.
Personal |
Das ABC des Schachspiels : Anleitung zur raschen Erlernung der Schachspielkunst
Das ABC des Schachspiels : Anleitung zur raschen Erlernung der Schachspielkunst
15 |
Várnalīs, Kōstas (1884-1974)
Barnalēs, Kōstas, 1884-1974
Varnalēs, Kōstas, 1883-1974
Varnalēs, Kōstas
Varnalīs, Kostas 1884-
Κώστας Βάρναλης
Varnalis, Kostas
Βάρναλης, Κώστας 1884–1974
Personal |
Aisthētika - kritika : [I.:] Aisthētika. II.: Kritika Aisthētika - kritika : [I.:] Aisthētika. II.: Kritika Astynomiká 265 chronografí̄mata (1939-1957) empneusména apó to astynomikó déltio Attalos ho tritos
Prevezanika Chronika Elskede ven
16 |
Wachsmuth, Wilhelm, 1784-1866
Wachsmuth, Wilhelm
Wachsmuth, Wilhelm, 1784-1866, historien
Wachsmuth, Wilhelm (Ernst Wilhelm Gottlieb), 1784-1866
Wilhelm Wachsmuth
Personal |
Ab urbe condita Allgemeine Staatengeschichte De Accusativo cum infinitivo De Accusativo cum infinitivo
17 |
Weinreich, Otto, 1886-1972
Weinreich, Otto
Otto Weinreich
Weinreich, Otto Karl, 1886--1972
Personal |
Die Abenteuer der schönen Chariklea Antike Heilungswunder : Untersuchungen zum Wunderglauben der Griechen und Römer
Antiphanes und Münchhausen, das antike Lügenmärlein von den gefrornen Worten und
18 |
Seldes, Gilbert, 1893-1970
Seldes, Gilbert
Seldes, Gilbert Vivian, 1893-
Gilbert Seldes American writer
Seldes, Gilbert Vivian 1893-1970
Seldes, Gilbert (Gilbert Vivian), 1893-1970
Personal |
Against revolution The great audience Lysistrata
Hour with the movies and the talkies The frogs
19 |
Ernst, Otto, 1862-1926
Schmidt, Otto Ernst, 1862-1926
Otto Ernst Schmidt
Ernst, Otto
Personal |
Appelschnut Aus meinem sommergarten Der Erbe
20 |
Krohn, Tim, 1965-
Krohn, Tim
Tim Krohn deutsch-schweizerischer Schriftsteller
Personal |
Ans Meer Roman Dreigroschenkabinett Roman
21 |
Helm, Lambert Ludolf, 1535-1596
Pithopoeus, Lambertus (Lambertus Ludolfus), 1535-1596
Lambert Ludolph Helm calvinistisch humanist en dichter ten tijde van de Reformat
Pithopaeus, Lambertus Ludolphus, 1535-1596
Personal |
Aristotelous Organon. Aristotelis Stagiritæ peripateticorum principis Organum, h
Epitaphium Zachariae Ursini, theologi clarissimi
Gratiarvm actio ad illvstrissimvm principem Fridericvm ...
22 |
Frere, John Hookham, 1769-1846.
Frere, John Hookham
John Hookham Frere personnalité politique britannique
John Hookham Frere
Hookham Frere, John, 1769-1846
Personal |
The Acharnians and two other plays Four plays
A metrical version of the Acharnians, the Knights and the Birds
23 |
Austin, Colin, 1941-2010
Austin, Colin.
Austin, C.
Austin, Colin (Colin François Lloyd), 1941-2010
Colin Austin
Personal |
Adespota Adespota Adespota Aspis
24 |
Seeger, Ludwig, 1810-1864
Seeger, Ludwig
Ludwig Seeger German politician, author and translator (1810-1864)
Personal |
5 Gedichte : von Reinick und Seeger : für eine Singstimme mit Begleitung des Pia
25 |
Voß, Heinrich 1779-1822
Voss, H.
