Pichavant, Michel, 19..-....
VIAF ID: 313244141 (Personal)
Permalink: http://viaf.org/viaf/313244141
Preferred Forms
- 100 1 _ ‡a Pichavant, Michel, ‡d 19..-....
4xx's: Alternate Name Forms (2)
5xx's: Related Names (3)
- 511 2 _ ‡a Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France)
- 511 2 _ ‡a Institut des sciences de la terre d'Orléans (2010-....)
- 511 2 _ ‡a Université d'Orléans (1966-....)
Title | Sources |
Approche expérimentale des mécanismes de différenciation dans les systèmes magmatiques riches en silice : influence des éléments volatils (B, CI, F) | |
Architecture and dynamics of magma systems linked to basaltic volcanoes : the case of Piton de la Fournaise. | |
Characterisation of the emplacement of LCT-type rare-element pegmatite fields at the scale of the Variscan belt. | |
Characterization of geochemical interactions and migration of hydrogen in sandstone sedimentary formations : application to geological storage | |
Comportement de l’or dans les magmas calco-alcalins : approche expérimentale et géochimique sur le magmatisme adakitique de Nord-Luzon (Philippines) | |
Conditions for the growth of a long-lived shallow crustal magma chamber below Mount Pelee volcano (Martinique, Lesser Antilles Arc) | |
Constraints from Phase Equilibrium Experiments on Pre-eruptive Storage Conditions in Mixed Magma Systems: a Case Study on Crystal-rich Basaltic Andesites from Mount Merapi, Indonesia | |
Contrôles thermodynamiques et cinétiques des états d'oxydation du fer dans les liquides silicatés magmatiques | |
Controls on gold solubility in arc magmas: An experimental study at 1000°C and 4kbar | |
Déformation HP-HT des magmas siliceux : contraintes expérimentales sur l'évolution structurale et les transitions rhéologiques aux moyennes et fortes cristallinités | |
Les dynamismes éruptifs et mécanismes associés en contexte basaltique : étude du Piton de la Fournaise, île de La Réunion, France | |
Earth science: role of fO2 on fluid saturation in oceanic basalt | |
The effect of water and fO2 on the ferric–ferrous ratio of silicic melts | |
Effects of experimental reheating of natural basaltic ash at different temperatures and redox conditions | |
Étude expérimentale à haute température et 1kgbar du rôle du bore dans quelques systèmes silicatés : interêt pétrologique et métallogénique | |
Etude expérimentale de la production d'H₂ associée à la serpentinisation des péridotites au niveau des dorsales océaniques lentes : quantification, état rédox, mécanismes réactionnels | |
Etude expérimentale in situ du dégazage d’un magma rhyolitique | |
Experimental characterization of rare metals behavior during the differentiation of carbonatites and alkaline magma. | |
Experimental Constraints on the Deep Magma Feeding System at Stromboli Volcano, Italy | |
Experimental constraints on volatile abundances in arc magmas and their implications for degassing processes | |
Experimental deformation at high temperature and high pressure of partially crystallised magmas. | |
Experimental determination of activities of FeO and Fe 2 O 3 components in hydrous silicic melts under oxidizing conditions | |
Experimental study of C-H-O-S volatiles solubility in Italian alkali basalts : numerical simulations of chemical degassing : application to Mount Etna. | |
Experimental study of H₂ generation associated with peridotite serpentinization at slow spreading ridges. | |
Fluid immiscibility in natural processes: Use and misuse of fluid inclusion data | |
Generation of CO2-rich melts during basalt magma ascent and degassing | |
Geodynamic cycling of sulphur : the role of subducted sediments. | |
Hydrodynamics of peri-granitic mineralized systems : study of the W-Sn-(Cu) Panasqueira ore deposit. | |
Influence of glass polymerisation and oxidation on micro-Raman water analysis in alumino-silicate glasses | |
The influence of H2O-H2 fluids and redox conditions on melting temperatures in the haplogranite system | |
Ion microprobe determination of water in silicate glasses: methods and applications | |
Laboratory measurements of electrical conductivities of hydrous and dry Mount Vesuvius melts under pressure | |
Limestone assimilation and the origin of CO2 emissions at the Alban Hills (Central Italy): Constraints from experimental petrology | |
Limestone assimilation by basaltic magmas: an experimental re-assessment and application to Italian volcanoes | |
Magmatologie du Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de la Réunion) : approche volcanologique, pétrologique et expérimentale | |
Mécanismes et cinétique de fusion partielle d'assemblages à Fluor-Phlogopite : modélisation, expérimentation et implications géochimiques | |
The miocene magmatism of the north-constantine littoral (Algeria) : characteristics, origin, signification. | |
A new petrological and geophysical investigation of the present-day plumbing system of Mount Vesuvius | |
Occurrence and Origin of Andalusite in Peraluminous Felsic Igneous Rocks | |
On the conditions of magma mixing and its bearing on andesite production in the crust. | |
Origin of primitive ultra-calcic arc melts at crustal conditions — Experimental evidence on the La Sommata basalt, Vulcano, Aeolian Islands | |
Petrogenesis of tourmaline granites and topaz granites; the contribution of experimental data | |
Petrography, mineralogy and geochemistry of a primitive pumice from Stromboli: implications for the deep feeding system | |
Phase Equilibrium Constraints on Pre-eruptive Conditions of Recent Felsic Explosive Volcanism at Pantelleria Island, Italy | |
Processus de déformation et diagenèse dans les zones de subduction : impact sur les propriétés mécaniques des roches : Approche expérimentale | |
Propriétés électriques des magmas | |
Prostaglandin D2 affects the differentiation and functions of human dendritic cells: impact on the T cell response. | |
Rare metal granites : origin, emplacement and mechanisms of the magmatic-hydrothermal transition. | |
The redox geodynamics linking basalts and their mantle sources through space and time | |
The rheological transition in plagioclase-bearing magmas | |
Rheology and microstructure of experimentally deformed plagioclase suspensions | |
Role of non-mantle CO2 in the dynamics of volcano degassing: The Mount Vesuvius example | |
Séismes à longue période (LP) sur le Mt. Etna (Italie) : inversion du tenseur de moment et incertitudes liées à leur interprétation | |
Solubilité des éléments du groupe du platine (PT ET PD) dans les liquides silicates en fonction de FO 2, FS 2, T, P ET composition : expérimentation, modélisation, implications metallogéniques et géochimiques | |
The solubility of sulfur in hydrous basaltic melts | |
Thermodynamic and kinetic controls of iron redox state in magmatic silicate melts : experimentation, modelisation, applications and simulations. | |
Thermodynamics of melting in the Earth’s mantle in presence of CO₂-H₂O. | |
Thermodynamique de la fusion partielle du manteau terrestre en présence de CO₂-H₂O | |
Time-dependent changes of the electrical conductivity of basaltic melts with redox state | |
Traçage des minéralisations à molybdène à l'échelle mondiale : variation du δ₉₈Mo en complément des outils isotopiques Pb, S, Re-Os | |
Trachyte Phase Relations and Implication for Magma Storage Conditions in the Chaine des Puys (French Massif Central) | |
Upward migration of Vesuvius magma chamber over the past 20,000 years | |
Volcano-stratigraphy and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the Macusani ignimbrite field: monitor of the Miocene geodynamic evolution of the Andes of southeast Peru |