
-          in the national language and script (Latvian) : Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka

-          in English : National Library of Latvia


Location/Address :

National Library of Latvia
3 Mūkusalas Street, Riga, LV-1423, Latvia

Web site



Contact :

Jogita Sauka



Short description of the institution :

The National Library of Latvia is a cultural institution of national importance under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture, acting in accordance with the law "On the Latvian National Library", other laws and Regulation is approved by the Cabinet.

The mission of the NLL is to promote the free and inventive use of Latvia's cultural and scientific heritage so as to foster education, research, the development of knowledge and quality of life.


Short description of the authority data:

Since 2000 the NLL is forming the authority record database. It serves as the national bibliographic resource for personal names, corporate bodies. This database is used by Latvian libraries, thus greatly improving the quality of their bibliographic data and making it easier for library users to search for information.


Authorities web site:


Described entities:

·         Persons

·         Corporate bodies

·         Families



Data provided to VIAF(šeit būtu dati uz 1.02.2016.):

Authority records for persons and corporate bodies: 176 092

Bibliographic records: 477 510