Heinrich Voß deutscher Klassischer Philologe und Übersetzer
Voss, Heinrich
Personal |
Aeneis : zweite Buch Über den Satz "periculum est emtoris" : ein Kritischer Versuch
26 |
Ranke, Carl Ferdinand, 1802-1876
Ranke, Karl Ferdinand, 1802-1876
Ranke, Karl Ferdinand
Karl Ferdinand Ranke deutscher klassischer Philologe und Lehrer
Ranke, Carl Ferdinand
Ranke, Ferdinand 1802-1876
Personal |
Adolphi Ziemanni In Demosthenem "de Bello Philippi olynthico" commentatio. Edidi
Aristophanous kōmōdiai. Aristophanis Comoediae. Chronik des städtischen Gymnasium zu Göttingen von Ostern 1838 bis Michaelis 184
Beschreibung und Geschichte der Schlosskirche zu Quedlinburg und der in ihr vorh
27 |
Chéradame, Jean active 16th century
Chéradame, Jean 149.-154.? humaniste et libraire
Chéradame, Jean, 15..-15..
Chéradame, Jean
Chéradame, Jean s. XVI
Jean Chéradame
Cheradamus, Joannes
Chéradame, Jean, sec. XVI
Chéradame, Jean, 1500 -1599
Personal |
Alphabetum linguae sanctae [3 lignes en hébreu.] Rudimenta quaedam Hebraicae grammaticae... cum decalogo et
Alphabetum linguae sanctae
Comoediae nouem
Introductio sane quam utilis Graecarum musarum adyta compendio ingredi cupientib
Comoediae nouem Alphabetum linguae sanctae
28 |
Tucker, Thomas George, 1859-1946
Tucker, T.G. (Thomas George), 1859-1946
Tucker, T. G.
Tucker, Thomas George
Tucker, Thomas G
Tucker, T. G. (Thomas George)
Thomas George Tucker Anglo-Australian academic (1859–1946)
Personal |
Aischylou Choēphoroi = Choephori Aristotelis Poetica : Textum recognovit, emendavit, in ordinem digessit, seecund
Introduction to the natural history of language
Aischylou Choēphoroi = Choephori A concise etymological dictionary of Latin Catullus: Notes and Conjectures
29 |
Aristophane, 0445?-0386? av. J.-C.
Aristophanes ca. 448-380 v.Chr
Personal |
Les Acharniens
2: The peace ; The birds ; The frogs / Aristophanes ; with the English translati
30 |
Арыстафан Візантыйскі
Aristophanes, of Byzantium, 257 B.C.-180 B.C.
Aristophanes Byzantius ca. v257 - v180
Aristófanes de Bizancio
Aristophanes (około 257-około 180 p.n.e.).
Aristophane de Byzance 0257?-0180? av. J.-C.
Aristofanes från Byzantion, ca 255-ca 180 f.Kr.
Aristofans, no Bizantijas, ap 257-180 p.m.ē.
Aristophanes Byzantius, c. 257-c. 180 a.C.
Aristophanes, of Byzantium B.C.
Personal |
Canone alessandrino Anecdota græca et græco-latina. Aristophanis Byzantii grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta
Anonymi londinensis iatrica Commentatio de Callistrato Aristophaneo Aristophanis Byzantii grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta Excerptorum Constantini De natura animalium libri duo DOC, c1994: Aristophanis Byzantii grammatici Alexandrini fragmenta
31 |
Thiersch, Bernhard, 1793-1855
Thiersch, Bernhard, 1794?-1855
Thiersch, Bernhard
Bernhard Thiersch
Thiersch, Bernhardt
Personal |
Aristophanis Ranae : Praemintuntur quaestiones de ranarum fabulae nomine, aetate
Aristophanis Plutus Anleitung zum Uebersetzen aus dem Deutschen in's Lateinische an Hoff aus der Ges
Aristophanis Plutus
32 |
Kakridí́s, Fánis I., 1933-....
Theofanis Kakridis griechischer Altphilologe
Kakridēs, Phanēs I.
Kakridēs, Fanēs I. 1933-
Kakridēs, Phanēs I. 1933-2019
Θεοφάνης Κακριδής
Personal |
Apó ton kósmo kai to érgo tou Omī́rou / Von Homers Welt und Werk.
Archaia Hellēnikē grammatologia Asterikios en Olympiāi Archaios ellēnikos logos : istoria enos peiramatiku bibliu
33 |
Aristophanes, ca. 448-380 v. Chr.
אריסטופנס, 450 לערך-388 לערך
اريستوفانيس، حو. 450 ق.م.- حو. 385 ق.م.
