Name :

·         Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg

·         Nationalbibliothéik Lëtzebuerg

·         Nationalbibliothek Luxemburg

in English: National Library of Luxembourg


Location/Address :

37D, Avenue John F. Kennedy

L-1855 Luxembourg

Tel. : (+352) 26 55 9-100

E-mail :


Web site :

Discovery agent



Contact : 

The Luxembourg library network:


Short description of the institution:

The origins of the National Library of Luxembourg go back to 1798, when the French Republic administration created a public school with a central library entrusted with gathering the heritage collections from the libraries of the Ancien Régime which were closed after the invasion by French Revolutionary troops in 1794/1795. Those collections were subsequently called National Library from 1899 onwards. In 1958 the first law about a legal deposit was enacted.

A library with an encyclopedic scope from its beginnings, the National Library is today the main scientific and research library in the Grand Duchy holding 1’7 analog documents. It also coordinates library activities on a national level such as the union catalogue, the electronic resources consortium and the web harvesting initiative as well as the registration of international identifiers such as ISBN, ISSN, ISMN, ISNI.

In 2018, the library will move to a brand new building designed by Bolles &Wilson in the business district of the city of Luxembourg.


 Short description of authority data:

The National Library of Luxembourg provides its personal names and corporate names authority records and linked MARC-formatted bibliographic records to VIAF