Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva
Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva, 1979-
Mileva-Boshkoska, Biljana, 1979-
Biljana Mileva-Boshkoska
VIAF ID: 313487996 (Personal)
Preferred Forms
- 100 0 _ ‡a Biljana Mileva-Boshkoska
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva ‡d 1979-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva ‡d 1979-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva, ‡d 1979-
- 100 1 _ ‡a Boshkoska, Biljana Mileva, ‡d 1979-
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (14)
Title | Sources |
Applications of ICT in social sciences, 2015: | |
Comparison of AHP, PAPRICA, PROMETHEE, DEX and TOPSIS on an application for employee selection | |
A DSS model for selection of Computer on Module based on PROMETHEE and DEX methods | |
DSS research delivering high impacts to business and society : proceedings of the IFIP DSS 2018 [or] 19th Open Conference of the IFIP WG 8.3. on Decision Support Systems, 13-15 June 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenija | |
Estimating the time a client stays in the job-search process | |
Experimental evaluation of methods for ranking qualitatively assesed data-mining worksflows | |
Fast Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy As a Statistical Condition Monitoring Tool | |
From qualitative to quantitative evaluation methods in multi-criteria decision models | |
Fuzzy logic control of the hight of the airplaine | |
Healthcare process modelling and simulation : a comprehensive analysis and case-study of the Slovenian clinic : a case study of the creative core project | |
High-dimensional structure phenomenon in social brain | |
Identifying knowledge brokers, artefacts and channels for waste reduction in agri-food supply chains | |
Information technologies and information society | |
Integration of the decision support system with the human resources management and identity and access management systems in an enterprise | |
Intelligent computer methods to detect adulteration and other properties of aroma | |
Internet stvari skozi prizmo kibernetskih groženj sedanjosti in prihodnosti : diplomska naloga | |
ITIS 2015 | |
Learn GREEN - Outdoor STEM : Toolkit GREEN&STEM | |
Maister, Trdina in Vega skupaj med najzmogljivejšimi v Evropi | |
MIMOSA OSA-EAI : standard razmjene informacija | |
A model for evaluation of appropriateness of industrial symbiosis networking based on DEX | |
Modeling of ambient O[sub]3 : a comparative study | |
Modeling the parameters of the ambient air : comparison of SVM and NN regression models | |
Modeliranje, vrednotenje in izbira variant pametnih telefonov : diplomska naloga | |
Modelling and development of industrial symbiosis networks in regional industrial areas with DEXi | |
Modified kNN algoritm with hyperbolic metric for face recognition | |
Morphogenesis of industrial symbiotic networks = Morfogeneza industrijskih simbioznih omrežij : doktorska disertacija | |
Multilevel complex systems approaches to computational linguistics : doctoral dissertation | |
Nadzorni sistem vodenja za celostno optimizacijo delovanja čistilnih naprav za čiščenje odpadnih voda ARRS L2-3166 : analiza zahtev | |
Napovedovanje števila dohodnih klicev sistema javne varnosti za klic v sili 112 ob uporabi odprtih podatkov interneta stvari : doktorska disertacija | |
Neuro-fuzzy controlers and application to autonomous robots | |
Non-linear methods for ranking qualitative non-monotone decision preferences | |
Occupation similarity through bipartite graphs | |
Od kvalitativnih do kvantitativnih metod vrednotenja v večparametrskih odločitvenih modelih | |
Odkrivanje znanja v podatkih 2017 / 2018 | |
Operacijski sistemi predavanja v 2017 / 2018 | |
An outline for business process modelling using spreadsheets | |
Podatkovno rudarjenje na področju spletne maloprodaje : študija primera specifične trgovine z darili v Veliki Britaniji : diplomska naloga | |
Poincaré metric in algorithms for data mining tools | |
Postavitev varnostno-informacijskega sistema : diplomska naloga | |
Prediction of missing data for ozone concentrations using support vector machines and radial basis neural networks | |
Prediction of ozone levels in ambient air in Skopje | |
Preface | |
Prikaz postopka izdelave slane baterije in spremljanje delovnega procesa v programu Igrafx : diplomska naloga | |
Primerjalna analiza Evklidske in Poincaréjeve metrike v algoritmih strojnega učenja : magistrska naloga | |
Proceedings | |
Public employment services during Covid-19 situation | |
Public safety system with alarm triggering based on J48 decision trees classification | |
Quantifying the consistency of scientific databases | |
Ranking of business process simulation software tools with DEX/QQ hierarchical decision model | |
Ranking of qualitative decision options using copulas | |
Rayleigh copula for describing impedance data - with application to condition monitoring of proton exchange membrane fuel cells | |
Razvoj digitalne strategije za Srednjo šolo za gostinstvo in turizem : magistrska naloga | |
Robust quadratic stabilization of T-S fuzzy systems with uncertainties : LMI based approach | |
SIGMO a decision support system for identification of genetically modified food or feed products | |
Sistem podpore odločbe za upravljanje identitete in dostopa | |
Solving the ranking problem in DEX methodology using copulas | |
Spletna aplikacija za iskanje dogodkov po Sloveniji : diplomska naloga | |
Spletna implementacija večkriterijske metode odločitvenega modeliranja DEX | |
Spletna rešitev za hitri dostop do voznega reda mestnega prometa v Novem mestu : diplomska naloga | |
Spletno ribarjenje kot najpogostejši napad na področju socialnega inženiringa : diplomska naloga | |
Sporedba na SVM regresioni modeli za predikcija na koncentracii na parametri na ambientalen vozduh : magisterski trud | |
A state-transition decision support model for medication Change of Parkinson's disease patients | |
Theoretical and Empirical Evidence of a Knowledge Mobilization Framework for Lean Supply Chain Decisions in Agro-food Industry | |
Towards a knowledge management framework for crossing knowledge boundaries in agricultural value chain | |
Towards disruptive public employment services using machine learning, graph theory and decision support modelling : master thesis = Na poti k prebojnim storitvam za zaposlovanje z uporabo strojnega učenja, teorije grafov in modeliranja za podporo pri odločanju : magistrsko delo | |
Towards solving the social science challenges with computing methods | |
Trifluridin/tipiracil and regorafenib sequencing in Slovenian patients with metastatic colorectal cancer | |
Upražuvanje na visinata na letalo so pomoš na fazi logika | |
Using business process simulation approaches for business process identification and analyses : the case study of manufacturing, operational decision support, and supply chain | |
Uvod v algoritme zapiski predavanj in vaj v letu 2016/2017 | |
Variational Bayes survival analysis for unemployment modelling | |
Večnivojski kompleksni pristopi k računalniški lingvistiki | |
Vpliv umetne inteligence na trg dela : ekonomska analiza, zmanjševanje kompetenčnega razkoraka in zagotavljanje delovnopravne zaščite | |
A web-based decision support system for employee redeployment | |
Wind forecast correction in road traffic management decision support system | |
Zaznavanje sentimenta v novicah z globokimi nevronskimi mrežami : diplomska naloga |