Personal |
Acharnians. Selections (OCR anthology) Acharniens Acharniens Acharniens Acharniens Comoediae undecim
34 |
Accolti, Benedetto, 1497-1549
Benedetto Accolti il Giovane cardinale italiano
Accolti, Benedetto, card., 1497-1549
رحب بينيديتو الاصغر قسيس كاتوليك
Accoltus, Benedictus, card., 1497-1549
Personal |
A. Iani Parrhasii Cosentini in Q. Horatii Flacci artem poeticam commentaria lucu
A. Iani Parrhasii Cosentini in Q. Horatii Flacci artem poeticam commentaria lucu
35 |
Cratinus, -approximately 420 B.C.
Cratinos, 0519?-0422? av. J.-C.
Cratinus, ca. 520-423 v. Chr.
Personal |
Cratino Seriphioi-Horai (frr. 218-298) : traduzione e commento Cratino, Archilochoi-Empipramenoi (frr. 1-68)
La damigiana Specimen 1 et 2 observationum in difficiliora quaedam Cratini veteris comici, fr
36 |
Süss, Wilhelm, 1895-1958
Süss, Wilhelm
Wilhelm Süss deutscher Mathematiker
Süss, Wilhelm, 1895-1958, mathématicien
Süss, Wilhelm, 1895-
Personal |
Die Frösche des Aristophanes : mit Ausgewahlten antiken Scholien Affinrotationshyperflächen Begründung der Inhaltslehre im Raum ohne Benutzung von Stetigkeitsaxiomen Grundzuge der Mathematik. für Lehrer an Gymnasien, sowie für Mathematiker in Ind
Saikin kikagaku gaiyō
37 |
Aristophanes. | Acharnians
Aristophane. | Acharniens
Aristophanes (około 445-około 385 p.n.e.). | Acharnīs
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Les Acharniens
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Acharnes
Aristófanes | Acarnienses
Aristófanes | Acarnenses
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Acharnenses
Work |
38 |
Diettrich, Fritz, 1902-1964
Fritz Diettrich écrivain allemand
Diettrich, Fritz
Diettrich, Fritz, 1902-
Personal |
Adams Nachfahr Geistl. Gedichte
Gastgeschenk Ausgew. Gedichte Brief van Wolfgang Frommel (1902-1986) aan Fritz Diettrich (1902-)
39 |
Hickie, W.J.
Hickie, William James.
William James Hickie
William James Hickie English schoolmaster; translator of Aristophanes
Hickie, William J.
Personal |
Aristophanes. The comedies of Aristophanes, 1869-1870: The Acharnians ; Knights ; Clouds ; Wasps, Peace, and Birds
Greek-English lexicon to the New Testament after the latest and best authorities
40 |
Hermip d'Atenes
Hermippus, active 440-435 B.C.
Hermippe 04..-04.. av. J.-C.
Hermippus Comicus um 436/435 v. Chr
Hermippus Comicus
Personal |
Ermippo, 2017: Ermippo introduzione, traduzione e commento
41 |
Aristophanes. | Ecclesiazusae
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Ecclesiazusae
Aristophane. | Assemblée des femmes
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Assemblée des femmes
Aristófanes | Asambleístas
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Ekklīsiázousai
Aristophane (0445?-0386? av. J.-C.). | L' assemblée des femmes
Work |
42 |
Aristophanes. | Frogs
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Les grenouilles
Aristophane. | Grenouilles
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Bàtrachoi
אריסטופנס, 450 לערך-388 לערך. | הצפרדעים
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Ranae
Aristófanes | Ranas
Work |
43 |
Aristophanes. | Birds
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Aves
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Ornithes
Aristophane. | Oiseaux
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Oiseaux
Aristófanes | Aves
Aristophane (0445?-0386? av. J.-C.). | Les oiseaux
Work |
44 |
Aristophanes. | Wasps
Aristophane. | Guêpes
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Les guêpes
Aristòfanes, aproximadament 450 aC-aproximadament 385 aC. | Vespes
Aristófanes | Avispas
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Vespae
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Sphekes
Aristophanes. | Vespae
Work |
45 |
Aristophanes. | Peace
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Pax
אריסטופנס, 450 לערך-388 לערך. | השלום
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Paix
Aristophane. | Paix
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Eirīnī
Aristófanes | Paz
Aristophanes | Mir
Aristophane (0445?-0386? av. J.-C.). | La paix
Work |
46 |
Pieridēs, Theodosēs 1908-1968
Pieridīs, Thodosīs, 1908-1968
Pieridēs, Th.
Pieridīs, THeodorīs (1908-1968).
Θεοδόσης Πιερίδης
Personal |
Th. Pieride Kupriake sumfonia. Déka tragoúdia Embatērio tēs eirēnēs. Eirīnī : (kōmōdia)
47 |
Athenian Society (London, England)
Athenian Society
Athenian Society (London)
Athenian Society (Londres, Angleterre)
The Athenian Society maison d'édition
Corporate |
An alphabetical table comprehending the contents of the five first volumes of th
Athenian Society's publications
An alphabetical table comprehending the contents of the five first volumes of th
48 |
Mantinband, James H.
Mantinband, James Howard
James Howard Mantinband American classical philologist (1919-1980)
Personal |
The Aeneid. Amphitryon. Four plays of Aristophanes : The clouds, The birds, Lysistrata, The frogs
49 |
Aristophanes. | Clouds
Aristophane. | Nuées
Aristophanes | Oblaci
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Nuées
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Nubes
Aristófanes | Nubes
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Nephelai
Aristophane (0445?-0386? av. J.-C.). | Les nuées
Work |
50 |
Aristophanes. | Lysistrata
Aristophane. | Lysistrata
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Lysistrata
Aristófanes | Lisístrata
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Lysistrata
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Lysistrátī
Work |
51 |
Aristophanes. | Knights
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Equites
Aristophane. | Cavaliers
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Hippeis
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Cavaliers
Aristófanes | Caballeros
Aristophane (0445?-0386? av. J.-C.). | Les cavaliers
Work |
52 |
Aristophanēs Thesmophoriazusae
Aristophane. | Thesmophories
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Thesmophories
Aristófanes | Tesmoforiantes
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Thesmophoriazusae
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Thesmophoriazusai
Work |
53 |
Aristophanes. | Plutus.
Aristophane. | Ploutos
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Plutus
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C. Ploutos
Arystofanes (ok. 445-ok. 385 p.n.e.). | Ploutos
Aristòfanes, aproximadament 450 aC-aproximadament 385 aC. | Plutos
Aristófanes | Pluto
Work |
54 |
Savidis, S.A.
Savidis, Stavros A. 1944-
Stavros Savidis
Savidis, Stavros
Personal |
Earthquake resistant construction and design proceedings of the second Internati
Allgemeine, experimentelle Ergebnisse und theoretische Betrachtungen des Spannun
Earthquake resistant construction and design proceedings of the second Internati
55 |
Bader, Matthäus -1598
Bader, Matthaeus 1550-1598
Baderus, Mattheus 1550-1598
Matthäus Bader
Personal |
Institvtiones dialecticae brevi et perspicva methodo traditae ex Philip[pi] Mela
Epithalamia In Festivitatem Nvptiarvm egregij juvenis Cvm Antiqvitate Et Splendo
56 |
Passow, Carl, 1798-1860
Passow, Karl Friedrich Rudolph, 1798-1860
Karl Passow deutscher Klassischer Philologe und Gymnasiallehrer
Passovius, Carl (Carl Friedrich Rudolf), 1798-1860
Passow, Karl Friedrich Rudolf
Personal |
Apparatus criticus ad Aristophanea. Adnotatio critica in Aristophanis Nubes
Fasti Horatiani, scripsit Carolus Franke ph. d., accedit epistola Caroli Lachman
Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutschen Universitäten im XIV. Jahrhundert
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Aristophanes v445-v385
Personal |
58 |
Personal |
59 |
Aristophanes 257-180 B.C. of Byzantium
Aristophane de Byzance, 0257?-0180? av. J.-C.
Personal |
Anonymi Londinensis ex Aristotelis iatricis menoniis et aliis Medicis eclogae
60 |
Rosenbach, Johann Wilhelm
Johann Wilhelm Rosenbach
Personal |
61 |
Aristophane 0445?-0386? av. J.-C.
Personal |
@ . Plutus, comédie d'Aristophane, avec un choix de scholies et des notes franç
62 |
Aristofanes, ca 445-ca 385 f.Kr.
Personal |
The Acharnians of Aristophanes
63 |
Aristophanes, c. 445-c. 385 a.C.
Personal |
64 |
Aristofans, ap 445-385 p.m.ē.
Personal |
The Acharnians, The Clouds, Lysistrata
65 |
Aristophanes. | Works. 1860
Aristophane. | Œuvre
Aristophanes v445-v385 | Comoediae
Aristophanes (około 445-około 385 p.n.e.). | Comoediae
Work |
66 |
Fileter d'Atenes poeta còmic atenès
Philetaerus, active 4th century B.C.
Philetaerus v4. Jh Comicus
Philetaerus Comicus v4. Jh.
Personal |
Six comic poets, 2008:
67 |
Nicòstrat d'Atenes
Nicostratus Comicus ca. 4. Jh. v. Chr.
Nicostratus Comicus 4. Jh. v. Chr
Personal |
68 |
Aristophanes, 445?-385B. C. ?
Personal |
69 |
Rossettini, Bartomeo, sec. XVI
Personal |
70 |
Aristophanes Boeotus 4. Jh. v. Chr
Aristòfanes de Beòcia
Aristophanes Boeotus v4. Jh.
Personal |
71 |
Zampakidēs, Aristophanēs D. 1953-
Zampakidēs, Aristophanēs D.
Personal |
Aristophanē D. Zampakidē kathēgētē Anōtatēs Ekklēsiastikēs Akadēmias Thessalonik
Neophytos Doukas, o Epeirôtès logios ieromanochos kai to ekpaideutiko tou ergo
72 |
Aristophanes B.C.445?-B.C.385?
Personal |
73 |
Ararus Comicus v376/373
Personal |
74 |
Аристофан ок.445-ок.385 до н.э.
Personal |
75 |
Chourdakēs, Aristophanēs, 1932-
Churdakēs, Aristophanēs 1932-
Khourdakis, Aristophanes
Personal |
Wooden Mary, 1995- Oi mythoi tēs Krētēs
76 |
Vaughan Williams, Ralph, 1872-1958. | Wasps (Suite). Overture
Vaughan Williams, Ralph (1872-1958). | Wasps (suita). Uwertura
Work |
77 |
Aristophanes (Attic vase painter, active ca. 420-390 BCE)
Personal |
kylix with gigantomachy, Berlin F 2531
78 |
Aristófanes de Bizancio
Aristophanes Byzantius
Personal |
Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta Aristophanis Byzantii Fragmenta
79 |
Aristophanes. | Plutus. | English
Aristophanes. | Plutus | English | (B. : 1659)
Expression |
80 |
Callistratus (Poet of Old Comedy)
Personal |
81 |
Αριστοφάνης apie 444 pr. Kr.–apie 388 pr. Kr.
Personal |
82 |
Aristophanes. | Birds. | French | (Daele and Irigoin)
Aristophanes. | Birds | French | (Arias : 2010)
Expression |
83 |
Aristophanes. | Thesmophoriazusae. | English.
Aristophanes. | Thesmophoriazusae | English 2001
Expression |
84 |
Aristophanes, Byzantius, 3e-2e eeuw v. Chr.
Personal |
Analecta critica ad Paroemiographos Graecos
85 |
Parry, C. Hubert H. 1848-1918 | The birds
Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings 1848-1918 The birds
Parry, C. Hubert H. (Charles Hubert Hastings), 1848-1918. | Birds
Work |
86 |
Aristophanes. | Ecclesiazusae. | English
Expression |
87 |
Aristophanes. | Works. Selections (Everyman's library). | English
Expression |
88 |
Aristophanes. | Birds. | German | (Schinck)
Aristophanes. | Birds | German | (Schinck and Voigt : 1880)
Expression |
89 |
Tousēs, Aristophanēs Chr
Personal |
Empragmaton dikaion (kata ton astikon kōdika)
90 |
Personal |
Against demagogues : what Aristophanes can teach us about the perils of populism
91 |
Aristophanes. | Frogs | German | (Heubner : 1944)
Aristophanes. | Frogs. | German
Expression |
92 |
Aristophanes. | Birds. | German | (Droysen)
Aristophanes. | Birds | German | (Droysen : 1944)
Expression |
93 |
Aristophanes. | Fragments. 1-100. | German | (Orth)
Expression |
94 |
Aristophanes. | Fragments. 1-100. | Greek | (Orth)
Expression |
95 |
Aristophanes ок.445-ок.385 до н.э.
Personal |
Companion to the reception of Aristophanes
96 |
Aristophanes. | Birds. | German | (Owlglass)
Aristophanes. | Birds | German | (Owlglass : 1910)
Expression |
97 |
Kutunkos, Arēs 1947-
Personal |
Filosofikoi Kutugko Koutounko Koutougko
98 |
Personal |
99 |
Aristophanes. | Works. | Greek | (Rogers)
Expression |
100 |
Aristophanes. | Fragments. 392-486. | Greek | (Torchio)
Expression |